Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/14/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/14/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Keys, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

Five of Swords- Conflict. Stress. Limits-  The Five of Swords is saying you have hit a wall. The stress you have been dealing with is starting to take its toll, and you have officially reached your limit. It's time to acknowledge that something isn't working, and you need to find a new approach to your current situation. You're not going to win this fight, so put down your sword.

Knight of Cups- Love. Desire. Proposal- The Knight of Cups rides in with some truly gorgeous energy. This Knight wants to give you your heart's desire. The Knight of Cups brings the promise of emotional fulfillment. This Knight brings love, emotional harmony, and a charming proposal of some kind. Expect positive energy to come rushing toward you.  The Universe is bringing you a gift this week, so stay open to receive it, and say "Thank you" when it appears.

Ace of Wands - Creativity. Inspiration. Energy- The Ace of Wands brings fresh energy and inspiration to you. This Ace is full of raw potential and that's what you need to focus on this week. The Universe wants you to tap into your creativity. How are you using your gifts? What has been calling to your spirit to learn, explore, and delve more deeply into? The energy around you is supporting growth. Use it.

Overall-  It's time for change. You've been struggling with something for far too long and you have finally reached your breaking point. Don't make this harder than it needs to be. You're not going to win whatever you've been fighting for. It's time to let go of what hasn't been working and open up to something new. If you can get out of your own way, The Universe is excited to push you forward on a new path, and it is one that is much better suited for you.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Knight of Pentacles- Dedication. Perseverance. Diligence- The Knight of Pentacles bring steady and grounded energy. This Knight knows how to commit to the task at hand and see it through to completion. He works hard and stays focused to achieve his goals, but he moves very slowly. You may be feeling stuck and like you’ve been in a holding pattern for some time. Stay grounded and present in your process.

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Betrayal- The Three of Swords brings a challenging emotional situation to you. This Three indicates there is some type of grief, loss, or betrayal to deal with. Something or someone has hurt your feelings  and whether this loss is old or fresh, it needs to be handled. Be very gentle with yourself and give yourself permission to release some of this pain.

Nine of Swords- Stress. Anxiety. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is known as "the card of the nightmare" and this Nine indicates a state of tension, stress, or mental anguish. Your anxiety is peaked right now, and it's blocking you from seeing your situation clearly. What can you do to dial some of it down this week?

Overall- You've been feeling stuck recently, and you are resisting a change. You are working very hard, but you are avoiding your feelings in the process, and this week something or someone brings them to the front of the line. There are some challenging emotions that need to be handled.  Get the support you need and make healing and a calm mind your priority. How can you take care of yourself? What do you need to find peace?

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Ace of Wands- Fresh energy. Creativity. Potential- The Ace of Wands brings an upsurge of creative energy. New ideas, positive vibes, and potential surround you this week. Stay open to exploring, learning, and creating. What do you desire your life to look like? This Ace indicates that something or someone has lit you up and you're feeling inspired and ready for change. Tap into your dream vision and take a step toward creating it.

The Moon-  Cycles. Intuition. Fluctuation-  The Moon indicates a shifting of circumstances. When The Moon appears, it is a call to stop and tap into your intuition. What are your instincts telling you? Are you listening? All things shift and change. Just as the Moon cycles, our lives continually cycle as well. What cycle are you in right now, and what is your intuition telling you about it? 

The World-  Achievement. Integration. Cycles-  After the ending of one cycle and before the beginning of a new one, it’s important to integrate the lessons we have learned. With the shift that this week brings, you are being called to ask yourself, “What lessons have I learned, recently?  How can you I apply them here?”  Honor your process and acknowledge that you’ve come a long way! You are ready to rebirth yourself and something in your life is showing you just how to do it. 

Overall- All good vibes for you this week. You are feeling excited and energized and ready to make some much needed changes. You are making a big shift at this time, and it may feel overwhelming. Don't rush your process. Listen to your intuition and look at all you have accomplished recently. Take your time. There is no rush. You are right where you need to be. Give yourself permission to explore and go with the flow.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/7/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/7/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Seven of Pentacles-  Choices. Timing. Harvest- The Seven of Pentacles has you deliberating a little bit this week.  In looking at the fruits of your harvest, you may ask yourself if you should continue on the path you’re on or should you expand and maybe take a risk in a new way? The answer is all in the timing. Is this the right time for a shift or should you keep your focus where it is? 

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Re-birth- Judgement brings a reaping and the potential for rebirth and renewal. When Judgement appears, you are being put on notice that what you have put out into The Universe is coming back to you, for better or worse. You have made it to the end of a cycle and it is time to refresh, recharge, and prepare to begin anew. Consider what cycles in your life have reached their natural endings. Where can you relinquish and re-birth? Don't get stuck judging your progress. You are where you are meant to be.

The Hermit-Isolation. Truth. Reflection -It is time for a time-out, my friend. You need a break. Take a breather and give yourself some time to process. You’re in the midst of an important life lesson right now and it’s not an easy one. This week, The Hermit is calling for you to slow down and step back. You need some introspective space to find your truth before taking action. Look for the messages and stay open to receive the information you need. The Hermit illuminates something. Look inward for the messages this week. 

Overall- You are in the process of weighing out your options. You are feeling stuck and unsure of where to place your energy and focus. This week sends you a message. You are at a place of rebirth and renewal, and there is inevitably a release of some kind involved. The answers to your current dilemma lie within, so carve out some quiet time to receive them. When in doubt, find your stillness, listen, and wait.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Flexibility. Balance. Fluctuation-  The Two of Pentacles brings a shifting in circumstances, often financial ones.  This Two indicates that while you are striving for balance, things may feel quite out of balance. Don’t get too hung up here. Change is our only constant. Do your best this week to work with the energy you have to work with and keep an open mind. You just might stumble upon an unexpected solution to your current problem. 

Ace of Pentacles- Energy. Opportunity. Money- The Ace of Pentacles ushers in fresh energy for you this week. This Ace indicates that there is a new opportunity on the horizon and you are being told to open up to it. You have fresh energy to work with, so pay attention to any offers that appear this week. What do you want to create at this time? You are being shown that you have what you need to start something fresh.

Seven of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle with other people’s ideas. Have you been comparing yourself or your work to others? Are you preventing yourself from moving forward because you are looking at what everyone else is doing? Are you doubting yourself and where to direct your energy? It’s time to shift gears. Stop focusing externally and start focusing internally.  Don’t waste time worrying about what anyone else is doing. Focus on your own gifts and how best to work with them. 

Overall- Things appear to be in flux right now and your current situation calls for a boost of fresh energy. It's time to focus on a new goal, opportunity, or project but you are blocking yourself by comparing your work and your progress to others. My advice is to put some blinders on and focus on you. What energy do you have at your disposal at this time, and how can you make the best use of it? Don't get yourself stuck or blocked by getting sucked into drama, whether internal or external. How can you clear some space, so you can see more clearly?

Pile 3- Feather, Smith-Waite Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility-  You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with what you’ve got around you? The message for you is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. The Two of Pentacles is telling you to put your creativity to work this week. It’s time to play with your options, lighten up, and maybe take a risk.  You have energy flowing out in multiple directions and you are trying to find the balance. This two is suggesting you stay open and optimistic this week.  A positive shift is headed your way. 

The Emperor- Structure. Power. Stability- It is time for you to “level up” this week. The Emperor wants you to step up and into your power and confidently go after what you want. Stop playing small and take responsibility for your life and your choices. We do not control what happens to us, but we do control our responses and reactions. The Emperor wants you to take control of your life this week, and he is reminding you that you have everything you need to succeed.

Knight of Wands- Change. Excitement. Adventure- The Knight of Wands brings an exciting offer to you. This Knight rides in with vibrant, charismatic energy and lights you up in some way. Expect the unexpected to arrive this week. The Knight of Wands brings you fresh energy and a new possibility. Go with it… Jump on the horse and get moving. When in doubt, just say “YES!”

Overall- Let's GO!!! You've been keeping yourself stuck by deliberating and trying to wait until things seem perfect before making a move, but the message for you is that you have everything you need to succeed, so just get going. The Universe is sending you a push to take action, so decide what you want and go after it. Also, you may want to lighten up a little while you're at it. Can you bring a little fun to the table this week?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/31/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/31/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When one cycle ends, there is a period of integration needed before it's time to  begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.

Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Abundance- Love overflows and good things are headed your way. Focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. Look for the synchronicities,  big and small, and pay attention. Often, when things are going well, we don’t take the time to really appreciate and enjoy the reality that we are in. Appreciate the blessings in your life this week. The more you appreciate what you have, the more easily you will manifest more of what you want.

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging-  The Four of Pentacles is considered “the card of the miser” and it warns against clinging too tightly. This Four indicates that the structures and stability that you currently need are in place. Sometimes when things are going well, there is a fear that it will all be taken away or that someone or something will try to steal it from us. Take a breath and relax. This type of clinging or fearful hoarding will only stunt your growth. Loosen your grip and trust that you are where you need to be.

Overall- What a gorgeous reading to kick off 2024! There's nothing to do this week except pat yourself on the back, look around at all you have achieved, and enjoy this space. You are surrounded by love and abundance, and The Universe wants you to acknowledge all of this magic you have created. Do not dim your light  with self-doubt.  It will rob you of your joy. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be. Focus on your blessings and watch them continue to bloom and expand.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Support. Gifts-  A generous offer is headed your way. You are being given an opportunity, and it’s one you deserve. This week brings the manifestation of all you have been working towards. Money, energy, and powerful support are all around you. Accept what is being offered and take a moment to feel proud of all you have accomplished. You’ve been working hard. and your hard work is paying off. 

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords is calling for a time- out. You need to schedule in some rest and recovery this week. This Four wants you to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next. Find your stillness and take the time you need to gather your thoughts and regain your strength. Give yourself some space this week and watch the answers you are looking for magically appear.  A little quiet goes a long way...

