Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/27/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/27/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Förhäxa Tarot

Queen of Fire- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Fire wants you to go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, enthusisastic energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing a this time? The appearance of the Queen of Fire suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Seven of Pentacles-  Choices. Timing. Harvest- The Seven of Pentacles has you deliberating a little bit this week.  In looking at the fruits of your current harvest, you may ask yourself if you should continue on the path you've been on or should you expand and maybe take a risk in a new way? The answer is all in the timing. Is this the right time to shift gears or should you keep your focus where it is? 

Four of Earth-  Structure. Stability. Clinging- The Four of Earth is considered “the card of the miser." This Four says you have created solid structure and stability , but you aren't trusting in it. You are blocking your progress out of fear that you will lose something you have gained? Where can you loosen your grip this week and allow the energy to flow a bit more freely? Trust that you have what you need and give yourself permission to let go and grow.

Overall- You are feeling lit up and inspired this week and this energy has you speculating a bit and looking at your options. You are considering trying something new, but your fear of change or loss is keeping you stuck from seeing the clear answer. You have the structure and stability you need, so take your time and decide which is the best path for you at this time. I suggest you focus on what things make you feel the most inspired.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Wands- Magnetism. Warmth Loyalty- The Queen of Wands brings  you the optimism and enthusiasm you need to go after your goals and dreams. This Queen loves life and life loves her right back. The Queen of Wands has confidence in her abilities and is incredibly loyal. She is bringing you that resurgence of faith in yourself this week. Just keep moving forward. You’ve got this. Put your crown on and grab your wand!

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartbreak.Separation- The Three of Swords indicates resounding conflict. Something has reached a peak and you are left with all of the challenging emotions associated with endings. This is a difficult place to be, but remember all stages are transitory and this too shall pass. From this grief, there is the potential for great healing. Let yourself be fully present in your experience and remember that you will get through this. 

Ace of Wands- New idea. Inspiration. Enthusiasm- The Ace of Wands brings an uprush of creative energy to you. This Ace indicates you're feeling inspired and full of a fresh idea. This is brand new potential that has not yet fully manifested, but it's perking you up and making you think of a new way of doing things.  What do you want to be putting your energy into at this time? You are being given an opportunity to rebirth and reboot an aspect of your life. Where can you embrace this change and allow your creativity to flow freely? 

Overall- This week bring a big shift for you. You are stepping confidently into a brighter and bolder version of yourself and in doing so, you're going to have to face and clear out some old emotional baggage. Do not get yourself stuck or blocked by old hurts, betrayals, or resentments. Let that garbage go, and focus on the beautiful new life you are creating. You are moving into a place of inspiration and fresh energy. Do not allow anything or anyone to hold you back.

Pile 3- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords is calling for a time- out. You need to schedule in some rest and recovery this week. This Four wants you to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next. Find your stillness and take the time you need to gather your thoughts and regain your strength. Give yourself some space this week and watch the answers you are looking for magically appear.  A little quiet goes a long way...

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your creative energy, you can create amazing things! 

Four of Wands-  Celebration. Rewards. Support-  The Four of Wands says there is something to celebrate this week. You have beautiful support around you and people who are cheering you on, so keep those people close.  This week brings a beautiful reflection of who and what you want in your life.

Overall-  This week is calling for you to regroup and refocus. If you're feeling a bit fried or burnt out, schedule in some quiet time to find your center. Then, reset and direct your energy toward whatever is most important to you at this time. Think about what you do well and honor your gifts and talents. If you do, you end this week feeling positive and inspired.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/20/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/20/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Ten of Swords-  Endings. Exhaustion. Release-  The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. You’re exhausted and it’s time to admit it to yourself. Stop fighting a losing battle. Cut your losses and let go of what hasn’t been working. It’s time. How can you clear out this week? Who or what has been causing you grief? It’s time to put an end to it, one way or another. Endings aren't always pretty, but they are a necessary part of life.

Page of Wands- Fresh energy. Inspiration. Creativity-  You have fresh energy flying in for you this week. You current challenges are pushing you to open up to possibility and potential. You’ve been stuck in one stage too long, and The Universe wants you to start looking in a new direction. How can you look at your current situation more creatively? This Page is trying to help you light things up and make a change. Don't fight the process.

Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Change. Kismet - Expect the unexpected when the Wheel of Fortune appears. You are being put on notice that a shift of some kind is headed your way. When the Wheel turns, it usually indicates a cycle has come to an end and The  Universe has a plan for where you are headed next or you are being redirected in some way. Stay open to the change  and go with the flow.

Overall-  It's time for an ending. I feel you've been fighting this ending for so long that you have built it up to be more dramatic than it needs to be. All things cycle and something in your life has come to its natural conclusion. There is no life or growth without death and release. Once you let go of what is no longer working for you, you open yourself up to fresh inspiration and new energy. The Universe has plans for you and something big shifts this week, so let go of what is holding you back so you can positively move forward and step into your next stage.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Swords- Conflict. Denial. Stagnancy-  The Two of Swords is indicating that you’re keeping yourself blocked by not acknowledging the truth or the reality of your situation. You have been in conflict about this issue for far too long, and it’s time to look up, drop your defenses, and face the reality of what is happening around you. Staying stuck is getting you nowhere. Yes, there is a bit of conflict involved in moving through this stage, but from conflict there is the possibility of resolution and change. Right now you are blocking all of it.

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent-  The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up and dust yourself off and consider how you have created this state. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.  Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

Page of Wands- Inspiration. New ideas. Fresh energy- The Page of Wands brings you fresh ideas this week. Expect inspiration to find you, and stay open to the possibilities it brings when it does. It’s time to take some initiative. Is there an idea that’s been percolating and you’ve been hesitant to put it into action? Can you take one small step in that direction this week? What brings you energy and fire power? Go do some of whatever that is.

Overall - Stuck. Stuck. Stuck. You are stuck in the muck of your mind, and it's becoming a bit of a pattern. Tough love from the tarot- You need to make a choice and stop wallowing. If things aren't the way you would like them to be, take some initiative and change them. You are blocking your flow out of fear of movement. How can you break this cycle this week? Choose one thing that brings you inspiration and energy and go do it.

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

The Hierophant- Spiritual guidance. Philosophy. Lessons-  The Hierophant brings a lesson of some kind your way. The Hierophant is the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of the Divine. How are you connecting? It’s time to make your spiritual practice a priority. There are lessons and messages waiting for you. The Hierophant can also indicate a spiritual teacher or mentor.  If you are feeling stuck, it may be a good time to ask for a little guidance. 

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gentleness. Energy- It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and focused place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your health game this week. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. You have more power to manifest when you are operating from a full tank.

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Secrecy. Sabotage- You’ve been blocking your flow by staying overly guarded and mistrustful in your current situation. What are you afraid of? Are those fears valid? And also, do you need to keep holding onto ALL of them? Maybe it’s time to make a list of your fears, worries, and anxieties and take an honest look at your current situation. How are you sabotaging your progress?

Overall- The message for you this week is to rein it in, on all levels. How can you hone your energy this week? There is an important lesson for you in your current situation and you need to focus to receive it. Can you get some guidance from a trusted source? If you have been feeling off or out of sorts, give both your spirit and your body some space and attention. As you draw your energy inward, you will notice who or what is blocking or sabotaging your forward movement. If it's other people, pull back from them and re-center. If you're sabotaging yourself, how can you stop?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/13/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/13/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

Five of Swords- Conflict. Loss. Defeat- You can’t win ‘em all… The Five of Swords indicates that you are being faced with limits and the battle you’re currently in leaves you feeling defeated. Stop looking at the problem and start looking for a solution. A change in perspective is being called for this week. Have you taken on more than you can reasonably handle? Are you trying to do too much too soon? This Five is an indication that you need to back off and take an honest look at what is realistically possible at this time. 

The High Priestess- Intuition. Connection. Power-  The High Priestess brings you divine insight and guidance this week. She is here to remind you to tap into your intuition and listen to your instincts. Have you been avoiding or ignoring those gut feelings? If so, I suggest you stop. I’m going to recommend some card pulls or meditations week. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, and sense of innate knowing. You need to tap into and utilize all of your gifts. Trust yourself. 

The Hermit- Isolation. Truth. Reflection-It is time for a time-out, my friend. You need a break. Take a breather and give yourself some time to process. You’re in the midst of an important life lesson right now and it’s not an easy one. This week, The Hermit is calling for you to slow down and step back. The Hermit often illuminates something. You need some time to find your truth before making taking action. Look inward for the messages and stay open to receive the information you need. 

Overall- You have officially hit your limit and it's time to stop banging your head against a wall and shift gears. The message for you is to turn your attention inward this week. You need a reset. Carve out some quiet time to meditate and listen for the messages The Universe is trying to send you. There is an important lesson in handling this conflict, but you need to quiet down to receive it.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth. 

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Connection. Higher Learning- The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of The Divine. The Hierophant is here to teach you something important this week. What are the lessons in your situation? Where can you utilize your challenges to further your growth process? Are you taking the time to make your spiritual practice a priority? It’s time to listen for the inner messages.

Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Achievement. Optimism- The Three of Wands indicates early success. Energies are coming together and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. It is important to acknowledge the growth and process you have made, but there is still work to be done, so you need to stay strong and steady and not get complacent. Keep your focus this week and don’t let yourself get distracted. 

Overall-  It's time to focus your energy. This week you are learning an important lesson regarding how you utilize your power and carry yourself in the world. Stand strong and steady and keep your energy high. The Universe is supporting your plans, and you are being divinely guided forward. Stay open to receive guidance and helpful messages. You are on the right track. Stay the course.

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

The Hanged Man- Sacrifice. Letting go. Patience - The Hanged Man indicates that things are not moving as quickly as you would like. Often, The Hanged Man brings the need for a sacrifice of some kind. As we transform and grow, things need to be released. What old habits, thoughts, relationships, or  ideas do you need to let go of? What are you hanging on to that is keeping you in this feeling of stagnancy?  The delays brought on by The Hanged Man are often karmic, so if you keep hitting roadblocks, perhaps The Universe is attempting to redirect you.

