Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 2/13/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/13/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Gilded Tarot

Five of Pentacles- Stress. Worry. Faith- The Five of Pentacles brings worry and stress. Whether it’s worry over finances, health, or just general life angst, the core of this Five is lack of faith. Often, when things aren’t going smoothly, we spiral into fear or self-doubt and make the situation seem worse than it actually is, and that’s where you’re currently headed. The message for you this week is to step back and take a look around. Help is available to you. All you need to do is ask for it.

Seven of Swords- Guile. Secrecy. Wit- The answer to your current situation isn’t a straight-forward one. You need to trust your instincts and do what you feel needs to be done, in whatever way that is. There are situations in life where you have to work around people or situations in subtle, maybe slightly manipulative ways. Pay attention this week. Do not let anyone sabotage you. Sometimes our energy, time, or ideas get sucked away little by little and we don’t even notice that it’s happening. Here is your warning to not let that happen this week.

The World- Cycles. Achievement. Integration- The World brings the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are at the end of something and it’s time to take the lessons you’ve learned and integrate them. What chapters in your life are coming to a close and which new ones are beginning? If you’re not headed in a direction that feels pleasing to you, it’s time to make some shifts.

Overall- It’s time to take stock of your current situation. You are letting stress and worry get the best of you, and it’s blocking your intuition and instincts. There is murkiness afoot. Either you aren’t being clear with yourself or someone else or someone isn’t being completely clear or honest with you. Whichever way that cookie is crumbling, it’s time to decide where you want to go and make sure you’re on the best path to get there.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

.Death- Release. Transition. Transformation- Death brings a big shift your way this week. Death indicates that it is time to release what isn’t working to make space for new growth and opportunities. Just let it go. You are being called to rebirth yourself on some level. Take a look around and see what you need to clear out of your life. It’s time for change. Fighting transitions only makes them more challenging.

The Moon- Cycles. Fluctuation. Intuition- The Moon highlights the ebb and flow of cycles changing and also calls for you to tap into your intuitive instincts. Things are shifting for you at this time and while transitions can sometimes feel confusing, they are necessary. Take some time this week to notice the ebb and flow of your energy throughout the day. How can you best work with your own natural flow?

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stagnation. Clinging- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser,” and this Four indicates that you have the structure and stability you need, but you aren’t trusting in that fact. Your fear of loss is causing you to grip too tightly to the status quo, and it’s blocking your growth and future potential. Trust yourself and open up to a new idea this week.

Overall- There is a big shift on the horizon this week. It’s time to release what isn’t working and make space. Things are changing and you’re feeling a little muddled and confused by them. Trust that you have what you need and you can let go a little bit. Go with the flow is your message for this week. Clinging to what you’ve outgrown will only hold you back from greatness.

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Six of Swords-Insight. Acceptance. Movement-The Six of Swords brings insight and acceptance to your current situation this week. It is time to move forward from exactly where you are. Without trying to drastically shift or change anything, what is the next best step forward for you? Think about how you can create more harmony this week. This Six brings the opportunity to move forward in a smoother direction.

Three of Swords- Grief. Separation. Disappointment- The Three of Swords brings up some seriously hurt feelings. This Three brings you face to face with your grief. Whatever tough emotions are happening for you this week… don’t fight them. Just allow yourself to feel what you need to feel and process through the heartache. That’s the first step toward healing.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Renewal- The Sun brings the beautiful message of hope and optimism your way. The Sun indicates that there is a blessing for you this week, and you just need to open up to receive it. Expect support to appear in the exact form you need it, and then say “thank you” to The Universe when it does.

Overall- It’s time to move forward this week. You have had a rough run recently and there is hurt and betrayal to process out. Don’t fight your feelings. Get the support you need to grieve and move through the heartache you’re feeling. There is beauty and sunshine on the other side of this… Ask for help and it will appear. This too shall pass…

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 2/6/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/6/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Five of Pentacles- Stress. Worry. Faith- The Five of Pentacles brings worry and stress. Whether it’s worry over finances, health, or just general life angst, the core of this Five is lack of faith. Often, when things aren’t going smoothly, we spiral into fear or self-doubt and make the situation seem worse than it actually is, and that’s where you’re currently headed. The message for you this week is to step back and take a look around. Help is available to you. All you need to do is ask for it.

Seven of Swords- Guile. Secrecy. Wit- The answer to your current situation isn’t a straight-forward one. You need to trust your instincts and do what you feel needs to be done, in whatever way that is. There are situations in life where you have to work around people or situations in subtle, maybe slightly manipulative ways. Pay attention this week. Do not let anyone sabotage you. Sometimes our energy, time, or ideas get sucked away little by little and we don’t even notice that it’s happening. Here is your warning to not let that happen this week.

The World- Cycles. Achievement. Integration- The World brings the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are at the end of something and it’s time to take the lessons you’ve learned and integrate them. What chapters in your life are coming to a close and which new ones are beginning? If you’re not headed in a direction that feels pleasing to you, it’s time to make some shifts.

Overall- It’s time to take stock of your current situation. You are letting stress and worry get the best of you, and it’s blocking your intuition and instincts. There is murkiness afoot. Either you aren’t being clear with yourself or someone else or someone isn’t being completely clear or honest with you. Whichever way that cookie is crumbling, it’s time to decide where you want to go and make sure you’re on the best path to get there.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Five of Pentacles- Worry. Loss. Lack- The Five of Pentacles indicates a time of stress or loss. You are feeling defeated and you are allowing your worries and negative thoughts to take over your mindset. This Five says you aren’t trusting yourself or your abilities. Stop the pity party and take an honest look around. How can you shift your attitude? It’s time to get some perspective and pivot.

Ten of Cups- Abundance. Love. Contentment- The Ten of Cups brings love, contentment, and fulfillment your way. This Ten says you have the connection and support you need, so soak it up, soak it in, and enjoy it. The Ten of Cups brings beautiful blessings your way this week. Accept them when they arrive. You deserve the abundance that is coming to you.