Eight of Wands- Movement. Change. Blessings-  The Eight of Wands brings action and movement your way, often after what feels like a challenging time. Things being to flow in a more positive direction for you this week. Go with that flow. Don’t question it. Just get in the zone and stay there. All things cycle and you are shifting into smoother waters this week, so breathe easy. Expect a renewal of imagination as you reconnect to your inspiration.

Overall- Your ships are coming in! You are about to reap the rewards of your hard work. There is positive energy flowing right to you. All you need to do is get out of your own way and accept it.  You've been pushing and pushing yourself and this week is calling for you to step back, slow down, and recharge your energy. If you do, things release and flow forward even  better than you can imagine.

Pile 3- Key, Fantastical Tarot

The Hierophant- Spiritual teacher. Lessons. Connection- The Hierophant indicates that there are spiritual lessons at play for you. The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human physical reality and the energy of The Divine. How are you connecting to Spirit? If you have been feeling disconnected, the appearance of this card indicates the week brings you an opportunity to find your connection. There are important messages waiting for you Stay open to receive them. When in doubt, step back and look at the big picture. Then, maybe get some spiritual guidance for clarity. 

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Stability- You are The Queen of Pentacles right now (lucky you), and she is reminding you that all you need to do is stand strong and calm in your power. This Queen brings abundance, fertility, and success wherever she goes. She doesn’t rush or chase anything because she is so good at manifesting. She just stands steady and strong in her power, and life blooms into abundance around her. Let her show you how it’s done. Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic.

Overall- You are leveling up in some area of your life. You are being divinely guided, and The Universe wants you to check in and listen to the messages that  are waiting for you. You have reached the beautiful completion of a cycle and it's time to implement any lessons you have learned recently. Acknowledge how far you've come and embrace your magic and own your power. Focus on what you want this week and watch it come right to you.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/24/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/24/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

King of Swords- The King of Swords brings the element of air, intellect, and balanced, logical thinking into his world. This King represents idealism, intelligence, and judgement. The power of the King of Swords lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others,  bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. This King is telling you to find the balance in your thought process. Think things through, but don’t get too attached to “your way.” There might be other options that better serve you.

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Luck-  Expect the unexpected when The Wheel of Fortune appears. The Wheel of Fortune says that destiny is involved with your current situation, and as the wheel turns, there is a change in luck coming your way. The Wheel of Fortune brings a change that is often karmic. Something is shifting for you this week and by the looks of it, that shift is a positive one, so stay open to the change and embrace any opportunities that present themselves.

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles is beautifully grounded in her magic. She brings fertility and abundance, and she is here this week to help you attract and create the things you desire. How can you ground your energy? This Queen manifests  easily because she knows she deserves the things she wants. Get into your body this week and focus on feeling good. Watch how that magic ripples out and draws what you need to you.

Overall- You are working extremely hard and focusing on your goals, but you're becoming a bit too rigid in your process. This week something or someone throws you a curve ball, so when it appears, look for the lessons involved. The Universe is trying to get you out of your head and into your body.  The way to create the things you desire is to cultivate a bit more balance in your mind, body, and spirit. Trust your process. You're on the right track, and The Universe is supporting your plans. Believe in yourself and your magic. It doesn’t need to be as hard as you’re making it out to be…

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ace of Wands- Creativity. Potential. Enthusiasm - The Ace of Wands brings inspiration your way. This Ace indicates an uprush of fresh energy. You are in need of a recharge, and you are feeling called to try something new. Your creativity is screaming for an outlet of some kind. What inspires you? It’s time to expand your thinking. Open up to possibilities and potentials and see what unlocks for you.

The Hanged Man- Delays. Faith.  Sacrifice   - The Hanged Man brings a delay or hold up of some kind. When The Hanged Man appears, it indicates that something is not happening as quickly as you would like, and often this delay brings some frustration along with it. The Hanged Man is a very spiritual card and reminds us to have faith in the divine timing of things. If you feel you've been hanging around waiting for something or someone and it's just not working out, the message this week is that there is a reason for it. Try to have patience and look for signs.

Two of Cups- Partnership. Connection. Relationships- The Two of Cups brings connection. You need support right now. Think about your relationships. Do you feel seen, heard, and understand?  Whether you need time with your partner or a night out with your friends, your soul needs a little love this week. If you’ve been feeling out of balance, reach out to someone you trust. If you aren’t used to asking for help, take a deep breath and go for it.

Overall- You are itching for a fresh start and feeling like you need a reboot in a big way. You are in desperate need of fresh energy, but you feel stuck and like things just aren't moving or flowing in the way you would like them to. If you hit any hold-ups or road blocks this week, consider them helpful hints and look for the messages involved. You have support around you, so lean into it. You may need a little help this week, and it's ok to ask for it.

Pile 3- Key, Vampire Tarot

The Hierophant- Spiritual teacher. Lessons. Connection- The Hierophant indicates that there are spiritual lessons at play for you. The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human physical reality and the energy of The Divine. How are you connecting to Spirit? If you have been feeling disconnected, the appearance of this card indicates the week brings you an opportunity to find your connection. There are important messages waiting for you Stay open to receive them. When in doubt, step back and look at the big picture. Then, maybe get some spiritual guidance for clarity. 

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Stability- You are The Queen of Pentacles right now (lucky you), and she is reminding you that all you need to do is stand strong and calm in your power. This Queen brings abundance, fertility, and success wherever she goes. She doesn’t rush or chase anything because she is so good at manifesting. She just stands steady and strong in her power, and life blooms into abundance around her. Let her show you how it’s done. Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic.

Overall- You are leveling up in some area of your life. You are being divinely guided, and The Universe wants you to check in and listen to the messages that  are waiting for you. You have reached the beautiful completion of a cycle and it's time to implement any lessons you have learned recently. Acknowledge how far you've come and embrace your magic and own your power. Focus on what you want this week and watch it come right to you.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/17/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/17/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- The Magician says you need to step up and into your power, and he is sending you all the magic and support to do so this week. You have reached a place where you are ready to embrace your abilities and gifts and manifest the life you desire.  You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. Stay balanced and keep moving forward.

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. You have a lot of creative potential floating around you, and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with this energy. Your message is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create in your life at this time? What magic are you making?

The Moon-  Cycles. Intuition. Illusion- The Moon indicates a shift of some kind. Just as the Moon cycles, our lives continually cycle as well.  The Moon can bring confusion or uncertainty, so take some time to find the clarity you desire this week. Your self-doubt is creating the illusion that you don't know what you need, but that is not the case. Do not allow self-doubt to throw you off track. What cycle are you in right now, and what is your intuition telling you about it?

Overall- You are being divinely guided and The Universe is attempting to push you forward, but you are resisting the shift. You have been making progress on your goals, but you're being hit with a touch of self-doubt and you are letting it cloud your vision. You are on the right track, so don't allow yourself to get stuck or blocked by doubting your truth. Check in with your intuition and know that you are right where you need to be at this time. The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you reach your goals.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Swords- Intelligence. Focus. Control- The Queen of Swords brings intelligence and strong boundaries. This Queen is focused and direct, but she can be disconnected from her feelings. While there are times where her directness is called for and welcome, my cautionary message for you this week is to notice where your boundaries are actually creating separation in your life. Are you so busy trying to accomplish and keep things in order that you are denying your personal truth and your feelings?

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding-  The Nine of Swords is known as “the card of the nightmare,” and this Nine brings our worst fears and anxieties to the surface. If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, it’s time to find some tools to dial it down because it is negatively affecting you. Our fears block growth and rob us of our joy, so it’s time to get a handle on yours this week. 

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Turmoil- Let it out. You’re in a tough spot emotionally, and the only way out is through. Denial will get you nowhere, and it’s time to feel your feelings… as hard as they may be. The only way through this stage is to acknowledge where you’re hurt or struggling. Whether this grief is old or fresh, it needs to be dealt with. Be gentle with yourself, and schedule in some self-care.

Overall- This week looks a bit rocky. You have been walling away your feelings and it's not helping you. It is actually making you more anxious than you are admitting. You have some sadness or grief that is very present at this time, and the message here is to feel your feelings and carve out the space you need to take care of yourself. The holiday season can bring up a lot of grief and sadness. Give yourself the gift of acknowledging where you are hurting and get some support around your healing.

Pile 3- Seashell, Faerie Tarot

The Emperor- Order. Power. Authority- The Emperor represents structure and stability. The Emperor holds great power in the physical realm, but he can become too stiff and rigid in his principles, and that can block the flow of energy. This week you are being told to check in with your own principles and modes of operating. You have enough structure. It might be time to loosen the reins a bit and cut yourself some slack. I feel you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, and you are being advised to soften up a bit.

Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Serenity. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings up nostalgia and memories. Sometimes someone from your past returns or a long lost dream or wish now seems possible of manifestation. This week something or someone that you had given up hope on shows up and stirs up old feelings for you. Do not get stuck in the past. Consider what you have learned and how you can work this situation into your present life, if it even still fits. Whether this works for you now is up to you. You have the power to create the life you desire. Don’t forget that.

Two of Swords- Conflict. Stress. Indecision - Have you been feeling stuck or trapped? Do you feel like you are frozen and can’t move forward? Pause. Breathe. Take off the blindfold and look around. You need to shift your perspective on this situation because the way you’ve been looking at it has backed you into a corner. Take a few steps out of the corner and look at it from a different angle.

Overall- You have been working  and pushing yourself quite intensely, and you are being asked to stop, take a breath, and look around. Are you on track to where you want to go or have you been operating on autopilot? You are being told to do a little reflecting on your dreams and goals this week. There is something you aren't seeing quite clearly, and it's blocking your flow. I feel you need to make sure the things you thought you wanted are still the things you want. Remember, it's ok to change your mind.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/10/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/10/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Three of Pentacles- Success. Collaboration. Validation - The Three of Pentacles brings good vibes and helpful energy to you. This  Three tells you to open up to positive recognition from others and The Universe. Your plans are being supported, so I suggest you give your creative projects some serious attention this week.  Be open and generous when you engage with other and that energy will come right back to you.