King of Cups- Healer. Compassion. Empathy- The King of Cups is reminding you that you have natural empathetic and healing gifts, but you may be more comfortable using them to help others than using them to heal yourself. Sometimes we focus all of our attention on others to avoid dealing with our own feelings. I feel you've been denying some of your feelings, and you are being pushed to acknowledge them this week. How can you give them some attention?

Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Change. Kismet - Expect the unexpected when the Wheel of Fortune appears. You are being put on notice that a shift of some kind is headed your way. When the Wheel turns, it usually indicates a cycle has come to an end, and The  Universe has a plan for where you are headed next or you are being redirected in some way. Stay open to the change is my best advice for this week.

Overall- You're frustrated that things haven't been moving as quickly as you would like and you feel hung up and stuck. Take some time to acknowledge the depths of your feelings around this situation. One way or another something shifts for you this week, so stay open to whatever comes your way. There is some type of karmic lesson in what you are going through, so my advice is to have patience and ride the waves. Look for the lessons and do your best to go with the flow.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/6/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/6/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star indicates beautiful potential and brings you beautiful positive energy and a sense of renewal. What are you wishing for? You just might get it. Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them. Where do you find inspiration? The Star indicates that hope is present and events align for you this week that renew your faith. Focus on your vision for your life. What do you want it to look like? 

Knight of Cups- Love. Romance. Desire- The Knight of Cups rides in with the promise of emotional fulfillment. This Knight brings love, emotional harmony, and a charming proposal of some kind. Expect positive energy to come rushing in for you this week. A beautiful offer or opportunity is headed your way. This Knight wants to bring you whatever it is your heart desires, so open up and allow that energy to flow right to you. Hint: It helps to know what your heart desires, so you recognize it, when it appears.

The Emperor- Structure. Power. Stability- It is time for you to “level up” this week. The Emperor wants you to step up and into your power and confidently go after what you want. Stop playing small and start standing strong.  The Emperor says it’s time to take control of your life this week and he is reminding you that you have everything you need to succeed. Move forward with confidence.

Overall- What are you wishing for? This week brings a beautiful renewal of energy and a lovely proposal or offer of some kind. You are being granted the opportunity for a gorgeous and powerful shift, so focus on what you want, and then take hold of it when it appears. It's time to recognize that you deserve the things you desire.  How can you joyfully and confidently embrace this energy?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ace of Swords- Fresh idea. Mental Conflict. Justice-  The Ace of Swords is ushering in new ideas, fresh energy, and a new way of thinking this week. Often when we shift our mindset, conflict of some kind emerges as we are testing out a new idea. However, this new mindset is good for you, so stand your ground this week and stay open to exploring this new idea or way of thinking, regardless of any input from those around you.  There is beautiful, raw potential waiting for you when you change your perspective. 

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Luck-  Expect the unexpected when The Wheel of Fortune appears. The Wheel of Fortune brings a change in luck and one that is often karmic. Something is shifting for you this week and by the looks of it, that shift is a positive one, so stay open to the change and embrace any opportunities that present themselves. Pay attention this week because destiny is calling. Pick up the phone when it rings.

King of Pentacles-Success. Ambition. Manifestation- You’ve been working very hard to achieve your goals, and your hard work is paying off. The King of Pentacles wants you to acknowledge your success and take a moment to honor all that you have been able to manifest in your life recently. You have the world in your hands, and you have a lot of power working for you right now. Keep going. Stay focused, and continue to move forward in this positive direction. 

Overall- Change is afoot and you are so ready for it! You are on the precipice of a big shift and although this shift might create some conflict in those around you, the message is to stand strong and stay focused on your goal. Something karmic changes the game for you this week and you are being told to go with whatever this is. Own your power and focus on where you want to go. You deserve all the success that is coming your way.

Pile 3- Key, The Fairytale Tarot

King of Cups- Empathy. Healing. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer of the tarot, and he brings the beautiful gifts of empathy and compassion with him. You have been giving and giving and giving and this week The King wants you to check in on your own energy level. Are you giving from a place of abundance and overflow or are you giving to the point of exhaustion? Your habit is to give to everyone else, but you need to fill your own cup because otherwise you’re going to end up depleted…if you’re not already there. What can you do to fill your cup this week

Eight of Swords-  Bondage. Stress. Denial- You are keeping yourself trapped and stuck and clinging to old ways of being that no longer serve you. It seems you have tied up and blind-folded yourself. Your refusal to face the reality of your current situation is the problem. Take a deep breath, take off the blindfold, and look around. It’s not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. It’s time to take responsibility for your situation, and move forward. How are you keeping yourself stuck in the muck?

Queen of Coins- Abundance. Stability. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles is here to remind you to step into your power. She brings strong, grounded, earth energy. This Queen is steady and sensual and comfortable in her body.  She excels at manifesting what she desires on the physical plane because she has the direct focus to do so. It is time to stop hiding and step up. This Queen wants you to embrace your power this week, get back in your body, and own your magic.

Overall- You've been giving and giving to depletion and it's starting to fry you out. The reason you're feeling stuck and blocked is because you've been so busy taking care of everyone else that you have been neglecting your own needs. This week The Universe is reminding you to fill your own cup and ground your energy. How can you get back in your body? Pull some of your energy back and watch how quickly things around you shift in a  positive way.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/30/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/30/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Vampire Tarot

Four of Wands-  Celebration. Success. Rewards-  The Four of Wands says it’s time to celebrate! You are being rewarded this week, and you are surrounded by people that support you. Have fun with all of this!  Plan something fun with your family, partner, or friends. This Four is calling for a good time, so make one happen.  It's harvest time and your personal harvest is going to be bountiful!

The Hierophant- Spirituality. Philosophy. Higher Learning- The Hierophant says there is a divine connection in your work or study. Some type of elevated lesson is being highlighted for you this week. What can you learn from your current situation? How are you connecting spiritually? If you don’t feel connected, this might be a good week to set some time and meditate, pull cards,  or get a reading…  The Hierophant is suggesting there are messages waiting for you. Make sure you take some time to receive them.

Page of Cups- Birth. Love. Renewal-  Its time for some self-love, self-care, and to tap into your feelings. There is the potential for the birth of something new on the horizon for you this week. You just need to get out of your own way to recognize it. The Page of Cups suggests a new experience on an emotional level. Be on the look out for new love and/or friendships or a renewal of love or a deepening of connections this week. Honor the beautiful energy you have and watch that loving energy expand all around you.

Overall- You are well on track this week! You have support and positive energy surrounding you, and you are about to reap the rewards of your efforts in a beautiful way.  It's time for a spiritual check- in because there is an important message waiting for you at this time. The Universe has something lovely to show you, and whatever it is brings you the opportunity for renewal, so stay open to get the memo.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ten of Swords- Ending. Release. Finale - The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. Something needs to go… whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a negative behavioral pattern, it’s time to cut the cords and release it from your life. While endings can be both painful and challenging, this one is long overdue and honestly the release is going to be much easier than you think. What needs to be cleared out of your life this week?

The Magician- Magic. Power. Manifestation- You’ve got a lot to do, so pick up your wand and make your magic! The Magician is telling you that you have the skills, will, and desire to manifest and create whatever you need this week. You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. You know the direction that you need to take. It’s time to get moving…

Three of Cups- Celebration. Fulfillment. Connection- The Three of Cups bring connection, support, and a reason to celebrate this week. This Three represents energies coming together in a loving way. Whether it’s romantic, friendship, or family, you have beautiful support surrounding you, so lean into it and enjoy it. Make sure to appreciate the people in your life who circle around you and celebrate your success. 

Overall- This is your notice to cut the dead weight this week. You've got a big ending on the horizon and it's one that is long overdue. Once you release and clear out whatever or whoever has been sucking your energy, your energy comes right back to you in an incredibly powerful way. It's time to stop fighting the inevitable. Let go of what isn't working and focus your energy on what you need. It'll come to you much easier than you think. Pick up your wand. It's go time... there's magic to make!

Pile 3- Seashell, Faerie Tarot

King of Wands - Confidence.  Inspiration. Charisma- The King of Wands brings charm and creative, magnetic energy to the table. Whether this is you or someone in your life, the appearance of this King indicates a need for you to embrace this creative, charming side of yourself to market your ideas, gifts, and skills. It is time to put your magic into the world. If you've been feeling inspired to make some power moves, this fae King is here to give you some assistance. Confidence up, game on... It's go time.

Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Serenity. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings up nostalgia. Sometimes an old love, friend, or memory from the past returns or a long lost dream or wish now seems possible. This week something or someone that you had given up hope on returns and stirs up old feelings for you. Consider what you have learned and whether or not this should factor into your current life.  Whether this works for you now is up to you. Do not get stuck in the past. You have the power to create the life you desire. Don’t forget that.

The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Sabotage- The Devil rolls in to encourage you to break free from the chains that bind you, whether they be negative mental thoughts, an unsatisfying job, or a relationship that is no longer working. It’s time to take an honest look at your deepest desires and carefully consider what you truly want. The Devil highlights the ways in which we self-sabotage. This week gives you an opportunity to notice where you personally self-sabotage. What chains can you break this week? It's time to free up some energy.

Overall- You've got a lot of fire power to work with at this time. You're feeling inspired and ready to put your magic out there. There is some dream or wish you have held that now holds potential and possibility. Often, when we prepare to make a shift, old patterns or fears come up and block us our growth. Don't let the past hold you back from your future. It's time to free yourself. Notice if there is a negative belief or a way you self-sabotage coming up for you this week. Acknowledge it, recognize that you don't need it anymore, and move on. Don't look back. You're not going that way.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/23/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 723/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Fantastical Tarot

Six of Swords-  Acceptance. Understanding. Insight- The Six of Swords brings acceptance and understanding to your current situation. By fully accepting where you are (whether you like it or not), you can begin to understand and integrate the lessons you have learned recently and use that information to move forward. By the end of this week, you will know what to do. The outcome may not be exactly what you desire, but it’s important to work with what you’ve got.