Queen of Cups- Intuition. Emotions. Passion- The Queen of Cups is in touch with her emotions, her passions, and her intuition. What are you the most passionate about? Are you making your passions a priority? This Queen wants you to tune into your deepest desires and focus on them. Get in touch with your emotions. Let your instincts guide you.

Overall- The message for you this week is… “Get out of your own way.” You are letting unnecessary fears and negative thoughts block your joy. You have what you need, so stop letting your fears take over and get the best of you. Look around at the abundance and blessings that surround you. This week is a call for you to tap into your intuition and make your passions a priority. Once you do, the energy flows much more freely.

Pile 3- Feather, Celestial Tarot

The Hierophant- Philosophy. Education. Guidance- The Hierophant indicates that this week is calling for you to find connection. The Hierophant bridges the link between our human physical reality and the energy of God, Source, Spirit. There are important lessons for you this week. Take a look at your spiritual practice. How can you center and re-focus it? Keep an eye open on messages from The Universe, while you’re at it.

Three of Pentacles- Support. Success. Validation - The Three of Pentacles indicates that this week the stars align and things seem to work out in your favor, as if by magic. Money and/or energy are available to you at this time, so take advantage of your good fortune. There is an abundance of support around you and you should feel pleased by the progress you’re making.

Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Optimism. Enthusiasm- The Three of Wands brings optimism and excitement about a creative project. What have you been working on? What lights you up? This week you get validation around your ideas or efforts. Accept the praise graciously, but don’t let it go to your head. There is still work to do.

Overall- This is a positive and powerful week. You are being guided forward and all you need to do is stay open to receive the messages as they come in. The Universe gives you the support, energy, or money you need to move forward with your goals and projects, and this positive flow of energy is validated by others. Enjoy this success but keep moving forward. There is still work up ahead. It’s only the beginning of this particular adventure…

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 1/30/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/30/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Creatures Tarot

King of Pentacles- Ambition. Success. Power- The King of Pentacles rules the material, physical realm, and he brings success and achievement your way. This week indicates that it is time to harness your ambition and gather your power. What have you been working on? What are your goals? Get focused and then go after them. You have the Universe backing you up this week.

Ten of Pentacles- Wealth. Abundance. Contentment- The Ten of Pentacles indicates a time of wealth and abundance. There is a lot of money and/or energy available to you right now, so gather it up and put it to good use. This Ten brings success. All of your hard work is paying off this week and you should feel extremely proud of all you have accomplished. Stay on track and you will stay in the flow of abundance you’ve created.

Three of Pentacles- Support. Validation. Rewards- The Three of Pentacles indicates a time where energies come together, almost as if by magic. You have beautiful opportunities headed your way this week, and all you need to do is to recognize them and accept the help where it is offered. Stay focused on the task at hand. You are on the right track and this week brings some lovely validation to you, but there is still work ahead. This success you’re seeing is only the beginning.

Overall- Everything is working out in your favor this week, so take advantage of the good vibes. Weeks like this are rare, so if there is something you’ve been wanting to move forward with regarding your work or a new project… this is the week to go for it. You have everything you need to succeed and the message for this week is to stay calm and steady and just keep going. You are on the right track to success.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Pentacles- Stability. Structure. Clinging- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser.” This Four says you have the structure and stability that you need at this time, but you aren’t trusting in those facts. When we cling or grip too tightly (whether to an idea, a relationship, or a fear), we resist the flow of energy and block our growth. Take a moment to look around at what you have created this week. You have what you need, so trust yourself.

Knight of Swords- Disruption. Movement. Change- The Knight of Swords brings quick changes, often disruptive ones. When this Knight appears, he usually rocks the boat in some way. While this can create a touch of conflict…sometimes the boat needs to be rocked. This week brings the opportunity to make a big shift. Don’t fight it. Go with it. If a little turbulence arises, don’t worry. It’s all for the best.

Ten of Cups- Love. Joy. Contentment- The Ten of Cups indicates a time of love, joy, and connection. This Ten brings beautiful energy to you and your relationships this week. Soak up the love and take some time to appreciate the blessings that are all around you. This Ten suggests ongoing contentment and loving support, so enjoy it.

Overall- Your challenge this week is to stop fighting the shifts that are happening around you. You are clinging too tightly to some old patterns out of fear of loss, and it’s blocking your flow. Loosen up your grip. What’s meant for you will be there, and what isn’t… well… it needs to stop taking up space in your life, so let it go. Once you get on board with the changes that are happening around you, you end this week feeling happy and content. There is the opportunity to move toward harmony in your relationships, so get moving.

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Stagnation. Structure- The Four of Pentacles indicates structure and stability. This Four says you have everything you need and you’ve worked hard to get to this place. The challenge right now is to not get yourself trapped our stuck out of fear of change or loss. In this deck, the Witch in the card looks like he has locked himself and his possessions in a tower, and although he’s probably safe in there, he’s not making any progress by hiding out. The cat in the card is trying to sneak a peek out of the window. Where are you keeping yourself trapped or blocked out of fear of loss? It’s time to look outside your box.

Ace of Wands- Potential. Creativity. Possibility- The Ace of Wands brings fresh energy and creative potential your way. This Ace tells me that some opportunity is going to sparkle right in front of you this week. Make sure you grab it when it does. The Ace of Wands indicates that it’s time to consider new things… new ideas, fresh energy, new ways of being. Where can you open your eyes to something new this week?

Ten of Swords- Endings. Exhaustion. Release- The Ten of Swords brings the ending of a difficult situation. You’re exhausted and it’s time to admit it to yourself. Stop fighting a losing battle. Cut your losses and let go of what hasn’t been working. It’s time. How can you clear out this week? Who or what has been causing you grief? It’s time to put an end to it, one way or another.

