Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/19/25

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/19/25

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Eight of Wands- Action. Movement. Flow -The Eight of Wands indicates movement and blessings. You are being guided right now, and this week brings the opportunity for positive changes. If you feel you’ve been stuck or stagnant, that is all shifting for you. Pay attention to the signs and messages that are being sent your way. There is potential for great progress. Go with it…

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy; and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing a this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Success. Abundance-  The Six of Pentacles brings generosity and benevolence. You are being given exactly what you need to shift gears at this time.  Abundance and generosity are headed your way. Expect a positive offer or the help that you have been looking for to show up. Say “Thank you” to the Universe when it does.

Overall- Good vibes only... The Universe is sending you blessings and energies align for you in a truly gorgeous way. All you need to do this week  is embrace your creativity, move forward with confidence, and watch The Universe reward you for it. All of your hard work is paying off and this week brings you some much needed positive energy.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gentleness. Focus- It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. If you’ve been feeling scattered, this is a call to rein it in. You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and steady place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your game this week. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. You have more power to manifest when you are operating from a full tank, and this week that potential is right in front of you. 

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- You are right on track with your goals and visions. The Two of Wands represents energies coming together to push you forward on your path.  You are being reminded to hold the vision and trust the process. The more clarity and focus you have on your creative vision, the more ease-fully things will align for you, so decide where you are headed this week and watch The Universe conspire to help you get there.

Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Opportunity. Money- The Ace of Pentacles ushers in fresh energy for you this week. This Ace indicates that there is a new opportunity on the horizon and you are being told to open up to it. You have fresh energy to work with, so pay attention to any offers that appear this week. What do you want to create at this time? You are being shown that you have what you need to start something fresh.  You are being given the opportunity to manifest something you desire on the physical plane.

Overall- This week brings a sense of renewal your way, so get ready for it. You are being told to focus your energy on what you want and stay open to a new and positive opportunity to present itself. Start by drawing your energy inward and make sure you are operating from a full cup. This will help you manifest what you desire. Then, keep your vibe positive and things will flow beautifully. You are being pushed forward on your path, so stay open to possibility...

Pile 3- Dragon, Smith-Waite Tarot

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skills- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have gifts and talents that require attention. You've been working hard on elevating your skills to achieve your goals and plans. This Eight brings extra focus and dedication to your creative projects. What are you working on right now?

Three of Pentacles- Collaboration. Validation. Support- The Three of Pentacles brings positive support your way. Your plans are being backed up by The Universe, and this week brings you validation and helpful collaborations. Your goals and ideas show great promise, so keep moving forward with them. How can you continue to develop and enhance the things you are working on? Keep an eye out for help and accept it when it is offered.

Page of Swords- Curiosity. New ideas. Enthusiasm- The Page of Swords brings fresh, curious, and childlike energy your way. This Page is interested in exploring and experiencing the world, without getting too caught up in the mundane details. What have you been wanting to learn or explore? The Page of Swords is here to help you take a step in that direction; and he wants you to open your mind to new ideas and fresh possibilities. 

Overall- You are working hard right now, and you may not need to work as hard as you're working. You've had your nose to the grindstone so intensely that you're actually blocking some potential. The Universe is sending you support and help and you need to open up to allow it in. There is fresh energy and a new perspective waiting for you when you do. The message is to lighten up a little bit and breathe some fresh air and energy into your projects.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/12/25

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/12/25

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Ace of Wands- Creativity. Energy. New beginnings-  This Ace brings a surge of creative energy and potential to you this week. The Universe wants you to tap into your creativity. What inspires you? How are you using your gifts and talents? What has been calling to your spirit to learn, explore, or delve more deeply into? The energy around you is supporting growth. Use it.

Seven of Cups- Choices. Options. Illusions-  The Seven of Cups is considered the card of “castles in the air,” and it indicates a need for choice. There are a myriad of potentials and possibilities floating around, and it's time to seek clarity and get some perspective on what is real and what is an illusion. You are getting yourself stuck by deliberating all of your choices, so prioritize what is most important and focus your energy.

Page of Wands- Creativity. Inspiration. Play - This week brings fresh inspiration and new ideas. It’s time to think outside the box. Allow the positive energy that surrounds you to enhance your growth. The Universe wants you to let your creativity flow and expand this week. Write, draw, sing, dance… do something that gives your creativity space to play. 

Overall- You are feeling excited and inspired and lit up with fresh energy. Your challenge this week is to not let this energy get scattered. You can only do so many things at one time, so pick and choose which things are most important for this week. Then, give yourself permission to have fun in exploring and trying them out. It's time to usher in a fresh approach.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Connection. Higher Learning- The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of The Divine. The Hierophant is here to teach you something important this week. What are the lessons in your situation? Where can you utilize your challenges to further your spiritual growth? You are being divinely guided, so pay attention to the messages a play.

Justice- Justice. Balance. Order- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and principles and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more justice into your life? It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.

Eight of Wands- Movement. Flow. Imagination- The Eight of Wands brings a release of energy. This Eight signals that there is the opportunity for a shift or movement this week. Something has re-ignited your inspiration, and you are feeling that it's time to make some changes happen.  You feel ready to charge ahead to get yourself out of the place you've been stuck in.

Overall- There are spiritual lessons at play for you in your current situation. The message is to set some serious boundaries around your time and energy. Own your worth, stick to your ideals, and focus on what you want and deserve. If you do, the energy starts to flow forward for you in a much more beneficial way.

Pile 3- Feather, Le Tarot des Sœurs Sorcières

Deux d'Eaux- Connection. Love. Partnership- The Two of Cups speaks to connection, love, and emotional fulfillment. It's time to examine your existing partnerships. What do you desire at this time? What kind of partnership are you looking for? Do you want to attract a new relationship or enhance an existing one? This week you are being told to focus on your desires and move toward making them a reality.

La Force- Courage. Strength. Self-discipline-  It’s time to dust yourself off and pull it together. A little strength and self-discipline is being called for. Strength challenges you to get your ego in check. We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control and manage our energy and responses to it. I want you to pay attention to how you are utilizing your energy at this time. Strength challenges you to embrace your courage and make the steps necessary to move your life forward.

Deux de Cieux- Stagnation. Conflict. Denial- The Two of Swords brings tension and a stalemate. You need to make a choice and you’ve been avoiding the choosing. Part of the issue is that you are refusing to look at the big picture. It’s time to take off the blindfolds, take down your guard, and open your mind to seeing both sides of your situation. Once you do, take a deep breath and make a move. You are the only one keeping yourself stuck.

Overall- Your relationships are being brought to the forefront this week. Whether you are in partnership or you are looking for partnership, you're struggling and feeling emotionally frustrated. Can you bring a little self-discipline in and notice how you are handling your current stress and conflict? You may need to step back and look at the situation more clearly in order to see the best steps forward. If you are feeling challenged in your partnership, you may need to shift your attitude. If you're looking for love, you are blocking it in some way, so take some time to consider what you truly desire. Are you moving toward it or away from it?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/5/25

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/5/25

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Soul Cats Tarot

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Spirituality. Guidance- The Hierophant indicates that this week is calling for you to find connection. The Hierophant bridges the link between our human physical reality and the energy of God, Source, Spirit. Take a look at your spiritual practice. How can you center and re-focus it?  If you don’t have a steady spiritual practice, the arrival of The Hierophant suggests you explore one that is calling to you. Keep an eye open for messages from The Universe, while you’re at it.

Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Achievement. Optimism- The Three of Wands indicates early success. Energies are coming together and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. It is important to acknowledge the growth and process you have made, but there is still work to be done, so you need to stay strong and steady and not get complacent. Keep your focus this week and don’t let yourself get distracted. 

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth. 

Overall- This week is calling for you to check in with Spirit, The Universe, your intuition.. How are you connecting spiritually? There are important lessons for you this week. The Universe is guiding you (or trying to) by bringing you exactly what you need at this time to move forward, so stay open to receive the help that is offered. You are being put on notice that it is time to stand strong and raise the bar. Stick to your ideals and principles and slice through anything or anyone holding you back (metaphorically speaking)...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Flexibility. Balance. Fluctuation-  The Two of Pentacles brings a shifting in circumstances, often financial ones.  This Two indicates that while you are striving for balance, things may feel quite out of balance. Don’t get too hung up here. Change is our only constant. Do your best this week to work with the energy you have to work with and keep an open mind. You just might stumble upon an unexpected solution to your current problem. 

Five of Cups- Regret. Betrayal. Loss- Something needs to be released this week. This Five says that you are feeling down and out, but all is not lost. Don’t cling to anything that no longer serves you. If you are feeling depressed or depleted, consider ways to regroup your energy and revitalize your spirit. Focus on what you still have to work with instead of what isn't working.

Page of Swords-  Gossip. Challenge. Irritability - This Page of Swords is saying there are too many opinions coming at you right now, and none of them are actually helpful.  Gossip and negative speech are indicated here. The message from this Page is to shut out the negative chatter that is surrounding you or floating around in your mind. Do not let yourself get swayed by the opinions of others or your own negative self-talk.

Overall- Things have been in flux for some time and you'e been trying to figure out the best way to work with the energy around you. The challenge here is that it's time to release some negativity that is blocking your growth and holding you back and to stop worrying about other people's opinions while you're at it. Don't drink the hatorade. It's toxic...