Ten of Swords-  Endings. Exhaustion. Release-  The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. You’re exhausted and it’s time to admit it to yourself. Stop fighting a losing battle. Cut your losses and let go of what hasn’t been working. It’s time. How can you clear out this week? Who or what has been causing you grief? It’s time to put an end to it, one way or another. Don't overdramatize things. You're ready for this shift.

Eight of Wands-  Movement. Release. Imagination- The Eight of Wands brings a beautiful release of energy. This Eight brings action and movement, especially after a period of delay or struggle. Things are beginning to flow forward in a more positive direction, and it’s a welcome break from the stress you’ve been dealing with. Your challenge is to open up and use your imagination to begin moving in a more positive direction.

Overall-  There is a big shift ahead this week. You need to calm and clear your mind to see the steps you need to take. When you do, you are going to realize that you need to put a final ending to something that has been causing you grief and challenging you for some time. Don't make this release a bigger deal than it needs to be. Once you clear this out and clean it up, energy opens for you and things seem to flow in a bright and beautiful way.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Justice- Balance. Order. Idealism- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and goals and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life and the world at large? Don’t be afraid to stick to your principles this week. It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.

Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Achievement. Optimism- The Three of Wands indicates early success. Energies are coming together and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. It is important to acknowledge the growth and progress  you have made, but there is still work to be done, so you need to stay strong and steady and not get complacent. Keep your focus this week and don’t let yourself get distracted. 

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope and optimism your way. The energy around you is high and powerful. Enjoy it and use it! Have fun and trust that everything is in perfect alignment for you right now. You have good luck and positive energy to work with. The Sun brings clarity to your situation, and you can now move forward with joy and enthusiasm.

Overall- You have reached a place you should feel very proud of. You are finally starting to set the boundaries you need to succeed and as you do, The Universe supports you and gifts you positive energy and validation. This week brings good luck and blessings along with it, so hold your lines and boundaries tightly and expect what you need to flow right toward you.

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Seven of Pentacles- Deliberation. Decision. Opportunity- The Seven of Pentacles indicates a time where a decision must be made… usually one involving your work. You are being given the option to continue working on what you’ve been working on or to take a risk and shift directions. The advice for this week is to weigh out your options before making choice. Make sure you have all of the facts and information you need before you decide what to do. 

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy, you can create amazing things! 

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, sense of innate knowing. You need to tap into and utilize all of your gifts.

Overall- This week brings you the opportunity to decide on how you wish to focus your energy. What is the best use of your particular skills and talents? That is what you need to focus on. The more you work on what you love, the more empowered you will feel. When trying to make a decision this week, the answer is to look inward and listen to your intuition.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/16/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/16/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, Tarot of Dragons

Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility-  You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with what you’ve got around you? The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. The Two of Pentacles is telling you to put your creativity to work this week. It’s time to play with your options, lighten up, and maybe take a risk.  You have energy flowing out in multiple directions and you are trying to find the balance. Stay flexible, open and optimistic this week.

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance-  The of Cups brings a beautiful opening. The focus here is on love and abundance. What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay open and connected to your heart’s desire. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them grow and expand when you do.

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Harmony. Movement-  The Six of Swords brings understanding and harmony to your current situation. Allow the lessons you have learned recently to guide you forward. When you truly accept exactly where you are, it frees up your energy to allow things to flow more ease-fully. There is the potential for movement this week. Go with it... A positive shift is headed your way. 

Overall- Things have been shifting and in flux in your world, and this week everything smooths itself out. The key for you at this time is to focus on what your heart desires most and make the choice to start moving in that direction. Expect a sense of ease  as you flow through this week and you'll get it. There is smooth sailing up ahead...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Sneakiness. Secrecy- The Seven of Swords indicates murky waters. Someone isn't being completely honest with you, and you are being put on notice to watch your back a bit this week. This Seven can bring shady behavior along with it, so keep your guard up and stay aware of what's happening around you. Don't let anyone sabotage you and don't sabotage yourself either.

Death- Transition. Transformation. Endings- Death is telling you that it is time to let go. You have outgrown something in your life and you are being told to clear it out and make space for new growth. There would be no life without death. All things have a cycle and you are being guided to clear away things that are blocking your progress. ? When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose?

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- You are exactly where you need to be right now (even if it doesn't quite feel that way). The Magician says you are stepping up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire.  You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it.

Overall - Something shady this way comes... There is a giant clearing out that needs to happen somewhere in your world, and this energy is reaching a peak this week. Whether you're being sabotaged or taken advantage of by someone else or you are self-sabotaging, this week you are being given an opportunity to cut the ties that are keeping you bound up and stuck. It's time to clear the air and step fully into your power. When you cut off the dead weight, you free yourself up for new growth.

Pile 3- Feather, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

Four of Cups- Dissatisfaction. Jealousy. Boredom- You are feeling disillusioned and dissatisfied in a relationship or aspect of your life. You’re frustrated and upset and feeling like your needs aren’t being met or maybe you’re spending too much time comparing yourself and your success to others. This type of attitude won’t get you anywhere, so it may be time to turn it around and shift gears. Consider where you can take responsibility for your unmet expectations. Are you being clear with yourself, others, and The Universe about what you want? Are you setting healthy boundaries? How can you clean some of this up?

Ace of Swords- Fresh ideas. Mental Conflict. Justice-  The Ace of Swords is ushering in new ideas, fresh energy, and a new way of thinking this week. Often when we shift our mindset, conflict of some kind emerges as we are testing out a new idea. Stand your ground this week and stay open to exploring this new idea or way of thinking, regardless of any input from those around you.  There is beautiful, raw potential waiting for you when you change your perspective. 

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect some clarity around your goals and visions this week. You have a lot of potential at this time, and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create at this time? The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you get there.

Overall- You're feeling dissatisfied with some area of your life and this week you are being given a gentle push to do something about it. It's time to take control, decide what you want, and focus your energy. Once you do, The Universe conspires to help you move froward in a positive direction. Stand up, shake the dust, and take a step or two forward. Expect the assistance and support you need to come right to you when you do...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/9/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/9/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, Tattoo Tarot: Ink and Intuition

Temperance- Harmony. Balance. Healing- Temperance arrives with the gift of balance and harmony. Temperance indicates deep healing and also peaceful, open, flow of feelings in relationships. Temperance wants things to effortlessly flow together and she is calling for you to find your flow this week. How can you bring things into balance?  Move gently, speak kindly, and allow the healing waters of Temperance to soften and heal all those you encounter. 

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles is reminding you to stand strong and calm in your power. This Queen brings abundance, fertility, and success wherever she goes. She doesn’t need to go chasing after anything because she excels at manifesting. She just stands steady in her magic and life blooms into abundance around her. Let her show you how it’s done. Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic.

The Moon- Fluctuation. Intuition. Cycles- The Moon brings fluctuation and change. Things are shifting for you, and you’re feeling those shifts this week. One cycle is ending, another is beginning, and The Moon wants you to embrace the fluidity of it. How can you utilize your intuition at this time? Your answers are within, so slow down, tune in, and listen to your gut instincts. 

Overall- It's time to put your attention on you! Your message this week is to balance yourself out, in mind, body, and spirit. If you've been feeling depleted or out of balance, this week brings you the energy you need to switch gears. How can you better work with your own natural rhythms?  How can you give yourself some loving care and attention this week?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Stagnation. Attachment- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and it represents clinging too tightly. When we grip and cling to our attachments, it blocks the flow of energy necessary for growth. What old ideas or patterns are you attaching yourself to? Are you holding on too tightly to an “old story” that no longer really resonates with who you are? Loosen your grip and trust that you have what you need.

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, intelligence, and some powerful boundaries to your aid. The Queen of Swords is calling for an honest look at both your life and your relationships this week. Where are you feeling blocked from expressing yourself truthfully and how is that impacting your present state of mind? It's time to hone your focus.

Justice- Justice. Balance. Order- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Are you in a situation that feels unfair or unbalanced? How can you shift that energy? It's time to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life and the world at large? Don’t be afraid to stick to your principles this week. It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.

Overall- You are blocking your progress out of fear of loss. You have built up the skills, resources, and knowledge you need and now it's time to implement all you have learned. Your message for this week is to set strong and powerful boundaries. It's time to cut through anything that is holding you back and blocking your growth. The trick this week is to take the emotion out of whatever you are working on and operate from a cool, calm, collected place.

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- You are right on track with your goals and visions. The Two of Wands represents energies coming together to push you forward on your path.  You are being reminded to hold the vision and trust the process. The more clarity and focus you have on your creative vision, the more easefully things will align for you, so decide where you are headed this week and watch The Universe conspire to help you get there.

The Lovers-Choices. Potentials. Decisions- What do you desire? You have options and potentials surrounding you. t’s time to consider where you are choosing to put your energy, and is that choice getting you want you want?  Are your decisions bringing you emotional fulfillment, joy, and love? It’s time to take stock of your current situation and make mature and conscious choices about how you want to build and create your life. 

Ace of Swords- New ideas. Conflict- Often, when we make shifts in life, it generates conflict in those around us. When you step into your magic and begin to move things forward, it may threaten others who aren’t ready to make their own changes. If you find yourself facing any resistance this week, stand strong, hold your sword steady, and cut through anything that is blocking your growth. Do not allow anyone or anything to hold you back!

Overall- It's time to focus. The energy around you is guiding you forward on your path. Where do you want to go? Are your actions and choices moving you closer to your goals or further away from them? I feel you know what you want, but you've been allowing distractions to block your progress. Your message for this week is to rein your energy in and focus. It's time for a fresh approach. How can you clarify your goals and take a positive step toward one of them this week? Hint: Setting some boundaries around your time and energy will help you achieve what you desire.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/2/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/2/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, The Pulp Tarot

King of Swords- The King of Swords brings the element of air, intellect, and balanced, logical thinking into your world. The King of Swords represents idealism, lofty goals, power, and judgement. The power of the King lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. This King is telling you to find the balance in your thought process. Think things through, but don’t get too attached to “your way.” There might be other options that better serve you.

Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted- The Ten of Wands indicates a state of feeling overwhelmed, overburdened, and just flat out tired. You’ve been taking on more than you can handle and it’s starting to catch up with you. It’s time to put some of the things down. Is everything you’re carrying around yours or are you carrying other people’s work, burdens, issues for them? It’s time to re-evaluate how much energy you have in a day and look at how you’re spending it. You need to recharge and reset. My suggestion is to look at your schedule for the next week and decide what actually “needs” to get done each day. Where can you delegate? What can you release and let go of this week?

Eight of Swords- Denial. Indecision. Bondage- Your refusal to look honestly at the reality of your situation is what is keeping you stuck and blocked. You need to make a decision, but you fear there is no “good” answer. I suggest you stop covering your eyes and take some time to honestly look at the truth and consider the problem from different angles. Also, stop blaming other people. You are the only one keeping yourself trapped right now. You have the power to untie yourself, so do it. 

Overall- It's time for a different approach because the way you have been operating is not working for you. You're pushing yourself way too hard and it isn't getting you where you want to go. You need to ease up and lighten your load. You have become a bit rigid in your approach and it's burning you out quickly. Stop trying to do it all and recognize your limits. Let go of whatever it is you're clinging to that is keeping you bound up and trapped in this old pattern. There's a better way to do this. I suggest you stop being so hard on yourself and cut yourself some much needed slack this week.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- There is a struggle afoot this week. You are being challenged with bringing something forward. Whether the challenge is in with your work or in a relationship,  it’s time to stop fighting and start working together. The way you are handling things is just creating more stress than is necessary. You are being a bit stubborn and that approach isn’t helping. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and look for a way to compromise in this situation? 

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Understanding. Insight- The Six of Swords brings acceptance, insight, and understanding. Even if things aren’t exactly the way you "want" them to be at this time, the best way to move forward is to accept where you are and figure out a way you can work with the energy surrounding you. This Six brings calm energy with it. Be present and trust your process. Making choices from a calm and clear mind is highly recommended. No rash decisions this week. It’s one foot in front of the other. Focus on the task at hand.

Nine of Swords- Fear. Anxiety. Stress-  The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare" and brings up great anxiety and foreboding of the future. If you have been feeling stressed and anxious, it’s time to breathe and take a step back. You are obsessing and making things worse than they actually are. Maybe write down your worries or talk them out with a friend. You are letting your anxiety get the best of you, and it isn’t serving you well right now. It’s time to take back your power and breathe it down. 

Overall- You're fighting a fight you can't win and it's time to back up and switch gears. Whatever you are struggling with is really stressing you out and you need to shift your approach. First, find the acceptance in your current situation. Your resistance to how things are is preventing you from seeing the next steps forward. Calm your mind, clear your head, and then get your anxiety under control. Things are not nearly as bad as they seem. You just need to find your focus.

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent-  The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up and dust yourself off and consider how you have created this state. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.  Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

The Moon - Cycles. Confusion. Illusions- The Moon represents cycles, intuition, and illusions. You need some clarity. You are being called to connect more deeply with your intuition to see though to the truth of your current situation. Stop letting other people’s energy cloud your judgement. It’s time to tune in to your own power and magic. The moon wants you to pay attention to what cycle you are in right now. How can you best harness your energy at this time?  Some moon magic might be a good idea...

Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility-  You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with what the energy around you? The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. There may be a solution you haven’t yet considered. This Two wants you to lighten up and look at both sides of your situation.

Overall- You're feeling dissatisfied with present circumstances and you're getting yourself quite stuck in the muck over it. It's time to clear out some illusions or delusions you're holding on to and look at the current stage and cycle you're in. The Universe wants you to take some time this week to connect to your intuition and listen to your gut instincts. Then, bring a little flexibility in. Can you shift your thought process and look for a different way of handling things? There is more than one way out of this. Step back, look at the bigger picture and consider all the options that you have available.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/25/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/25/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, The Gilded Tarot

Three of Pentacles-  Support. Skills. Assistance-  This Three of Pentacles tells you to play with your ideas because they are worth exploring. More work is required to develop them, but you have a great deal of potential at this time. If you are feeling like you have too many ideas and things you’re trying to juggle and accomplish, maybe pick one thing to work on this week and stop trying to do it all at once. The Three of Pentacles can bring support and collaborations. Energies are trying to come together or you this week. Stay open to assistance and ask for help if you need it. Hint: You do, in fact, need the help.

Four of Cups- Dissatisfaction. Disillusionment. Wallowing- The Four of Cups represents a state of dissatisfaction. You are feeling unhappy in some aspect of your life or a relationship, and you are wallowing. Stop. Stand up. Dust yourself off and get some perspective. It’s important to take responsibility and consider your own part in this “problem.” If you feel your needs aren’t being met, have you been clear about them with others? If not, this might be a good week to start having honest conversations about what it is you truly want.

Two of Cups- Partnership. Connection. Relationships. You need support right now. Think about your relationships? What do they look like… what do they feel like? Do you feel seen, heard, and understand?  Whether you need time with your partner or a night out with your friends, your soul needs support right now. If you’ve been feeling out of balance, reach out to someone you love this week. If you aren’t used to asking for help, take a deep breath and go for it. You have the support you need around you, you simply have to ask for it. 

Overall - The reason you are struggling right now is because you are trying to do it all on your own and let's be honest... it's making you frustrated and maybe a bit resentful. The Universe is trying to help you out but you need to help yourself. There is support around you, but it's up to you to ask for what you need. Maybe schedule some time with a partner or friend and explain how you've been feeling. The message is that you will get the loving help that you need.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Flexibility. Balance. Fluctuation-  The Two of Pentacles brings a shifting in circumstances, often financial ones.  This Two indicates that while you are striving for balance, things may feel quite out of balance. Don’t get too hung up here. Change is our only constant. Do your best this week to work with the energy you have to work with and keep an open mind. You just might stumble upon an unexpected solution to your current problem. 

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Cycles-  Judgement brings things full circle. When Judgement appears, it is a signal that something is coming back around, for better or worse. Some aspect of your life has reached its natural ending and it's time to relinquish and release it. Are you judging yourself or your current situation too harshly or are you worried about the judgement or opinions of others? Either way, that energy is not serving you.  Notice where you can acknowledge you have learned a lesson and move on. Sometimes what appear to be our biggest challenges is just The Universe trying to re-route us.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare.” It represents anxiety, stress, and foreboding about the future. The Nine of Swords more often indicates stress and mental anguish rather than anything negative actually happening. Do not let yourself get blinded by fears or overwhelmed with potential worries. Take a deep breath and let them go. If you need to, write them down and rip them up or burn them. Do not let your fears hold you back.

Overall- Things appear to be in flux and it's stressing you out in a big way. There is a lesson in this for you, so try to look at your situation objectively. Take the judgement out of it and think about how you got here.  This isn't something that will be cleared up this week, so try to ground your energy and do what you need to do to manage your anxiety. Don't blow this out of proportion. Things are not as bad as they appear. 

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

Five of Pentacles- Loss. Stress. Lack of faith- The Five of Pentacles brings up fear, loss, financial stress, and lack of faith. Where are you losing faith in yourself? Whatever loss is currently occurring in your life isn’t a reflection of you… it’s just a stage that we all experience. Where can you regroup and refocus your energy to turn the tide and start walking in a more positive direction?  This Five also indicates that help is available, but you need to look up to see it.

The Sun-  Hope. Optimism. Trust -  The Sun brings hope, optimism, and positive energy your way. Just as the sun rises each day with the opportunity for new growth and new experiences, The Sun in the tarot brings the possibility and potential for renewal. There is help available to you, so accept it when it is offered. Looking forward and keeping an optimistic attitude is your way off the struggle bus this week.  Think happy thoughts and focus on where you want to go. Things are not as difficult as they appear.  Have faith in yourself! You have what you need. 

Eight of Swords-  Bondage. Stress. Denial- You are keeping yourself trapped and stuck and clinging to old ways of being that no longer serve you. No one is doing this to you. You have tied up and blind-folded yourself. Your refusal to face the reality of your current situation is the problem. Take a deep breath, take off the blind-fold, and look around. It’s not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. It’s time to take responsibility for your situation, and move forward. 

Overall- Tough love from the tarot for you this week. You need an attitude adjustment. You're focusing so hard on the negative or the lack of things in your life that you are blocking the flow of energy that is trying to help you out. It's time to bring some positive vibes to your current situation and reclaim your power and energy. You are the only one keeping yourself bound  up by clinging to these negative thought patterns. Let them go and start walking in a more positive direction.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/18/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/18/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

The Star- Hope. Faith. Inspiration- The Star brings the beautiful message of faith, hope, and inspiration. What inspires you? Who or what encourages you to flourish? Focus on bringing more of that energy toward you this week. There is a need to refill your cup and allow some healing to occur. Life is about finding the balance and The Star wants you to reconnect with your dreams and aspirations. Where can you make space for something that inspires you?

The Hermit- Introspection. Isolation. Illumination - The Hermit suggests you need a time-out. It’s time to withdraw and turn your attention inward. Often, there is so much external stimuli that we get out of touch with our own inner truth. The Hermit wants you to take time to connect with yourself this week. The type of introspection The Hermit brings often illuminates something spiritually. Look inward for the messages this week. 