Overall- This week you are being called to step out of your comfort zone. You’re getting yourself stuck by worrying and stressing over security, and it’s blocking your growth. There is a beautiful new opportunity on the horizon, so keep your eyes open or you’ll miss it. Taking advantage of this opportunity forces you to make a big shift. Something in your life has reached its end and it’s time to accept that fact and let go. Often, we have to clear out to make space for new things and sometimes the clear out is messy. Accept that releases are challenging and let go anyway.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 1/23/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/23/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot

Queen of Cups- Emotions. Intuition. Passion- The Queen of Cups wants you to get in touch with your feelings this week. (If the Cancer moon didn’t get you last week… The Queen of Cups is here to help you feel the feels this week). This Queen is highly intuitive and she knows how to focus on her passions. What are you passionate about? Are you making those passions a priority? This Queen is here to help you tune in to your emotions and your intuition. Are you listening?

Eight of Cups- Release. Abandonment. Mourning- The Eight of Cups is a card of letting go and release. It’s time to acknowledge what isn’t working in your current situation. This may mean leaving something or someone behind or simply that you need to change directions. Often this card indicates a time of sadness because there can be grief in the release. It’s time to redirect your energy and start moving in a more positive direction.

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Patience- The Knight of Pentacles brings slow and steady energy your way. This Knight knows how to focus and dedicate himself to a task and he is here to help you do the same this week. It’s time to take some small steps forward. Consistent small changes often lead to big shifts and that’s your message right now. Have patience with yourself and your process.

Overall- You’ve been denying or repressing your feelings and they are all coming to the surface this week. When you acknowledge the depths of them, you will see that something in your current situation isn’t working for you, and it’s time to let it go. Even if the release brings sadness, it is necessary, and when you let go of what isn’t working, you get a better idea of where you want to be. Take one or two steps in that direction, but let them be small steps. Go easy on yourself.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Emperor- Power. Ambition. Success- The Emperor represents power, ambition, and success. You hold a lot of power in you current situation, so make sure you put it to good use. It’s time to confidently move forward with anything you’ve been working on because success is in the cards for you. The Emperor can, however, become too rigid in his principles, so my message for you this week is to trust you have what you need and you are on the right track, while staying open to possibilities and potentials. You may not have to work quite as hard as you think you do.

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Receptivity- The Ace of Cups brings love and joy your way. Open up to the abundance that is all around you. Things are flowing in beautiful alignment. You deserve the good things that are coming, so stay open to receive them. This Ace brings gifts and blessings, so enjoy them when they appear. Hold the attitude of gratitude and watch the energy flow right to you.

Queen of Pentacles- Manifestation. Sensuality. Abundance- The Queen of Pentacles is steady and strong and she is comfortable in her own skin. She is here to help you get comfortable in yours. It’s time to ground your energy and focus on feeling good in your body. This Queen manifests magic quickly because she is so present and in tune with the physical realm. She simply stands strong in her power and joy and the abundance comes right to her.

Overall- This week brings beautiful and powerful energy your way. You have all the power you need to create this week, so take advantage of it. The message is to stay open to receive the gifts and abundance available. Focus on feeling good and the rest will fall into place. It’s definitely time to make the magic!

Pile 3- Broom, Fantastical Tarot

The Tower- Disruption. Collapse. Change- The Tower brings upheaval and disruption. When The Tower appears, it brings the collapse of structure. While the shifts brought on by The Tower are often uncomfortable, these changes force us to look at what things in our lives we have outgrown. When things collapse, we are given an opportunity to rebuild. Don’t fight the changes that arise this week. Look for the opportunity behind the chaos.

The Devil- Chaos. Addiction. Bondage- The Devil brings to light all the ways in which we hold ourselves back. Addictive behavior patterns, negative thought processes and manipulation (both internal and external) are part of the lessons of The Devil. Where are you keeping yourself stuck? How can you free yourself from those old patterns this week? It’s time to shed some light on your shadow.

King of Pentacles- Power. Security. Success- The King of Pentacles represents power, ambition, and success. This King is here to help you regroup your energy and find your focus. It’s time to decide what you want and take back your power. If you are feeling stuck, this King can also represent a trusted advisor. It may be wise to seek counsel and get some assistance this week.

Overall- This week definitely packs a punch or two. Unexpected shifts and changes are on the horizon and they bring some challenging energy. Don’t fight it. Go with it. Let what needs to collapse crash and burn, and look for the opportunities this change brings. There is a lesson for you in this chaos, so stay present in your process. Focus your energy on how you want to move forward and rebuild, and if you are stuck or struggling, find a trusted mentor to give you some advice.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 1/16/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/16/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Broom, Gilded Tarot

Strength- Pride. Courage. Self-discipline- It’s time to gather your strength this week. Strength indicates the need for both courage and self-discipline. Get your ego in check and consider how you are utilizing your energy at this time. Make sure your pride isn’t getting you into trouble. If you need help, ask for it. You don’t have to do it all on your own. Sometimes real Strength comes in the form of being able to ask for help.

The Wheel of Fortune- Changes. Kismet. Cycles- The Wheel of Fortune brings a sudden change your way. When the Wheel turns, an unexpected shift occurs. Whether this shift seems positive or negative, it is karmic and fighting the change will get you nowhere. How can you go with the flow of change this week? Look for the growth potential in any sudden or unexpected happenings. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to roll with the punches.

Five of Wands- Conflict. Challenge. Competition- The Five of Wands brings a battle to the table. This Five represents stress, conflict, or a challenge of some kind. Blunt force will get you nowhere this week. Stop beating your head against a wall and look for a different way out of this situation. My advice is to consider how you can find the compromise in your current situation.

