Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/10/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 9/10/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

The Hanged Man- Delays. Faith. Sacrifice - The Hanged Man brings a delay or hold up of some kind. When The Hanged Man appears, it indicates that something is not happening as quickly as you would like, and often this delay brings  frustration and angst along with it. The Hanged Man reminds us to have faith in the divine timing of things. If you feel you've been hanging around waiting for something or someone and it's just not working out, the message this week is that there is a reason for it. Try to have patience and look for signs.

Ten of Swords- Endings. Release.  Finale - The Ten of Swords brings an ending and often one that feels difficult. This Ten says that something has reached its end point and it's time to acknowledge that and let whatever it is go. Often, this Ten brings tough feelings along with it. What have you outgrown? What ending have you been fighting?  It's time to acknowledge the truth of the matter and clear the dead weight, so you have space for fresh growth.

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow- Temperance brings the beautiful gift of healing to you this week. Temperance represents balance and harmony. How can you find your flow this week? What do you need to do to stay balanced and healthy? Are you doing it? Temperance is offering you the opportunity to regroup your energy. How can you refill your cup?  Where can you find the balance in your emotions? Slow down, breathe, and center.

Overall- It's time to shift directions. You have been feeling frustrated and upset that you're not getting what you think you want, but you're denying the fact that you have outgrown something in your life, and this denial is blocking your flow. It feels like the Universe is trying to re-route you in some way. If you aren't getting "what you want," I want you to take a moment and think it over. Is what you want really in your best interest? You need to cleanse and clear out something that has been dead for some time. When you do, your energy flows much more freely and you are given the opportunity to find your balance.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Power-  The Empress wants you to own your power this week. It’s time to step up and shine. Stop playing small. Embrace and embody all that you are. The Empress wants me to tell you that you’ve been holding yourself back so as not to threaten others, and she isn’t feeling it. She wants you to embrace your power, your sensuality, and be exactly who you are. The Empress manifests and creates just by being who she is, in all of her raw, unbridled power. She wants you to do the same.

Judgement- Karma. Rebirth. Reaping-  Judgement brings a reaping… the rewards of past actions. What have you been working on? Where have you been directing your energy? The fruits of that labor are coming full circle at this time. Think of it like a karmic pay-out. You are preparing to begin a new cycle. With transformation and change like this, there is inevitably a release of some kind that goes along with it. There is a big rebirth on the horizon for you. Don’t fight it. 

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing at this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week. 

Overall- It's go time for you! You are being told to embrace and embody all of your power and magic. I want you to really step it up this week and go after what you want. You are reaping the rewards of your hard work, and The Universe wants you to honor and acknowledge all of your gifts. You are rebirthing yourself on a beautiful level and you are being told to move forward with confidence.

Pile 3- Seashell, Celestial Tarot

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves-  The Nine of Wands is the card of strength in reserves. You've been through a lot and you're tired, exhausted, and maybe a touch overwhelmed. This Nine is saying you've allowed yourself to get into the pattern of believing this is how things will continue to be, but that's not accurate. Can you take a moment to acknowledge all you have worked through and overcome? How can you incorporate those lessons into your current situation?

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Success. Abundance-  The Six of Pentacles brings generosity and benevolence to you this week. You are being given exactly what you need to shift gears and move into a better place. Abundance and generosity are headed your way. Expect a positive offer or the help that you have been looking for to show up. Say “Thank you” to the Universe when it does.

Two of Wands- Faith. Vision. Inspiration- The Two of Wands indicates a new goal or creative vision begins to come together for you. If you’ve been feeling stuck, energy seems to snap into place to help you figure out your direction. The Two of Wands suggests communicating your desires and goals will help you to clarify them, so maybe phone a friend and talk it out. You have fresh energy awaiting you this week.

Overall- You've been struggling for some time and it's felt like one thing after another. All of that angst shifts for you this week. You have been challenged recently, and I want you to look at what the challenges have taught you. Acknowledge the lessons you have learned and start moving in a more positive direction. When you do, The Universe opens the door you need and pulls you right on through. Expect help and clarity to come your way this week.