The Magician- Magic. Manifestation. Creation- You’ve got a lot to do, so pick up your wand and make your magic! How are you using your gifts at this time? Where can you tap into your inner power to manifest and create the life you desire? You have a lot of power and potential awaiting you this week. It would be a perfect time to manifest your dreams. What do you desire? Write it down and be specific. Take one step toward a goal.

Queen of Wands- Enthusiasm. Confidence. Inspiration- The Queen of Wands shows up to lend you some fire power this week. This Queen loves life and she wants to help you do the same. Are you in need of a confidence boost? Tap into your inner Queen of Wands and focus on what you are creating in your life at this time. This Queen brings enthusiasm and excitement. Enjoy your process and your optimism will move you forward.

Overall-  Let's go!  Whatever you are working on is being given a massive thumbs up by The Universe. This is one of those gorgeous weeks where energies align and things seem to magically fall into place. Get into your groove and stay there. It's a fantastic week to get things done. Bring positive energy and enthusiasm into each day and watch as that energy comes right back to you! Inspiration is the name of the game for you! It looks like the New Moon in Sagittarius this week is bringing you good vibes!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Cups- Depths. Emotions. Subconscious- The Queen of Cups wants you to tap into your emotions. You’ve been burying your truth and your needs, and she is going to help you swim down and check in with all of those buried feels. Have you been avoiding your own feelings by being too busy giving to everyone else in your life? This Queen is telling you it’s time to slow down, tune in, and really acknowledge what’s going on within your psyche. There is important information trying to float to the surface at this time. She is telling you that deep down you know exactly what you need and she wants you to follow your instincts.

Six of Pentacles-  Success.  Abundance. Manifestation-  Success is within your grasp. You are being given an opportunity, and it’s one you deserve. This week brings the manifestation of all you have been working towards. Money, energy, and powerful support are all around you. Accept what is being offered and take a moment to feel proud of all you have accomplished. You’ve been working hard, and your hard work is paying off. 

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging-  The Four of Pentacles is considered “the card of the miser” and it warns against clinging too tightly. This Four indicates that the structures and stability that you currently need are in place. Sometimes when things are going well, there is a fear that it will all be taken away or that someone or something will try to “steal” it from us. Take a breath and relax. This type of clinging or fearful hoarding will only stunt your growth. Loosen your grip and trust that you are where you need to be.

Overall- You are being told to focus on your desires. Are you acknowledging the depth of your feelings or are you shutting them down? You are in a beautiful situation and this week wants to reflect all of your hard work to you. All you need to do to win this week is to give your emotions and intuition some attention and trust your instincts. You are blocking your bliss by  not trusting in the magic you have been creating in your life. You have what you need and it's not going anywhere. It's  ok to let go a little bit and relax...

Pile 3-Broom, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

The Hanged Man- Sacrifice. Faith. Spiritual hold-ups - The Hanged Man indicates that things are not moving as quickly as you would like. If you've been feeling stuck, trapped, or blocked, there  may be a good reason for it. Often, The Hanged Man brings the need for a sacrifice of some kind. As we transform and grow, things need to be released. What old habits, thoughts, relationships, or  ideas do you need to let go of? What are you hanging onto that is keeping you in this feeling of stagnancy? 

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. The Queen of Swords represents quick- thinking and intelligent mental processing. This Queen is calling for an honest look at both your life and your relationships this week. Where are you feeling blocked from expressing yourself truthfully, and how is that impacting your present state of mind?

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Success. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a new opportunity your way. A positive offer is headed towards you. A new job, a new love, or a new outlook of some kind is in the cards this week. There is the need for a fresh start in some aspect of your life, so keep your eyes and ears open. If opportunity knocks on your door, invite it in for coffee and hear what it has to say.

Overall- You have been feeling hung up and stuck for some time, and there's a reason for it. The Universe has been trying to get you to shift gears, but you're resisting the change. If you feel you keep hitting roadblocks, it may be time to pause and consider a different route. What needs to change? The trick here is to pick up your sword and set some serious boundaries around your time and energy. Let go of the things that are not working. You need to clear out and create space for something new. There is fresh energy waiting for you, but you need to shift your mindset and open up to this new possibility.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/3/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/3/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Tarot

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance-  The Ace of Cups wants you to open up to love and abundance. You have beautiful energy available to you at this time.  What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay connected to your heart’s desires. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them grow and expand when you do.

Justice- Justice. Balance. Boundaries-  Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and principles and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life at this time? I suggest you pick up your sword and set your limits. Practice the art of saying "No."

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Healing- Temperance arrives this week to ask you to take an honest look at your well-being. How are you treating yourself? What parts of you need healing? How can you bring your mind, body, and spirit back into balance?  It’s time to find your flow this week. Where can you soften up and actually go with the flow instead of fighting against it? Temperance wants things to ease-fully  flow together, and she is calling for you to find the balance in your situation.  Move gently, speak kindly, and allow the waters of Temperance to soften and heal all those you encounter. 

Overall- This week brings the opportunity for  renewal. You have loving energy and positive gifts available to you. To make the most of this,  I would like you to look at all of the blessings surrounding you and focus on what you desire. Then, I suggest that you set some serious healthy boundaries around your time and energy. It's one of those "saying no to others is saying yes to you" kind of things. If you do, you allow your energy to flow effortlessly and you end this week feeling balanced, calm, and more joyful.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Page of Wands- Inspiration. New ideas. Enthusiasm- The Page of Wands arrives with fresh ideas for you this week. Expect inspiration to find you, and stay open to the possibilities it brings when it does. It’s time to take some initiative. Is there an idea that’s been percolating and you’ve been hesitant to put into action? Can you take one small step in that direction this week? This Page brings you the enthusiasm you need to make a move.

Six of Cups-  Nostalgia. Reunion. Dreams- The Six of Cups indicates a dream from the past now seems possible of manifestation in the future. What have you been longing for? Things are lining up for you to get it. You just have to believe in yourself. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. What can you do to move in the direction of them? 

Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy, you can create amazing things! 

Overall-  Your creativity is calling, so answer the phone when it rings. This week brings you the opportunity to move a goal or project forward. Focus your energy on what inspires you and on what you desire. You are being told to move in the direction of your dreams and rededicate your energy and attention to them. What are your goals right now? Are you giving them enough time and attention?

Pile 3-Broom, The Fairytale Tarot

The Chariot- Will. Conflict. Aggression- The Chariot wants you to take some time to check in on how you are using and directing your energy. Who is driving your personal chariot? Are you in control or are you letting your competitive or aggressive tendencies get the best of you? Are you moving forward in a way that serves your highest good? It looks like you are trying so hard to control things that you are creating more conflict than is necessary.

King of Swords- Intelligence. Justice. Idealism- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. This King uses his intelligence to calmly evaluate situations, and creates a strategic plan to work with them. The power of the King lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. Having a strategy and plan in place is helpful, but don't get too stuck on forcing things to go "your way,” particularly if your way isn't getting you anywhere.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Fear. Foreboding-  The Nine of Swords is known as “the card of the nightmare” and represents our stress, anxiety, and foreboding about the future. The Nine of Swords more often indicates anxiety than anything negative actually occurring. Your fears are trying to take over. Don’t let them. Maybe try writing them down and ripping them up or burning them (safely). Sometimes when we get our stress or fears out of our minds and onto paper… it can help to diminish their powers

Overall - It's time to get your ego in check this week. You are trying so hard to control some aspect of your life that it's blocking your flow and causing you anxiety. I want you to ease way up on yourself. Take off some of this self-imposed pressure and set smaller and more realistic goals. The anxiety you’re feeling is trying to help you find a better balance. Give it some attention this week.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/26/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/26/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Tarot of Dragons

High Priestess-Magic. Intuition. Power- It’s time to level up and put your crown on. Step into your power. Your intuition is calling…and by calling, I mean screaming for your attention. There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and schedule yourself some quiet time to be open to receive them. What does your spiritual practice look like right now? The High Priestess wants you to set some time to check in with your magic this week. Meditate, pull cards, sit with your crystals… Do whatever helps you to tune in to Spirit and give your intuition some attention.

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is floating around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

Eight of Swords- Indecision. Anxiety. Stagnation- The Eight of Swords indicates a state of indecision, of stagnation. You feel stuck and you’re afraid to make a choice. Your fears of making the “wrong” choice are keeping you bound, but the only person really keeping you trapped is you. It’s time to take off the blinders and take an honest look at your current situation. Stop letting your anxiety control you and make a move. 

Overall- You have all of the wisdom, power, and support you need, but you're not acknowledging it. It's time to step up your game this week and move forward. You've been holding yourself back out of fear, but you're the only one blocking your progress at this time. Shake the dust, let go of your limiting beliefs, and go after what you want. It's time to break free this week. Own your magic.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Swords- Conflict. Tension. Anxiety- The Two of Swords indicates a state of tension or angst, where you are keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make a decision of some kind. This Two represents a stalemate. Are you afraid to make a choice because you’re worried about creating conflict? You’re only making things worse for yourself by refusing to act. It’s time to decide what you want, make a move, and go after it. This week you are being told to stop deliberating and take action. You know the right move for you, so just go for it. 

Page of Wands-  Fresh energy. Inspiration. Creativity- The Page of Wands flies in with fire power for you this week. You are in need of some fresh energy and new vibes. It’s time to shake up your routine and start living more creatively. Where can you give your creativity an outlet? Maybe it’s in your appearance, maybe it’s in journaling or drawing… it’s time to tap in and free up some stuck energy. Go do something that inspires you.

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence- You are creating and crafting abundance in your life. The things you have been putting your energy into are about to pay off. Just keep going. Continue to build, but take a moment to look around and acknowledge all you have accomplished because you have accomplished a lot! Take some time this week to be grateful for your abundance.

