Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/12/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/12/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Vampire Tarot

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Compromise-  There is conflict afoot. The Five of Wands brings a struggle of some kind. Who are you fighting with, and is this fight really worth it? Reality is challenging you, and you’re having a hard time bringing what you want into existence. Whether this battle is internal or external, it's causing a lot of angst. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and look for a way to approach this situation from a different angle?

The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Sabotage- The Devil rolls in to encourage you to break free from the chains that bind you. Whether they be negative mental thoughts, an unsatisfying job, or a relationship that is no longer working. It’s time to take an honest look at your deepest desires and carefully consider what you truly want. The Devil highlights the ways in which we self-sabotage. This week gives you an opportunity to notice where you personally self-sabotage. What chains can you break this week? It's time to free up some energy.

Six of Cups - Nostalgia. Reflection. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings you in touch with something you had wished for in the past but may have given up on. This Six of Cups indicates that a dream from the past may not be possible of manifesting in your future. Take some time this week to consider your heart’s desires for your life. Are you moving toward them or away from them? What can you do to move in their direction?  Allow your dreams and wishes to flow freely through you.

Overall- You're fighting the wrong battle and it's not serving you. You are getting stuck or hung up in some type of internal or external drama and it's holding you back from the thing you should actually be focusing on. If you feel stuck, I want you to look at the way you are are managing your energy. Are you in control or are you giving your power away? There's some type of self-sabotage happening and the message is to clean up your mess and refocus your energy on the things you truly desire. How can you move in a more positive direction?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Wands-  Celebration. Success. Rewards-  The Four of Wands says it’s time to celebrate! You are being rewarded for all of your hard work, and you are surrounded by people that support you. Maybe plan something fun this week… either with your family, partner, or friends. This Four is calling for a good time, so make one happen! You deserve to celebrate your life.

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance represents balance, harmony, and a healing flow of feelings your way. In the Mythic Tarot, Temperance is Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow. She is calling for you to find your flow. Where can you bring more balance into your emotions? How can you find harmony in your relationship with yourself and with others? 

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect clarity around your goals and visions this week. You have an abundance of potential at this time and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create at this time? The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you get there.

Overall- Wow. Just go enjoy your life this week. Seriously. The energy around you is gorgeous and you are being told to go celebrate and enjoy yourself, so schedule in some fun downtime and watch how beautifully the energy around you flows when you do. Expect positive validation and help from The Universe to magically appear. Say "Thank you" when it does.

Pile 3- Seashell, Cosmic Tarot

Seven of Pentacles-  Choices. Timing. Harvest- The Seven of Pentacles has you deliberating a little bit this week.  This Seven often indicates the need to make a decision of some kind, usually involving your work. Should you continue on the path you are on or should you expand and maybe take a risk in a new way? The answer is all in the timing. Is this the right time to shift or expand or should you keep your focus where it is? 

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Stagnation. Attachment- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and it represents clinging too tightly. When we grip and cling to our attachments, it blocks the flow of energy necessary for growth. What old ideas or patterns are you attaching yourself to? Are you holding on too tightly to an “old story” that no longer really resonates with who you are? Where can you loosen your grip and find your faith this week? 

The Tower-  Disruption. Collapse. Transformation-  The Tower brings disruption and a sudden collapse of structure. This disruption can often help us to identify which things in life we have outgrown and no longer need. Although the appearance of The Tower often indicates a challenging situation, the beauty of this transformative card is in the opportunity it brings with it. When something collapses, we are given the opportunity to release and rebuild. What structures in your life have you outgrown? 

Overall- You have been feeling a bit restless and dissatisfied with your current situation and you've been contemplating making a change. You've been avoiding making this decision out of fear, but you need to remember that you have everything you need, and you should trust in yourself and your process. The good news/bad news is that The Universe throws a wrench at you this week to rock the boat, so stay open to any sudden shifts or changes that come your way. Look for the opportunity that is presented in the disruption is the best advice I have here. There is always a way to work with the energy.