Overall- Check your ego at the door before this week even begins. This week brings a big shift of some kind, and it looks like one that causes some drama. Make sure you have the strength and focus you need to deal with whatever comes at you. Don’t fight the change and don’t get yourself caught up in any type of power struggles. There is a need to find some compromise in your current situation, so stay open to looking at things from a different angle.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Wheel of Fortune- Karma. Kismet. Cycles- The Wheel of Fortune indicates that there is a sudden shift headed your way. With the Wheel of Fortune, it is a message to expect the unexpected. There are changes afoot and they are karmic. One cycle is ending and another is beginning. When the Wheel turns, kismet has a hand in your current situation, so pay attention to the messages you receive this week.

The Tower- Disruption. Collapse. Transformation- The Tower brings disruption and a sudden collapse of structure. This disruption can often help us to identify which things in life we have outgrown and no longer need. Although the appearance of The Tower often indicates a challenging situation, the beauty of this transformative card is in the opportunity it brings with it. When something collapses, we are given the opportunity to release and rebuild. What structures in your life have you outgrown?

Death- Release. Endings. Beginnings- Death indicates that something has reached the end of its cycle and must be released. This week you are going to be shown which cycles need to be released and relinquished, so that there is space to rebirth and transform. It’s time to let go of the things that aren’t working. Death is an inevitable part of life. Can you welcome the change it brings?

Overall- Transformation is the name of the game for you this week, and there’s no way around it. Buckle in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. There are sudden and unexpected changes headed your way, and these changes may be a bit dramatic and disruptive. However, these shifts are necessary, so resistance is futile at this particular juncture. Let what needs to crumble, crumble, and try not to cling to what was. Instead, look at how you can rebuild or restructure in a way that better suits you and your current life. It’s time to shed some dead skin.

Pile 3- Feather, Cosmic Tarot

Ten of Pentacles- Success. Security. Abundance- The Ten of Pentacles indicates success and abundance. You know what you want and you are right on track to get it. This Ten suggests the focus should be on the things that bring you feelings of satisfaction. What is important to you at this time? How do you want your life to look? Get very clear on those answers. You have what you need to achieve at this time, so take advantage of any opportunities that appear.

King of Swords- Strategy. Power. Justice- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot. He brings intelligence and leadership your way. It’s time to pick up your sword and take charge of your life. If you don’t like something, change it. This King has very high ideals and principles and he fights for what he believes in. What things are important to you at this time? Are you fighting for them?

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Focus. Control- The Queen of Swords brings you focus and beautiful control. This Queen wants you to narrow your focus to enhance your power. First things first… set some boundaries and cut off anything or anyone that is distracting you or sucking your energy. Don’t let anyone steal your power. Then, hone in on exactly what you want at this time.

Overall- Keep your eye on the prize! You have a beautiful opportunity to get what you want this week. The best way to begin is to be very clear on exactly what that is. Once you have the clarity you need, it’s time to focus your energy and create a balanced strategy to get you where you need to go. Make sure you set the boundaries you need to do the work. Don’t get held up by worrying about other people at this time. Focus. Focus. Focus.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 1/9/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/9/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, The Everyday Witch Tarot

Two of Wands- Vision. Goal. Faith- The Two of Wands brings you face to face with your creative visions. What do you want your life to look like? Where are you headed? What are your goals and dreams? This Two asks all that and more. This week The Universe wants you to consider your current life situation. Are you moving toward or away from what you want? The Two of Wands indicates it is time to gain some clarity and get things on track, so if things are not looking the way you would like them to look… what is the next best step forward?

The Moon- Confusion. Fluctuation. Cycles- The Moon brings us face to face with the subconscious. What is happening beneath the surface for you at this time? Things in your life appear to be in flux. One cycle is ending and another is beginning and the in-between of that can feel murky and confusing. The message for this week is to not let your fears blow things out of proportion. Look for the hidden messages; and when in doubt, trust your intuition.

Three of Swords- Separation. Conflict. Grief- The Three of Swords indicates the need for deep healing. This Three indicates conflict or grief of some kind. Whether old or fresh, the appearance of this three says you need to honor and deal with your feelings this week. The only way out is through, so feel your feels, and get the support you need around them. It’s time to let the emotions you’ve been repressing come to the surface, so they can be released.

Overall- The work is all internal for you this week. The Universe is asking you to check in and look around at your current situation. Are you moving toward creating the life you want? Things are shifting around you and while those shifts can feel confusing, don’t fight the process. You have some deep emotions to clear and release, so allow them to come to the surface. You’ve been holding off on dealing with them because the feelings seem more overwhelming than they actually are. As one cycle ends and the next begins, how can you get the support you need in this transformational process?


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Money. Energy. Flexibility- The Two of Pentacles is calling for you to find some balance in your day to day. There is money or energy to work with. How are you using it? This Two wants you to be a bit more flexible in your approach this week. Consider all possibilities and potentials available to you before you make a choice. Also, take a look at your work/play balance. Do you need more work or more play at this time?

King of Pentacles- Success. Ambition. Power- The King of Pentacles brings success, security, and stability your way. This King is steady and strong and knows exactly what he wants, so he usually gets it. You hold all the power at this time, so make sure you are putting that power to good use. Keep your eye on the prize and confidently go grab it.

Temperance- Balance. Harmony. Flow - Temperance brings harmony to your current situation. Temperance indicates the need for balance and healing. How can you soften and go with the flow? Allow all of the beautiful energy you give out to flow back to you, and put some of your stress and worries down. Things are aligning in a beautiful way.

Overall- All you need to do to win this week is to relax and trust your process. You have multiple options available to you at this time. Stay open to the possibilities and don’t sell yourself short. You have worked hard for your success and this week reflects that back to you. The message for you at this time is to ease up and find the balance in your schedule. Think “harmony” and “flow” and you will end this week on a beautiful note.

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Seven of Pentacles- Decisions. Deliberation. Opportunity-  The Seven of Pentacles indicates that there is a decision to be made, a new opportunity on the horizon. This Seven asks if you should continue on the safe and steady path you’ve been on or if you should take a risk on something new. You’re feeling stuck in the indecision. There is no rush. It’s all about timing.