Overall- You are stressing for no reason right now. You are blocking your fun and progress by worrying over things you don't need to fret about, so just stop. I feel you've been working too hard and you need some fresh inspiration and new energy. You know what you and what you need. Focus on that, stop worrying about everything or everyone else, and then watch how your mindset shifts. You are building beautiful things right now and you are right where you need to be. All you have to do is accept it.

Pile 3- Feather, Förhäxa Tarot

5 Combat of Art- (Five of Cups)- Disappointment. Hurt. Betrayal- The Five of Cups indicates loss and sadness. Someone of something has upset you and whether this wound is old or new, it's dragging you down. What’s done is done, and it’s time to release some of this heavy energy you've been carrying around. Grief and loss are a part of life, but there is always a choice when it comes to holding on to those feelings. Let them go- It’s time.

The Changer - (The Tower)- Collapse. Disturbance. Disruption- The Tower brings a collapse of some kind. Expect disruption this week. Things are shifting around you in a massive way. Fighting this process only makes it more challenging. Sometimes things just fall apart. Although the turbulence of The Tower is usually challenging, the collapse gives you the opportunity to rebuild in a way that better suits your current state. Change only becomes more challenging when you fight it. 

Queen of Knowledge- (Queen of Pentacles)- Abundance. Sensuality. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles brings fertility and abundance. This Queen is confident and comfortable in her own skin, and she is very clear about her needs. The Queen of Pentacles wants you to honor your body’s needs and to recharge your energy this week. The Queen of Pentacles manifests quickly because she is in tune with her physical world. It’s time to ground your energy and focus. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want, so it’s time to get clear on exactly what you want this week. 

Overall- You're struggling emotionally right now. You have some hurt feelings you're dealing with and the heaviness is holding you back. There is some unexpected turbulence or upheaval on the horizon for you this week. My advice is to let go of what is crashing and burning and don't fight the change that is coming. The best way to handle this week is to ground your energy, take really good care of yourself, and start to focus on what you want to create and manifest. Let go of the things that are leaving your life and make yourself, your wants, and your needs your top priority.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/19/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/19/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Faerie Tarot

High Priestess-Magic. Intuition. Power- It’s time to level up and put your crown on. Step into your power. Your intuition is calling…and by calling, I mean screaming for your attention. There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and schedule yourself some quiet time to be open to receive them. What does your spiritual practice look like right now? The High Priestess wants you to set some time to check in with your magic this week. Meditate, pull cards, sit with your crystals… Do whatever helps you to tune in to Spirit and give your intuition some attention.

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is floating around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

Eight of Swords- Indecision. Anxiety. Stagnation- The Eight of Swords indicates a state of indecision, of stagnation. You feel stuck and you’re afraid to make a choice. Your fears of making the “wrong” choice are keeping you bound, but the only person really keeping you trapped is you. It’s time to take off the blinders and take an honest look at your current situation. Stop letting your anxiety control you and make a move. 

Overall- You have all of the wisdom, power, and support you need, but you're not acknowledging it. It's time to step up your game this week and move forward. You've been holding yourself back out of fear, but you're the only one blocking your progress at this time. Shake the dust, let go of your limiting beliefs, and go after what you want. It's time to break free this week. Own your magic.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Swords- Conflict. Tension. Anxiety- The Two of Swords indicates a state of tension or angst, where you are keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make a decision of some kind. This Two represents a stalemate. Are you afraid to make a choice because you’re worried about creating conflict? You’re only making things worse for yourself by refusing to act. It’s time to decide what you want, make a move, and go after it. This week you are being told to stop deliberating and take action. You know the right move for you, so just go for it. 

Page of Wands-  Fresh energy. Inspiration. Creativity- The Page of Wands flies in with fire power for you this week. You are in need of some fresh energy and new vibes. It’s time to shake up your routine and start living more creatively. Where can you give your creativity an outlet? Maybe it’s in your appearance, maybe it’s in journaling or drawing… it’s time to tap in and free up some stuck energy. Go do something that inspires you.

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence- You are creating and crafting abundance in your life. The things you have been putting your energy into are about to pay off. Just keep going. Continue to build, but take a moment to look around and acknowledge all you have accomplished because you have accomplished a lot! Take some time this week to be grateful for your abundance.

Overall- You are stressing for no reason right now. You are blocking your fun and progress by worrying over things you don't need to fret about, so just stop. I feel you've been working too hard and you need some fresh inspiration and new energy. You know what you and what you need. Focus on that, stop worrying about everything or everyone else, and then watch how your mindset shifts. You are building beautiful things right now and you are right where you need to be. All you have to do is accept it.

Pile 3- Feather, The Celtic Wisdom Tarot

5 Combat of Art- (Five of Cups)- Disappointment. Hurt. Betrayal- The Five of Cups indicates loss and sadness. Someone of something has upset you and whether this wound is old or new, it's dragging you down. What’s done is done, and it’s time to release some of this heavy energy you've been carrying around. Grief and loss are a part of life, but there is always a choice when it comes to holding on to those feelings. Let them go- It’s time.

The Changer - (The Tower)- Collapse. Disturbance. Disruption- The Tower brings a collapse of some kind. Expect disruption this week. Things are shifting around you in a massive way. Fighting this process only makes it more challenging. Sometimes things just fall apart. Although the turbulence of The Tower is usually challenging, the collapse gives you the opportunity to rebuild in a way that better suits your current state. Change only becomes more challenging when you fight it. 

Queen of Knowledge- (Queen of Pentacles)- Abundance. Sensuality. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles brings fertility and abundance. This Queen is confident and comfortable in her own skin, and she is very clear about her needs. The Queen of Pentacles wants you to honor your body’s needs and to recharge your energy this week. The Queen of Pentacles manifests quickly because she is in tune with her physical world. It’s time to ground your energy and focus. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want, so it’s time to get clear on exactly what you want this week. 

Overall- You're struggling emotionally right now. You have some hurt feelings you're dealing with and the heaviness is holding you back. There is some unexpected turbulence or upheaval on the horizon for you this week. My advice is to let go of what is crashing and burning and don't fight the change that is coming. The best way to handle this week is to ground your energy, take really good care of yourself, and start to focus on what you want to create and manifest. Let go of the things that are leaving your life and make yourself, your wants, and your needs your top priority.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/12/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/12/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Vampire Tarot

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Compromise-  There is conflict afoot. The Five of Wands brings a struggle of some kind. Who are you fighting with, and is this fight really worth it? Reality is challenging you, and you’re having a hard time bringing what you want into existence. Whether this battle is internal or external, it's causing a lot of angst. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and look for a way to approach this situation from a different angle?

The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Sabotage- The Devil rolls in to encourage you to break free from the chains that bind you. Whether they be negative mental thoughts, an unsatisfying job, or a relationship that is no longer working. It’s time to take an honest look at your deepest desires and carefully consider what you truly want. The Devil highlights the ways in which we self-sabotage. This week gives you an opportunity to notice where you personally self-sabotage. What chains can you break this week? It's time to free up some energy.

Six of Cups - Nostalgia. Reflection. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings you in touch with something you had wished for in the past but may have given up on. This Six of Cups indicates that a dream from the past may not be possible of manifesting in your future. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. Are you moving toward them or away from them? What can you do to move in their direction?  Allow your dreams and wishes to flow freely through you.

Overall- You're fighting the wrong battle and it's not serving you. You are getting stuck or hung up in some type of internal or external drama and it's holding you back from the thing you should actually be focusing on. If you feel stuck, I want you to look at the way you are are managing your energy. Are you in control or are you giving your power away? There's some type of self-sabotage happening and the message is to clean up your mess and refocus your energy on the things you truly desire. How can you move in a more positive direction?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Wands-  Celebration. Success. Rewards-  The Four of Wands says it’s time to celebrate! You are being rewarded for all of your hard work, and you are surrounded by people that support you. Maybe plan something fun this week… either with your family, partner, or friends. This Four is calling for a good time, so make one happen! You deserve to celebrate your life.

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance represents balance, harmony, and a healing flow of feelings your way. In the Mythic Tarot, Temperance is Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow. She is calling for you to find your flow. Where can you bring more balance into your emotions? How can you find harmony in your relationship with yourself and with others? 

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect clarity around your goals and visions this week. You have an abundance of potential at this time and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create at this time? The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you get there.

Overall- Wow. Just go enjoy your life this week. Seriously. The energy around you is gorgeous and you are being told to go celebrate and enjoy yourself, so schedule in some fun downtime and watch how beautifully the energy around you flows when you do. Expect positive validation and help from The Universe to magically appear. Say "Thank you" when it does.

Pile 3- Seashell, Cosmic Tarot

Seven of Pentacles-  Choices. Timing. Harvest- The Seven of Pentacles has you deliberating a little bit this week.  This Seven often indicates the need to make a decision of some kind, usually involving your work. Should you continue on the path you are on or should you expand and maybe take a risk in a new way? The answer is all in the timing. Is this the right time to shift or expand or should you keep your focus where it is? 

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Stagnation. Attachment- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and it represents clinging too tightly. When we grip and cling to our attachments, it blocks the flow of energy necessary for growth. What old ideas or patterns are you attaching yourself to? Are you holding on too tightly to an “old story” that no longer really resonates with who you are? Where can you loosen your grip and find your faith this week? 

The Tower-  Disruption. Collapse. Transformation-  The Tower brings disruption and a sudden collapse of structure. This disruption can often help us to identify which things in life we have outgrown and no longer need. Although the appearance of The Tower often indicates a challenging situation, the beauty of this transformative card is in the opportunity it brings with it. When something collapses, we are given the opportunity to release and rebuild. What structures in your life have you outgrown? 

