Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/20/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/20/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Ten of Swords-  Endings. Exhaustion. Release-  The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. You’re exhausted and it’s time to admit it to yourself. Stop fighting a losing battle. Cut your losses and let go of what hasn’t been working. It’s time. How can you clear out this week? Who or what has been causing you grief? It’s time to put an end to it, one way or another. Endings aren't always pretty, but they are a necessary part of life.

Page of Wands- Fresh energy. Inspiration. Creativity-  You have fresh energy flying in for you this week. You current challenges are pushing you to open up to possibility and potential. You’ve been stuck in one stage too long, and The Universe wants you to start looking in a new direction. How can you look at your current situation more creatively? This Page is trying to help you light things up and make a change. Don't fight the process.

Wheel of Fortune- Cycles. Change. Kismet - Expect the unexpected when the Wheel of Fortune appears. You are being put on notice that a shift of some kind is headed your way. When the Wheel turns, it usually indicates a cycle has come to an end and The  Universe has a plan for where you are headed next or you are being redirected in some way. Stay open to the change  and go with the flow.

Overall-  It's time for an ending. I feel you've been fighting this ending for so long that you have built it up to be more dramatic than it needs to be. All things cycle and something in your life has come to its natural conclusion. There is no life or growth without death and release. Once you let go of what is no longer working for you, you open yourself up to fresh inspiration and new energy. The Universe has plans for you and something big shifts this week, so let go of what is holding you back so you can positively move forward and step into your next stage.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Swords- Conflict. Denial. Stagnancy-  The Two of Swords is indicating that you’re keeping yourself blocked by not acknowledging the truth or the reality of your situation. You have been in conflict about this issue for far too long, and it’s time to look up, drop your defenses, and face the reality of what is happening around you. Staying stuck is getting you nowhere. Yes, there is a bit of conflict involved in moving through this stage, but from conflict there is the possibility of resolution and change. Right now you are blocking all of it.

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent-  The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up and dust yourself off and consider how you have created this state. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.  Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

Page of Wands- Inspiration. New ideas. Fresh energy- The Page of Wands brings you fresh ideas this week. Expect inspiration to find you, and stay open to the possibilities it brings when it does. It’s time to take some initiative. Is there an idea that’s been percolating and you’ve been hesitant to put it into action? Can you take one small step in that direction this week? What brings you energy and fire power? Go do some of whatever that is.

Overall - Stuck. Stuck. Stuck. You are stuck in the muck of your mind, and it's becoming a bit of a pattern. Tough love from the tarot- You need to make a choice and stop wallowing. If things aren't the way you would like them to be, take some initiative and change them. You are blocking your flow out of fear of movement. How can you break this cycle this week? Choose one thing that brings you inspiration and energy and go do it.

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

The Hierophant- Spiritual guidance. Philosophy. Lessons-  The Hierophant brings a lesson of some kind your way. The Hierophant is the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of the Divine. How are you connecting? It’s time to make your spiritual practice a priority. There are lessons and messages waiting for you. The Hierophant can also indicate a spiritual teacher or mentor.  If you are feeling stuck, it may be a good time to ask for a little guidance. 

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gentleness. Energy- It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and focused place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your health game this week. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. You have more power to manifest when you are operating from a full tank.

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Secrecy. Sabotage- You’ve been blocking your flow by staying overly guarded and mistrustful in your current situation. What are you afraid of? Are those fears valid? And also, do you need to keep holding onto ALL of them? Maybe it’s time to make a list of your fears, worries, and anxieties and take an honest look at your current situation. How are you sabotaging your progress?

Overall- The message for you this week is to rein it in, on all levels. How can you hone your energy this week? There is an important lesson for you in your current situation and you need to focus to receive it. Can you get some guidance from a trusted source? If you have been feeling off or out of sorts, give both your spirit and your body some space and attention. As you draw your energy inward, you will notice who or what is blocking or sabotaging your forward movement. If it's other people, pull back from them and re-center. If you're sabotaging yourself, how can you stop?