Justice- Balance. Honesty. Fairness- Justice is calling for a clear, clean, calm look at your current situation. Are you blocking your growth by trying to perfectly balance the scales? They don’t usually find perfect balance. Life is a give and take. Don’t allow your quest for perfection to get you stuck this week. Take an objective look around at the energy and opportunities you have to work with.

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent- The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go, and you’re wallowing. It’s time to get up and dust yourself off and consider how you have created this state. Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.

Overall- Tough love from the tarot this week. You’re at a place where you need to make a decision. There is a new opportunity or potential on the horizon, but you’re getting yourself stuck by overthinking and refusing to choose unless it’s “perfect.” Nothing is ever completely “perfect.” If you’re feeling dissatisfied, it’s time to make some changes. Stop looking at what isn’t working. Instead, look at the energy and options available to you and make a positive step forward.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 1/2/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/2/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot

The Emperor- Order. Power. Authority- The Emperor represents structure and stability. The Emperor holds great power in the physical realm, but he can become too stiff and rigid in his principles, and that can block the flow of energy. This week you are being called to check in with your own principles and modes of operating. You have enough structure. It might be time to loosen the reins a bit and cut yourself some slack. I feel you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, and you are being advised to soften up a bit.

The Star- Hope. Faith. Inspiration- The Star brings the beautiful message of faith, hope, and inspiration. What inspires you? Who or what encourages you to flourish? Focus on bringing more of that energy toward you this week. There is a need to refill your cup and allow some healing to occur. Life is about finding the balance and The Star wants you to reconnect with your hope and aspirations. Where can you make space for something that inspires you?

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Harmony. Movement- The Six of Swords brings understanding and harmony to your current situation. It is time for a shift. Allow the lessons you have learned recently to guide you forward. When you truly accept exactly where you are, it frees up your energy to allow thing to flow more ease-fully. There is the potential for movement this week. Allow things to flow and watch the magic happen.

Overall- EASE UP on yourself this week. You’ve been pushing yourself so hard and you’ve achieved quite a bit though all of your hard work; but at this time, all of that pushing is actually blocking your flow. Relax. You are fine. You have the stability you need and now it’s time to give yourself a break. Where can you pause and bring more inspiration and energy into your daily routine? “Trust” and “Allow” are you words for this week. Let things flow…


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Abundance- The Ace of Cups indicates love, joy, and abundance are waiting for you this week. Fill your own cup and watch that positive energy overflow and expand all around you. The Ace of Cups wants you to count your blessings and focus on all of the good things in your life. What makes you happy? What makes you feel joy? Do more of those things this week.

Knight of Pentacles- Dedication. Focus. Gentleness- The Knight of Pentacles rides in slow and steady to bring you calm, grounded energy. This Knight is focused and humble and he dedicates himself to the task at hand. Where can you slow down? Take your time. Everything is on track and you are moving in the right direction. No need to rush the process. The Knight of Pentacles always finishes what he starts, so just take things one step at a time, and all will get done.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Trust- The Sun brings hope, optimism, and joy your way. There is positive energy all around you. Relax and smile because this week all of the energy headed your way is positive. Soak it up, enjoy it, and spread the good vibes around. Whatever you have been working on or struggling with is about to improve. You gain clarity, and through this clarity, you begin to make better choices. These choices lead to fresh potential and new ideas. Tap into the positivity and utilize it this week.

Overall- What a beautiful way to begin a fresh calendar year. You are exactly where you need to be and this is one of those week’s where things seem to magically align for you. Focus on the positive energy you have created and relax into the flow of good energy. All you need to do this week is slow down enough to count your blessings and enjoy the ride .

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

King of Wands- Charisma. Enthusiasm. Manifestation- The King of Wands brings fiery enthusiasm and charisma to the task at hand. You have been leveling up your creative process and you are full of fresh energy and new ideas. You are ready to confidently put those plans into action. Don’t hold yourself back. You’re ready! The King of Wands is here to help you make the magic happen this week.

King of Cups- Healer. Empathy. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer of the tarot, and he brings beautiful compassionate healing energy with him. Sometimes he can give all of his energy away leaving him feeling depleted and worn out, and that’s the thing I am cautioning you NOT to do this week. Pause before you commit to anything and ask yourself if you really have the time and energy available to help at this time.

Seven of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle with other people’s ideas… competitive energy. Have you been comparing yourself or your work to others? Are you preventing yourself from moving forward because you are looking at what everyone else is doing? Are you doubting yourself about where to direct your energy? It’s time to shift gears. Stop focusing externally and start focusing internally. Where and how are you directing your energy? Focus on your own gifts and how best to work with them.

Overall- Your message for this week is, “Do not self-sabotage.” You are at the precipice of putting all your creative potential to good use. You have the energy and ideas necessary to creatively manifest whatever it is you are desiring at this time. However, you have a tendency to give all of your energy away and I’m advising you to be a little bit “selfish” this week. Do not block your growth and potential by getting caught up in other people’s needs, dramas, or insecurities. It will only bring you stress and conflict. Keep your eye on the prize and confidently go after what you want.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 12/26/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/26/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

The Empress- Beauty. Power. Fertility- The Empress indicates a time of fertility, abundance, and power. You have reached a place where you know who you are and what you want and you have the confidence necessary to get it. It’s time to embrace your power and stand strong and steady in it. The Empress is here to help you manifest this week. What do you desire? Hold your focus and it will come right to you.

Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Exhausted- The Ten of Swords indicates a time of feeling overwhelmed or overburdened. You are taking on more than you can comfortably handle and it’s time to take stock of what you’re carrying. Not all of these burdens or responsibilities are yours, so please put down the things that don’t belong to you. You are not helping others by doing their work for them, so it’s time to stop taking responsibility for everything and everyone.