Overall- You have been feeling a bit restless and dissatisfied with your current situation and you've been contemplating making a change. You've been avoiding making this decision out of fear, but you need to remember that you have everything you need, and you should trust in yourself and your process. The good news/bad news is that The Universe throws a wrench at you this week to rock the boat, so stay open to any sudden shifts or changes that come your way. Look for the opportunity that is presented in the disruption is the best advice I have here. There is always a way to work with the energy.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/5/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/5/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Tarot

Seven of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- The Seven of Wands indicates competitive energy. Have you been comparing yourself or your work to others? Are you preventing yourself from moving forward because you are looking at what everyone else is doing? Are you doubting yourself and your path? It’s time to shift gears. Stop focusing externally and start focusing internally. Where and how are you directing your energy? Don’t waste time worrying about what anyone else is doing.  Focus on your own gifts and how best to work with them. 

Queen of Wands- Enthusiasm. Confidence. Inspiration- The Queen of Wands shows up to lend you some fire power this week. This Queen loves life and she wants to help you do the same. Are you in need of a confidence boost? Tap into your inner Queen of Wands and focus on what you're creating in your life at this time. This Queen has faith in her abilities and is incredibly loyal. She is bringing you that resurgence of faith in yourself this week.

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Power- The Empress appears to bring bountiful and abundant energy your way this week. Fertility is springing up in some area of your life, and The Empress is calling  for you to give it loving energy. What are you growing at this time? Nurture yourself, your loved ones, and your projects. Growth is being highlighted for you. Tap into your strength, power, and the divine feminine magic.

Overall-  Hard stop. You are in major need of a shift in attitude this week. You're blocking all of your power and abundance by getting sucked into other people's drama or playing the comparison game. Stop wasting your energy worrying about what other people are doing or thinking and please stop comparing yourself to others. You have beautiful energy to work with at this time, so focus on the things you want and redirect your energy in a more powerful and positive way.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Eight of Wands- Movement. Action. Flow-  The Eight of Wands brings movement and a shifting of energy your way. This Eight indicates action, particularly after a time of challenge. You are being told to move some energy and make a change.  Get the support you need and take at least one step forward in a positive direction this week.

The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Control- The Devil is here to help you break some chains. Where and how are you keeping yourself trapped or blocked? The Devil brings you face to face with some negative pattern that is holding you back. Pay attention to any ways in which you self-sabotage. Whether it's a negative habit you have or a habit of giving away your power to someone else, it's time to cut yourself loose this week.

Page of Cups- Love. Renewal. Healing- You are in desperate need of some serious self-care, so I suggest you schedule some this week. Do something nice for yourself and only connect with the people  who make you feel loved and supported. You need to refill and replenish your energy. The Page of Cups brings gentleness and sweetness your way. How can you cultivate more of that energy this week? What would make you feel loved?

Overall- The energy around you is trying to move, but you are blocking the flow. You've been stuck in one state too long and this week brings the opportunity to  release some energy. The key here is to notice where you are trapping yourself and sabotaging your progress. How can you cut yourself free?  You are at a place of renewal, so don't fight the shift that is happening. Let go of a bad habit, negative attitude, or toxic person and replace it with some loving, gentle energy.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The Empress- Power. Abundance. Fertility-  The Empress says you have all the power you need at this time, so use it. The Empress stands strong and steady and life blooms around her, in all of her brilliance. Find your power and your stillness and make your magic happen. The Empress is connected to her body and physical realm, which is why she manifests so beautifully, so give your body some loving care this week.

Knight of Pentacles- Stability. Perseverance. Focus- Whatever you are birthing in your life shows great potential, but there is a lot of work ahead. Slow and steady is your mantra for this week. Find a pace that is sustainable. That is the key to your continued success. If you are feeling the need to rush… don't. Make a solid action plan, and break it down into steps you can commit to. This Knight knows exactly what is needed to get the job done. Let him show you the way.

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Compromise- There is a struggle afoot this week. You are being challenged with bringing something forward. Whether the challenge in with your work or in a relationship,  it’s time to stop fighting and start working together. Where can you find the compromise in your current situation? You are being a bit stubborn and that approach isn’t helping. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and look for a different way to handle this conflict?

Overall- You are ready to birth something in your life, and while there is great power in your creation, you've got a ways to go on this. This week you are being told to find a sustainable pace when moving toward your goals. Decide where you want to go or what you want to create and then make a steady plan to get there. The Universe tosses a challenge of some kind your way. Don't over dramatize it and don't get sucked into a fight you can't win. Accept whatever comes and look for a way to compromise and work through it.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/29/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/29/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Vampire Tarot

The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Sabotage- The Devil rolls in to encourage you to break free from the chains that bind you. Whether they be negative mental thoughts, an unsatisfying job, or a relationship that is no longer working. It’s time to take an honest look at your deepest desires and carefully consider what you truly want. The Devil highlights the ways in which we self-sabotage. This week gives you an opportunity to notice where you personally self-sabotage. What chains can you break this week? It's time to free up some energy.

King of Cups-Empathy. Healing. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer and he brings the beautiful gifts of empathy and compassion with him. You have been giving and giving and giving and this week The King wants you to check in on your own energy level. Are you giving from a place of abundance and overflow or are you giving to the point of exhaustion? Your habit is to give to everyone else, but you need to fill your own cup because otherwise you’re going to end up depleted…if you’re not already there. What can you do to fill your cup this week? Don’t overthink it. Choose one thing now. 

The Hierophant- Spiritual teacher. Lessons. Connection- The Hierophant indicates that there are spiritual lessons at hand for you this week. The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human physical reality and the energy of Source. How are you connecting to Spirit? If you have been feeling disconnected, the appearance of this card indicates the week brings you an opportunity to find your connection. There are important lessons at play in your current situation. Stay open to receive them. When in doubt, step back and look at the big picture. Then, maybe get some spiritual guidance for clarity. 

Overall- You're feeling stuck and blocked and you need to free up some energy. How can you break out of this rut? Notice any ways you are self-sabotaging or giving your power away. Take some time this week to focus on yourself and refill your cup and energy. Then, make your spiritual practice a priority. How are you connecting? There are messages and lessons waiting for you this week. Slow down, tune in, and stay open to receive them.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

King of Cups- Healer. Compassion. Empathy-  The King of Cups is the great healer of the tarot. You have have natural empathetic and healing gifts, but you may be more comfortable using them to help others than using them to heal yourself. Self-care is not selfish. It's necessary. Take some time for you. It will make you even better for those you love. The message for you this week is to turn inward and direct some of that beautiful, empathetic healing energy to yourself. 

Two of Cups-  Love. Connection. Partnership- The Two of Cups brings love, connection, and partnership to the table. Who in your life makes you feel loved and cared for?  Take some time to really connect with your partner or close friends. Open up for some heart to hearts. There is magic in the connection waiting for you. Soak it up and soak it in. You have support around you. Lean into it.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Foreboding. Stress - The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare” and represents our stress, anxiety, and fears about the future. Sometimes when things in life are going well, it’s hard to accept and trust that fact. Oftentimes, when in a good flow, people wonder “When will the other shoe drop?” Take a breath… You are fine.  At the moment,  it's all in your head. Your fears are trying to take over. Don’t let them. Maybe try writing them down and ripping them up or burning them (safely). Sometimes when we get our stress or fears out of our minds and onto paper, it can help to diminish their power. There is no "other shoe" at this time.

Overall- You are right on track where you need to be right now. Your focus for this week is to give yourself the loving energy and attention that you give everyone else. You have everything you need right now and there is love and positive energy flowing all around you. Don't block your own flow by worrying or stressing. Sometimes it's hard to trust that things are going well, but they are going well for you this week. How can you let go of some of your anxiety and lean in to enjoy this time?

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gentleness. Energy-  It’s time to get centered, grounded, and focus your energy. If you’ve been feeling scattered, this is a call to rein it in. You are at your most powerful when you are operating from a calm and healthy place. This Page wants you to make sure you are at the top of your game this week. Eat well, sleep, drink more water and make sure your physical body is as healthy and strong as possible. You have more power to manifest when you are operating from a full tank, and this week that potential is right in front of you, so fill that tank up!

King of Swords- Intelligence. Justice. Idealism- The King of Swords appears to bring you in touch with your idealistic nature. The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. This King uses his intelligence to coolly and calmly evaluate situations and then powerfully acts accordingly. Strategy is being called for this week. You need a focused, direct, and more strategic approach to your current situation. This King has the power to cut through the drama and make a clean and clear choice. Go with it. 

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Perseverance- The Knight of Pentacles is here to bring you the steady and grounded energy you need right now. It's time to make your plans and patiently keep working at them. This Knight knows the value of hard work and perseverance, and he is here to help you hold the line and keep working at your goals. Slow and steady is your mantra for this week. Find a pace that is sustainable. That is the key to your continued success.

Overall-  It's time to slow down, recharge, and focus on strategy. The Universe wants you to find a grounded and steady approach to your current situation. Gather your energy and start by doing what you need to do to feel your best, in body, mind, and spirit. Then, think about what you are trying to accomplish and make a plan to get there. Have some patience with yourself and recognize that progress takes time, and each positive step you make moves you closer to where you want to be.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/22/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/22/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles brings manifestation magic your way. This Queen is grounded, powerful, and comfortable in her sensuality. She knows what she wants and she also knows that all she needs to do to get it stand steady in her beauty and own her magic.  Can you confidently step into your power this week and let things bloom around you? 

Page of Wands-  Inspiration. Excitement. Creativity-  The Page of Wands brings fresh energy and creativity to you this week. It’s time to focus on what excites you. What lights you up and makes you feel inspired? That is what you should be putting your energy into at this time. This Page is offering you the spark of inspiration, so pay attention to it and keep it lit. Think about what makes you want to get up in the morning. What do you want to do, create, explore?

The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star indicates beautiful potential and brings you hope and positive energy. What are you wishing for? You just might get it. Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them. Where do you find inspiration? The Star indicates that hope is present and events align for you that renew your faith. Focus on your vision for your life. What do you want it to look like? 