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Knight of Wands- Quick change. Inspiration. Fun- Expect the unexpected in the best way possible this week. Inspiration is coming for you! This might take the form a person who charges in and inspires you, or it could be a new idea that magically appears. The important thing to keep in mind is to stay open and pay attention. This Knight rides in hot and heavy and brings a good time along with him.

The Chariot-Movement. Will. Control. Movement- The Chariot arrives this week to remind you to gather your strength and utilize your will and focus to move forward. If there is an aspect of your life you’ve been looking to shift or progress, now is the time to make a move. You will have better luck if you have a strategy in place. The more focused and harnessed your energy and will are, the more successful you will be. 

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Cycles-  The Empress is telling you to get grounded and celebrate being in your body. It’s time to tap into your sensuality and confidence and move forward from that beautiful space. You are at a very powerful place this week, and you have the potential to get exactly what you want. You need to take some time to connect to yourself, in whatever way serves you best. Fertility surrounds you right now, so enjoy the abundance. 

Overall- LFG! What are you waiting for? It's time to make some big moves this week! There is the opportunity for growth and change and the message is to go for it, so get going. What lights you up? What do you want right now? Focus on it and then direct your energy toward it. You've got everything you need to make the magic happen this week.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/29/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/29/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Tarot

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need, so trust your instincts. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, and sense of innate knowing.

Two of Cups-  Love. Connection. Partnership- The Two of Cups brings love, connection, and partnership to the table this week. You have beautiful support around you. Take some time to really connect with your partner or close friends. Open up for some heart to hearts. There is magic in the connection waiting for you. Soak it up, soak it in, and know that you are loved.

Knight of Swords- Change. Movement. Action- The Knight of Swords is telling you that it is time to make a move. This Knight brings the energy to charge forward with focus, and that is what you need to be doing this week. How can you move forward with your plans and goals? Decide what you want and go after it.

Overall- Let's go! You have a lot of powerful energy to work with this week, so don't waste it. It's time to trust your inner wisdom and step and into your magic. You have all the support you need and blessings around you to begin to move in the direction of your goals and dreams. "The time to hesitate is through..."

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Knight of Cups- Love. Desire. Illusions- The Knight of Cups is in love with love, and he brings attention to your desires and wishes. This Knight rides in with a charming proposal of some kind, but sometimes he can get lost in his own illusions. What are you desiring at this time? Is what you think you want truly in your best interest?

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- You’ve been in this fight for so long that you just feel exhausted and like you don’t have the strength necessary to keep going. Although you are feeling exhausted and depleted, you do have the reserves necessary to finally be done. My message for you regarding this is to stop playing defense and start taking offense.  Sometimes it’s in our biggest challenges that we find the reserves we need to rise up and face what is in front of us. 

Death- Transformation. Release. Cycles- Death brings the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. Transformation is coming for you this week. What old ideas, ideals, and  belief structures need to die so that you can clear out and make room for new growth? Your experiences have brought you a deeper understanding of what is really important to you. You are recognizing what things truly matter and learning to let go of the things that don’t. 

Overall- Is the thing that you're wishing for really in your best interest? I'm feeling that it isn't and this week some turbulence up ahead is trying to make that point. It's time to clean house, clear out, and release what isn't working, so you can make space for what does. It may be time to shake up the etch-a-sketch and start over.

Pile 3- Seashell, Cosmic Tarot

Four of Wands-  Celebration. Success. Rewards-  The Four of Wands says it’s time to celebrate! You are being rewarded this week, and you are surrounded by people that support you. Have fun with all of this! Maybe plan something fun this week… either with your family, partner, or friends. This Four is calling for a good time, so make one happen!

The Fool- Change. Opportunity. Divine timing- The Fool brings you opportunity, and a chance to take a leap into the unknown. There are times in life where we are given a chance to leap, and while there is no guarantee on where the leap will land us, these leaps of faith are necessary for growth. Pay attention to any opportunity that comes your way this week. 

Ten of Cups- Love. Joy. Contentment- The Ten of Cups brings joy and love to you this week. Lean into the love this week and focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life.  Expect good luck and positive energy to fill all your cups. You have blessings to count, so count them and watch them grow and expand as you do.

Overall -Good vibes only this week! You are reaping the rewards of all the energy you've been putting out and blessings are being sent your way. This week brings a new opportunity and it's one you deserve, so grab it when it appears. All you need to do to win this week is to move through it with optimism and faith and soak up the abundance that surrounds you.


As we prepare to roll into 2025, here’s my yearly pep talk on why I think you should drop kick the New Year’s Resolutions…

Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick…

January 1st rolls in and suddenly everyone is ready to jump start a new life. We resolve to eat better, work-out more, find a word of the year, etc. It feels like fresh energy and motivation is flying ALL around… for about a month. Ever wonder why so many of us fall off of our well intentioned “resolutions” by February?

Well, here’s my witchy take on it…

It’s the WRONG time to be setting resolutions and getting all revved up. Mama Nature doesn’t support it. From a pagan perspective, Samhain (Oct. 31st), which is the Witch’s New Year, until Imbolc (Feb. 1st), is thought of as the dark time of the year. These months are about slowing down and doing the inner work, a time for rest and recuperation so that when spring comes, we are rejuvenated and ready to begin again.

However, in our society, we don’t do this. We spend November and December in a flurry of hustle and bustle of “the holiday season.” Instead of slowing down and embracing the darkness, we amp ourselves up with socializing and shopping and just being busy. The calendar turns to January 1st and we decide to give ourselves and our lives a make-over, which, if we are being honest, we probably don’t have the energy for. Then, we beat ourselves up when we slip or fall off our well intentioned “resolutions.”

We aren’t even halfway through winter yet. Yule was only a week and a half ago...It’s cold and everything is dead or hibernating outside, so why would this be the time of year to make massive shifts and changes?

If we are living our lives in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth, now is just not the time.

Our next pagan holiday is Imbolc (Feb. 1/2). Imbolc marks the end of what is known as the dark time of the year, and we honor the return of the light and the Goddess Brigid, but we’re not there yet. Imbolc is still a whole month away.

My offering to you is to take the next month and reset. Allow yourself the time you need to rest and recoup, and really listen to what your mind, body, and spirit are calling you to do. How can you recharge your system, so as the days grow longer and we move toward spring, you have the energy you need to make this year amazing? How would it feel to make your “resolution" was to take January to slow down, rest, reflect, and recharge?

🧹 What do you need to release from 2024? Let’s not carry old habits forward. Write it down and rip it up. Let it go…

✍🏾 ✨Reflect- What have you learned in 2024? Take some time to write down how you feel the overall energy of this past calendar year flowed. If you had to pick a tarot card that embodied the energy of your year, what would it be? Hit reply and tell me which card and why….

🔮 Set a Tarot intention for 2025- Choose a card from the Major Arcana that you would like to embody the energy of this year OR separate out your Major Arcana from your Minor Arcana and ask the tarot which card is your focus for the year.

❤️ Snuggle IN and do something kind for yourself-
How can you nurture yourself this week?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/22/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/22/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Page of Cups- Love. Renewal. Healing- You are in desperate need of some serious self-care, so I suggest you schedule some this week. Do something nice for yourself and only connect to those who make you feel loved and supported. You need to refill and replenish your energy. The Page of Cups brings gentleness and sweetness your way. How can you cultivate more of that energy this week? Make yourself and your emotional well-being a priority.

Two of Pentacles- Fluctuation. Ideas. Flexibility- You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to use the energy you’ve got around you? This Two is telling you to put your creativity to work this week. It’s time to play with your options, lighten up, and maybe take a risk. You have energy flowing out in multiple directions and you are trying to find the balance. This Two is suggesting you stay flexible, open and optimistic this week because a positive shift is headed your way. 

Queen of Cups- Emotions. Intuition. Mystery- The Queen of Cups is the embodiment of emotion. This Queen honors her feelings and knows how to trust her intuition. She is calling for you to tune into your deepest desires and intuitively use your magic to draw them toward you. This Queen is here to help you swim down into the depths to hone in on what you truly desire and wish for.

Overall- You are in a beautiful place of rebirth and renewal... solstice vibes all the way. This week you have options available and the message is to stay flexible in your approach as you move through your days. By taking your time and gently weighing out your options, you may notice things flowing more ease-fully than you anticipate. You are being told to tune in to your intuition and trust in your magic. Your emotional well being will improve if you do...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? You've been working hard... perhaps a bit too hard and it's time to reconnect to the joy in your craft.

Nine of Swords- Fear. Anxiety. Stress- The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare.” This Nine brings up great anxiety and foreboding of the future. If you have been feeling stressed and anxious, it’s time to breathe and take a step back. You are obsessing and making things worse than they actually are. Your situation is definitely challenging, but succumbing to your fears and projections is only making the situation worse. You are letting your anxiety get the best of you, and it isn’t serving you well right now. It’s time to take back your power.

Nine of Wands- Exhaustion. Struggle. Depletion- When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, one last struggle shows up to test you. Take a deep breath. You’ve been through worse. Find your determination and willpower and regroup your energy. You’re exhausted and depleted and feel like you just can’t cope. It’s time to dig down and find your reserves. You do have what you need to move through this challenge. Resilience is the name of the game. 