Judgement- Karma. Rebirth. Renewal - Judgement indicates a rebirth, a time of reaping. The Universe wants you to look at how far you have come and this week the message is for you to consider which cycles in your life you’ve outgrown. It’s time for an ending… and a new beginning. Whether this release comes in the form of relationships that don’t work or simply old patterning that you have outgrown, it’s time to consider which things in your life are meant to continue on and which things have reached their end.

Overall- There is a “leveling up” happening for you this week. You have reached an incredibly powerful and abundant place. Your challenge at this time is to look around and see who and what is trying to feed off your energy. Stop blocking your flow by allowing others to take advantage of your time, energy, and caring. You are carrying too many responsibilities and they don’t all belong to you. Figure out which ones don’t and put them down. That’s the way to let your magic continue to flourish.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Knight of Swords- Change. Turbulence. Disruption- The Knight of Sword brings quick change your way this week, and it’s often the type of change that disrupts the status quo, so just be ready for it. This Knight rides in very quickly and shakes things up. There is a shake up afoot in your current situation and fighting the change will probably be useless, so you may as well look a the opportunity this change brings. Where can you open up to this new idea?

Eight of Cups- Release. Depression. Acceptance- The Eight of Cups indicates a time of release, of letting go. The way you have been handling your current situation hasn’t been working and it has you feeling depressed and forlorn. There is a point when you have done all you can and exhausted all your resources; there is nothing left to do except to let go and release your attempt to control things because we aren’t always in control. This stage is challenging because letting go is often hard and can leave us feeling hopeless, but it’s all part of the cycle of renewal.

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality-  It’s time to embrace your power this week. Honor your inner Empress and own your magic. The Empress brings beauty, fertility, and abundance your way. Acknowledge all that you are and own it. Owning your power and displaying that confidence brings you the energy you need. That’s how you turn the tide. Stand calmly in all of your goddess-y glory and you will get the respect that you deserve.

Overall- This week the chaos and turbulence that has been surrounding you reaches its peak and it forces a release of some kind. The things that haven’t been working are made obvious to you and you need to relinquish your attempts to control the situation. “Let it go, Elsa…” You need a new game plan… and honestly, the letting it go is the plan. As much as you struggle with letting go and “giving up,” as soon as you do, your energy rebounds right to you and you are able to step up and into your power once again.

Pile 3- Feather, The Faerie Tarot

Ace of Swords- Idea. Plan. Conflict- You have a new idea or plan of action in mind, and often this fresh energy creates conflict because it threatens the old order. Don’t worry about the conflict this week. Just focus on your goal. It’s time to pick up your sword and hone your focus. What do you want and how can you get it? This particular Ace of Swords has a bunny standing next to it, indicating that your new idea is a fertile one, so hold the line and stay focused on the task at hand. The pay off will be worth it.

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Recuperation- The Four of Sword indicates the need for a time-out. You may need a little recovery time this week. It would be wise to carve out some quiet time and not fill all of your time up with plans or other people. The message for you is to take the space you need, so that you can gather your energy and regain your strength for the changes that are ahead.

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Control. Focus- The Queen of Swords is here to help you set boundaries and gain control this week. This Faerie Queen knows how to tune out the world and give herself the time and space she needs to find her focus. She is here to help you do the same this week. The Queen of Swords is intelligent and idealistic and she wants you to gather your energy. Say “no” to anything or anyone who is blocking your focus. They are not your problem at this time.

Overall- You are making a big shift this week, and “focus” is your mantra. Focus your energy and attention and say “no” to anything that is distracting you. You have a new idea and fresh energy that you want to implement and often when we set boundaries or make changes, there is resistance from the people in our lives who expect us to continue to be the way we were. Your message this week is to ignore all of that energy and give yourself the space you need to recuperate and reset, so that you can move forward with your plans.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 12/19/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/19/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Black Tourmaline, Gilded Tarot

The Chariot- Aggression. Conflict. Control- The Chariot brings a struggle or conflict to your current situation. The question to ask is, “Who is driving your Chariot?” Are you in control or have you given up the reins? If you feel things are out of your control, it’s time to shift that energy and find the focus and self-discipline you need to redirect your energy. While we can’t control what happens to us, we can control how we respond to life’s situations. Pay attention to how you are responding and handling any stress or disagreements that arise. Then ask yourself, “Is there a better way?” Hint: There is.

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Movement. Insight- The Six of Swords brings insight and forward movement. When this Six appears, it usually brings some understanding and clarity with it. What have you learned recently? How can you integrate those lessons? This Six of Swords suggests that it is time to move on from your current struggle or challenge, and even if things are not the exact way you would like them to be… it’s time to move on anyway. Take one step forward this week.

Three of Swords- Grief. Separation. Loss- The Three of Swords indicates grief or hurt or a betrayal of some kind that needs to be dealt with. You have some hurt feelings that need tending to. There is a call for some healing this week, but in order to heal, you must first acknowledge your grief. The only way out is through. Feel the feelings… let go of what isn’t working, and give yourself time and space to heal and recoup your energy.

Overall- This week brings a struggle or conflict of some kind to the forefront of your current situation. Your message is to shift the way you’ve been operating because the way you’ve been going about things hasn’t been working for you. It’s time to figure out what you want and redirect and focus your energy. Then start taking some steps forward. This process is a bit messy and there is some energetic and emotional clearing that needs to take place, so be gentle with yourself. This too shall pass…


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Judgment- Karma. Re-birth. Consequences- Judgement brings karma, a reaping. Things come full circle this week. What seeds have you sown? You are about to find out. The appearance of Judgment is a call that it is time to re-birth on some level. Look at what is happening around you at this time. What cycles are ending and which ones are beginning? Don’t fight the changes. Allow the release that is necessary for rebirth and renewal.

Four of Wands- Support. Rewards. Celebration- The Four of Wands brings powerful support to you this week! You have a lot to celebrate and you have people cheering you on, so embrace the good vibes that are happening! You hard work has paid off and this week you see the rewards of your efforts. Make sure you take some time to count your wins!

