Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/2/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/2/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Keys, The Pulp Tarot

King of Swords- The King of Swords brings the element of air, intellect, and balanced, logical thinking into your world. The King of Swords represents idealism, lofty goals, power, and judgement. The power of the King lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. This King is telling you to find the balance in your thought process. Think things through, but don’t get too attached to “your way.” There might be other options that better serve you.

Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted- The Ten of Wands indicates a state of feeling overwhelmed, overburdened, and just flat out tired. You’ve been taking on more than you can handle and it’s starting to catch up with you. It’s time to put some of the things down. Is everything you’re carrying around yours or are you carrying other people’s work, burdens, issues for them? It’s time to re-evaluate how much energy you have in a day and look at how you’re spending it. You need to recharge and reset. My suggestion is to look at your schedule for the next week and decide what actually “needs” to get done each day. Where can you delegate? What can you release and let go of this week?

Eight of Swords- Denial. Indecision. Bondage- Your refusal to look honestly at the reality of your situation is what is keeping you stuck and blocked. You need to make a decision, but you fear there is no “good” answer. I suggest you stop covering your eyes and take some time to honestly look at the truth and consider the problem from different angles. Also, stop blaming other people. You are the only one keeping yourself trapped right now. You have the power to untie yourself, so do it. 

Overall- It's time for a different approach because the way you have been operating is not working for you. You're pushing yourself way too hard and it isn't getting you where you want to go. You need to ease up and lighten your load. You have become a bit rigid in your approach and it's burning you out quickly. Stop trying to do it all and recognize your limits. Let go of whatever it is you're clinging to that is keeping you bound up and trapped in this old pattern. There's a better way to do this. I suggest you stop being so hard on yourself and cut yourself some much needed slack this week.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- There is a struggle afoot this week. You are being challenged with bringing something forward. Whether the challenge is in with your work or in a relationship,  it’s time to stop fighting and start working together. The way you are handling things is just creating more stress than is necessary. You are being a bit stubborn and that approach isn’t helping. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and look for a way to compromise in this situation? 

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Understanding. Insight- The Six of Swords brings acceptance, insight, and understanding. Even if things aren’t exactly the way you "want" them to be at this time, the best way to move forward is to accept where you are and figure out a way you can work with the energy surrounding you. This Six brings calm energy with it. Be present and trust your process. Making choices from a calm and clear mind is highly recommended. No rash decisions this week. It’s one foot in front of the other. Focus on the task at hand.

Nine of Swords- Fear. Anxiety. Stress-  The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare" and brings up great anxiety and foreboding of the future. If you have been feeling stressed and anxious, it’s time to breathe and take a step back. You are obsessing and making things worse than they actually are. Maybe write down your worries or talk them out with a friend. You are letting your anxiety get the best of you, and it isn’t serving you well right now. It’s time to take back your power and breathe it down. 

Overall- You're fighting a fight you can't win and it's time to back up and switch gears. Whatever you are struggling with is really stressing you out and you need to shift your approach. First, find the acceptance in your current situation. Your resistance to how things are is preventing you from seeing the next steps forward. Calm your mind, clear your head, and then get your anxiety under control. Things are not nearly as bad as they seem. You just need to find your focus.

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent-  The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up and dust yourself off and consider how you have created this state. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.  Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

The Moon - Cycles. Confusion. Illusions- The Moon represents cycles, intuition, and illusions. You need some clarity. You are being called to connect more deeply with your intuition to see though to the truth of your current situation. Stop letting other people’s energy cloud your judgement. It’s time to tune in to your own power and magic. The moon wants you to pay attention to what cycle you are in right now. How can you best harness your energy at this time?  Some moon magic might be a good idea...

Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility-  You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with what the energy around you? The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. There may be a solution you haven’t yet considered. This Two wants you to lighten up and look at both sides of your situation.

Overall- You're feeling dissatisfied with present circumstances and you're getting yourself quite stuck in the muck over it. It's time to clear out some illusions or delusions you're holding on to and look at the current stage and cycle you're in. The Universe wants you to take some time this week to connect to your intuition and listen to your gut instincts. Then, bring a little flexibility in. Can you shift your thought process and look for a different way of handling things? There is more than one way out of this. Step back, look at the bigger picture and consider all the options that you have available.