Overall-  You've been working hard and really putting your nose to the grindstone and you feel like you're not getting anywhere you want to be. Your current situation is causing you quite a bit of stress and anxiety and it's preventing you from seeing clearly, making things seem worse than they really are. You've got a bit of a struggle up ahead, so the message is to dig down, find your strength, and keep on keeping on... You're almost through this challenge. "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Pile 3- Dragon, Faerie Tarot

Knight of Wands- Change. Inspiration. Movement- Creative potentials fly in for you this week (if you allow them). There is fresh energy available to work with. Expect the unexpected in the best way possible. Inspiration is coming for you! This might take the form a person who charges in and inspires you or it could be a new idea that magically appears. The important thing to keep in mind is to stay open and pay attention.

Queen of Swords- Idealism. Boundaries. Strength- The Queen of Swords brings clear, logical thinking and decision making to the table. She knows what she wants, and she isn’t afraid to be clear about it. While there are times where her directness is called for and welcome, my cautionary message for you this week is to perhaps notice where your idealism is actually creating separation and disconnect from your loved ones. Are you setting impossible standards for yourself or others?

Three of Cups- Connection. Happiness. Celebration- Feel the love this week. Lean into your people. Enjoy your family and friends. Make sure you soak up the connections that are in your life. You have a lot of support surrounding you right now. Tell your loved ones you appreciate them. Be in your gratitude. There is magic in pausing to celebrate. These moments are important. 

Overall- The Universe is trying to give you a push forward. There is the opportunity for a positive shift or change on the horizon but you're blocking your flow with your concept of perfectionism. How can you ease up on yourself (and others)  and take some time to enjoy your life more fully? The focus for you this week is to allow some fun to flow in. Life moves fast. Enjoy the ride...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/15/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/15/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Knight of Wands- Enthusiasm. Inspiration. Movement- The Knight of Wands rides in with an exciting opportunity. This Knight brings heat. There is an offer that comes your way this week. Whether it’s work, relationship, or travel, it feels both enticing and a little risky. Just go for it. Jump on the horse and give it a chance. Say yes to the date, book the trip, or put that idea out there. You are ready for the next adventure. Go for it!

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Success. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a new opportunity your way this week. A positive offer is headed towards you. Think raw potential… A new job, a new love, a new creative venture of some kind is in the cards this week. You have extra manifestation power at this time, so use it. When opportunity knocks, open the door and invite it in for coffee. 

Queen of Wands- Enthusiasm. Confidence. Inspiration- The Queen of Wands shows up to lend you some fire power this week. This Queen loves life and she wants to help you do the same. Are you in need of a confidence boost? Tap into your inner Queen of Wands and focus on what you're creating in your life at this time. Focus on taking action in a way that feels fun and watch things move forward beautifully.

Overall- It's officially "Go" time this week! You are feeling inspired and optimistic, and The Universe is totally meeting your vibe! A new opportunity is present for you, and it's one you deserve, so snatch it up when it appears. You should feel happy and confident flowing through this week, so enjoy it!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Five of Pentacles-Challenge. Difficulty. Loss-The Five of Pentacles brings stress, worry, or loss of some kind your way. Something or someone shakes you up this week and your instinct is to let your self-doubt take over. Things are not going according to "your" plan and the stress of your current situation is getting the best of you. Challenges arise to inspire us to grow and rise up. What can you learn from this situation? There is an important lesson for you this week. Learn the lesson, so you can move on.

Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Change. Kismet - Expect the unexpected when the Wheel of Fortune appears. You are being put on notice that a karmic shift of some kind is headed your way. When the Wheel turns, it usually indicates a cycle has come to an end, and The  Universe has a plan for where you are headed next or you are being redirected in some way. Pay attention and stay open to the change is my best advice for this week.

The Emperor- Success. Achievement. Stability- The Emperor is telling you that you can, in fact, get what you want. You just need to decide what it is and move forward fearlessly toward it. The Emperor wants to see your desires and goals achieved in the physical reality. What do you need to do to make them happen this week? 

Overall- You've been feeling down and out and you are letting yourself get dragged down by worry and stress. Things have not been going the way you would like, and it has you doubting yourself and your abilities. This week something unexpected occurs and gives you the clarity you need to shift out of this. It's time to decide what you want, boss up, and remember who you are. You have everything you need to succeed, so gather your courage and go after what you want.

Pile 3- Key, Tarot Egyptien Art Nouveau

Knight of Cups- Love. Romance. Desire- The Knight of Cups rides in with the promise of emotional fulfillment. This Knight brings love, emotional harmony, and a charming proposal of some kind. Expect positive energy to come rushing in for you this week. This Knight wants to bring you whatever it is your heart desires.

The Tower- Collapse. Disruption. Upheaval- The Tower shakes thing sup this week. The Tower indicates disruption and upheaval and usually some type of challenge. With the appearance of The Tower, something is being shaken loose for you. My advice is to look at the message behind the collapse. Let what needs to crash and burn, crash and burn. When the dust settles, you can rebuild in a way that better suits your current situation.

Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Serenity. Dreams - The Six of Cups brings up nostalgia. Sometimes an old love from the past returns or a long lost dream or wish now seems possible of manifesting in your world. This week something or someone that you had given up hope on returns and stirs up old feelings for you. Do not get stuck in the past. Consider what you have learned and how you can work this situation into your present life. Whether this works for you now is up to you. You have the power to create the life you desire. Don’t forget that.

Overall- If something seems to good to be true... read the fine print. This week you are being swept up in what you think you want, but whatever that is isn't quite what it seems. There is a bit of turbulence up ahead, so if something comes crashing down, don't fight it. Instead, listen for the message it's sending. You are being pulled by something from your past and it's time to be honest with yourself about whether this person or thing fits into your future...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/8/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/8/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Nine of Cups-  Blessings. Joy. Love- The Nine of Cups is known as "the wish card" in the tarot. This Nine indicates you are about to reap the rewards of your efforts and the manifestation of a cherished dream. The Nine of Cups represents the achievement of your heart’s desire. Love, happiness, and contentment are all present for you right now. Be grateful for the gift’s that arrive this week...

Page of Cups- Love. Renewal. Birth- The Page of Cups brings the opportunity to birth something new. This Page wants you to get in touch with your emotions this week. What do you desire? What makes you feel joyful and loved? That's what you need more of right now. Take extra gentle care of yourself this week and focus on bringing more loving and nurturing energy in to your world.

Queen of Wands- Confidence. Inspiration. Loyalty- The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want. This Queen loves life and life loves her right back; she has faith in her abilities and is incredibly loyal. She is bringing you that resurgence of faith in yourself this week.  The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Overall- Everything is coming up roses for you! You are surrounded by love and positive energy, and you are being given the opportunity to rebirth yourself and refill your cup. All you need to do this week is enjoy your life and allow your creative energy and inspiration to flow freely. If there's something you've been wishing for, find the confidence to go after it.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Eight of Swords- Indecision. Anxiety. Stagnation- The Eight of Swords indicates a state of bondage and stagnation. You feel stuck and you’re afraid to make a choice. Your fears of making the “wrong” choice is making you feel trapped, but the only person really keeping you in this state is you. It’s time to take off the blinders and take an honest look at your current situation. Your stress and anxiety is blocking the clarity you need...

The Sun-  Hope. Optimism. Trust -  The Sun brings hope, optimism, and positive energy your way. Just as the sun rises each day with the opportunity for new growth and new experiences, The Sun in the tarot brings the reminder of faith and the possibility of renewal.  Help is available to you, so accept it when it is offered. Looking forward and keeping an optimistic attitude is your way off the struggle bus this week. Things are not as difficult as they appear.  Have faith in yourself! You have what you need. 

The Star- Hope. Faith. Inspiration- The Star brings the beautiful message of faith, hope, and healing. What inspires you? Who or what encourages you to flourish? Focus on bringing more of that energy toward you this week. There is a need to refill your cup and allow some healing to occur. The Star wants you to reconnect with your hope and aspirations. Where can you make space for something that inspires you?

Overall- You're feeling stuck and trapped, but the only one keeping you stuck is you. You need to shift gears and look at all of the positive things that are working out for you right now. You have everything you need, to so have faith in yourself and your abilities and move forward with optimism and trust.

Pile 3- Dragon, Fantastical Tarot

Two of Cups- Partnership. Connection. Relationships-You need support right now. Think about your relationships? What do they look like… what do they feel like? Do you feel seen, heard, and understood?  Whether you need time with your partner or a night out with your friends, your soul needs support right now. If you’ve been feeling out of balance, reach out to someone you love this week.

Knight of Pentacles- Determination. Focus. Perseverance-The Knight of Pentacles brings slow, steady energy to the table this week. You are being guided to focus your energy and to remember that slow and steady progress is still progress. You may be feeling stuck and like you’ve been in a holding pattern for some time. Hold your commitment to your plans or goals, and keep working at it. 

Five of Wands- Struggle. Conflict. Limitations- The Five of Wands brings a battle your way this week. Things are not working out in the way you would like, and your instinct is to keep struggling and fighting. I’m going to tell you right now that you won’t win this one by force. Compromise is being called for. Stop fighting, make a plan, and check in with your intuition. How can you best achieve your desired goals? Brute force won’t cut it. You need to find a solution that you can live with.

Overall- The focus this week is on your partnerships. You feel like you're not getting the support you need, and it seems like a relationship is stuck in the muck and causing you stress and it's creating quite a bit of conflict. How can you step down out of your fighting stance and approach this situation from a different angle? Compromise is the name of the game. If you can't find the balance, it may be time to ask for help and get an outside perspective.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/1/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/1/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Mermaid Tarot

Four of Swords- Introspection. Recovery. Stillness- The Four of Swords indicates a need to step back and recover. In other words, it’s time for a time-out. You’ve been through a lot recently and you’re hurting. This week you need to take a step back and give yourself some space to heal and get your thoughts together. It would be wise to seek some solitude this week. Where can you carve out quiet time? 