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance is calling for balance this week. If you’ve been feeling out of balance, utilize some energy this week to regroup and recharge. Temperance is here to remind you that you will do better work and create/manifest more effectively if you are operating from a place of health and balance. How have you been treating yourself? Are you eating well? Sleeping enough? Scheduling in time for self-care? Temperance wants you to get in the flow this week! Your life will flow more ease-fully if your vibration is high…

Overall - Balance is the name of the game this week. You are being given the opportunity for healing and renewal, but you need to give yourself some time and space. If you've been feeling out of sorts, carve out some quiet time this week and refill your cup. Connect with your spiritual practice and find the stillness you need to listen to the messages that are waiting for you. You will find things begin to flow much more freely if you do.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Hermit- Isolation. Truth. Reflection-It is time for a time-out, my friend. You need a break. Take a breather and give yourself some time to process. You’re in the midst of an important life lesson right now and it’s not an easy one. This week, The Hermit is calling for you to slow down and step back. You need some time to find your truth before taking action. Listen for the messages and stay open to receive the information you need. 

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gentleness. Energy- It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. If you’ve been feeling scattered, this is a call to reign it in. You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and focused place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your health game this week. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. You have more power to manifest when you are operating from a full tank, and this week that potential is right in front of you.

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles is reminding you that all you need to do is stand strong and calm in your power. This Queen brings abundance, fertility, and success wherever she goes. She doesn’t go chasing after what she wants because she is so good at manifesting. She simply stands steady and strong in her power, and life blooms into abundance around her. Let her show you how it’s done. Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic. Call in what you want.

Overall- Pull back so you can regroup and recharge. This week you are being told that you need to give yourself some time and space to focus your energy. Carve out some quiet time to reflect and meditate on what you want. Then, find your focus. You need to ground your body, mind, and spirit, so do whatever grounding techniques center you. Once you do, you will feel so much stronger and more settled and from this place you will be able to manifest the abundance you desire.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Queen of Cups- Intuition. Subconscious. Emotions- There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and tune in to receive them. The Queen of Cups asks you to connect to your intuitive instincts and also your emotions. Have you been acknowledging your feelings or shutting them off? This Queen is here to help you tap into your magic. It is only in honestly accepting how you truly feel that you can make the changes necessary to move your life forward right now.

The World-  Achievement. Integration. Cycles-  After the ending of one cycle and before the beginning of a new one, it’s important to integrate the lessons we have learned. With the shift that this week brings, you are being called to ask yourself, “What lessons have I learned, recently?  How can you I apply them here?”  Honor your process and acknowledge that you’ve come a long way. You are ready to rebirth yourself and something in your life is showing you just how to do it. 

Eight of Wands- Movement. Change. Imagination-  The Eight of Wands brings action and movement your way, often after what feels like a challenging time. Things being to flow in a more positive direction for you this week. Go with that flow. Don’t question it. Just get in the zone and stay there. All things cycle and you are shifting into smoother waters this week, so breathe easy. Expect a renewal of imagination and to reconnect to your inspiration this week.

Overall - It's time to make some serious magic this week. It's solstice week, so the energy is beautifully high and abundant. You are being given the opportunity to level up, so I suggest you take it. Tap into your intuition and make your rituals a priority. You have reached the ending of a cycle and the lessons you have learned recently are propelling you forward in a beautiful way. All in all, things flow very naturally for you this week, so enjoy the ride.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/11/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/11/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Page of Cups- Kindness. Care. Gentleness- The Page of Cups indicates the need for some self-care, self -love, and self- reflection. How are you caring for yourself at this time? This Page is showing up to indicate that you are in need of some serious TLC. How can you be kinder to yourself this week? Are you treating yourself the same way you treat your loved ones? I think not. Where can you soften up and get some loving and healing energy?

Judgement- Karma. Consequences. Transformation- Judgement brings somethings full circle. Expect a reaping ... Something has reached its natural ending and it's time to relinquish and release it. Are you judging yourself or your current situation too harshly or are you worried about the judgement or opinions of others? Either way, that energy is not serving you.  Notice where you can acknowledge you have learned a lesson and move on. Don't get stuck judging your progress. You are where you are meant to be.

Five of Pentacles- Challenge. Difficulty. Loss-The Five of Pentacles brings stress, worry, or loss of some kind your way. Something or someone shakes you up this week and your instinct is to let your self-doubt take over. Things are not going according to "your" plan and the stress of your current situation is getting the best of you. Challenges arise to inspire us to grow and rise up. What can you learn from this situation? There is an important lesson for you this week. Learn the lesson, so you can move on. Stop doubting your abilities.

Overall - You are in desperate need of  some positive and supportive healing energy. You have been denying your needs for some time and it's depleting you. You are judging yourself and your process way too harshly and it's making things seem much worse than they are. This week you are being put on notice that it is time for a big shift. Where can you let go? What have you outgrown? How can you bring more positive energy into your days? I feel asking for help would be a good start.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Re-birth- Judgement arrives this week to tell you that divine timing is at hand and at work for you right now. Expect the rewards of hard work you have put in to show up in ways both expected and unexpected this week. You have made it to the end of a cycle and it is time to refresh, recharge, and prepare to begin anew. With the appearance of Judgement, it’s time to consider what cycles have reached their natural endings. Where can you relinquish and rebirth? 

Strength- Courage. Pride. Focus- It’s time to gather your strength and find your focus. Strength challenges you to embrace your courage and make the steps necessary to move your life forward. What actions have you been shying away from out of fear or insecurity? This Strength card is telling you that you have what it takes, and you need to trust yourself. Balancing of the ego is being called for here. Stop letting your fears or doubt hold you back. 

Five of Swords - Conflict. Limitations. Stress- The Five of Swords brings stress and conflict to the table. This Five often indicates the need to accept that sometimes in life we hit our limits and it seems you have hit yours. You've been fighting a fight you can't win, so it's time to stop wasting your energy and look for a different solution. Stop starting at the problem and start looking for a solution. Stop fighting the inevitable because this struggle ins't getting you anywhere you want to be.

Overall - Time is running out. The Universe is trying to show you that you have reached the end of a cycle and you are being put on notice that it's time to give yourself permission to make some changes. My suggestion for this week is to not get yourself stuck by continuing to fight for something you need to release. Let go of what isn't working and regroup your energy. Then, look around for other possibilities. You have the strength to move forward. You just need to stop fighting the process.

Pile 3- Lock, Vampire Tarot

The Sun - Power. Optimism. Enthusiasm- The Sun brings bright and vibrant energy and a feeling of renewal. You are on fire right now with fresh energy and you are ready to shine and let yourself be seen. You are feeling called to step forward in a big way and things seem ready to open up for you. You are ready to jump all in with confidence and enthusiasm.

Justice- Balance. Logic. Truth- Justice brings balance to you this week. It’s time for some cool, calm reflection. I recommend stepping back and getting your emotions in check before making any decisions. The energy surrounding you is trying to balance itself out. The best way for you to work with this energy is to balance yourself out. You’ve been so focused on one aspect of your situation that you’re missing the bigger picture. Take a step back and look more clearly. Are you operating from a place of balance?

The Hanged Man-  Sacrifice. Suspension. Delays- The Hanged Man is suggesting you hit the pause button this week. It is not the time for action. It is time to be still and present with your life and your energy. If you feel like things are not working out as quickly as you would like, The Hanged Man here is suggesting you trust in divine timing. Maybe what you’re waiting on isn’t quite ready for you yet. Relax… all in good time…

Overall -  Hit the brakes... well maybe just tap them. You are feeling inspired and ready to launch forward or go after something you want, but The Universe is saying, "It's not quite ready yet." Before making any big dramatic moves or changes, take some time to sit back and look at the big picture. You aren't as ready as you think you are, so slow down for a hot second and find your balance. Make sure you are moving in the best direction for you at this time. Have a little faith. You can't miss what is meant for you, but what is meant for you may need a little time. Slow down...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/4/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/4/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Judgement-  Karma. Rebirth. Consequences-  Judgement brings a reaping and the potential for rebirth and renewal. When Judgement appears, you are being put on notice that you are at the end of a particular cycle and the energy you have put out into The Universe is coming back to you, for better or worse. This week you are being shown that it is time to let go and accept the consequences of something. With transformation and change like this, there is inevitably a release of some kind that goes along with it, bringing a  big re-birth. Don’t fight it.  It's time to move on.

The Sun - Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings positive energy to your current situation. Just as the sun rises each day with the opportunity for new growth and new experiences, The Sun in the tarot brings the reminder of faith and the possibility of renewal. Can you begin to shift your focus in a more positive direction? There is help available to you, so accept it when it is offered. Looking forward and keeping an optimistic attitude is your way off the struggle bus this week.  

Death-  Transformation. Endings. Change- Death brings an ending and also a new beginning. It's time to let go of what you have outgrown. Change is the only constant and fighting the change will cause suffering, so don't. Embrace the release and make space for new things and fresh energy to enter. Death often brings a grieving of some kind. Allow any emotions to flow through you as you move through this transition.

Overall- This week is heavy- 3 Major Arcana cards... So buckle in... It's going to be a bumpy ride. You are at the end of a cycle and preparing to being a fresh one. I feel this is an ending you have been fighting for some time and when you actually let go, you are going to feel so much lighter and freer. The advice is to let the energy flow and let go of what you no longer need. The Universe is sending you positive energy to help you in your transition. Stay open to receive it...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Cups- Depths. Emotions. Subconscious- The Queen of Cups wants you to get in touch with your feelings. You’ve been burying your needs and desires and the Queen is going to help you swim down into the depths of your subconscious for your answers. The Queen of Cups is intense and highly intuitive. Are you tuning in to your magic? Are you listening to your intuition? This Queen is telling you it’s time to slow down, tune in, and really acknowledge what’s going on within your psyche. There is important information trying to float to the surface at this time. 

Three of Wands- Vision. Clarity.  Potential- The Three of Wands brings validation and early success. What are you working on? What are you creating in your life? This Three brings validation and assistance from The Universe.  You have beautiful potential at this time, and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message this week is to get focused and stay there. Also, notice when things seem to flow effortlessly. It's a sign you are on the right track.

