Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/27/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/27/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Förhäxa Tarot

Queen of Fire- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Fire wants you to go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, enthusisastic energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing a this time? The appearance of the Queen of Fire suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Seven of Pentacles-  Choices. Timing. Harvest- The Seven of Pentacles has you deliberating a little bit this week.  In looking at the fruits of your current harvest, you may ask yourself if you should continue on the path you've been on or should you expand and maybe take a risk in a new way? The answer is all in the timing. Is this the right time to shift gears or should you keep your focus where it is? 

Four of Earth-  Structure. Stability. Clinging- The Four of Earth is considered “the card of the miser." This Four says you have created solid structure and stability , but you aren't trusting in it. You are blocking your progress out of fear that you will lose something you have gained? Where can you loosen your grip this week and allow the energy to flow a bit more freely? Trust that you have what you need and give yourself permission to let go and grow.

Overall- You are feeling lit up and inspired this week and this energy has you speculating a bit and looking at your options. You are considering trying something new, but your fear of change or loss is keeping you stuck from seeing the clear answer. You have the structure and stability you need, so take your time and decide which is the best path for you at this time. I suggest you focus on what things make you feel the most inspired.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Wands- Magnetism. Warmth Loyalty- The Queen of Wands brings  you the optimism and enthusiasm you need to go after your goals and dreams. This Queen loves life and life loves her right back. The Queen of Wands has confidence in her abilities and is incredibly loyal. She is bringing you that resurgence of faith in yourself this week. Just keep moving forward. You’ve got this. Put your crown on and grab your wand!

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartbreak.Separation- The Three of Swords indicates resounding conflict. Something has reached a peak and you are left with all of the challenging emotions associated with endings. This is a difficult place to be, but remember all stages are transitory and this too shall pass. From this grief, there is the potential for great healing. Let yourself be fully present in your experience and remember that you will get through this. 

Ace of Wands- New idea. Inspiration. Enthusiasm- The Ace of Wands brings an uprush of creative energy to you. This Ace indicates you're feeling inspired and full of a fresh idea. This is brand new potential that has not yet fully manifested, but it's perking you up and making you think of a new way of doing things.  What do you want to be putting your energy into at this time? You are being given an opportunity to rebirth and reboot an aspect of your life. Where can you embrace this change and allow your creativity to flow freely? 

Overall- This week bring a big shift for you. You are stepping confidently into a brighter and bolder version of yourself and in doing so, you're going to have to face and clear out some old emotional baggage. Do not get yourself stuck or blocked by old hurts, betrayals, or resentments. Let that garbage go, and focus on the beautiful new life you are creating. You are moving into a place of inspiration and fresh energy. Do not allow anything or anyone to hold you back.

Pile 3- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords is calling for a time- out. You need to schedule in some rest and recovery this week. This Four wants you to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next. Find your stillness and take the time you need to gather your thoughts and regain your strength. Give yourself some space this week and watch the answers you are looking for magically appear.  A little quiet goes a long way...

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your creative energy, you can create amazing things! 

Four of Wands-  Celebration. Rewards. Support-  The Four of Wands says there is something to celebrate this week. You have beautiful support around you and people who are cheering you on, so keep those people close.  This week brings a beautiful reflection of who and what you want in your life.

Overall-  This week is calling for you to regroup and refocus. If you're feeling a bit fried or burnt out, schedule in some quiet time to find your center. Then, reset and direct your energy toward whatever is most important to you at this time. Think about what you do well and honor your gifts and talents. If you do, you end this week feeling positive and inspired.