Overall -  Your message for this week is to get in touch with your body, love yourself up, and manifest from a place of calm, centered, magic. Things in your world are shifting forward in the best possible way, so take full advantage of this powerful energy.  Focus on feeling good in your body, mind, and spirit and then notice how your creativity blooms, expands, and attracts amazing things right to you.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Page of Swords-  Gossip. Challenge. Irritability - This Page of Swords is saying there are too many opinions coming at you right now, and none of them are actually helpful.  Gossip and negative speech are indicated here. The message from this Page is to shut out the negative chatter that is surrounding you. Only you know what is right for your life. Do not let yourself get swayed by the opinions of others.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare.” It represents anxiety, stress, and foreboding about the future. The  Nine of Swords more often indicates stress and fear rather than anything negative actually happening. Do not let yourself get blinded by fears or overwhelmed with potential worries. Take a deep breath and let them go. If you need to, write your worries down and rip them up. Do not let your fears hold you back.

Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Abundance- Love overflows and good things are headed your way. Focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. Look for the synchronicities  big and small, and pay attention. Appreciate the blessings in your life this week. The more you appreciate what you have, the more easily you will manifest more of your desires.

Overall- It's time for an attitude adjustment. You are letting toxic negativity spin you out and you're spiraling into anxiety. Stop letting other people's opinions and your fears block your flow. You have nothing to fear at this time. The energy around you is beauitful, and you are right where you are meant to be. How can you dial down some of this anxiety and focus on all of the positive things in your life? Count your blessings, not your troubles.

Pile 3- Broom, Fairytale Tarot

King of Swords- Intelligence. Justice. Idealism- The King of Swords appears to bring you in touch with your idealistic nature. The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. This King uses his intelligence to coolly and calmly evaluate situations and the powerfully acts accordingly. Strategy is being called for this week. You need a focused, more strategic approach to your current situation. This King has the power to cut through the drama and make a clean and clear choice. Go with it. 

Nine of Wands- Exhaustion. Struggle. Depletion- When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, one last struggle shows up to test you. Take a deep breath. You’ve been through worse. Find your determination and willpower and regroup your energy. You’re exhausted and depleted and feel like you just can’t cope. It’s time to dig down and find your reserves. You do have what you need to move through this challenge. Resilience is the name of the game. 

King of Wands- Charisma. Excitement. Opportunity- The King of Wands has big ideas and his job is to sell them to others. This King is fiery and charismatic, and he is full of confidence. His appearance this week is telling you that it’s time to put your creative ideas out into the world. This week brings opportunity to you, so don’t hesitate when opportunity knocks. The world needs your magic, so put it out there this week. This King does not hold back and neither should you. 

Overall- It's time to boss up this week. You are being told the best way to achieve your goals is to focus your energy and make a solid and logical plan. Think about where you are and where you want to be. Then, list out the steps needed to get there. There is a challenge on the horizon this week, but don't fear it. The Universe is testing you and you are being told to recognize you have the strength and ability you need to move forward. Dig down and walk through this week with confidence. That's how you win.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/15/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/1/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Keys, Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Eight of Wands- Movement. Flow. Imagination- The Eight of Wands brings a release of energy. This Eight signals that there is the opportunity for a shift or movement this week. Something has re-ignited your inspiration, and you are feeling that it's time to make some big changes happen.  You feel ready to charge ahead to get yourself out of the place you've been stuck in. Pay attention to the signs and messages that are being sent your way.

Seven of Swords- Guile. Secrecy. Mistrust - It’s time to draw your power inward this week. Stop talking to everyone about what you are doing, creating, and working on. It is not serving you at this time. There are times in life where secrecy, guile, and tact are necessary, and this is one of those times. This Seven of Swords is telling you to trust your instincts and take your work off the radar this week. You need to tune in and do what’s best for you. Others may be trying to sabotage your plans. Don’t give them the power. 

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Connection. Higher Learning- The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human reality and the energy of The Divine. The Hierophant is here to teach you something important this week. What are the lessons in your current situation? Where can you utilize your challenges to further your spiritual growth. It’s time to listen for the inner messages that are waiting for you.

Overall- You are feeling inspired and creative and ready to make some big leaps forward, but The Universe is cautioning you to hit the pause button before you go full steam ahead. Be aware of any type of sabotage energy this week, whether external or internal. There are lessons for you in the changes you are making and you need to tune in to get them. The answers for your next steps forward are within, so be wary of who and how much you share with at this time.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Strength- Pride. Ego. Courage- It’s time to tap into your inner power. Strength arrives to remind you that you have everything you need to move forward positively in your life. This week is a call to draw on your inner power and confidently take steps toward your dreams and goals. The Universe is supporting your decisions. Trust your instincts and stand your ground. You know what you need. Go get it. 

Two of Cups-  Joy. Love. Connection-  The Two of Cups indicates love, partnership, and connection. There is a call for you to tap into supportive partnerships. Lean in to the support that surrounds you. Whether it’s a romantic partnership or friendship, share some special time with someone you love. Harmony is the name of the game and the focus for you this week.

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, sense of innate knowing. How can you tap into and utilize all of your gifts?

Overall- Game on for you! You are being told to gather up your strength and courage. You have all the energy and support you need at this time to fully step into your power. The big message here is to trust yourself, trust in your abilities, and own your magic. This is one of those weeks where you are being told to simply make the magic happen, so get on it!

Pile 3- Feather, Tarot Familiars

King of Pentacles-  Power. Ambition. Manifestation - The King of Pentacles brings stability, power, and success. This King knows what he wants and he doesn’t take “no” for an answer. It’s time to bring some of that confidence into the game. Decide what you want and then go get it. Manifestation only happens when you have clarity. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want, so find your focus this week.

King of Swords- Intelligence. Justice. Strategy- The King of Swords appears to bring you in touch with your idealistic nature. The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. This King uses his intelligence to coolly and calmly evaluate situations and the powerfully acts accordingly. Strategy is being called for this week. You need a focused, more strategic approach to your current situation. This King has the power to cut through the drama and make a clean and clear choice. Go with it. 

Ace of Wands-  Creativity. Inspiration. Energy- The Ace of Wands brings bright, shiny inspiration to you! You are lit up with a new idea. This Ace brings excitement and fresh energy to your current situation. Open up to possibility and see what kind of magic you can make. Keep your eyes open for opportunities because something or someone lights the fire of inspiration in you this week.

Overall- This is an incredibly powerful week for you, so make sure to make the most of it! You have a lot of energy to work with, so get very clear on what you want at this time. I suggest making a list of goals and then pick the top three and write down what steps you need to take to move toward them. Keep your eye on the prize this week and let your creativity expand. You have the potential to make more progress than you realize.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/8/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/1/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Ten of Swords- Endings. Release. Finale - The Ten of Swords brings an ending and often one that feels difficult. This Ten says that something in your life has reached its conclusion, and then ending may feel a little messy. You need to be done with whatever  its is you have been struggling with. Something occurs this week which forces you to acknowledge this fact. It's time to clear out the dead weight, so you have space for fresh growth.

Ace of Wands- Fresh energy. Creativity. Potential- The Ace of Wands brings an upsurge of creative energy. New ideas, positive vibes, and potential are floating around you. Stay open to exploring, learning, and creating. There is fresh energy available to you, but you need to pay attention so you don't miss it. What do you desire your life to look like? Tap into your dream vision and take a step toward creating it.

Death- Transition. Release. Endings-  Death brings the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. There are big shifts and changes afoot, and although they are necessary changes, change can still be challenging. When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose? Can you release it with grace? There is no life without death, so don't fight whatever ending shows up for you this week.

Overall- It is time for a fresh start. Transition is your word for this week. You have reached the end of a cycle, and you are fighting the release. It's time to clear away the things you have outgrown, so you have the space and energy to create something new. The Universe is pushing you forward, so don't fight the process. Let whatever is causing you stress and drama go and watch inspiration fill you up. If you work with this release and ending, you can make a massive shift forward this week.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

King of Swords- Strategy. Focus. Organization- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he brings order and systems along with him. This King is calm, cool, and collected and he's extremely focused. He can, however, become a bit too rigid in his thinking, and I feel that's where you are this week. Are you trying to control every little detail? Can you lighten up a bit and trust that you are on the right track?

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence-  The Ten of Pentacles represents a time of contentment and security. The focus for you this week is on appreciation. Find your gratitude for your life and your loved ones and pay attention to all of the blessings that surround you. You have been working hard, and your hard work has paid off. You’ve reached a period of stability and you should be proud of all you have accomplished. 

Ten of Cups- Love. Abundance. Contentment- Your cups overflow and love surrounds you. Take some time this week to hold space for your gratitude. You are blessed, and your life is reflecting that state of abundance. Your relationships are bringing you joy and things are flowing effortlessly for you at this time. When things are this good, it’s important to honor, acknowledge, and give thanks for them. Your homework this week is to make a daily gratitude list. Abundance begets more abundance. 

Overall-  You have been focusing so tightly on creating structure and order in your life that you are starting to miss out on the bigger picture. Loosen your grip and relax. You have achieved beautiful success, and this week all you need to do is enjoy it. Look around  your life and make a list of all the things in it that you appreciate. Take a break from working so hard and schedule in some fun and relaxation. You've earned it.

Pile 3- Feather, Soul Cats Tarot

Three of Pentacles- Success. Support. Collaboration- The Three of Pentacles brings success and validation  your way this week. A new idea, project, or relationship shows signs of great promise. This Three says that you are on the right track, and The Universe is sending you exactly what you need to support your plans, so keep your eyes peeled for good luck and helpful energy to magically appear.

The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star indicates beautiful potential and brings you hope and positive energy. What are you wishing for? You just might get it. Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them. Where do you find inspiration?  The Star says that hope is present and events align for you this week that renew your faith. Focus on your vision for your life. What do you want it to look like? 