Seven of Cups- Options. Fantasy. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is known as the card of “castles in the air.” Don’t let your fantasies and illusions distract you. There are multiple options available to you at this time, but you can’t do everything all at once, at the same time, so you need to make some choices. If you feel stuck, try making a list and prioritizing what is most important.

Overall- Things come full circle this week and you are about to reap the rewards of all of your hard work. It’s harvest time for you, so make sure you honor all the good things that are coming your way and celebrate them when they do. You deserve all of the blessings that you have. You’ve worked hard for them and your hard work is paying off. All of this good energy brings multiple options and opportunities your way. Don’t let yourself get stuck or distracted looking too long at all of the potentials and possibilities available. You know what is best for you, so make your choice. Don’t overthink it.

Pile 3- Tigers Eye, Everyday Witch Tarot

Nine of Cups- Wishes. Joy. Harmony- The Nine of Cups is considered “the wish card” in the tarot, and this Nine says that you are about to get exactly what you have been wishing for. The Nine of Cups indicates joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. This week brings you beautiful energy, and all you need to do is soak it in and appreciate all the good vibes that are surrounding you. Focus on pleasure. What brings you joy? Do more of it.

Judgement- Rebirth. Renewal. Cycles- Judgement indicates a time of rebirth and renewal. You are being given the beautiful gift of clarity this week. It’ time to acknowledge how far you’ve come, and it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. As you prepare to close out 2021, what lessons have you learned? What would you like to release from this year so that you can rebirth and renew?

Two of Cups- Joy. Love. Connection- The Two of Cups indicates love, partnership, and connection. There is a call for you to tap into supportive partnerships. Lean in the support that surrounds you. Whether it’s a romantic partnership or friendship, share some special time with someone you love. Harmony is the name of the game and the focus for you this week.

Overall- This week is simply beautiful. You have everything you desire at your fingertips. Take some time to look at how far you’ve come to get here. Recognize that all new beginnings come from endings, and it’s time to celebrate both endings and beginnings this week. Connect with your loved ones and talk about the things that bring you joy.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 12/12/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/12/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Smith-Waite Tarot

Ten of Cups- Joy. Love. Abundance- The Ten of Cups indicates a time of contentment, happiness, and love. This Ten suggests that the message for you right now is to focus on your joy and your connections. Count your blessings and then say “thank you” to The Universe for them. You have everything you need to feel fulfilled, so enjoy it. Embrace your loved ones and give yourself permission to let your joy run the show this week. Happiness is being highlighted here!

Queen of Pentacles- Manifestation. Fertility. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles brings beautiful abundance your way. This Queen is powerful and grounded and oh so comfortable in her skin. She embraces and honors her sensuality and she knows exactly what she wants and needs. She is so in touch with the physical realm that she manifests very quickly. Her presence indicates that it is time for you to do a little manifestation magic of your own. Do you know what you want and need? It’s time to get clear on exactly what it is because you are in a powerful place to attract it right to you.

Ten of Pentacles- Success. Achievement. Contentment- The Ten of Pentacles brings success and achievement to you. All of your hard work has paid off and you have beautiful things waiting for you this week. Take a moment to enjoy the results of all of your efforts and relax into the beautiful stability you have created. Make sure you are appreciating this time. Keep your energy in this flow of abundance because there are even more good things to come.

Overall- Everything is coming up “YOU” this week! This is a beautiful week full of positive energy, love and even more potential. You’ve worked hard to get to this place and this week your real work is to simply enjoy being exactly where you are. Look around at your life and be grateful for all you have accomplished and for the magic that is surrounding you. From this place of abundance and joy, it looks like you have some extra manifestation power, so make sure you put that energy to good use! You don’t have to do much… simply stay in the positive vibes and more good things will come right to you!


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Cycles- The Wheel of Fortune brings a sudden shift, a turn of the wheel. Something unexpected comes your way this week and it is karmic. When The Wheel of Fortune appears, you are put on notice to pay attention because it brings the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. Stay open to the possibilities of this week, don’t fight the change, and when in doubt, go with the flow.

Knight of Cups- Love. Joy. Romance- The Knight of Cups brings love, joy, and romance to the table this week. This Knight rides in to help you get in touch with your dreamy, sensitive side. It’s time to feel those feels and let love and romance lead the way. The Knight of Cups often brings a proposal of some kind. There is definite love magic in the air for you. Whether you are being swept off your feet in a new relationship or you are being called to rekindle the love and romance in your existing one… the appearance of this Knight is a sign that it’s time to make connection a priority.

Page of Cups - Kindness. Birth. Renewal- The Page of Cups indicates gentle, loving energy is necessary. This Page brings a birth or a renewal to your current situation. Whether you are in a new relationship or you need to put some loving attention into an existing one, this Page wants you to speak kindly and gently. Be sensitive to your feelings and the feelings of others as you move through this week. There is beautiful potential for connection and reconnections.

Overall- Something unexpected shifts things for you this week in the most beautiful way. Whether it’s a new love or a deepening of an existing relationship, you are being put on notice to stay open to the lovely flow of feelings that are in your path at this time. This change is both timely and karmic, so embrace the beauty of this shift and allow your love to grow and deepen. Speak kindly to yourself and others and watch the magic that blooms.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

King of Swords-Strategy. Justice. Idealism- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot and his presence indicates that it is time for you to make a battle plan. Your current situation calls for some calm, focused attention. Check your emotions for a moment and look at the bigger picture. Where do you want to be and what is the best way to get there? Then, make a logical game plan to start moving in that direction. This King has high ideals and is here to help you find a balanced and fair way to get what you need.