Page of Cups- Self-love. Renewal. Birth - The Page of Cups brings renewal to your spirit this week. You are birthing something new in your life. Whether it’s a new project, job, love, family…  it’s something that brings you joy and fulfillment. You have beautiful potential surrounding you, but make sure your own cup stays full. Don’t give way all your energy.  It’s time for some good old-fashioned self-care, self-love, and self-reflection. It’s much easier to create from a place of balance. This is a gentle reminder to recharge your batteries. 

Overall -You are being told to check in with yourself and give your emotions some attention. If you've been avoiding your feelings, it's time to stop.  Are you moving in the direction you desire, and if not, how can you change gears? This week brings external support and validation, so don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Remember that the more you keep yourself healthy and balanced, the easier things will flow for you. The key for you this week is to acknowledge your true desires and make them a priority.

Pile 3- Broom, Soul Cats Tarot

The Emperor- Structure. Ambition. Authority- You’re allowing yourself to get stuck and blocked by other people’s ideas of what you “should” be doing or how you “should” be living or operating.  You're battling some type of structure or system, and it’s time to break the mold and really dig deep to discover what you want, how you want it, and when you want it by. Are you living your life according to your own beliefs and principles or are you getting hung up trying to conform in some way?Ground your energy and find your focus.

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Secrecy. Sneakiness- The Seven of Swords brings mistrust and dishonesty. Someone isn’t being clear with you this week or you are not being clear with someone else. This Seven indicates the things are more complicated than they seem. If your current situation seems murky… that’s because it is, so my suggestion is to start by cleaning up your act. Make sure you get the clarity you need before jumping to any conclusions because you don’t have all the information at this time. 

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Adversity. Reserves - The Nine of Wands indicates a final struggle. Just when you feel you can’t handle one more thing… The Universe throws you “one more thing.” You’re exhausted and depleted and feel like you just can’t cope. It’s time to dig down and find your reserves. Remember, you do have what you need to move through this challenge. Resilience is the name of the game. 

Overall - Yikes! This week looks a little rough. You have been fighting some system, person, or situation for quite some time and you aren't getting anywhere in your approach. Things feel cloudy and a bit on the shady side. Whether this sketchy energy is coming from you or moving toward you, you need to clean up the mess. Although there is quite the challenge ahead, if you face it head on, you will realize you have what it takes to handle it. Sometimes the only way out is through...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/28/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/28/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords is calling for a time- out. You need to schedule in some rest and recovery this week. This Four wants you to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next. Find your stillness and take the time you need to gather your thoughts and regain your strength. Give yourself some space this week and watch the answers you are looking for magically appear.  A little quiet goes a long way...

The Empress- Power. Abundance. Fertility-  The Empress says you have all the power you need at this time, so use it. The Empress stands strong and steady and life blooms around her, in all of her brilliance. Find your power and your stillness and make your magic happen. The Empress is connected to her body and to the physical realm, which is why she manifests so beautifully. Give your body some loving care this week.

Nine of Wands- Challenge. Adversity. Endurance- The Nine of Wands indicates a final struggle, and one that illuminates how strong you actually are. Consider this a final test and keep in mind you have everything you need to pass with flying colors. If you feel challenged this week, can you dig down deep and find your center? It feels like you've been stuck in the seaweed for some time. It's time to cut your way out.

Overall- Step back and then step up. There's a little challenge on the horizon for you this week. You need to make sure you are at full strength to move through it. Give yourself  time and space to recover and regroup your energy. If you find your center and tap into your power, you will be able to clear out a stressful situation that has been keeping you stuck and holding you back.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Moon- Confusion. Fluctuation. Cycles- The Moon brings us face to face with the subconscious. What is happening beneath the surface for you at this time? Things in your life appear to be in flux. One cycle is ending and another is beginning and the in-between of that can feel murky and confusing. The message for this week is to not let your fears blow things out of proportion. Look for the hidden messages; and when in doubt, trust your intuition.

Eight of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Confusion- The Eight of Swords indicates feeling stuck and trapped in your current situation.  Your refusal to look honestly at the reality of your situation is what is keeping you stuck and blocked. How are you keeping yourself bound up?  You are letting your fears and self-doubts blind you. By refusing to choose, you are keeping the conflict going. Sometimes the only way out is through. Can you look at this problem from a different angle?

Five of Cups- Disappointment. Sadness. Release-   The Five of Cups indicates sadness, disappointment, and  the need for a release of some kind. Think about what is no longer serving you and let it go. Yes, I know the release is painful and endings are challenging, but this heartache is not nearly as painful as the pain of blocking your own growth. Clinging will only add to your stress. Something isn't working and the message this week is to let it go and refocus your energy on what is truly serving you at this time.

Overall- You have been stuck in a state of confusion and illusion and you're feeling trapped and frozen. It's time to ground yourself and take a clear look at your current situation. Something isn't working. How can you let go of the things that are keeping you stuck and blocked? What do you need to do to move through this. There is a release of some kind that you have been fighting for some time. Clear away what doesn't work, so you can make space for what will.

Pile 3- Broom, The Pulp Tarot

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to confidently go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing at this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Page of Wands- Inspiration.Creativity. Enthusiasm-The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm. It’s time for fresh movement. A new path has opened up for you and you’re feeling both excitement and trepidation about stepping onto it. Don’t hesitate. You’ve been holding yourself back out of fear of change or fear or not being ready and it’s time to let those fears go. All new ventures require a risk. It’s time to take the leap. The message for you is to follow through on whatever it is that lights you up and brings you energy. 

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect some clarity around your goals and visions to almost magically appear. You have beautiful potential at this time and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message this week is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create at this time? The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you get there.

Overall- Fire it up this week! Game on. You are actually on fire in the best way possible. This week brings energy, enthusiasm, and positive creative vibes. It's time to joyfully work your magic and put your creative gifts out into the world. All you need to do to win this week is be you, shine bright, and stay positive. The Universe is conspiring to help you leap forward. This is a powerful week, so make the most of it

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/21/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/21/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Tattoo Tarot: Ink and Intuition

Four of Wands- Celebration. Rewards. Excitement- The Four of Wands is telling you it’s time to celebrate! Expect positive energy and validation from the external world this week. Things are going well, and you are acknowledged and supported. Lean into the good vibes. Enjoy your friends and family. You deserve the blessings that surround you. 

Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Opportunity. Money- The Ace of Pentacles ushers in fresh energy for you this week. This Ace indicates that there is a new opportunity on the horizon and you are being told to open up to it.  Pay attention to any offers that appear this week. What do you want to create at this time?  You are being given the opportunity to manifest something you desire on the physical plane.

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy, you can create amazing things! 

Overall- This week brings you good vibes and the opportunity for some forward movement. You are reaping the rewards of your hard work and you are exactly where you need to be at this time. The energy around you is positive and full of potential. You are being called to consider a new way of utilizing your skill and gifts. Keep your eyes open for a new opportunity this week. Bring some fun and joy into your daily tasks and watch things open and expand in a beautiful way.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Page of Wands - Optimism. Enthusiasm. Creativity-The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm. It’s time for movement!  A new path has opened up for you and you’re feeling both excitement and trepidation about stepping onto it. Don’t hesitate. You’ve been holding yourself back out of fear of change or fear of not being ready and it’s time to let those fears go. All new ventures require a risk. It’s time to take the leap. The message for you is to follow through on whatever it is that lights you up and brings you energy. 

Eight of Swords-  Bondage. Stress. Denial- You are keeping yourself trapped and stuck and clinging to old ways of being that no longer serve you. No one is doing this to you. You have tied up and blind-folded yourself. Your refusal to face the reality of your current situation is the problem. Take a deep breath, take off the blind-fold, and look around. It’s not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. It’s time to take responsibility for your situation, and move forward. 

Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Abundance -Love overflows and good things are headed your way. Focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. Look for the synchronicities  big and small, and pay attention. Appreciate the blessings in your life this week. The more you appreciate what you have, the more easily you will manifest your desires.

Overall- Let's go! It's time to shake the dust this week. Can you tap into the springtime energy of growth and movement? Your creativity is calling or screaming for some attention. You're keeping yourself stuck by blocking your energy and The Universe is trying to push you forward. There is love and contentment waiting for your right now. All you need to do is bring a little more fun and light hearted energy to your current situation. Notice any ways you block yourself from enjoying your life. How can you shift this energy?

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands is the card of strength in reserves. You've been through a lot and you're tired, exhausted, and maybe a touch overwhelmed. This Nine is saying you've allowed yourself to get into the pattern of believing this is how things will continue to be, but that's not accurate. Can you take a moment to acknowledge all you have worked through and overcome? How can you incorporate those lessons into your current situation?

Queen of Wands- Strength. Creativity. Loyalty- The Queen of Wands is here to remind you that you have the strength and courage necessary to shift through this difficult period. You need to find your fire power. The Queen of Wands is bold and impulsive and she is here to help you make the shift you need to get yourself back on track. When things are hard, it’s easy to wallow and sink into it. This Queen doesn’t have time for that. She suggests you shake it off and embrace the change. 

Six of Swords - Acceptance. Understanding. Movement- The Six of Swords brings acceptance and understanding to your current situation. This Six brings balance and a bit of harmony to the table. What do you need to learn right now? How can you begin to integrate those lessons? It’s time to allow your mind to work for you instead of against you. By accepting where you are, you can begin to understand and integrate your lessons and use that information to move forward. By the end of this week, you will know what to do

Overall-  You've been feeling challenged for some time and you're getting into the mindset that it's permanent. It's not. Everything shifts eventually and  you are being given the opportunity to shift things up this week. You need to tap into your confidence and reconnect to your optimism. A  positive attitude can go a long way. You need to accept where you are right now and begin to take steps forward. It's time to move out of the fighting stance  you've been holding onto. Instead of wishing things to be  different than they are... can you accept the current situation and work with what you've got?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/14/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/14/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Broom, Vampire Tarot

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- You’ve been in this fight for so long that you just feel exhausted and like you don’t have the strength necessary to keep going. Although you are feeling wiped out and depleted, you do have the reserves necessary to finally be done with the challenges you have been facing. My message for you regarding this is to stop playing defense and start taking offense. Put the last nail in the coffin. It's ok to be done when you're ready to be done.  Sometimes it’s in our biggest challenges that we find the reserves we need to rise up and face what is in front of us. 

