Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/23/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 723/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Feather, Fantastical Tarot
Six of Swords- Acceptance. Understanding. Insight- The Six of Swords brings acceptance and understanding to your current situation. By fully accepting where you are (whether you like it or not), you can begin to understand and integrate the lessons you have learned recently and use that information to move forward. By the end of this week, you will know what to do. The outcome may not be exactly what you desire, but it’s important to work with what you’ve got.
Ten of Swords- Endings. Exhaustion. Release- The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. You’re exhausted and it’s time to admit it to yourself. Stop fighting a losing battle. Cut your losses and let go of what hasn’t been working. It’s time. How can you clear out this week? Who or what has been causing you grief? It’s time to put an end to it, one way or another. Don't overdramatize things. You're ready for this shift.
Eight of Wands- Movement. Release. Imagination- The Eight of Wands brings a beautiful release of energy. This Eight brings action and movement, especially after a period of delay or struggle. Things are beginning to flow forward in a more positive direction, and it’s a welcome break from the stress you’ve been dealing with. Your challenge is to open up and use your imagination to begin moving in a more positive direction.
Overall- There is a big shift ahead this week. You need to calm and clear your mind to see the steps you need to take. When you do, you are going to realize that you need to put a final ending to something that has been causing you grief and challenging you for some time. Don't make this release a bigger deal than it needs to be. Once you clear this out and clean it up, energy opens for you and things seem to flow in a bright and beautiful way.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Justice- Balance. Order. Idealism- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and goals and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life and the world at large? Don’t be afraid to stick to your principles this week. It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.
Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Achievement. Optimism- The Three of Wands indicates early success. Energies are coming together and it seems The Universe is supporting your plans. It is important to acknowledge the growth and progress you have made, but there is still work to be done, so you need to stay strong and steady and not get complacent. Keep your focus this week and don’t let yourself get distracted.
The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope and optimism your way. The energy around you is high and powerful. Enjoy it and use it! Have fun and trust that everything is in perfect alignment for you right now. You have good luck and positive energy to work with. The Sun brings clarity to your situation, and you can now move forward with joy and enthusiasm.
Overall- You have reached a place you should feel very proud of. You are finally starting to set the boundaries you need to succeed and as you do, The Universe supports you and gifts you positive energy and validation. This week brings good luck and blessings along with it, so hold your lines and boundaries tightly and expect what you need to flow right toward you.
Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot
Seven of Pentacles- Deliberation. Decision. Opportunity- The Seven of Pentacles indicates a time where a decision must be made… usually one involving your work. You are being given the option to continue working on what you’ve been working on or to take a risk and shift directions. The advice for this week is to weigh out your options before making choice. Make sure you have all of the facts and information you need before you decide what to do.
Eight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Skill- The Eight of Pentacles is known as “the card of the apprentice” and this Eight says you have skills and talents that are in need of development. It’s time to honor your particular gifts and talents. What do you do best? How can you continue to grow and improve at these skills? It’s time to find the joy in your craft. When you focus your energy, you can create amazing things!
The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself. The High Priestess is here to remind you to connect with your own magic, intuition, sense of innate knowing. You need to tap into and utilize all of your gifts.
Overall- This week brings you the opportunity to decide on how you wish to focus your energy. What is the best use of your particular skills and talents? That is what you need to focus on. The more you work on what you love, the more empowered you will feel. When trying to make a decision this week, the answer is to look inward and listen to your intuition.