Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/17/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/17/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot
Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Healing- Temperance flows into your life to ask you to take an honest look at your well-being. How are you treating yourself? What parts of you need healing? How can you bring your mind, body, and spirit back into balance? It’s time to find your flow this week. Where can you soften up and actually go with the flow. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, Temperance is calling for you to activate some calming self-care this week.
Page of Cups- Love. Renewal. Self-care- It’s time to turn your attention inward and focus on you. You are in need of a rebirth. Stop giving all of your energy away and take time to fill your cup. You’ve been putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own and it isn’t serving you. In fact, it’s part of why you feel stuck. Make taking care of yourself a priority and watch how quickly your answers appear.
Ten of Swords- Ending. Release. Letting go- The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. Something needs to go. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a negative behavioral pattern, it’s time to cut the cords and release it from your life. While endings can be both painful and challenging, this one is long overdue and honestly the release is going to be much easier than you think. What needs to be cleared out of your life this week?
Overall- It's time to make some changes. You are in desperate and I mean desperate need of some self-care. This week you are being told to look at where you are out of balance and take some steps to regroup your energy. You can't continue the way you've been operating because you are headed toward a crash. Look at how you are managing your energy and make some positive shifts this week. As you do, you will notice that you need to put a serious end to the things that are sucking your energy. Don't be afraid to draw some hard boundaries and lines in the sand. Clear out the dead weight.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Eight of Swords- Indecision. Stagnation. Bondage- The Eight of Swords indicates that you have been feeling being stuck or trapped. If you're feeling indecisive or like your energy is blocked, take a moment to look at your situation from a different angle. The only one keeping you bound up is you, so what do you need to release, shift, or clear to break out of this cycle?
The Fool- Risk. Faith. New beginnings- The Fool arrives to help you take a leap of faith this week. The Fool indicates the beginning of a new stage of life, a new adventure. When we make a change, there is always a risk involved. Have faith in yourself. It’s time to take the leap. The answer to any question that arrives this week is “Yes!” The Fool is pushing you to embrace the change in front of you. It’s time to try something new… whether it’s a new attitude, job, or relationship. You need to explore any potential opportunity that shows up at this time.
Nine of Cups- Wishes. Love. Joy- The Nine of Cups is considered "the wish card" in the tarot and this Nine brings you what you desire. Beautiful things are headed your way this week, so expect positivity to surround you. You have gifts from The Universe. Stay open to receive them. Focus on what brings you joy and fills your cup. Move in the direction of whatever that is and you will get it.
Overall- You have been holding yourself back and blocking your flow out of self-doubt and indecision. Where are you keeping yourself stuck or trapped? How can you shift that energy? The message for this week is that it is time to take a step or a big leap forward. If there is something you've been thinking of trying out, this is the week to do it! Trust yourself. This leap brings you closer to your heart's desire. It's time to make a move!
Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot
The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved. Take a moment to stop and smell the roses. You are in a powerful place!
Strength-Pride. Ego. Courage- It’s time to tap into your inner power. Strength arrives to remind you that you have everything you need to move forward positively in your life. This week is a call to draw on your inner power and confidently take steps toward your dreams and goals. The Universe is supporting your decisions. It is time for you to trust your instincts and stand your ground. You know what you want and need. Go get it.
Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want with joy and enthusiasm. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing a this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration available to you right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on at this time.
Overall- It's time to level up this week! You are at a beautiful and powerful place and it's time to look at all you have achieved. You have an abundance of energy and strength at this time and you are being told to utilize all of this power to move your goals forward. All you need to do this week is move through it with confidence and enthusiasm and things will flow forward for you in a beautiful way! Enjoy!