King of Cups-Empathy. Healing. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer of the tarot  and he brings the beautiful gifts of empathy and compassion with him. You have been giving and giving and giving and this week The King of Cups wants you to check in on your own energy level. Are you giving from a place of abundance and overflow or are you giving to the point of exhaustion?  Hint:  It's the second one. Your habit is to give to everyone else, but you need to fill your own cup because otherwise you’re going to end up depleted. What can you do to fill your cup this week? Don’t overthink it. Choose one thing now. 

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles brings manifestation magic your way. This Queen is grounded, fertile, and comfortable in her sensuality. She knows what she wants and she also knows that all she needs to do to get it is stand steady and still in her power. Can you confidently stand in your power this week and let things bloom around you?  The Queen of Pen is reminding you that everything works better when you are centered and grounded.

Overall- You have officially reached the end of your rope. You feel exhausted and depleted because you have been giving all of your energy away and putting everyone else's needs before your own. The pace you have been keeping is not sustainable and this week you need to shift gears. Get yourself back into balance and ground your magic. You will find things begin to flow so much better when you do.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Sun-  Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope, optimism, and joy to the table this week. Positive energy is flowing all around you, so soak it in and take advantage of it. Stay open to new opportunities and connections. The Sun brings renewal and clarity. Things seem to flow toward you effortlessly this week and you feel confident in the goals you are working on. Keep this positive energy and hold on tight to your enthusiasm. 

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance-  The of Cups brings a beautiful opening. The focus here is on love and abundance. What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay open and connected to your heart’s desire. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them expand when you do.

The Chariot- Movement. Will. Control- The Chariot arrives this week to remind you to gather your strength and utilize your will and focus to move forward. If there is an aspect of your life you’ve been looking to shift or progress, now is the time to make a move. You will have better luck if you have a strategy in place. The more focused and harnessed your energy and will are, the more successful you will be. 

Overall- It's go time! The earth is in bloom and so are you apparently. This week brings you nothing but net! You have good energy and luck on your side. You're in a place where you can renew and rebirth in a delightful way, so go for it.  There is positive movement ahead, so grab the reins of your life and go after what you desire. You're going to get it!

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The Hanged Man- Sacrifice. Letting go. Spiritual hold-ups - The Hanged Man indicates that things are not moving as quickly as you would like. Often, The Hanged Man brings the need for a sacrifice of some kind. As we transform and grow, things need to be released. What old habits, thoughts, relationships, or  ideas do you need to let go of? What are you hanging on to that is keeping you in this feeling of stagnancy?  If you feel you keep hitting roadblocks, it may be time to pause and consider a different route.

Three of Cups- Connection. Support. Abundance-  The Three of Cups brings love, connection, and support. There is beautiful energy around you, whether it’s romance, friendship, or family…  the good vibes are flowing.  Soak up the love and honor the beautiful connections in your life. The week is calling for you to take a moment to appreciate your loved ones. Maybe carve out some special time with your special people. 

Five of Pentacles- Lack. Stress. Worry- Sometimes lack of faith is our worst enemy. The  Five of Pentacles indicates stress and worry. It can often represent money troubles or financial stress, but the bigger issue is that it usually indicates a loss of faith in oneself. If you feel like you’ve lost your faith, this might be a good week to shift gears and start to bring it back. Can you look at your current situation with a touch more optimism? This Five says that help is available to you, but you need to pick your head up and look around to see it.

Overall- Faith is your word for this week. You are feeling frustrated that things aren't moving in the direction or timeline you would like, and it has you all out of sorts. You need help right now, and you have support around you, so lean into it. The lesson for this week is to shift your perspective. Stop focusing on the negative and start looking at the positive. Worry serves no purpose except to block the joy of the present. Can you put down some of your worries this week? It's not as bad as it seems.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/7/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/7/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Broom, Vampire Tarot

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Stability- You are The Queen of Pentacles right now, and she is reminding you that all you need to do is stand strong and calm in your power. This Queen brings abundance, fertility, and success wherever she goes. She doesn't chase anything because she is so good at manifesting. She just stands steady and strong in her power, and life blooms into abundance around her. Let her show you how it’s done. Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic.

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Fresh energy. Ambition- The Ace of Pentacles brings fresh energy to your physical plane. A new opportunity presents itself this week. There is potential for growth, a new job, a creative idea, or relationship. It could be all of them! You have the ability to manifest something new this week and that something is full of awesome potential.

Overall- "You've got this!" is the vibe for you this week. You have reached a beautiful place in your process and all you need to do right now is recognize it. Step fully into your power and look around. It's time to level up! The Universe wants you to acknowledge and appreciate how far you've come. It's time to open up to new opportunities and positive potential that are floating toward you. You have extra energy to work with this week, so stay focused and call in what you need. Trust me, you will get it....

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted- The Ten of Wands indicates a state of feeling overwhelmed, overburdened, and just flat out tired. You’ve been taking on more than you can handle and it’s starting to catch up with you. It’s time to put some of the things down. Is everything you’re carrying around yours or are you carrying other people’s work, burdens, issues for them? It’s time to re-evaluate how much energy you have in a day and look at how you’re spending it. You need to recharge and reset. My suggestion is to look at your schedule for the next week and decide what actually “needs” to get done each day. Where can you delegate? What can you release and let go of this week?

Three of Wands- Vision. Clarity.  Potential- The Three of Wands represents energies coming together. It’s time to gather your strength and energy and make decisions about how you’re using it. What are you working on? What are you creating in your life? Can you call in help and support around your goals? This Three wants you to get clear on your vision and start making what you want a priority. You have a lot of creative potential, and you need to focus to bring it forward into manifesting the things you desire.

Judgement- Karma. Rebirth. Reaping-  Judgement brings a reaping… the rewards of past actions. What have you been working on? Where have you been directing your energy? The fruits of that labor are coming full circle at this time. Think of it like a karmic pay-out. You are preparing to begin a new cycle. With transformation and change like this, there is inevitably a release of some kind that goes along with it. There is a big re-birth on the horizon for you. Don’t fight it. 

Overall- It's time to change the game this week. You are fried and you need a big shift in your approach. You have been trying to do all the things all of the time and it's wearing you out in a big way. You need to gather up your energy and hone in your vision for what you want things to look like. Ask for some support because you need it. Where can you ask for help or delegate some of this? All in all, there is a shift you've been fighting, so figure out what you need and then claim it. That's how you get out of this funk.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Success. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a new opportunity your way this week. A positive offer is headed towards you. Think raw potential… A new job, a new love, a new creative venture of some kind is in the cards this week. You have extra manifestation power at this time, so use it. When opportunity knocks, open the door and invite it in for coffee. 

Six of Wands- Success. Victory. Recognition. Whoohoo! It is time to celebrate! The Six of Wands is considered the “victory” card in the tarot. Whatever your question is, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” You’ve got this! Expect support, positive recognition, and to feel good about yourself this week. If you haven’t taken a moment to celebrate all you’ve achieved recently, I suggest you do so this week. You’ve been working hard, and your hard work is paying off. Enjoy it!

Ten of Cups- Love. Abundance. Contentment- Your cups overflow and love surrounds you. Take some time this week to hold space for your gratitude. You are blessed, and your life is reflecting that state of abundance. Your relationships are bringing you joy and things are flowing effortlessly for you at this time. When things are this good, it’s important to honor, acknowledge, and give thanks for them. Your homework this week is to make a daily gratitude list. Abundance begets abundance. 

Overall- Wow! This week is gorgeous, so get ready for a good time! Everything is going your way and things seem to flow effortlessly around you. It's time to claim your success and honor your joy. How can you celebrate your life this week? Weeks that look this positive all around are rare, so make sure you soak in all the good energy.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/30/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/30/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Broom, Fantastical Tarot

The Emperor- Order. Power. Authority- The Emperor represents structure and stability. The Emperor holds great power in the physical realm, but he can become too stiff and rigid in his principles and that can block the flow of energy. This week you are being called to check in with your own principles and modes of operating. You have enough structure. It might be time to loosen the reins a bit and cut yourself some slack. I feel you’ve been pushing  too hard, and you are being advised to soften up a bit.

Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Abundance- Love overflows and good things are headed your way. Focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. Look for the synchronicities  big and small, and pay attention. Appreciate the blessings in your life this week. The more you appreciate what you have, the more easily you will manifest your desires.

Judgement-  Karma. Consequences. Rebirth- Judgement brings a reaping and a rebirth. When Judgement appears, we  see the consequences of past actions. Where have you been directing your energy? What has it brought you? You are at the end of a cycle, and it's time to acknowledge what things need to continue and what things you have outgrown. This week, you are about to reap positive rewards for the choices and efforts you have made. You have put the work and time in and creative and loving energy is headed your way.

Overall- You need to soften up a bit this week. You've been working very hard and you're trying to control everything around you, and it's blocking your flow. You are being told that you've done the work and it's time to reap the rewards. Look around at what you have accomplished. You are at a beautiful place of rebirth and renewal. Don't fight it. Enjoy it. You are being gently guided forward. Allow The Universe to show you where to go next.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Opportunity. Money- This Ace indicates that there is a new opportunity on the horizon and you are being told to open up to it. Pay attention to any offers that appear this week. What do you want to create at this time? You are being shown that you have what you need to start something fresh.  You are being given the opportunity to manifest something you desire on the physical plane. How can you enhance your focus?

Death- Transformation. Letting go. Rebirth- Death indicates the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Transformation is coming for you this week. What old ideas, ideals, and  belief structures need to die so that you can clear out and make room for new growth? Your experiences have brought you a deeper understanding of what is really important to you. You are recognizing what things truly matter and learning to let go of the things that don’t. 