Nine of Pentacles- Success. Achievement. Rewards- It’s time to take a moment to honor all of your hard work and count your wins. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that your hard work is all paying off and you are about to reap the rewards. You have been putting steady and loving energy into your life and your projects, and The Universe wants you to recognize how well you are doing. 

Overall- This week brings you support, success, and beautiful energy. Expect  validation from The Universe and give thanks when it appears. Whether it appears in the form of positive collaborations or just being in the right place at the right time, you are in a gorgeous flow this week. Keep your vibes high and watch the rewards of your hard work come right to you.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/1/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/1/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Smith-Waite Tarot

Page of Swords-  Gossip. Curiosity. Irritability -  The Page of Swords brings fresh, but also flighty energy to you this week. This Page indicates quick thoughts and sometimes gossipy ones. Do not get yourself stuck worrying about what others are thinking or saying. Their thoughts or opinions are not your problem. Also, don’t waste too much time fighting off the haters. It’s a waste of energy. Focus on keeping your own thoughts more positive and watch some of this angst and drama disappear.  

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords is calling for a time- out. You need to schedule in some rest and recovery this week. This Four wants you to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next. Find your stillness and take the time you need to gather your thoughts and regain your strength. Give yourself some space this week and watch the answers you are looking for magically appear.  A little quiet goes a long way...

Seven of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle with other people’s ideas. This Seven brings competitive energy. Have you been comparing yourself or your work to others? Are you preventing yourself from moving forward because you are looking at what everyone else is doing? Are you doubting yourself and where to direct your energy? It’s time to shift gears. Stop focusing externally and start focusing internally. Where and how are you directing your energy?

Overall-  You need to ground yourself this week. You've been getting blown around and distracted and it's throwing you off course. I feel you've been spending too much time listening to others or worrying about what other people think and it's scattering your energy. Take some time to focus and regroup, and then stop fighting this battle you're fighting. Tune out other people and listen to your instincts. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own gifts and how best to work with them. 

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands brings one last struggle. You feel you’ve been on the struggle bus for some time and you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t cope with one more thing. The tough news is there is “one more thing” in the cards for you this week. The good news is that you do, indeed, have the strength you need to face this challenge. Dig down and think about your end goal. Keep your focus on it and do whatever you need to do to push through this challenge. 

The Tower-  Disruption. Collapse. Transformation-  The Tower brings disruption and a sudden collapse of structure. This disruption can often help us to identify which things in life we have outgrown and no longer need. Although the appearance of The Tower often indicates a challenging situation, the beauty of this transformative card is in the opportunity it brings with it. When something collapses, we are given the opportunity to release and rebuild. What structures in your life have you outgrown? 

Strength- Courage. Strength. Self-discipline-  It’s time to dust yourself off and pull it together. A little strength and self-discipline is being called for here. Strength challenges you to get your ego in check. We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control and manage our energy and responses to it. I want you to dig in and find your strength this week. Do what makes you feel strong and empowered.  Strength challenges you to embrace your courage and make the steps necessary to move your life forward.

Overall- Buckle in, my friend. This week brings a bumpy ride. You've been in a struggle for some time and although you are nearing the end of it, you've got one more challenge looming on the horizon this week. My advice for this week is that if and when something disruptive happens, don't fight it. Let what's going to crash and burn, crash. Harness your courage and strength and just keep going. You'll get through it.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power, and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, and sense of innate knowing. You need to tap into and utilize all of your gifts.

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging- The Four of Pentacles says that you have the structure and stability you need at this time, but you're not trusting in it. This Four is considered "the card of the miser" and warns against gripping or clinging too tightly out of fear of loss. Where can you loosen your grip this week and allow the energy to flow a bit more freely? Fear of loss keeps you stuck and that restriction blocks your flow.

Six of Cups-  Nostalgia. Dreams. Promise- The Six of Cups indicates that a dream you have been holding now seems possible of manifestation in the future. What is your  deepest desire? Things are lining up for you to get it. You just have to believe. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. What can you do to move in the direction of them? Allow the dreams and potentials you have to flow freely through you.

Overall- This week you are being called to step up and into your power.  It is time to embrace and utilize all of your magical gifts. You are holding yourself back by not trusting that you have exactly what you need right now. The Universe is trying to push you toward a cherished dream you have been carrying for some time. How can you open up to receive it?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/24/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/23/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Cosmic Tarot

Ten of Cups- Love. Joy. Contentment- The Ten of Cups brings joy and love to you. Lean into the love this week and focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life.  Expect good luck and positive energy to fill all your cups. You have blessings to count, so count them and watch them grow and expand as you do. This Ten says you have everything you've been wishing for and it's time to appreciate it.

Three of Cups- Connection. Support. Abundance-  The Three of Cups brings love, connection, and support. There is beautiful energy all around you. Whether it’s romance, friendship, or family... the good vibes are flowing.  Soak up the love and honor the beautiful connections in your life. The week is calling for you to take a moment to appreciate your loved ones. Maybe carve out some special time with your special people. 

Eight of Wands- Movement. Change. Imagination-  The Eight of Wands brings action and movement your way, often after what feels like a challenging time. Things being to flow in a more positive direction for you this week. Go with that flow. Don’t question it. Just get in the zone and stay there. All things cycle and you are shifting into smoother waters this week, so breathe easy. Expect a renewal of imagination and to easily reconnect to the things that inspire you.

Overall- Good vibes only this week! You are in an absolutely gorgeous place and abundance and love is flowing all around you. You are headed toward a beautiful free flow of energy and things seem to magically move themselves forward this week. You feel renewed and refreshed and ready to take on the world! Enjoy it.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Loss- Something or someone has hurt your feelings. The Three of Swords indicates grief and heartache. Whether this loss is old or fresh, it’s present for you emotionally at this time. Loss and grief are a part of life, and this week offers you the potential to heal a wound. Whether this is an old rift that needs mending or a message for you to continue working through a loss, look for the healing aspect to it. Acknowledging and honoring hurt feelings is always a good start. 

The Fool- Faith. Opportunity. Optimism-  The Fool brings fresh energy and a new opportunity. The Fool represents the beginning of a cycle. It's time to make a move and take a leap. The Fool has vision and the impulse and faith necessary to follow his vision, even if he doesn’t know how it will turn out. You are being offered the opportunity for a fresh start. How can you optimistically take a step forward this week?

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- The Two of Wands represents energies coming together to push you forward on your path.  You are being reminded to hold the vision and trust the process. The more clarity and focus you have on your creative vision, the more ease-fully things will align for you, so decide where you are headed and watch The Universe conspire to help you get there.

Overall- Out with the old and in with the new...There is a wound that needs healing for you and something brings it front and center. Release any hurts or resentments that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. You are at the precipice of a new cycle and The Universe wants you to focus on your goals and visions. Where do you want to go? What do you want your life to look like? Take a step in that direction this week.

Pile 3- Feather, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

Ten of Pentacles- Completion. Contentment. Security- The Ten of Pentacles brings contentment and security to you. This Ten indicates a time of successful completion. You have made great progress, and you should feel proud of where you are. Life is reminding you to look around and  soak up the stability and positive energy you have created. You’ve been making good choices for future happiness, and this week is a reminder of all the progress you’ve gained recently.

Strength- Pride. Ego. Courage- It’s time to tap into your inner power. Strength arrives to remind you that you have everything you need to move forward positively in your life. This week is a call to draw on your inner power and confidently take steps toward your dreams and goals. The Universe is supporting your decisions, so trust your instincts and stand your ground. You know what you need. Go get it. 

Queen of Wands- Magnetism. Warmth. Confidence- The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want. This Queen loves life and life loves her right back; she has faith in her abilities and is incredibly loyal. She is bringing you that resurgence of faith in yourself this week. The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week.  Keep moving forward. You’ve got this.

Overall- You are in an incredibly powerful place at this time, so take this week as an opportunity to go after something you want. You have been working hard and your hard work has gotten you stability and strength, and it's time to have a little fun with all of the fabulous things happening in your life. How can you bring more joy and enthusiasm into each day?

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/17/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/17/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Healing- Temperance flows into your life to ask you to take an honest look at your well-being. How are you treating yourself? What parts of you need healing? How can you bring your mind, body, and spirit back into balance? It’s time to find your flow this week. Where can you soften up and actually go with the flow.  If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, Temperance is calling for you to activate some calming self-care this week. 

Page of Cups- Love. Renewal. Self-care- It’s time to turn your attention inward and focus on you. You are in need of a rebirth. Stop giving all of your energy away and take time to fill your cup. You’ve been putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own and it isn’t serving you. In fact, it’s part of why you feel stuck. Make taking care of yourself a priority and watch how quickly your answers appear.

Ten of Swords- Ending. Release. Letting go- The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. Something needs to go. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a negative behavioral pattern, it’s time to cut the cords and release it from your life. While endings can be both painful and challenging, this one is long overdue and honestly the release is going to be much easier than you think. What needs to be cleared out of your life this week?

Overall- It's time to make some changes. You are in desperate and I mean desperate need of some self-care. This week you are being told to look at where you are out of balance and take some steps to regroup your energy. You can't continue the way you've been operating because you are headed toward a crash. Look at how you are managing your energy and make some positive shifts this week. As you do, you will notice that you need to put a serious end to the things that are sucking your energy. Don't be afraid to draw some hard boundaries and lines in the sand. Clear out the dead weight.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Eight of Swords- Indecision. Stagnation. Bondage- The Eight of Swords indicates that you have been feeling being stuck or trapped. If you're feeling indecisive or like your energy is blocked, take a moment to look at your situation from a different angle. The only one keeping you bound up is you, so what do you need to release, shift, or clear to break out of this cycle?

