Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/6/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/6/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star indicates beautiful potential and brings you beautiful positive energy and a sense of renewal. What are you wishing for? You just might get it. Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them. Where do you find inspiration? The Star indicates that hope is present and events align for you this week that renew your faith. Focus on your vision for your life. What do you want it to look like?
Knight of Cups- Love. Romance. Desire- The Knight of Cups rides in with the promise of emotional fulfillment. This Knight brings love, emotional harmony, and a charming proposal of some kind. Expect positive energy to come rushing in for you this week. A beautiful offer or opportunity is headed your way. This Knight wants to bring you whatever it is your heart desires, so open up and allow that energy to flow right to you. Hint: It helps to know what your heart desires, so you recognize it, when it appears.
The Emperor- Structure. Power. Stability- It is time for you to “level up” this week. The Emperor wants you to step up and into your power and confidently go after what you want. Stop playing small and start standing strong. The Emperor says it’s time to take control of your life this week and he is reminding you that you have everything you need to succeed. Move forward with confidence.
Overall- What are you wishing for? This week brings a beautiful renewal of energy and a lovely proposal or offer of some kind. You are being granted the opportunity for a gorgeous and powerful shift, so focus on what you want, and then take hold of it when it appears. It's time to recognize that you deserve the things you desire. How can you joyfully and confidently embrace this energy?
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Ace of Swords- Fresh idea. Mental Conflict. Justice- The Ace of Swords is ushering in new ideas, fresh energy, and a new way of thinking this week. Often when we shift our mindset, conflict of some kind emerges as we are testing out a new idea. However, this new mindset is good for you, so stand your ground this week and stay open to exploring this new idea or way of thinking, regardless of any input from those around you. There is beautiful, raw potential waiting for you when you change your perspective.
Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Luck- Expect the unexpected when The Wheel of Fortune appears. The Wheel of Fortune brings a change in luck and one that is often karmic. Something is shifting for you this week and by the looks of it, that shift is a positive one, so stay open to the change and embrace any opportunities that present themselves. Pay attention this week because destiny is calling. Pick up the phone when it rings.
King of Pentacles-Success. Ambition. Manifestation- You’ve been working very hard to achieve your goals, and your hard work is paying off. The King of Pentacles wants you to acknowledge your success and take a moment to honor all that you have been able to manifest in your life recently. You have the world in your hands, and you have a lot of power working for you right now. Keep going. Stay focused, and continue to move forward in this positive direction.
Overall- Change is afoot and you are so ready for it! You are on the precipice of a big shift and although this shift might create some conflict in those around you, the message is to stand strong and stay focused on your goal. Something karmic changes the game for you this week and you are being told to go with whatever this is. Own your power and focus on where you want to go. You deserve all the success that is coming your way.
Pile 3- Key, The Fairytale Tarot
King of Cups- Empathy. Healing. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer of the tarot, and he brings the beautiful gifts of empathy and compassion with him. You have been giving and giving and giving and this week The King wants you to check in on your own energy level. Are you giving from a place of abundance and overflow or are you giving to the point of exhaustion? Your habit is to give to everyone else, but you need to fill your own cup because otherwise you’re going to end up depleted…if you’re not already there. What can you do to fill your cup this week
Eight of Swords- Bondage. Stress. Denial- You are keeping yourself trapped and stuck and clinging to old ways of being that no longer serve you. It seems you have tied up and blind-folded yourself. Your refusal to face the reality of your current situation is the problem. Take a deep breath, take off the blindfold, and look around. It’s not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. It’s time to take responsibility for your situation, and move forward. How are you keeping yourself stuck in the muck?
Queen of Coins- Abundance. Stability. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles is here to remind you to step into your power. She brings strong, grounded, earth energy. This Queen is steady and sensual and comfortable in her body. She excels at manifesting what she desires on the physical plane because she has the direct focus to do so. It is time to stop hiding and step up. This Queen wants you to embrace your power this week, get back in your body, and own your magic.
Overall- You've been giving and giving to depletion and it's starting to fry you out. The reason you're feeling stuck and blocked is because you've been so busy taking care of everyone else that you have been neglecting your own needs. This week The Universe is reminding you to fill your own cup and ground your energy. How can you get back in your body? Pull some of your energy back and watch how quickly things around you shift in a positive way.