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation. You are exactly where you need to be right now. The Magician says you are stepping up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire.  You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. balanced and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

Overall- Change is afoot for you this week in the best way possible! You are being given the opportunity to start something fresh. Whether this is a new idea, job, relationship, or just a new way of looking at your current situation, it is propelling you forward. The real magic of this week lies in acknowledging what cycles you have ended and what things you have outgrown. Let go of anything or anyone you no longer need. It's time to create the things you desire. How can you clear out and focus your energy? (If you need help, that Scorpio Lunar Eclipse will be happy to give you a little push).

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

Seven of Wands- Competition. Challenge. Struggle. The Seven of Wands indicates struggle, either with other people’s ideas, or your own competitive instincts. If you’ve been spending too much time comparing your achievements to those of others, you really need to stop and consider how much energy you’ve been wasting... Hint: It’s a LOT. That energy would be better spent focusing on your own life/goals/projects. If this week your conflict is in your relationships, it may be time to battle it out, so to speak. Sometimes you’ve just got to have the fight to get to the resolution on the other side. 

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Secrecy. Sneakiness- The Seven of Swords brings mistrust and dishonesty. Someone isn’t being clear with you this week or you are not being clear with someone else. This Seven indicates the things are more complicated than they seem. If your current situation seems murky… that’s because it is, so my suggestion is to start by cleaning up your act. Make sure you get the clarity you need before jumping to any conclusions because you don’t have all the information at this time. 

Death- Transition. Transformation. Endings- Death is telling you that t is time to let go. You have outgrown something in your life and you are being told to clear it out and make space. There would be no life without death. All things have a cycle and you are being guided to clear away things that are blocking your progress. Where can you make some space this week? When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose?

Overall- This is not the easiest week. You are fighting a battle you can't win and it's draining your energy. It's time to clean up your act, so to speak. Things are murky and whether the shadiness is coming from someone else or from you, it's time for change. The Universe is trying to guide you forward, but you are resisting the shift and so things just keep popping up to challenge you. It's time to let go of what isn't working and say good-bye to things you have outgrown. Make some space to reset and regroup.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/23/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/23/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Pulp Tarot

The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star offers beautiful potential and brings you hope and positive energy. Where do you find inspiration? Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them.   The Star indicates that hope is present and events align for you this week that renew your faith, both in yourself and The Universe. Take a deep breath and consciously let go of any tension you are holding. Close your eyes and make a wish. What are you wishing for? You just might get it.

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy with positive intention, you can create amazing things! 

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gentleness. Energy- It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. If you’ve been feeling scattered, this is a call to reign it in. You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and focused place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your health game this week. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. You have more power to manifest when you are operating from a full tank, and this week that potential is right in front of you. 

Overall- Potential. Potential. Potential- It's time to shine! This week brings you a beautiful renewal of energy and healing and helps you refocus and rededicate your energy. The Universe sends you gifts and blessings that renew your faith and you are being told to put these positive vibes to good use. What are you working on or learning currently? How can you improve your focus? The trick here is to reign it in and prioritize practices that make you feel healthy, calm, and centered.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality-  The Empress brings power and fertility to you. The Empress is so strong and steady in her beauty that life just blooms around her. She is here to help you embrace and embody your power and beauty this week. The Empress manifests quickly because she is embodied and connected to the earthly realm. Get in your body this week. Do things that make you feel beautiful and empowered and then watch that positive energy ripple out and come right back to you. 

Temperance- Harmony. Balance. Healing- Temperance brings healing and harmony your way. Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, is showing up to help you balance your energy. What do you need to feel balanced? It’s time to fill your cup, so make sure you do just that. Do you need a day off, a massage, a yoga class? Schedule in some self- care this week and notice how it shifts things for you. Temperance wants you to get in the flow this week! Your life will flow more easefully  if your vibration is high. How can you raise it?

King of Pentacles- Ambition. Success. Discipline- Success is imminent for you this week. You have been working hard and your hard work is about to pay off. This King of Pentacles wants you to hold the line and keep your focus. You are doing so well! You have been directing your energy in a positive and powerful way, and you are going to reap the rewards of your hard work this week. Take some time to acknowledge how far you’ve come. 

Overall-Wow!  This week looks stunning for you, so prepare to enjoy! Your message is to acknowledge your gifts, beauty, and power. Look around at all you have created and take a moment to feel good about where you are. All you need to do to win this week over is trust in yourself and hold loving and powerful energy and space. Honor your needs, give yourself some extra love, and watch things flow successfully forward.  Expect positive results to come your way.

Pile 3- Feather, Faerie Tarot

Queen of Cups- Intuition. Subconscious. Emotions- There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and tune in to receive them. The Queen of Cups asks you to connect to your intuitive instincts and also your emotions. Have you been acknowledging your feelings or shutting them off? This Queen is here to help you tap into them. It is only in honestly accepting how you truly feel that you can make the changes necessary to move your life forward right now.

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Success. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a new opportunity your way. A positive offer is headed towards you. A new job, a new love, a new potential of some kind is in the cards this week. You are being given the opportunity to manifest something you desire on the physical plane. It’s time to focus. Keep your eyes and ears open this week and pay attention to anything that appears out of the ordinary.

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands is the card of strength in reserves. You've been through a lot and you're tired, exhausted, and maybe a touch overwhelmed. This Nine is saying you've allowed yourself to get into the pattern of believing this is how things will continue to be, but that's not accurate. Can you take a moment to acknowledge all you have worked through and overcome? How can you incorporate those lessons into your current situation?

Overall- First you need to tune in and then you need to look up. You have been denying some inner truth or avoiding your emotions and in doing so, you are blocking yourself from seeing a new opportunity that is quite literally staring you in the face. You are being told it's time to shift gears and your thought process. Stop ignoring your feelings. Give them some attention and then open up to a new way of moving forward. Don't let past struggles prevent you from trying out something new. That something new is just what you need.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/16/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/16/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Everyday Witch Tarot, Broom

King of Swords-  Strategy. Focus. Idealism- The King of Swords represents idealism, lofty goals, power, and judgement. He focuses on strategy and he knows how to get the job done. The power of this King lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. Can you bring more balance into your thought process? Think things through, but don’t get too attached to “your way.” There might be other options that better serve you.

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Disappointment - The Three of Swords brings grief, strife, and conflict to your current situation. Something or someone creates conflict and stress for you this week and you feel betrayed and upset. Acknowledge your feelings and do what you need to do to handle them. Can you use this as an opportunity to clear out something that is no longer serving you? 

Knight of Wands- Impulsiveness. Excitement. Change- The Knight of Wands rides in to shake things up for you this week. Expect the unexpected. Quick change and big shifts are headed your way. If you like change, this week looks exciting. If you tend to resist change, then you might want to shift your mindset. Someone or something shows up this week to challenge the way you’ve been viewing your current situation. The Knight of Wands is calling for you to take action. In the words of Jim Morrison, “The time to hesitate is through.”

Overall- It's time for change. You've been locking up your energy by being a tad too rigid in your thought process. You've been trying to control everything, in order to avoid feeling some feels that need tending. Have you been hyper focusing on work and creating structure and order as a self-protective mechanism? This week brings up some hurt feelings and whether old or fresh, they need to be dealt with. You are being given the opportunity to clear out and move through them, so I suggest you take it. Allow the hurt feelings to say what they need to say, and then move on. Schedule in something fun this week to shift your energy. It's been a bit too heavy in your world. Let's lighten the load.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Stagnation. Attachment- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and it represents clinging too tightly out of fear of loss. When we grip and cling to our attachments, it blocks the flow of energy necessary for growth. What old ideas or patterns are you attaching yourself to? Are you holding on too tightly to an “old story” that no longer resonates with who you are or your current life? Where can you loosen your grip and find your faith this week?

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is all around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- You are exactly where you need to be right now. The Magician says you are stepping up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire.  You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. Stay balanced and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

Overall- You have what you need, so chill out a little bit. You are blocking your flow and abundance out of unnecessary fears. Sometimes we rob ourselves of joy just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why don't you just go buy yourself some new shoes instead?  Trust that you have created the structure and stability you need to move in the direction your heart's desires. There is support all around you, so if you need help, don't hesitate to ask for it. You have the opportunity to make some serious magic this week, so don't miss out on these powerful vibes!

Pile 3- Key, Tattoo Tarot: Ink and Intuition

Ace of Wands-  Creativity. Inspiration. Energy- The Ace of Wands brings bright, shiny, inspiration to you! You are lit up with a new idea, and it's a good one! This Ace brings excitement and fresh energy to your current situation. Open up to possibility and see what kind of magic you can make. Keep your eyes open for opportunities because something or someone lights the fire of inspiration in you this week, and this energy brings a positive shift your way.

Queen of Cups- Mystery. Intuition. Emotions- The Queen of Cups wants you to tap into your magic, intuition, and deepest emotions. She is telling you that deep down you know exactly what you need and she wants you to follow your instincts. What is your intuition telling you? Trust your gut and allow your feelings to flow freely. It's time to get in touch with your desires. Carve out a little quiet time to reflect this week and notice what comes up for you.

Judgement-  Karma. Consequences. Rebirth- Judgement brings a reaping and a rebirth. The energy you have been putting out is now coming back to you. When Judgement appears, we  see the consequences of past actions. Where have you been directing your energy? What has it brought you? This week brings the opportunity to evaluate your current situation. You are at the end of a cycle and it's time to acknowledge what things need to continue and what things you have outgrown. How can you rebirth yourself?

Overall- Embrace the spring vibes that are flowing. It's time for a refresh! This week brings you fresh energy and inspiration and the opportunity to tap more deeply into your intuitive gifts. You are headed toward a big shift. It's an "out with the old, in with the new" kind of vibe for you right now. Focus on what lights you up and inspires you.  Ask yourself, "What does my heart and spirit truly desire at this stage of my life?" Then, allow The Universe to clear out the ways you are blocking your growth and truth. If anything falls away this week, blow it a kiss and let it go. Whatever it is, you don't need it anymore.