Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/3/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/3/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Tarot
Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance- The Ace of Cups wants you to open up to love and abundance. You have beautiful energy available to you at this time. What fills your cup and brings you joy? The Universe wants you to make whatever that is a priority this week. Stay connected to your heart’s desires. This Ace indicates that you would be wise to count your blessings. Watch them grow and expand when you do.
Justice- Justice. Balance. Boundaries- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and principles and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life at this time? I suggest you pick up your sword and set your limits. Practice the art of saying "No."
Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Healing- Temperance arrives this week to ask you to take an honest look at your well-being. How are you treating yourself? What parts of you need healing? How can you bring your mind, body, and spirit back into balance? It’s time to find your flow this week. Where can you soften up and actually go with the flow instead of fighting against it? Temperance wants things to ease-fully flow together, and she is calling for you to find the balance in your situation. Move gently, speak kindly, and allow the waters of Temperance to soften and heal all those you encounter.
Overall- This week brings the opportunity for renewal. You have loving energy and positive gifts available to you. To make the most of this, I would like you to look at all of the blessings surrounding you and focus on what you desire. Then, I suggest that you set some serious healthy boundaries around your time and energy. It's one of those "saying no to others is saying yes to you" kind of things. If you do, you allow your energy to flow effortlessly and you end this week feeling balanced, calm, and more joyful.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Page of Wands- Inspiration. New ideas. Enthusiasm- The Page of Wands arrives with fresh ideas for you this week. Expect inspiration to find you, and stay open to the possibilities it brings when it does. It’s time to take some initiative. Is there an idea that’s been percolating and you’ve been hesitant to put into action? Can you take one small step in that direction this week? This Page brings you the enthusiasm you need to make a move.
Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Reunion. Dreams- The Six of Cups indicates a dream from the past now seems possible of manifestation in the future. What have you been longing for? Things are lining up for you to get it. You just have to believe in yourself. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. What can you do to move in the direction of them?
Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy, you can create amazing things!
Overall- Your creativity is calling, so answer the phone when it rings. This week brings you the opportunity to move a goal or project forward. Focus your energy on what inspires you and on what you desire. You are being told to move in the direction of your dreams and rededicate your energy and attention to them. What are your goals right now? Are you giving them enough time and attention?
Pile 3-Broom, The Fairytale Tarot
The Chariot- Will. Conflict. Aggression- The Chariot wants you to take some time to check in on how you are using and directing your energy. Who is driving your personal chariot? Are you in control or are you letting your competitive or aggressive tendencies get the best of you? Are you moving forward in a way that serves your highest good? It looks like you are trying so hard to control things that you are creating more conflict than is necessary.
King of Swords- Intelligence. Justice. Idealism- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. This King uses his intelligence to calmly evaluate situations, and creates a strategic plan to work with them. The power of the King lies in his cool, logical, discernment, but he can become too rigid in his thinking and attach himself to unrealistic expectations of himself and others bringing disharmony and dissatisfaction. Having a strategy and plan in place is helpful, but don't get too stuck on forcing things to go "your way,” particularly if your way isn't getting you anywhere.
Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Fear. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is known as “the card of the nightmare” and represents our stress, anxiety, and foreboding about the future. The Nine of Swords more often indicates anxiety than anything negative actually occurring. Your fears are trying to take over. Don’t let them. Maybe try writing them down and ripping them up or burning them (safely). Sometimes when we get our stress or fears out of our minds and onto paper… it can help to diminish their powers
Overall - It's time to get your ego in check this week. You are trying so hard to control some aspect of your life that it's blocking your flow and causing you anxiety. I want you to ease way up on yourself. Take off some of this self-imposed pressure and set smaller and more realistic goals. The anxiety you’re feeling is trying to help you find a better balance. Give it some attention this week.