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands is the card of strength in reserves. You are tired, exhausted, and maybe a touch overwhelmed. This Nine is saying you've allowed yourself to get into the pattern of believing this is how things will continue to be, but that's not accurate. Can you take a moment to acknowledge all you have worked through and overcome? How can you incorporate those lessons into your current situation?

The Fool- New beginnings. Risk. Faith -  It’s time to jump! The Fool says you are at a critical juncture in your growth process, and the only way to grow is to take that leap of faith that is sitting right in front of you. You have reached the end of a cycle in your life, and things need to shift and change. Renewal of spirit is being called for. Jumping into the unknown can be scary, but there are certain points in life that require it. You are at one of those points right now. 

Overall- You are in desperate need of a break. The Universe is calling for you to step back this week and give yourself some time and space to regroup and recover. You've been struggling recently and just when you think you're at the end of your rope... one more struggle arrives and just really seems to push you over the edge. The message here is that it is past time for a fresh start. You need to try something new. How can you open up to change?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

King of Pentacles-Success. Ambition. Manifestation- You’ve been working very hard to achieve your goals, and your hard work is paying off. The King of Pentacles wants you to acknowledge your success and take a moment to honor all that you have been able to manifest in your life recently. You have the world in your hands, and you have a lot of power working for you right now. The King of Pen can get overly focused on success. This King of Pentacles telling me that you may be hyper focusing on the end goal. Can you take a moment to appreciate where you are?

Five of Cups- Disappointment. Sadness. Release-   The Five of Cups indicates sadness, disappointment, and  the need for a release of some kind. Think about what is no longer serving you and let it go. Yes, I know the release is painful and endings are challenging, but this heartache is not nearly as painful as the pain of blocking your own growth. Clinging will only add to your stress. Something isn't working and the message this week is to let it go and refocus your energy on what is truly serving you at this time.

Two of Swords- Conflict. Indecision. Denial- The Two of Swords indicates there is a situation you don’t want to face honestly. You are afraid to look at the truth of the matter. The truth is that being this guarded isn’t getting you anywhere. It’s time put the swords down, open your eyes, and honestly look at your choices.Then make a decision to take a step forward.

Overall- You're putting so much pressure on yourself to achieve and succeed that it's actually stressing you out and blocking your progress. You need to find your faith in your gifts and abilities and let go of what isn't working, so you can make space for what you truly need and want. You're creating conflict by refusing to make a choice of some kind. How can you take one step forward this week?

Pile 3- Broom, Fairytale Tarot

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality-  The Empress brings power and fertility to you. The Empress is so strong and steady in her beauty that life just blooms around her. She is here to help you embrace and embody your power and magic this week. The Empress manifests quickly because she is embodied and connected to the earthly realm. Get in your body this week. Do things that make you feel beautiful and empowered and then watch that positive energy ripple out and come right back to you. 

Knight of Cups- Love. Desire. Proposal- The Knight of Cups rides in with some truly gorgeous energy. This Knight wants to give you your heart's desire. The Knight of Cups brings the promise of emotional fulfillment. This Knight brings love, emotional harmony, and a charming proposal of some kind. Expect positive energy to come rushing toward you.  The Universe is bringing you a gift this week, so stay open to receive it, and say "Thank you" when it appears.

Queen of Pentacles-  Abundance. Magic. Sensuality-  The Queen of Pentacles wants you to get into your body. This week is calling for you to ground your energy and manifest from a place of power. This Queen is beautiful and sensual and she knows her worth. Are you owning yours? Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic.

Overall- Wow! What a powerful and truly gorgeous week! You have excellent manifestation power at your fingertips, so make the most of it this week. Focus on what you desire and watch it flow right toward you. You deserve to have the things you want and all you need to do is believe in that truth to create the magic you desire. Good vibes headed your way, so get ready to enjoy the ride...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/24/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/24/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Dragon, Vampire Tarot

Six of Cups - Nostalgia. Reflection. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings you in touch with something you had wished for in the past but may have given up on. This Six of Cups indicates that a dream from the past may now be possible of manifesting in your future. Whether this is an idea or a person, it's floating around your energy field this week. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. Does this person or plan fit into your current life?

The Hermit- Introspection. Isolation. Illumination - The Hermit suggests you need a time-out. It’s time to withdraw and turn your attention inward. Often, there is so much external stimuli that we get out of touch with own inner truth. The Hermit wants you to take time to connect with yourself and your intuition. The type of introspection The Hermit brings often illuminates something. Look inward for the messages this week. 

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- The Two of Wands represents energies coming together to push you forward on your path. Are you moving in the direction of your dreams or away from them?  You are being reminded to hold the vision and trust the process. The more clarity and focus you have on your creative vision, the more ease-fully things will align for you, so decide where you are headed this week and watch The Universe conspire to help you get there.

Overall- This week brings a blast from the past. Whether this is a person, a memory, or a dream, it's pulling your attention backward when you should be focusing your energy forward. Take some time to reflect and consider if this thing fits into your current life at this time or if it's time to leave it in the dust.  The Universe is propelling you forward. Don't look back. You're not going that way.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence-  The Ten of Pentacles represents a time of contentment and security. The focus for you this week is on appreciation. Find your gratitude for your life and your loved ones and pay attention to all of the blessings that surround you. You have been working hard and your hard work has paid off. You’ve reached a period of stability and you should be proud of what you’ve accomplished. 

Six of Wands- Success. Victory. Recognition- It's time to celebrate! The Six of Wands is considered the “victory” card in the tarot. Whatever your question is, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” You’ve got this! Expect support, positive recognition, and to feel good about yourself this week. If you haven’t taken a moment to celebrate all you’ve achieved recently, I suggest you do so this week. You’ve been working hard, and your hard work is paying off. Enjoy it!

Ace of Swords- New ideas. Conflict. Awakening- Often, when we make a big shift in life, it generates conflict in those around us. When you step into your magic and begin to move things forward, it may threaten others who aren’t ready to make their own changes. If you find yourself facing any resistance this week, stand strong, hold your sword steady, and cut through anything that is blocking your growth. Do not allow anyone or anything to hold you back!

Overall- You are being told to take a moment to bask in all of your achievements. You have created beautiful things in your life and success is all around you. This week brings some positive validation and support, so expect to be recognized for all of your hard work. The Universe is telling you to hold your focus and slice through anything or anyone that is blocking this gorgeous flow you have going on...

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Eight of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Bondage- The Eight of Swords indicates feeling stuck and trapped in your current state. Your refusal to look honestly at the reality of your situation is what is keeping you stuck and blocked. How are you keeping yourself bound up?  You are letting your fears and self-doubts blind you. By refusing to move forward, you are keeping the conflict going. Sometimes the only way out is through. Can you look at this problem from a different angle?

Nine of Wands- Exhaustion. Struggle. Reserves- When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, one last struggle shows up to test you. Take a deep breath. You’ve been through worse. Find your determination and willpower and regroup your energy. You’re exhausted and depleted and feel like you just can’t cope. It’s time to dig down and find your reserves. You do have what you need to move through this challenge. Resilience is the name of the game. 

Knight of Swords-  Disruption. Change. Conflict- The Knight of Swords brings a sudden shift to your current situation, and this is the type of quick change that is often accompanied by a bit of turbulence. This Knight tells me you’re going to have to take action this week. It’s time for a big change. What do you need to get out of this sketchy situation?  It’s time to slice through it. After you figure out what you need, grab your sword, hop on your broom and fly toward it.  

Overall-  You've been feeling stuck and trapped, but the only one keeping you stuck is you, boo. You've been on the struggle bus for so long, that you're not recognizing that this is your stop and it's time to get off. You just need to get going and move to free up some of this energy. Sometimes just a small step can lead to big change. It's time to get moving. What are you waiting for?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/17/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/17/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Dragon, The Gilded Tarot

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Connection. Higher Learning- The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of The Divine. The Hierophant is here to teach you something important this week. What are the lessons in your current situation? Where can you utilize your challenges to further your spiritual growth? It’s time to look for the inner messages here. The Universe is teaching you something important at this time.

Seven of Wands - Conflict. Competition. Struggle-  The Seven of Wands brings a competitive struggle to you this week. Whether you are actually in a challenge with someone or this is simply a struggle of comparing yourself to other people… stop. None of this is worth your energy. You do you, boo. It’s time to focus your energy on own life. Stop worrying about the opinions of others and definitely stop comparing yourself to anyone else. 

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent-  The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up, dust yourself off, and consider how you have created this state. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.  Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

Overall- You are in the midst of an important spiritual lesson, but you're wasting too much time comparing yourself to others and focusing on what isn't working to see it. The Universe is guiding you in some way, and you need to step down out of your fighting stance and look at your situation from a fresh perspective. If you've been struggling and dissatisfied with present circumstances, perhaps the circumstances and/or your attitude about them need to change. It's time to shift gears...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Cups- Intuition. Subconscious. Emotions- There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and tune in to receive them. The Queen of Cups asks you to connect to your intuitive instincts and also your emotions. Have you been acknowledging your feelings or shutting them off? This Queen is here to help you tap into them. It is only in honestly accepting how you truly feel that you can make the changes necessary to move your life forward right now.

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. The Queen of Swords represents quick- thinking and intelligent mental processing. This Queen of Swords is calling for an honest look at both your life and your relationships this week. Where are you feeling blocked from expressing yourself truthfully and how is that impacting your present state of mind?

