Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/16/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/16/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Everyday Witch Tarot, Broom

King of Swords-  Strategy. Focus. Idealism- The King of Swords represents idealism, lofty goals, power, and judgement. He focuses on strategy and he knows how to get the job done. The power of this King lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. Can you bring more balance into your thought process? Think things through, but don’t get too attached to “your way.” There might be other options that better serve you.

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Disappointment - The Three of Swords brings grief, strife, and conflict to your current situation. Something or someone creates conflict and stress for you this week and you feel betrayed and upset. Acknowledge your feelings and do what you need to do to handle them. Can you use this as an opportunity to clear out something that is no longer serving you? 

Knight of Wands- Impulsiveness. Excitement. Change- The Knight of Wands rides in to shake things up for you this week. Expect the unexpected. Quick change and big shifts are headed your way. If you like change, this week looks exciting. If you tend to resist change, then you might want to shift your mindset. Someone or something shows up this week to challenge the way you’ve been viewing your current situation. The Knight of Wands is calling for you to take action. In the words of Jim Morrison, “The time to hesitate is through.”

Overall- It's time for change. You've been locking up your energy by being a tad too rigid in your thought process. You've been trying to control everything, in order to avoid feeling some feels that need tending. Have you been hyper focusing on work and creating structure and order as a self-protective mechanism? This week brings up some hurt feelings and whether old or fresh, they need to be dealt with. You are being given the opportunity to clear out and move through them, so I suggest you take it. Allow the hurt feelings to say what they need to say, and then move on. Schedule in something fun this week to shift your energy. It's been a bit too heavy in your world. Let's lighten the load.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Stagnation. Attachment- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and it represents clinging too tightly out of fear of loss. When we grip and cling to our attachments, it blocks the flow of energy necessary for growth. What old ideas or patterns are you attaching yourself to? Are you holding on too tightly to an “old story” that no longer resonates with who you are or your current life? Where can you loosen your grip and find your faith this week?

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is all around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- You are exactly where you need to be right now. The Magician says you are stepping up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire.  You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. Stay balanced and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

Overall- You have what you need, so chill out a little bit. You are blocking your flow and abundance out of unnecessary fears. Sometimes we rob ourselves of joy just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why don't you just go buy yourself some new shoes instead?  Trust that you have created the structure and stability you need to move in the direction your heart's desires. There is support all around you, so if you need help, don't hesitate to ask for it. You have the opportunity to make some serious magic this week, so don't miss out on these powerful vibes!

Pile 3- Key, Tattoo Tarot: Ink and Intuition

Ace of Wands-  Creativity. Inspiration. Energy- The Ace of Wands brings bright, shiny, inspiration to you! You are lit up with a new idea, and it's a good one! This Ace brings excitement and fresh energy to your current situation. Open up to possibility and see what kind of magic you can make. Keep your eyes open for opportunities because something or someone lights the fire of inspiration in you this week, and this energy brings a positive shift your way.

Queen of Cups- Mystery. Intuition. Emotions- The Queen of Cups wants you to tap into your magic, intuition, and deepest emotions. She is telling you that deep down you know exactly what you need and she wants you to follow your instincts. What is your intuition telling you? Trust your gut and allow your feelings to flow freely. It's time to get in touch with your desires. Carve out a little quiet time to reflect this week and notice what comes up for you.

Judgement-  Karma. Consequences. Rebirth- Judgement brings a reaping and a rebirth. The energy you have been putting out is now coming back to you. When Judgement appears, we  see the consequences of past actions. Where have you been directing your energy? What has it brought you? This week brings the opportunity to evaluate your current situation. You are at the end of a cycle and it's time to acknowledge what things need to continue and what things you have outgrown. How can you rebirth yourself?

Overall- Embrace the spring vibes that are flowing. It's time for a refresh! This week brings you fresh energy and inspiration and the opportunity to tap more deeply into your intuitive gifts. You are headed toward a big shift. It's an "out with the old, in with the new" kind of vibe for you right now. Focus on what lights you up and inspires you.  Ask yourself, "What does my heart and spirit truly desire at this stage of my life?" Then, allow The Universe to clear out the ways you are blocking your growth and truth. If anything falls away this week, blow it a kiss and let it go. Whatever it is, you don't need it anymore.