Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/19/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/19/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Seashell, Faerie Tarot

High Priestess-Magic. Intuition. Power- It’s time to level up and put your crown on. Step into your power. Your intuition is calling…and by calling, I mean screaming for your attention. There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and schedule yourself some quiet time to be open to receive them. What does your spiritual practice look like right now? The High Priestess wants you to set some time to check in with your magic this week. Meditate, pull cards, sit with your crystals… Do whatever helps you to tune in to Spirit and give your intuition some attention.

Three of Cups -  Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is floating around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life. 

Eight of Swords- Indecision. Anxiety. Stagnation- The Eight of Swords indicates a state of indecision, of stagnation. You feel stuck and you’re afraid to make a choice. Your fears of making the “wrong” choice are keeping you bound, but the only person really keeping you trapped is you. It’s time to take off the blinders and take an honest look at your current situation. Stop letting your anxiety control you and make a move. 

Overall- You have all of the wisdom, power, and support you need, but you're not acknowledging it. It's time to step up your game this week and move forward. You've been holding yourself back out of fear, but you're the only one blocking your progress at this time. Shake the dust, let go of your limiting beliefs, and go after what you want. It's time to break free this week. Own your magic.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Swords- Conflict. Tension. Anxiety- The Two of Swords indicates a state of tension or angst, where you are keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make a decision of some kind. This Two represents a stalemate. Are you afraid to make a choice because you’re worried about creating conflict? You’re only making things worse for yourself by refusing to act. It’s time to decide what you want, make a move, and go after it. This week you are being told to stop deliberating and take action. You know the right move for you, so just go for it. 

Page of Wands-  Fresh energy. Inspiration. Creativity- The Page of Wands flies in with fire power for you this week. You are in need of some fresh energy and new vibes. It’s time to shake up your routine and start living more creatively. Where can you give your creativity an outlet? Maybe it’s in your appearance, maybe it’s in journaling or drawing… it’s time to tap in and free up some stuck energy. Go do something that inspires you.

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence- You are creating and crafting abundance in your life. The things you have been putting your energy into are about to pay off. Just keep going. Continue to build, but take a moment to look around and acknowledge all you have accomplished because you have accomplished a lot! Take some time this week to be grateful for your abundance.

Overall- You are stressing for no reason right now. You are blocking your fun and progress by worrying over things you don't need to fret about, so just stop. I feel you've been working too hard and you need some fresh inspiration and new energy. You know what you and what you need. Focus on that, stop worrying about everything or everyone else, and then watch how your mindset shifts. You are building beautiful things right now and you are right where you need to be. All you have to do is accept it.

Pile 3- Feather, The Celtic Wisdom Tarot

5 Combat of Art- (Five of Cups)- Disappointment. Hurt. Betrayal- The Five of Cups indicates loss and sadness. Someone of something has upset you and whether this wound is old or new, it's dragging you down. What’s done is done, and it’s time to release some of this heavy energy you've been carrying around. Grief and loss are a part of life, but there is always a choice when it comes to holding on to those feelings. Let them go- It’s time.

The Changer - (The Tower)- Collapse. Disturbance. Disruption- The Tower brings a collapse of some kind. Expect disruption this week. Things are shifting around you in a massive way. Fighting this process only makes it more challenging. Sometimes things just fall apart. Although the turbulence of The Tower is usually challenging, the collapse gives you the opportunity to rebuild in a way that better suits your current state. Change only becomes more challenging when you fight it. 

Queen of Knowledge- (Queen of Pentacles)- Abundance. Sensuality. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles brings fertility and abundance. This Queen is confident and comfortable in her own skin, and she is very clear about her needs. The Queen of Pentacles wants you to honor your body’s needs and to recharge your energy this week. The Queen of Pentacles manifests quickly because she is in tune with her physical world. It’s time to ground your energy and focus. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want, so it’s time to get clear on exactly what you want this week. 

Overall- You're struggling emotionally right now. You have some hurt feelings you're dealing with and the heaviness is holding you back. There is some unexpected turbulence or upheaval on the horizon for you this week. My advice is to let go of what is crashing and burning and don't fight the change that is coming. The best way to handle this week is to ground your energy, take really good care of yourself, and start to focus on what you want to create and manifest. Let go of the things that are leaving your life and make yourself, your wants, and your needs your top priority.