Five of Cups- Disappointment. Sadness. Release-  The Five of Cups indicates sadness, disappointment, and  the need for a release of some kind. Think about what is no longer serving you and let it go. Yes, I know endings are challenging, but releasing this energy drain is not nearly as painful as the pain of blocking your own growth. Clinging will only add to your stress. Something isn't working and the message this week is to let it go and refocus your energy on what is truly serving you at this time.

Overall-  This week you need to honor your emotions and tune in to your intuitive instincts. If you are feeling emotionally out of touch or out of balance, it's a message that you need to set some serious boundaries around your time and energy. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you truly want. There is a release of some kind that is necessary, so let go of what isn't working and turn your attention to what is....

Pile 3- Feather, Faerie Tarot

Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Reflection. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings you in touch with something you had wished for in the past but may have given up on. This Six of Cups indicates that a dream from the past may now be possible of manifesting in your future. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. What can you do to move in the direction of them? 

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- The Two of Wands brings your goals and visions to the forefront of your attention. What do you want your life to look like? Are you headed in that direction or away from it? This Two says you are being guided at this time, so pay attention to the messages you receive this week, in whatever form they arrive. It's time to get moving on your true path. Hold the vision and trust the process.

The Hermit- Introspection. Isolation. Illumination - The Hermit suggests you need a time-out. It’s time to withdraw and turn your attention inward. Often, there is so much external stimuli that we get out of touch with our own inner truth. The Hermit wants you to take time to connect with yourself this week. The type of introspection The Hermit brings often illuminates something. Look inward for the messages this week. 

Overall- This week you are contemplating an old dream or relationship and trying to decide if it works into your current life situation. The Universe is lining things up to push you forward on your path, but you need to take your time right now and tune to receive the messages on which way to go. There is no rush. Pay attention and watch for signs this week...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/10/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/10/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Patience. Perseverance- The Knight of Pentacles represents hard work and steady progress. This Knight says you have been working hard on your goals with beautiful focus. Stay dedicated to the task at hand because you are on the right track. Small consistent steps lead to big change. If you are feeling impatient with your progress, know that you are right where you need to be.

Strength- Courage. Self-discipline. Power - Strength arrives to bring you courage. How are you utilizing your strength? Are you using your energy in the best and most efficient way possible? Strength suggests that self-discipline will help you to achieve your goals. Strength also brings you the courage you need to step into your power and go after the things you want. Keep your eye on the prize.

Queen of Cups-  Magic. Intuition. Desires- The Queen of Cups is highly intuitive and she wants you to tap into your deepest desires and emotions. What do you truly desire? Are you fully acknowledging your feelings at this time? The Queen of Cups is reminding you to trust your intuition, honor your emotions, and work on manifesting your dreams into reality.

Overall- You've got this. You have been steadily working on your goals, and you have made more progress than you realize. If you aren't feeling that, take some time to write down all that you have achieved recently and you'll see what I mean. You just need to keep moving forward with focus and self-discipline and trust that your desires are moving toward you, as you make your way toward them. You deserve to have all the things you want...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Swords-  Intelligence. Idealism. Boundaries- The Queen of Swords is here to help you set some serious boundaries this week. This Queen is intelligent and analytical, and she expects the best from herself and those around her. Occasionally, she can throw herself out of balance with unrealistic expectations of "perfection." If you're feeling dissatisfied, take some time to check in with yourself. Are you expecting more than is humanly possible? I feel you may need to ease up on yourself.

Three of Cups- Love. Support. Connection- The Three of Cups brings supportive and loving energy your way. You have positive vibes flowing around you, so lean into them. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is all around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it

The Chariot- Movement. Will. Conflict- The Chariot arrives this week to remind you to gather your strength and utilize your will and focus to move things forward. If there is an aspect of your life you’ve been looking to shift or progress, now is the time to make a move. You will have better luck if you have a strategy in place. The more focused and harnessed your energy and will are, the more successful you will be. 

Overall- You are pushing yourself too hard, and you are trying to do and be all the things. You are only human.  It's OK to allow others to help you and in fact, it's necessary. You have support available, so ask for what you need. It will make things much easier, and you will feel more focused, powerful, and ready to make a shift.

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Queen of Wands-  Strength. Creativity. Loyalty- The Queen of Wands shows up to remind you that you do indeed have everything you need. She suggests you find the confidence needed to pick up your creative projects and do what you can do bring them into the world. Do not get stuck or allow your flow to be blocked by anyone else’s negative opinions. You know what you need to do, so do it. 

The Hierophant- Spiritual Guidance. Philosophy. Lessons- This is a time of higher learning for you. It is time to discover your own personal connection to The Divine. If you have been wanting to find a stronger spiritual connection, the time is now.  Explore meditation, tarot, oracles, crystal bowls… whatever is speaking to you. The Universe has messages for you pertaining to your spiritual growth. You need to find a way to listen and hear them.

The Fool- Faith. Opportunity. Optimism-  The Fool brings fresh energy and a new opportunity. The Fool represents the beginning of a cycle. It's time to make a move and take a leap. The Fool has vision and the impulse to follow his vision, even if he doesn’t know how it will turn out. This week brings the opportunity for a fresh start. How can you optimistically take a step forward this week?

Overall- It's time to put your energy and enthusiasm to good use! This week you are being called to have some serious fun with your day to day routine. How can you bring some optimism and positive energy in? There is an important spiritual lesson on the horizon and it's one that is trying to push you forward out of your comfort zone, so pay attention to receive it. It's time for change, so if an opportunity knocks, invite it in for coffee and hear what it has to say...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/3/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/3/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Dragon, Fantastical Tarot

The Lovers-Choices. Potentials. Decisions- What do you desire? You have options surrounding you, but you're so wrapped up in something right now that you're not able to see things clearly. The Lovers represents a need for mature and conscious choices. Are you making wise decisions at this time or are you allowing yourself to get distracted by drama? Make sure you are utilizing your energy in a way that truly serves your highest truth.

Four of Pentacles- Hoarding. Clinging. Jealousy- The Four of Pentacles warns against clinging too tightly. It’s impossible to grow, shift, and change without letting go and releasing old patterns, ideas, ways of being. Where are you getting stuck? Take an honest look at what is triggering to you, and utilize that energy to keep pushing yourself forward.

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith-  The Two of Wands brings your goals and visions to the forefront of your attention. What do you want your life to look like? Are you headed in that direction or away from it? This Two says you are being guided at this time, so pay attention to the messages you receive this week, in whatever form they arrive. It's time to get moving on your true path. Hold the vision and trust the process.

Overall- This week is calling for you to find your focus. You're getting yourself distracted and blinded by your desires and it's blocking your flow. Trust that you have what you need and think about your goals and plans. Are your current choices moving you in the direction of your dreams or away from them? The Universe is trying to give you guidance this week. Stay open to receive it.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Seven of Cups- Options. Choices. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is the card of "castles in the air" and indicates that there are multiple options available to you at this time. Sometimes even when we know we need a change, we can hold ourselves back by not making a choice. Check them all out and stay open to possibilities this week. Then pick the one that best serves your needs at this time. Trust yourself. You know the right path. 

Eight of Wands- Movement. Flow. Imagination- The Eight of Wands brings a release of energy. This Eight signals that there is the opportunity for a shift or movement this week. Something has re-ignited your inspiration, and you are feeling that it's time to make some changes happen. You feel ready to charge ahead to get yourself out of the place you've been stuck in. Pay attention to the signs and messages that are being sent your way.

Page of Cups- Self-love. Renewal. Birth - The Page of Cups brings renewal to your spirit this week. You are birthing something new in your life. Whether it’s a new project, job, love, family…  it’s something that brings you joy and fulfillment, but you have been expending a lot of your energy on it. You have beautiful potential surrounding you, but make sure your own cup stays full… Don’t give way all your energy.  It’s time for some good old-fashioned self-care, self-love, and self-reflection. It’s much easier to create from a place of balance. This is a gentle reminder to recharge your batteries. 

Overall- You have multiple options available to you at this time, but you're allowing yourself to get stressed about trying to choose the best one. Right now things are flowing beautifully for you and you need to trust in the divine timing of things. The energy surrounding you is positive and you are preparing for a rebirth and renewal, so relax and enjoy the ride.

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging-  The Four of Pentacles is considered “the card of the miser” and it warns against clinging too tightly. This Four indicates that the structures and stability that you currently need are in place. Sometimes when things are going well, there is a fear that it will all be taken away or that someone or something will try to “steal” it from us. Take a breath and relax. This type of clinging or fearful hoarding will only stunt your growth. Loosen your grip and trust that you are where you need to be. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

Six of Pentacles-  Success.  Abundance. Manifestation-  Success is within your grasp. You are being given an opportunity, and it’s one you deserve. This week brings the manifestation of all you have been working towards. Money, energy, and powerful support are all around you. Accept what is being offered and take a moment to feel proud of all you have accomplished. You’ve been working hard and your hard work is paying off. 

Prince of Swords- Change. Movement. Action- The Knight of Swords is teling you that it is time to make a move. This Knight brings the energy to charge forward with focus, and that is what you need to be doing this week. How can you move forward with your plans and goals? Decide what you want and go after it.