The Fool- Risk. Faith. New beginnings-  The Fool arrives to help you take a leap of faith this week. The Fool indicates the beginning of a new stage of life, a new adventure. When we make a change, there is always a risk involved. Have faith in yourself. It’s time to take the leap. The answer to any question that arrives this week is “Yes!” The Fool is pushing you to embrace the change in front of you. It’s time to try something new… whether it’s a new attitude, job, or relationship. You need to explore any potential opportunity that shows up at this time. 

Nine of Cups- Wishes. Love. Joy- The Nine of Cups is considered "the wish card" in the tarot and this Nine brings you what you desire.  Beautiful things are headed your way this week, so expect positivity to surround you. You have gifts from The Universe. Stay open to receive them. Focus on what brings you joy and fills your cup. Move in the direction of whatever that is and you will get it.

Overall- You have been holding yourself back and blocking your flow out of self-doubt and indecision. Where are you keeping yourself stuck or trapped? How can you shift that energy? The message for this week is that it is time to take a step or a big leap forward. If there is something you've been thinking of trying out, this is the week to do it! Trust yourself. This leap brings you closer to your heart's desire. It's time to make a move!

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.  Take a moment to stop and smell the roses. You are in a powerful place!

Strength-Pride. Ego. Courage- It’s time to tap into your inner power. Strength arrives to remind you that you have everything you need to move forward positively in your life. This week is a call to draw on your inner power and confidently take steps toward your dreams and goals. The Universe is supporting your decisions. It is time for you to trust your instincts and stand your ground. You know what you want and need. Go get it. 

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want with joy and enthusiasm. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing a this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration available to you right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on at this time. 

Overall- It's time to level up this week! You are at a beautiful and powerful place and it's time to look at all you have achieved. You have an abundance of energy and strength at this time and you are being told to utilize all of this power to move your goals forward. All you need to do this week is move through it with confidence and enthusiasm and things will flow forward for you in a beautiful way! Enjoy!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/10/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/10/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

The Hanged Man- Delays. Faith. Sacrifice - The Hanged Man brings a delay or hold up of some kind. When The Hanged Man appears, it indicates that something is not happening as quickly as you would like, and often this delay brings  frustration and angst along with it. The Hanged Man reminds us to have faith in the divine timing of things. If you feel you've been hanging around waiting for something or someone and it's just not working out, the message this week is that there is a reason for it. Try to have patience and look for signs.

Ten of Swords- Endings. Release.  Finale - The Ten of Swords brings an ending and often one that feels difficult. This Ten says that something has reached its end point and it's time to acknowledge that and let whatever it is go. Often, this Ten brings tough feelings along with it. What have you outgrown? What ending have you been fighting?  It's time to acknowledge the truth of the matter and clear the dead weight, so you have space for fresh growth.

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance brings the beautiful gift of healing to you this week. Temperance represents balance and harmony. How can you find your flow this week? What do you need to do to stay balanced and healthy? Are you doing it? Temperance is offering you the opportunity to regroup your energy. How can you refill your cup?  Where can you find the balance in your emotions? Slow down, breathe, and center.

Overall- It's time to shift directions. You have been feeling frustrated and upset that you're not getting what you think you want, but you're denying the fact that you have outgrown something in your life, and this denial is blocking your flow. It feels like the Universe is trying to re-route you in some way. If you aren't getting "what you want," I want you to take a moment and think it over. Is what you want really in your best interest? You need to cleanse and clear out something that has been dead for some time. When you do, your energy flows much more freely and you are given the opportunity to find your balance.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Power-  The Empress wants you to own your power this week. It’s time to step up and shine. Stop playing small. Embrace and embody all that you are. The Empress wants me to tell you that you’ve been holding yourself back so as not to threaten others, and she isn’t feeling it. She wants you to embrace your power, your sensuality, and be exactly who you are. The Empress manifests and creates just by being who she is, in all of her raw, unbridled power. She wants you to do the same.

Judgement- Karma. Rebirth. Reaping-  Judgement brings a reaping… the rewards of past actions. What have you been working on? Where have you been directing your energy? The fruits of that labor are coming full circle at this time. Think of it like a karmic pay-out. You are preparing to begin a new cycle. With transformation and change like this, there is inevitably a release of some kind that goes along with it. There is a big rebirth on the horizon for you. Don’t fight it. 

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing at this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Overall- It's go time for you! You are being told to embrace and embody all of your power and magic. I want you to really step it up this week and go after what you want. You are reaping the rewards of your hard work, and The Universe wants you to honor and acknowledge all of your gifts. You are rebirthing yourself on a beautiful level and you are being told to move forward with confidence.

Pile 3- Seashell, Celestial Tarot

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands is the card of strength in reserves. You've been through a lot and you're tired, exhausted, and maybe a touch overwhelmed. This Nine is saying you've allowed yourself to get into the pattern of believing this is how things will continue to be, but that's not accurate. Can you take a moment to acknowledge all you have worked through and overcome? How can you incorporate those lessons into your current situation?

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Success. Abundance-  The Six of Pentacles brings generosity and benevolence to you this week. You are being given exactly what you need to shift gears and move into a better place. Abundance and generosity are headed your way. Expect a positive offer or the help that you have been looking for to show up. Say “Thank you” to the Universe when it does.

Two of Wands- Faith. Vision. Inspiration- The Two of Wands indicates a new goal or creative vision begins to come together for you. If you’ve been feeling stuck, energy seems to snap into place to help you figure out your direction. The Two of Wands suggests communicating your desires and goals will help you to clarify them, so maybe phone a friend and talk it out. You have fresh energy awaiting you this week.

Overall- You've been struggling for some time and it's felt like one thing after another. All of that angst shifts for you this week. You have been challenged recently, and I want you to look at what the challenges have taught you. Acknowledge the lessons you have learned and start moving in a more positive direction. When you do, The Universe opens the door you need and pulls you right on through. Expect help and clarity to come your way this week.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/3/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/3/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Broom, Fantastical Tarot

The High Priestess- Intuition. Magic. Wisdom-  The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, sense of innate knowing. You need to tap into and utilize all of your gifts. This week she is encouraging you to step into your power in a truly magical way.  Are you taking time to listen to your intuition? Turn your attention inward and notice what comes up for you.  The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. 

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance-  The Ace of Cups brings a beautiful opening and an opportunity for rebirth. The focus here is on love and abundance. What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay open and connected to your heart’s desire. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them expand when you do.

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging-  The Four of Pentacles is considered “the card of the miser” and it warns against clinging too tightly. This Four indicates that the structure and stability that you need are in currently in place. Sometimes when things are going well, there is a fear that it will all be taken away or that someone or something will try to “steal” it from us. Take a deep breath and relax. This type of clinging or fearful hoarding will only stunt your growth.

Overall- It's time to make your magic! Well, you've been making your magic and the Universe is telling you that you're ready to level up! You have a lot of power to work with right now, so trust your intuition and focus on what your heart desires. You're in the perfect place to get it. You just need to believe that you are where you need to be. Loosen your grip and find your faith. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is no other shoe at this time.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Stability. Sensuality. The Queen of Pentacles is here to remind you to step into your power. She brings strong, grounded, earth energy. This Queen is steady and sensual and comfortable in her body.  She excels at manifesting what she desires on the physical plane because she has the direct focus to do so. It is time to stop hiding and step up. This Queen wants you to embrace your sensuality this week, get back in your body, and own your magic.

Knight of Wands- Change. Excitement. Adventure- The Knight of Wands brings an exciting offer to you. This Knight rides in with vibrant, charismatic energy and lights you up in some way. Expect the unexpected to arrive this week. The Knight of Wands brings you fresh energy and a new possibility. Go with it. Jump on the horse and take a risk. When in doubt this week, just say “Yes!”

Ace of Cups- Love. Potential. Joy- The Ace of Cups speaks of raw potential and emotional expansion. You are truly in a place of rebirth this week. Open up to it and look at the potential and possibility that is right in front of you. It’s been there for awhile now, but you’ve been clinging to old patterns and ways of being and in doing so, you’ve been blocking your abundance. The love, house, job, dream… whatever your heart truly desires is so close right now. Keep your eyes open, so you don’t miss it!

Overall- This week brings good vibes only! You are in a beautifully powerful place to manifest something new this week. Things are shifting for you in the best way possible and The Universe is pushing you closer to your heart's desire. Stay grounded in your magic and keep moving toward what you want. Keep an eye open for any unexpected shifts or opportunities that pop up to help you along.

Pile 3- Broom, Key, The Pulp Tarot

King of Wands-  Charisma. Success. Confidence- The King of Wands brings success to your creative endeavors this week. This King is full of charm and charisma and he is here to help you put your work into the world. What are you passionate about? What lights you up? Do that and the rest will fall into place. The King of Wands is telling you to have faith in yourself and your creative ideas. It’s time to shine and put them out into the world. Whether this King represents a person or a creative idea, the energy he comes with brings inspiration your way. Go with it...

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Loss- Something or someone hurts your feelings this week. The Three of Swords indicates grief and heartache. Whether this loss is old or fresh, it’s present for you emotionally this week. Loss and grief are a part of life. This week offers you the potential to heal a wound, so whether this is an old rift that needs mending or a message for you to continue working through a loss, look for the healing aspect to it. Acknowledging and honoring hurt feelings is always a good start. 

Ten of Pentacles- Security. Stability. Permanence- The Ten of Pentacles represents permanence, contentment, and lasting success. Whether it is work or personal, whatever you have been putting your energy toward is working for you. Expect lasting, long-term and positive results. You are well on your way to creating and manifesting the life you desire. 

Overall - You are on the right track and The Universe wants you to keep this forward momentum going. You have a lot of positive energy and powerful ideas to implement and put out there and you are being told to stay confident in your abilities. There's a slight emotional bump in the road this week when you come face to face with some type of emotional wound. Whether this is fresh or old, you are being told to not get stuck in this feeling. Sometimes when you're doing well, you discover that not everyone you thought was in your corner is actually cheering you on. Let go of anything and anyone not supporting your growth at this time.