Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/8/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/1/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

Ten of Swords- Endings. Release. Finale - The Ten of Swords brings an ending and often one that feels difficult. This Ten says that something in your life has reached its conclusion, and then ending may feel a little messy. You need to be done with whatever  its is you have been struggling with. Something occurs this week which forces you to acknowledge this fact. It's time to clear out the dead weight, so you have space for fresh growth.

Ace of Wands- Fresh energy. Creativity. Potential- The Ace of Wands brings an upsurge of creative energy. New ideas, positive vibes, and potential are floating around you. Stay open to exploring, learning, and creating. There is fresh energy available to you, but you need to pay attention so you don't miss it. What do you desire your life to look like? Tap into your dream vision and take a step toward creating it.

Death- Transition. Release. Endings-  Death brings the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. There are big shifts and changes afoot, and although they are necessary changes, change can still be challenging. When we take big steps forward, we are often gifted with the realization and awareness that certain things must be left behind. What in your life has served its purpose? Can you release it with grace? There is no life without death, so don't fight whatever ending shows up for you this week.

Overall- It is time for a fresh start. Transition is your word for this week. You have reached the end of a cycle, and you are fighting the release. It's time to clear away the things you have outgrown, so you have the space and energy to create something new. The Universe is pushing you forward, so don't fight the process. Let whatever is causing you stress and drama go and watch inspiration fill you up. If you work with this release and ending, you can make a massive shift forward this week.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

King of Swords- Strategy. Focus. Organization- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he brings order and systems along with him. This King is calm, cool, and collected and he's extremely focused. He can, however, become a bit too rigid in his thinking, and I feel that's where you are this week. Are you trying to control every little detail? Can you lighten up a bit and trust that you are on the right track?

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence-  The Ten of Pentacles represents a time of contentment and security. The focus for you this week is on appreciation. Find your gratitude for your life and your loved ones and pay attention to all of the blessings that surround you. You have been working hard, and your hard work has paid off. You’ve reached a period of stability and you should be proud of all you have accomplished. 

Ten of Cups- Love. Abundance. Contentment- Your cups overflow and love surrounds you. Take some time this week to hold space for your gratitude. You are blessed, and your life is reflecting that state of abundance. Your relationships are bringing you joy and things are flowing effortlessly for you at this time. When things are this good, it’s important to honor, acknowledge, and give thanks for them. Your homework this week is to make a daily gratitude list. Abundance begets more abundance. 

Overall-  You have been focusing so tightly on creating structure and order in your life that you are starting to miss out on the bigger picture. Loosen your grip and relax. You have achieved beautiful success, and this week all you need to do is enjoy it. Look around  your life and make a list of all the things in it that you appreciate. Take a break from working so hard and schedule in some fun and relaxation. You've earned it.

Pile 3- Feather, Soul Cats Tarot

Three of Pentacles- Success. Support. Collaboration- The Three of Pentacles brings success and validation  your way this week. A new idea, project, or relationship shows signs of great promise. This Three says that you are on the right track, and The Universe is sending you exactly what you need to support your plans, so keep your eyes peeled for good luck and helpful energy to magically appear.

The Star - Hope. Wishes. Faith- The Star indicates beautiful potential and brings you hope and positive energy. What are you wishing for? You just might get it. Focus on your dreams and desires and stay open to receiving them. Where do you find inspiration?  The Star says that hope is present and events align for you this week that renew your faith. Focus on your vision for your life. What do you want it to look like? 

Nine of Pentacles- Success. Achievement. Rewards- It’s time to take a moment to honor all of your hard work and count your wins. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that your hard work is all paying off and you are about to reap the rewards. You have been putting steady and loving energy into your life and your projects, and The Universe wants you to recognize how well you are doing. 

Overall- This week brings you support, success, and beautiful energy. Expect  validation from The Universe and give thanks when it appears. Whether it appears in the form of positive collaborations or just being in the right place at the right time, you are in a gorgeous flow this week. Keep your vibes high and watch the rewards of your hard work come right to you.