Overall- What are you waiting for? You have exactly what you need right now to make some serious power moves. You have created the structure and security you need and you have success and positive energy right in front of you. It's time to jump on your horse and get a move on. Go after whatever it is that you want! You have exactly what you need to get it!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/27/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/27/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Eight of Cups- Abandonment. Release. Loss- Time to let go… Let go of what is no longer working. Let go of anything or anyone that is holding you back. ’Tis the season for it, anyway. What do you need to release to free up energy and space in your life? Where can you walk away from what isn’t working? The Eight of Cups can indicate loss, but loss isn’t always negative. Sometimes the release is called for, and this is the time of year to honor and release what you no longer wish to carry.

The Hierophant- Spiritual teacher. Lessons. Connection- The Hierophant indicates that there are spiritual lessons afoot for you this week. The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human physical reality and the energy of The Divine. How are you connecting to Spirit? If you have been feeling disconnected, the appearance of this card indicates the week brings you an opportunity to find your connection. There are important lessons at play in your current situation. Stay open to receive them. When in doubt, step back and look at the big picture. Then, maybe get some spiritual guidance for clarity. 

Five of Wands- Struggle. Conflict. Limitations- The Five of Wands brings a battle your way this week. Things are not working out in the way you would like, and your instinct is to keep struggling and fighting. I’m going to tell you right now that you won’t win this one by force. Compromise is being called for. Stop fighting, make a plan, and check in with your intuition. How can you best achieve your desired goal? Brute force won’t cut it. You need to find a solution that you can live with.

Overall- It's time to let go and release. It's Samhain week, so we have reached the end of a full turn of the Wheel and it's time to clear away what you no longer need or wish to carry. There is a spiritual lesson for you in this release and you are being told to stay open to receive the messages you need for clarity. You are making this harder by fighting and struggling. How can you shift your focus and let go with more ease and grace?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Nine of Pentacles- Success. Achievement. Rewards- It’s time to take a moment to honor all of your hard work and count your wins. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that your hard work is all paying off and you are about to reap the rewards. Expect positive energy to head your way this week. You have been putting steady and loving energy into your life and your projects, and The Universe wants you to recognize how well you are doing. 

Page of Cups- Self-love. Renewal. Birth- The Page of Cups brings renewal to your spirit this week. You are birthing something new in your life. Whether it’s a new project, job, love, family…  it’s something that brings you joy and fulfillment, but you have been expending a lot of your energy on it. You have beautiful potential surrounding you, but make sure your own cup stays full. Don’t give way all your energy.  It’s time for some good old-fashioned self-care, self-love, and self-reflection. It’s much easier to create from a place of balance. This is a gentle reminder to recharge your batteries. 

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Success. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a new opportunity your way this week. A positive offer is headed towards you. Think raw potential… A new job, a new love, a new creative venture of some kind is in the cards this week. You have extra manifestation power at this time, so use it. When opportunity knocks, open the door and invite it in for coffee. 

Overall-  This week is truly gorgeous! All of your hard work is paying off and you start to see the results manifest. You are being told to focus on renewal of your mind, body, and spirit, and stay open to new opportunities. Self-love, nurturing, and growth are all highlighted, so move through this week with confidence in the abundance that you have created and watch that abundance continue to grow and expand.

Pile 3- Dragon, Vampire Tarot

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Perseverance- The Knight of Pentacles brings steady and grounded energy. This Knight knows the value of hard work and he dedicates himself to the task at hand. You've been working very hard at your goals and the message is to keep up the good work! You've got this. Just stay on track and keep your eye on the prize. Hold the line and stay focused. Where are you headed? What are you working towards?

Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction. Success. Achievement- The Nine of Pentacles indicates a time of feeling pleased with yourself and your accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back, and acknowledge that all of your hard work has paid off. You’ve built and created something steady and solid, and you should feel proud of it. Count your blessings and your wins this week. Look at all you’ve come through and take a minute to appreciate where you are. 

Six of Wands- Victory. Success. Recognition-  The Six of Wands is the “victory card” in the tarot. Success is your word of the week. Anything you touch turns to gold this week, so touch everything (just wash your hands first). The message this week is to own your power, move with confidence, and go after what you want. With this kind of energy in your corner, you will get it! 

Overall- You have been working hard and you are being told to keep on keeping on... Your hard work is all about to pay off and you start to reap the rewards of it this week. There is victory, positive energy, and success on the horizon, so move forward with confidence and claim your prize with joy and enthusiasm!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/20/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/20/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Le Tarot des Sœurs Sorcières

Le Seigneur de la forêt - Chaos. Manipulation. Desires- The Devil represents our base desires, our shadow instincts that we sometimes deem unacceptable for life and society. The Devil also represents the feeling of being out of control or the feeling of being controlled by others. Where are you giving away your power? Where are you hiding parts of yourself? The Devil is showing up to tell you to reclaim all aspects of yourself. All transformation comes through shadow work, so it’s time to dig in.

L'Ermite - Introspection. Isolation. Illumination - The Hermit suggests you need a time-out. It’s time to withdraw and turn your attention inward. Often, there is so much external stimuli that we get out of touch with your own inner truth. The Hermit wants you to take time to connect with yourself this week. The type of introspection The Hermit brings often illuminates something. Look inward for the messages this week. What is your Spirit trying to tell you?

Les Amoureux- Choices. Consequences. Desires-  Take a look at your relationships. What choices are you making in them? The Lovers implies a choice of some kind is called for. You have options and The Lovers is reminding you to look at the consequences associated with each option before choosing.  Whether you are choosing between two partners or between focusing your energy on love vs work, or deliberating between creative projects, make sure your choices are going to get you what you want. Don't allow raw emotion to override your judgement.

Overall- This week is bringing you face to face with your shadow self. Things have gotten a bit chaotic and you you feel like you're losing control. The message is that you need to slow down, step back, and give yourself a chance to regroup. There are messages waiting for you, but you're not quieting down enough to receive them. You need to decide if your desires are actually in your best interest and really take some time to consider the consequences of your actions before making any definitive choices. Look before you leap this week.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Wands-  Strength. Creativity. Loyalty- The Queen of Wands shows up to remind you that you do indeed have everything you need. The Queen of Wands brings optimism and positive energy. She suggests you find your confidence, pick up your creative projects, and do what you can do bring them into the world. Do not get stuck or allow your flow to be blocked by anyone else’s negative opinions. This Queen embraces her magic, and she is here to help you do the same.

The Hanged Man- Delays. Faith. Sacrifice - The Hanged Man brings a delay or hold up of some kind. When The Hanged Man appears, it indicates that something is not happening as quickly as you would like, and often this delay brings some frustration along with it. The Hanged Man is a very spiritual card and reminds us to have faith in the divine timing of things. If you feel you've been hanging around waiting for something or someone and it's just not working out, the message this week is that there is a reason for it. Try to have patience and look for signs.

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is all around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

Overall- You've got a lot of energy and you know what you want, but you feel like you're not getting there quickly enough. The message this week is, "All in good time." There is the need for a sacrifice of some kind. If you feel hung up, how can you let go and trust that the Universe has your best interest at heart? This week there is loving and supportive energy surrounding you. Lean into it and watch things shift forward in a beautiful way. Stop pushing yourself so hard and enjoy the ride...

Pile 3- Key, Egyptian Art Nouveau Tarot

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Sensuality. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles brings abundance and success. She is comfortable in her own skin and very clear about her needs. This Queen wants you to honor your body’s needs and to recognize the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. The Queen of Pentacles manifests quickly because she is in tune with her physical world. It’s time to ground your energy and focus. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want, so it’s time to get clear on exactly what you want this week.

The Hermit-Isolation. Truth. Reflection-It is time for a time-out, my friend. You need a break. Take a breather and give yourself some time to process. You’re in the midst of an important life lesson right now and it’s not an easy one. This week, The Hermit is calling for you to slow down and step back. You need some time to find your truth before making taking action. Look for the messages and stay open to receive the information you need. The Hermit holds his lantern to light the way for you. Tune in to your instincts and trust what your intuition is telling you.

Seven of Pentacles- Deliberation. Decision. Opportunity- The Seven of Pentacles indicates a time where a decision must be made… usually one involving your work. You are being given the option to continue working on what you’ve been working on or to take a risk on a different path. The advice for this week is to weigh out your options before making your choice. Make sure you have all of the facts and information you need before you decide what to do. 

Overall- This week you are being reminded to step into your power and give yourself permission to take your time. You have everything you need to manifest what you desire, but you need to step back and focus to figure out exactly what that is. You have the option to continue on your current path or branch out and try something new. Should you hold steady or should you take a risk is the question of the moment... The answer is within. Don't rush the process.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/13/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/13/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Cosmic Tarot

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Understanding. Insight- The Six of Swords brings acceptance, insight, and understanding. Even if things aren’t exactly the way “you want them to be” at this time, the best way to move forward is to accept where you are and figure out a way you can work with the energy surrounding you. Be present and trust your process. Making choices from a calm and clear mind is highly recommended. No rash decisions this week. It’s one foot in front of the other. Focus on the task at hand.

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step into your magic. Your intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, and sense of innate knowing. You need to tap into and utilize all of your gifts.

Two of Swords- Conflict. Tension. Anxiety- The Two of Swords indicates a state of tension or angst, where you are keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make a decision of some kind. This Two represents a stalemate. Are you afraid to make a choice because you’re worried about creating conflict? You’re only making things worse for yourself by refusing to act. It’s time to decide what you want, make a move, and go after it.

