Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/30/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/30/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Key, Vampire Tarot
Four of Wands- Celebration. Success. Rewards- The Four of Wands says it’s time to celebrate! You are being rewarded this week, and you are surrounded by people that support you. Have fun with all of this! Plan something fun with your family, partner, or friends. This Four is calling for a good time, so make one happen. It's harvest time and your personal harvest is going to be bountiful!
The Hierophant- Spirituality. Philosophy. Higher Learning- The Hierophant says there is a divine connection in your work or study. Some type of elevated lesson is being highlighted for you this week. What can you learn from your current situation? How are you connecting spiritually? If you don’t feel connected, this might be a good week to set some time and meditate, pull cards, or get a reading… The Hierophant is suggesting there are messages waiting for you. Make sure you take some time to receive them.
Page of Cups- Birth. Love. Renewal- Its time for some self-love, self-care, and to tap into your feelings. There is the potential for the birth of something new on the horizon for you this week. You just need to get out of your own way to recognize it. The Page of Cups suggests a new experience on an emotional level. Be on the look out for new love and/or friendships or a renewal of love or a deepening of connections this week. Honor the beautiful energy you have and watch that loving energy expand all around you.
Overall- You are well on track this week! You have support and positive energy surrounding you, and you are about to reap the rewards of your efforts in a beautiful way. It's time for a spiritual check- in because there is an important message waiting for you at this time. The Universe has something lovely to show you, and whatever it is brings you the opportunity for renewal, so stay open to get the memo.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Ten of Swords- Ending. Release. Finale - The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. Something needs to go… whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a negative behavioral pattern, it’s time to cut the cords and release it from your life. While endings can be both painful and challenging, this one is long overdue and honestly the release is going to be much easier than you think. What needs to be cleared out of your life this week?
The Magician- Magic. Power. Manifestation- You’ve got a lot to do, so pick up your wand and make your magic! The Magician is telling you that you have the skills, will, and desire to manifest and create whatever you need this week. You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. You know the direction that you need to take. It’s time to get moving…
Three of Cups- Celebration. Fulfillment. Connection- The Three of Cups bring connection, support, and a reason to celebrate this week. This Three represents energies coming together in a loving way. Whether it’s romantic, friendship, or family, you have beautiful support surrounding you, so lean into it and enjoy it. Make sure to appreciate the people in your life who circle around you and celebrate your success.
Overall- This is your notice to cut the dead weight this week. You've got a big ending on the horizon and it's one that is long overdue. Once you release and clear out whatever or whoever has been sucking your energy, your energy comes right back to you in an incredibly powerful way. It's time to stop fighting the inevitable. Let go of what isn't working and focus your energy on what you need. It'll come to you much easier than you think. Pick up your wand. It's go time... there's magic to make!
Pile 3- Seashell, Faerie Tarot
King of Wands - Confidence. Inspiration. Charisma- The King of Wands brings charm and creative, magnetic energy to the table. Whether this is you or someone in your life, the appearance of this King indicates a need for you to embrace this creative, charming side of yourself to market your ideas, gifts, and skills. It is time to put your magic into the world. If you've been feeling inspired to make some power moves, this fae King is here to give you some assistance. Confidence up, game on... It's go time.
Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Serenity. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings up nostalgia. Sometimes an old love, friend, or memory from the past returns or a long lost dream or wish now seems possible. This week something or someone that you had given up hope on returns and stirs up old feelings for you. Consider what you have learned and whether or not this should factor into your current life. Whether this works for you now is up to you. Do not get stuck in the past. You have the power to create the life you desire. Don’t forget that.
The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Sabotage- The Devil rolls in to encourage you to break free from the chains that bind you, whether they be negative mental thoughts, an unsatisfying job, or a relationship that is no longer working. It’s time to take an honest look at your deepest desires and carefully consider what you truly want. The Devil highlights the ways in which we self-sabotage. This week gives you an opportunity to notice where you personally self-sabotage. What chains can you break this week? It's time to free up some energy.
Overall- You've got a lot of fire power to work with at this time. You're feeling inspired and ready to put your magic out there. There is some dream or wish you have held that now holds potential and possibility. Often, when we prepare to make a shift, old patterns or fears come up and block us our growth. Don't let the past hold you back from your future. It's time to free yourself. Notice if there is a negative belief or a way you self-sabotage coming up for you this week. Acknowledge it, recognize that you don't need it anymore, and move on. Don't look back. You're not going that way.