Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/30/25
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/30/25
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Dragon, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
Eight of Cups- Loss. Release. Sadness- The Eight of Cups indicates sadness and sometimes depression. You are struggling emotionally and the message this week is that a release of some kind is being called for. It’s time to walk away from what isn’t working. If you’ve been fighting and clinging to something that has been blocking your soul’s progress, the message is to let it go of what no longer serves you and make space for what does.
Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent- The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up, dust yourself off, and shift gears. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week. Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs?
Queen of Cups- Emotions. Intuition. Desires - The Queen of Cups is here to help you swim down into the depths of your emotions to hone in on what you truly desire and wish for. The Queen of Cups wants you to tap into your magic, intuition, and deepest feelings. She is telling you that deep down you know exactly what you need and she wants you to follow your instincts. What is your intuition telling you?
Overall- So many feelings... You've been stuck in the muck and feeling down and out and maybe a little depressed. Something has ended or needs to end and you're sinking into your emotions about it. Whatever is making you sad is not worth all of this turmoil, so how can you release some of this angst? Intuitively, you know what you need and desire, so shift your focus, rebalance your emotions, and refocus your energy. It's time to work your magic...
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility- You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. The Two of Pentacles is telling you to put your creativity to work this week. It’s time to play with your options, lighten up, and maybe take a risk. You have energy flowing out in multiple directions and you are trying to find the balance. Stay flexible, open and optimistic this week. A positive shift is headed your way.
The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality- It’s time to step into your power and count your blessings. You have been holding yourself back and the time for that is over. It’s time to shine. You need to get into your body, embrace your power, and stand in your truth. The Empress represents abundance and fertility. You have the power to manifest what you desire right now, so use it. It’s time to step up.
Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance- The Ace of Cups brings a beautiful opening. The focus here is on love and abundance. What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay open and connected to your heart’s desire. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them expand when you do.
Overall- You've got options and it's time to weigh them out. The good news is that there is more than one way to get what you want this week, and the stars are definitely aligned with the cards in your favor. All you need to do is own your power and magic and stay open to receive the abundance that is headed your way...
Pile 3- Key, Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms
Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted- The Ten of Wands indicates a state of feeling overwhelmed, overburdened, and just flat out tired. You’ve been taking on more than you can handle and it’s starting to catch up with you. It’s time to put some of the things down. Is everything you’re carrying around yours or are you carrying other people’s work, burdens, issues for them? It’s time to re-evaluate how much energy you have in a day and look at how you’re spending it. You need to recharge and reset. Where can you delegate? What can you release and let go of this week?
Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Guile. Secrecy- You’ve been blocking your flow by staying overly guarded and mistrustful in your current situation. What are you afraid of? Are those fears valid? And also, do you need to keep holding onto all of them? Maybe it’s time to make a list of your fears, worries, and anxieties and take an honest look at your current situation.
Three of Wands- Vision. Clarity. Satisfaction- Your ships are about to come in. The Three of Wands brings energies together. Things are starting to flow more ease-fully for you, and this week you are being given the support that you desperately need. Stay open to positive collaborations or help from others and keep focusing on your vision. The more clarity you have, the easier it will be to manifest your desires.
Overall- You are being your own worst enemy right now. You're frying your energy by taking on more than you can actually handle and not trusting anyone to help you. The Universe is sending you support this week, so open up to receive the help. Things are not nearly as dark as they seem. Stop making it more difficult than it needs to be...