Overall- You are in need of some serious clarity, and this week you are being told to calm your mind and tune in to your intuition to find your answers. The solution to your current situation isn't as complicated as you are making it out to be. It seems you are blocking your own flow out of fear of creating conflict or making the wrong choice. Trust your instincts and listen to your intuition. You know the right move for you, so take it...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Hermit- Introspection. Isolation. Illumination - The Hermit suggests you need a time-out. It’s time to withdraw and turn your attention inward. Often, there is so much external stimuli that we get out of touch with our own inner truth. The Hermit wants you to take time to connect with yourself this week. The type of introspection The Hermit brings often illuminates something. Look inward for the messages this week. 

Queen of Cups- Emotions. Intuition. Mystery- The Queen of Cups is the embodiment of emotion. This Queen honors her feelings and knows how to trust her intuition. She is calling for you to tune into your deepest desires and intuitively use your magic to draw them toward you. This Queen is here to help you swim down into the depths to hone in on what you truly desire and wish for. Let her show you the way...

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope and optimism your way this week. The energy around you is high and powerful. Enjoy it and use it! Have fun and trust that everything is in perfect alignment for you right now. You have good luck and positive energy to work with. The Sun brings clarity to your situation, and you can now move forward with joy and enthusiasm.

Overall- You need to take time to turn your energy inward this week. There have been too many outside influences and your answers lie within. Tune in to your intuition and give yourself permission to focus on what you most desire. There is beautiful energy waiting to help you bring these desires into reality. The Universe is bringing you clarity and positive energy. Stay open to receive it...

Pile 3- Dragon, Faerie Tarot

Eight of Wands-  Movement. Release. Imagination- The Eight of Wands brings a beautiful release of energy. This Eight brings action and movement, especially after a period of delay or struggle. Things are beginning to flow forward in a more positive direction, and it’s a welcome break from the stress you’ve been dealing with. Your challenge is to open up and use your imagination to create what you desire.

Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Achievement. Optimism- The Three of Wands indicates early success. Energies are coming together and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. It is important to acknowledge the growth and process you have made, but there is still work to be done, so you need to stay strong and steady and not get complacent. Keep your focus this week and don’t let yourself get distracted. 

Justice- Justice. Balance. Focus- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and principles and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life? What power do you have in this? How can you utilize that power in a calm, rational manner. It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.

Overall - This week brings a welcome shift of energy. Things are starting to flow more ease-fully for you, and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. The trick for you at this time is to find your balance and set your boundaries so that you can continue to move forward with the things that you are working on. Don't be afraid to say "No" to things that don't fill your cup. Only say, "Yes" to what does...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/6/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/6/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Vampire Tarot

Page of Wands- Inspiration. Optimism. Creativity-The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm your way. It’s time for movement and change. A new path has opened up for you, and you’re feeling both excitement and trepidation about stepping onto it. Don’t hesitate. You’ve been holding yourself back out of fear of change or fear or not being ready and it’s time to let those fears go. All new ventures require a risk. It’s time to take the leap. The message for you is to follow through on whatever it is that lights you up and brings you energy. 

Strength-Pride. Ego. Courage- It’s time to tap into your inner power this week. Strength arrives to remind you that you have everything you need to move forward positively in your life. This week is a call to draw on your inner power and confidently take steps toward your dreams and goals. The Universe is supporting your decisions. It is time for you to trust your instincts and stand your ground. You know what you need. Go get it. 

Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Opportunity. Money- The Ace of Pentacles ushers in fresh energy for you this week. This Ace indicates that there is a new opportunity on the horizon and you are being told to open up to it. You have fresh energy to work with, so pay attention to any offers that appear this week. What do you want to create at this time? You are being shown that you have what you need to start something that excites you. Stay open to possibilities...

Overall-  It's full steam ahead this week!  Focus on what inspires you and go after it with gusto. This spread says that the ideas or plans that have been percolating in your brain have percolated long enough, and The Universe is offering you the opportunity to take action on bringing these dreams into reality. Find your courage to go after what you want and watch the right doors magically open up for you...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence- The Ten of Pentacles represents a time of contentment and security. The focus for you this week is on appreciation. Find your gratitude for your life and your loved ones and pay attention to all of the blessings that surround you. You have been working hard, and your hard work has paid off. You’ve reached a period of stability and you should be proud of all you have accomplished. 

Strength- Courage. Strength. Self-discipline- It’s time to dust yourself off and pull it together. A little strength and self-discipline is being called for here. Strength challenges you to get your ego in check. We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control and manage our energy and responses to it. I want you to dig in and find your strength this week. Do what makes you feel strong and empowered.  Strength challenges you to embrace your courage and make the steps necessary to move your life forward.

Page of Swords- Fresh ideas. Curiosity. Gossip- The Page of  Swords brings a burst of fresh energy, new ideas, and a change in your thoughts. It’s time to shift and give yourself permission to grow with new ideas and new ways of thinking and being. This Page can also indicate gossip or negative speech from others. When we make changes, it can trigger fear in the ones around us… sometimes resulting in negativity being thrown around. Do not drink the “hatorade.” It’s toxic. Release things and people that do not serve you...

Overall- You have everything you need at this time, so take a moment to appreciate all that your hard work has brought you. You're manifesting beautiful things and you need to acknowledge all you've done to get here. This week you are being told to harness your strength and use your energy wisely. Don't get thrown off course by anyone else's negative vibes and don't waste your time on people who don't deserve it...

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

The Hanged Man- Delays. Faith. Sacrifice -The Hanged Man brings delays. When The Hanged Man appears, it indicates that something is not happening as quickly as you would like, and often this brings some frustration along with it. The Hanged Man reminds us to have faith in the divine timing of things. It looks like you've been hung up on something that is only causing you stress and keeping you stuck. This Hanged Man is suggesting you trust in divine timing. Maybe what you’re waiting on isn’t quite ready for you yet or maybe it's not what you need at all...

Page of Swords-  Gossip. Challenge. Irritability - This Page of Swords is saying there are too many opinions coming at you right now, and none of them are actually helpful.  Gossip and negative speech are indicated here. The message from this Page is to shut out the negative chatter that is surrounding you. Only you know what is right for your life. Do not let yourself get swayed by the opinions of others.

Seven of Wands-Competition. Struggle. Battle-The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle of some kind is in the cards for you this week. This Seven brings competition and a battle. Whether it’s internal or external, you’re being challenged to find the place where you get the attention or recognition you feel you deserve. You’re getting too caught up in the comparison game, and it’s creating conflict. Stop worrying about what other people are doing, thinking, or saying. You’re not getting anywhere with this attitude. It’s time to focus on what you have to work with. 

Overall- Whoa! Hard stop. Pause. Breathe. Look around. You've been feeling frustrated and stuck and you are allowing other people's opinions and your own negativity to cloud your judgement and create stress and conflict. None of this energy is serving you, so I suggest you shift gears in a big way before you head into this week because going the way you're going is only leading you to more stress. Look for the messages involved here. It seems to be you're on the wrong track. How can you move in a direction that better serves you?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/29/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/29/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Five of Wands- Struggle. Battle. Compromise- The Five of Wands tells me you've been on the struggle bus for some time, and you feel you're fighting a fight you can't win.  If you keep hitting obstacle after obstacle, stop beating your head against a wall, and consider a different approach. The way you're going about things is bringing you more frustration than is necessary. Step back and look at your situation from a different angle. If this approach isn't working, find one that does.

King of Pentacles- Success. Ambition. Manifestation - The King of Pentacles brings steady, confident, and grounded energy your way. This King is self-assured and knows what he wants. Do you know what it is that you want? The King of Pentacles encourages you to find the focus and courage you need to boldly claim what is yours. Success is within your grasp, so go after it. This King excels at manifesting. Let him show you how to succeed...

Nine of Pentacles- Rewards. Achievement. Satisfaction - The Nine of Pentacles indicates a time of reaping the rewards of all of your hard work. This Nine says that you are about to get what you deserve, so take the time to acknowledge how far you've come. Expect positive energy to head your way. Count your blessings and watch them grow and expand as you do.

Overall-  You have the opportunity to shift gears this week into a much more positive direction. You've been fighting a fight you can't win and the message is to change your approach and get out of your own way. The way off the struggle bus is to let go of what isn't working and focus on your skills and talents. Put your energy into your goals and plans with confidence, and watch The Universe reward you for it.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Hanged Man- Stagnation. Faith. Suspension- The Hanged Man says that you have been feeling stuck and stagnant in your current situation and you're frustrated with the seemingly lack of progress. The Hanged Man brings hold-ups that are karmic, so think about what you have learned from being in this state and have faith that things will shift in the way that they are meant to shift.

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Success. Money- Success is imminent at this time. You are being given exactly what you need to make exactly what you want happen. Abundance and generosity are headed your way. Expect a positive offer or the help that you have been looking for to show up. Say “Thank you” to the Universe when it does. Abundance and gratitude beget more abundance. 

Ace of Swords- New ideas. Justice. Conflict- Often, when we make a big shift in life, it generates conflict in those around us. When you step into your magic and begin to move things forward, it may threaten others who aren’t ready to make their own changes. If you find yourself facing any resistance this week, stand strong, hold your sword steady, and cut through anything that is blocking your growth. Do not allow anyone or anything to hold you back!

Overall- You've been feeling stuck and stagnant and like things are not progressing quickly enough, but that all changes this week. The Universe brings you a generous and positive new opportunity, so keep your eyes open so you don't miss it, and grab it when it appears. This offer or energy encourages you to take a fresh approach to your current situation and brings some much needed new energy in. Don't be afraid to go after what you want.

