Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/16/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/16/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, Tarot of Dragons

Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility-  You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with what you’ve got around you? The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. The Two of Pentacles is telling you to put your creativity to work this week. It’s time to play with your options, lighten up, and maybe take a risk.  You have energy flowing out in multiple directions and you are trying to find the balance. Stay flexible, open and optimistic this week.

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance-  The of Cups brings a beautiful opening. The focus here is on love and abundance. What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay open and connected to your heart’s desire. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them grow and expand when you do.

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Harmony. Movement-  The Six of Swords brings understanding and harmony to your current situation. Allow the lessons you have learned recently to guide you forward. When you truly accept exactly where you are, it frees up your energy to allow things to flow more ease-fully. There is the potential for movement this week. Go with it... A positive shift is headed your way. 

Overall- Things have been shifting and in flux in your world, and this week everything smooths itself out. The key for you at this time is to focus on what your heart desires most and make the choice to start moving in that direction. Expect a sense of ease  as you flow through this week and you'll get it. There is smooth sailing up ahead...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Sneakiness. Secrecy- The Seven of Swords indicates murky waters. Someone isn't being completely honest with you, and you are being put on notice to watch your back a bit this week. This Seven can bring shady behavior along with it, so keep your guard up and stay aware of what's happening around you. Don't let anyone sabotage you and don't sabotage yourself either.

Death- Transition. Transformation. Endings- Death is telling you that it is time to let go. You have outgrown something in your life and you are being told to clear it out and make space for new growth. There would be no life without death. All things have a cycle and you are being guided to clear away things that are blocking your progress. ? When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose?

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- You are exactly where you need to be right now (even if it doesn't quite feel that way). The Magician says you are stepping up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire.  You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it.

Overall - Something shady this way comes... There is a giant clearing out that needs to happen somewhere in your world, and this energy is reaching a peak this week. Whether you're being sabotaged or taken advantage of by someone else or you are self-sabotaging, this week you are being given an opportunity to cut the ties that are keeping you bound up and stuck. It's time to clear the air and step fully into your power. When you cut off the dead weight, you free yourself up for new growth.

Pile 3- Feather, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

Four of Cups- Dissatisfaction. Jealousy. Boredom- You are feeling disillusioned and dissatisfied in a relationship or aspect of your life. You’re frustrated and upset and feeling like your needs aren’t being met or maybe you’re spending too much time comparing yourself and your success to others. This type of attitude won’t get you anywhere, so it may be time to turn it around and shift gears. Consider where you can take responsibility for your unmet expectations. Are you being clear with yourself, others, and The Universe about what you want? Are you setting healthy boundaries? How can you clean some of this up?

Ace of Swords- Fresh ideas. Mental Conflict. Justice-  The Ace of Swords is ushering in new ideas, fresh energy, and a new way of thinking this week. Often when we shift our mindset, conflict of some kind emerges as we are testing out a new idea. Stand your ground this week and stay open to exploring this new idea or way of thinking, regardless of any input from those around you.  There is beautiful, raw potential waiting for you when you change your perspective. 

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect some clarity around your goals and visions this week. You have a lot of potential at this time, and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create at this time? The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you get there.

Overall- You're feeling dissatisfied with some area of your life and this week you are being given a gentle push to do something about it. It's time to take control, decide what you want, and focus your energy. Once you do, The Universe conspires to help you move froward in a positive direction. Stand up, shake the dust, and take a step or two forward. Expect the assistance and support you need to come right to you when you do...