Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/21/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/21/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Tattoo Tarot: Ink and Intuition

Four of Wands- Celebration. Rewards. Excitement- The Four of Wands is telling you it’s time to celebrate! Expect positive energy and validation from the external world this week. Things are going well, and you are acknowledged and supported. Lean into the good vibes. Enjoy your friends and family. You deserve the blessings that surround you. 

Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Opportunity. Money- The Ace of Pentacles ushers in fresh energy for you this week. This Ace indicates that there is a new opportunity on the horizon and you are being told to open up to it.  Pay attention to any offers that appear this week. What do you want to create at this time?  You are being given the opportunity to manifest something you desire on the physical plane.

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy, you can create amazing things! 

Overall- This week brings you good vibes and the opportunity for some forward movement. You are reaping the rewards of your hard work and you are exactly where you need to be at this time. The energy around you is positive and full of potential. You are being called to consider a new way of utilizing your skill and gifts. Keep your eyes open for a new opportunity this week. Bring some fun and joy into your daily tasks and watch things open and expand in a beautiful way.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Page of Wands - Optimism. Enthusiasm. Creativity-The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm. It’s time for movement!  A new path has opened up for you and you’re feeling both excitement and trepidation about stepping onto it. Don’t hesitate. You’ve been holding yourself back out of fear of change or fear of not being ready and it’s time to let those fears go. All new ventures require a risk. It’s time to take the leap. The message for you is to follow through on whatever it is that lights you up and brings you energy. 

Eight of Swords-  Bondage. Stress. Denial- You are keeping yourself trapped and stuck and clinging to old ways of being that no longer serve you. No one is doing this to you. You have tied up and blind-folded yourself. Your refusal to face the reality of your current situation is the problem. Take a deep breath, take off the blind-fold, and look around. It’s not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. It’s time to take responsibility for your situation, and move forward. 

Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Abundance -Love overflows and good things are headed your way. Focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. Look for the synchronicities  big and small, and pay attention. Appreciate the blessings in your life this week. The more you appreciate what you have, the more easily you will manifest your desires.

Overall- Let's go! It's time to shake the dust this week. Can you tap into the springtime energy of growth and movement? Your creativity is calling or screaming for some attention. You're keeping yourself stuck by blocking your energy and The Universe is trying to push you forward. There is love and contentment waiting for your right now. All you need to do is bring a little more fun and light hearted energy to your current situation. Notice any ways you block yourself from enjoying your life. How can you shift this energy?

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands is the card of strength in reserves. You've been through a lot and you're tired, exhausted, and maybe a touch overwhelmed. This Nine is saying you've allowed yourself to get into the pattern of believing this is how things will continue to be, but that's not accurate. Can you take a moment to acknowledge all you have worked through and overcome? How can you incorporate those lessons into your current situation?

Queen of Wands- Strength. Creativity. Loyalty- The Queen of Wands is here to remind you that you have the strength and courage necessary to shift through this difficult period. You need to find your fire power. The Queen of Wands is bold and impulsive and she is here to help you make the shift you need to get yourself back on track. When things are hard, it’s easy to wallow and sink into it. This Queen doesn’t have time for that. She suggests you shake it off and embrace the change. 

Six of Swords - Acceptance. Understanding. Movement- The Six of Swords brings acceptance and understanding to your current situation. This Six brings balance and a bit of harmony to the table. What do you need to learn right now? How can you begin to integrate those lessons? It’s time to allow your mind to work for you instead of against you. By accepting where you are, you can begin to understand and integrate your lessons and use that information to move forward. By the end of this week, you will know what to do

Overall-  You've been feeling challenged for some time and you're getting into the mindset that it's permanent. It's not. Everything shifts eventually and  you are being given the opportunity to shift things up this week. You need to tap into your confidence and reconnect to your optimism. A  positive attitude can go a long way. You need to accept where you are right now and begin to take steps forward. It's time to move out of the fighting stance  you've been holding onto. Instead of wishing things to be  different than they are... can you accept the current situation and work with what you've got?