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance is calling for balance this week. If you’ve been feeling out of balance, utilize some energy this week to regroup and recharge. Temperance is here to remind you that you will do better work and create and manifest more effectively if you are operating from a place of health and balance. How have you been treating yourself? Are you eating well? Sleeping enough? Scheduling in time for self-care? Temperance wants you to get in the flow this week...

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- The Two of Wands brings your goals and visions to the forefront of your attention. What do you want your life to look like? Are you headed in that direction or away from it? This Two says you are being guided at this time, so pay attention to the messages you receive this week, in whatever form they arrive. It's time to get moving on your true path. Hold the vision and trust the process.

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Re-birth- Judgement arrives this week to tell you that divine timing is at hand and at work for you right now. Expect the rewards of hard work you have put in to show up in ways both expected and unexpected this week. You have made it to the end of a cycle and it is time to refresh, recharge, and prepare to begin anew. With the appearance of Judgement, it’s time to consider what cycles have reached their natural endings. Where can you relinquish and re-birth? Don't get stuck judging your progress. You are where you are meant to be.

Overall- This week is calling for you to find your flow and focus on your vision and goals for your life path. How can you bring more balance into your days? The more centered and calm your energy is, the better things around you will flow. This week you are reaping the rewards of your past actions, and you are being given the opportunity to re-birth yourself on some level. Give yourself permission to release anything or anyone that has been holding you back...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/22/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/22/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Smith-Waite Tarot

The Hanged Man- Sacrifice. Letting go. Spiritual hold-ups - The Hanged Man indicates that things are not moving as quickly as you would like. Often, The Hanged Man brings the need for a sacrifice of some kind. As we transform and grow, things need to be released. What old habits, thoughts, relationships, or  ideas do you need to let go of? What are you hanging on to that is keeping you in this feeling of stagnancy?  If you feel you keep hitting roadblocks, it may be time to pause and consider a different route.

Knight of Cups- Love. Desire. Romance- The Knight of Cups rides in to bring your desires to the forefront of your attention. What are you wishing for? The Knight of Cups is in love with love, and he brings beautiful romantic energy, but sometimes he can get stuck in his own illusions. What are you wishing for at this time, and is what you want truly in your best interest?

Eight of Cups- Release. Sadness. Mourning- The Eight of Cups is a "walk away" card. It's time to let go of something that is no longer working. Is there something or someone in your life you have outgrown? This week might be time to clear out, so you can make space for fresh ideas and new energy. The Eight of Cups brings a release of some kind, and it can bring a mourning of what was along with it. Feel your feelings, but don't get stuck here.

Overall- Your heart’s desire is on a little bit of a delay. I’m not saying you won’t get what you want, but you probably won’t get it this week. You need to trust and have patience. There is a divine plan, and sometimes the thing you want most (relationship, job, house) isn’t quite ready for you yet… so hold onto your wishes and have faith.  There is something or someone blocking your flow with this, so consider what you need to clear out or release from your life to make space for what you want. Faith is your friend. Frustration is not. 

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Lovers-Choices. Potentials. Decisions- What do you desire? You have options and potentials surrounding you. It’s time to evaluate where you are choosing to put your energy, and is that choice getting you want you want?  Do your decisions bring you emotional fulfillment, joy, and love? This week encourages you to take stock of your current situation and make mature and conscious choices about how you want to build and create your life. 

Page of Swords- Gossip. Curiosity. Child-like energy- You’ve been letting other people’s thoughts, opinions, and comments bog you down and block your flow. Let it all go. None of this nonsense is yours, so stop allowing it to stunt your growth. “Haters are going to hate.” Don’t let other people’s negative energy hold you back. It’s not yours so mentally click “return to sender” and let it go.

Five of Swords- Conflict. Stress. Limitations- The Five of Swords brings a challenge your way this week. Have you taken on more than you can comfortably handle? This Five indicates that you are being faced with some type of limit. My suggestion is to stop looking at the problem and start looking at the solution. Hint: The problem is not quite as big as it appears. You just need to look at the situation from a different angle. 

Overall- Choices. Choices. Choices. You've got options floating around in your mind this week and you're feeling a bit stuck and frustrated about them.  You are allowing either other people's or your own negative thoughts to cloud your mind right now, and it's making you feel stuck and blocked. If you feel like you keep hitting a wall, how can you take a step back and look at this problem from a different perspective?

Pile 3- Dragon, Fantastical Tarot

Six of Cups-  Nostalgia. Reunion. Promise- The Six of Cups indicates a dream from the past now seems possible of manifestation in the future. What is your heart’s deepest desire? Things are lining up for you to get it. You just have to believe you deserve it because you do! Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. What can you do to move in the direction of them? Allow your dreams and desires to flow freely through you.

Four of Wands- Celebration. Rewards. Excitement- The Four of Wands is telling you it’s time to celebrate! Expect positive energy and validation from the external world this week. Things are going well, and you are acknowledged and supported. Lean into the good vibes. Enjoy your friends and family. You deserve the blessings that surround you.

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence-  The Ten of Pentacles represents a time of contentment and security. The focus for you this week is on appreciation. Find your gratitude for your life and your loved ones and pay attention to all of the blessings that surround you. You have been working hard and your hard work has paid off. You’ve reached a period of stability and you should be proud of all you have accomplished. 

Overall- Good vibes only! This week something you have been wishing for comes right to you, and all you need to do is celebrate! Your harvest this equinox is bountiful, and you should feel proud of all you have accomplished and achieved. Take some time this week to enjoy the life you have created! Things are flowing beautifully for you, so enjoy it...

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/15/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/15/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Loss- The Three of Swords indicates grief and heartache. Whether this loss is old or fresh, it’s present for you emotionally this week. This week offers you the potential to heal a wound, so whether this is an old rift that needs mending or a message for you to continue working through a loss, look for the healing aspect to it.Acknowledging and honoring any hurt feelings is always a good start. How can you give yourself loving energy this week?

The Sun-  Hope. Optimism. Trust - The Sun brings hope, optimism, and positive energy your way. Just as the sun rises each day with the opportunity for new growth and new experiences, The Sun in the tarot brings the reminder of faith and the possibility of renewal. Help is available to you, so accept it when it is offered. Looking forward and keeping an optimistic attitude is your way off the struggle bus this week. Have faith in yourself. You have what you need. 

The Moon- Fluctuation. Intuition. Cycles- The Moon brings fluctuation and change. Things are shifting for you, and you’re feeling those shifts this week. Once cycle is ending and another is beginning. and The Moon wants you to embrace the fluidity of it. How can you utilize your intuition at this time? Your answers are within, so slow down, tune in, and listen to your gut instincts. 

Overall- This week brings an opportunity for deep healing. The lunar eclipse is helping you clear out sadness and grief. Give yourself the loving care you need. You are ready to let some of this energy go, and once you do, you will feel a beautiful sense of renewal and hope. Things are shifting and you are moving in a more positive direction. Trust your instincts and trust your process.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The World-  Achievement. Integration. Cycles-  After the ending of one cycle and before the beginning of a new one, it’s important to integrate the lessons we have learned. With the shift that this week brings, you are being called to ask yourself, “What lessons have I learned, recently?  How can you I apply them here?”  Honor your process and acknowledge that you’ve come a long way. You are ready to rebirth yourself and something in your life is showing you just how to do it. 

King of Pentacles-Success. Ambition. Manifestation- You’ve been working very hard to achieve your goals, and your hard work is paying off. The King of Pentacles wants you to acknowledge your success and take a moment to honor all that you have been able to manifest in your life recently. You have the world in your hands, and you have a lot of power working for you right now. Keep going. Stay focused, and continue to move forward in this positive direction. 

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is all around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

Overall- This week looks absolutely gorgeous! Everything is going your way right now, so stay focused and confident in yourself and your abilities. All of your hard work is starting to pay off. Keep your eye on the prize, your vibes strong, and allow the Universe to bring you exactly what you desire.

Pile 3- Key, Cosmic Tarot

The Tower-  Disruption. Collapse. Transformation-  The Tower brings disruption and a sudden collapse of structure. This disruption can often help us to identify which things in life we have outgrown and no longer need. Although the appearance of The Tower often indicates a challenging situation, the beauty of this transformative card is in the opportunity it brings with it. When something collapses, we are given the opportunity to release and rebuild. What structures in your life have you outgrown? 

Queen of Wands- Strength. Creativity. Loyalty-The Queen of Wands is here to remind you that you have the strength and courage necessary to shift through this difficult period. You need to find your fire power this week. The Queen of Wands is bold and confident and she is here to help you make the shift you need to get yourself back on track. When things are hard, it’s easy to wallow and sink into it. This Queen doesn’t have time for that. She suggests you shake it off and embrace the change. 

Seven of Cups- Choices. Potentials. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is the card of "castles in the air" and indicates that there are multiple options available to you at this time. Sometimes even when we know we need a change, we can hold ourselves back by not making a choice. Check them all out and stay open to possibilities this week. Then pick the one that best serves your needs at this time. Trust yourself. You know the right path. 

Overall- It's time to clean house. This week The Universe gives you a not so gentle push forward. Eclipse vibes anyone? Something crashes and burns and although it may feel challenging, it's timely, so don't fight it. Whatever disruption arises, allow yourself to clear out what no longer serves you and then pull up your energy and confidence. You have options available to you, so look at all of them and grab the one that best suits where you want to go!