Five of Wands- Struggle. Conflict. Compromise- The Five of Wands brings conflict and a struggle of some kind this week. You can’t win this fight by force, so stop beating your head against a wall. There is a way to win but it involves a compromise, so put down your battle oar and make a plan before you wear yourself out fighting a fight you won’t win. It’s not that you will lose… It’s just that this is one of those annoying situations that isn’t clear cut. There is a way to get what you want, but you need to operate from a calmer and more collected place to get it.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Trust - The Sun brings hope, optimism, and positive energy your way. There is help available to you, so accept it when it is offered. Looking forward and keeping an optimistic attitude is your way off the struggle bus this week. Think happy thoughts and focus on where you want to go. Things are not as difficult as they appear. Have faith in yourself! You have what you need.

Overall - Your best bet this week is to approach your current situation with a steady game plan. You need to create a strategy… whether this is for business, your overall schedule, or a relationship… you need to stop fighting and wasting energy. You are getting sucked into unnecessary drama and conflict, and it isn’t getting you anywhere. Step back, collect yourself, and then focus on the positive. If you do, you end this week feeling much better!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 12/5/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/5/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Vampire Tarot

Page of Wands- Inspiration. Enthusiasm. Adventure- The Page of Wands brings fresh inspiration and enthusiasm your way this week. The Page of Wands indicates it is time for a new beginning. There is opportunity for movement and growth on the horizon, so keep an eye out for anything that sounds FUN this week. It’s time to bring some light hearted and optimistic energy into your days.

Knight of Pentacles- Perseverance. Dedication. Patience- The Knight of Pentacles is steady and patient and he brings that energy to you. This Knight moves slowly and steadily. While there is definitely value in the slow and steady process, the message for this week is to not hold yourself back by being overly cautious. Sometimes life requires a bit of a leap, and this is one of those weeks.

Strength- Courage. Self-discipline. Pride- Strength is calling for an ego check this week. The Vampires want you to recognize how far you’ve come and to tap into your courage and strength. You have the strength you need to go after your goals this week, so don’t let any silly self-doubt cloud your judgement. You’ve got this! It’s go time!

Overall- Yesterday brought us a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s time to shed the old and begin anew. This week brings inspiration and fresh energy to you. It’s the beginning of a new moon cycle and you are being given an opportunity for a fresh start. Don’t get bogged down worrying about all the details. All you need to do is keep taking positive steps forward and things will work themselves out. You have the strength and courage you need to move forward on this new adventure.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Star- Hope. Renewal. Faith-The Star represents hope, renewal, and a resurgence of faith. There is beautiful energy all around you, and that’s what you should be focusing on. This week is calling for you to take note of the blessings in your life and let your appreciation for them guide you forward. The Star indicates that your wishes are right in front of you. Grab them up!

Two of Swords- Stress. Conflict. Indecision- The Two of Swords brings stress and anxiety, and the need to make a decision of some kind. This Two of Swords is telling me that you need to stop stressing because the decision isn’t as complicated as you’re making it out to be. Take a step back and a calm look around and then make the best choice for yourself. Hint: The answer is the one that brings you a sense of peace.

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and this four warns against clinging or gripping too tightly. Sometimes when we have the thing we most desired, we fear losing it, so we cling too tightly to it. This type of energy blocks growth, so don’t do it. Trust that you have built the security and stability you need and allow the energy to flow freely. What’s meant for you isn't going to go anywhere, so relax.

Overall- Sometimes when things are going well, there can be the tendency to not trust it and wait for “the other shoe to drop” and that’s what I feel is happening for you this week. You have beautiful energy and blessings surrounding you at this time and you’re stressing yourself out over something that really isn’t that big of a deal. Take a breath and look at the big picture. You have everything you need. Don’t let fear block your joy.

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Seven of Wands - Conflict. Competition. Struggle- The Seven of Wands brings a competitive struggle to you this week. Whether you are actually in a challenge with someone or this is simply a struggle of comparing yourself to other people… stop. None of this is worth your energy. It’s time to focus your energy on own life, Stop worrying about the opinions of others and definitely stop comparing yourself to anyone else.

Knight of Pentacles - Focus. Commitment. Stability- The Knight of Pentacles brings beautiful, grounded energy your way. Can you enjoy whatever it is you are working on? Can you bring more positive energy into your daily tasks? This Knight wants you to focus your energy. The Knight of Pentacles loves his work. Can you put loving dedication into yours this week?

Six of Pentacles- Abundance. Money. Benevolence- The Six of Pentacles indicates benevolence or generosity. Your ships are coming in! There is a positive offer of energy, money, or some type of gift coming to you this week. You’ve earned it, so stay open to receiving it when it appears. A renewal of faith is headed your way.

Overall- All you need to do to succeed this week is to get off the struggle bus. You’re causing unnecessary stress and angst by comparing yourself and your progress to other people. Focus on your own life and work and put good energy into everything you do. Watch how a simple attitude adjustment shifts the energy surrounding you and puts you right into the flow of abundance.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 11/28/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/28/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Commitment. Perseverance- “Slow and steady wins the race” is your mantra for this week. The Knight of Pentacles brings calm, grounded, and determined energy, when he appears. Whatever you are working on is worth working on and you need to keep on keeping on. This Knight dedicates himself to his cause and brings beautiful perseverance and hard work to his tasks. What are you working on at this time? The appearance of this Knight suggests that your hard work know will pay off later, but the hard work is important. Small consistent steps lead to big change. Keep that in mind and hold your focus.

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Growth- The Empress indicates that abundance and potential is blooming all around you. The Empress brings love and fertility to your current situation. What is blooming in your life right now? What seeds are you watering? Make sure you are making good use of your energy and only feeding that which leads you to joy and abundance. The Empress suggests you have everything you need at this time, so use this powerful energy to create the life you desire.

King of Pentacles- Ambition. Success. Power- The King of Pentacles brings success and ambition your way. This King wants you to confidently put your work into the world, and he indicates a time of prosperity and achievement. All of your hard work is paying off this week and you will be seeing the rewards of your efforts in some way. Pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on your progress. Expect validation in some way for your achievements.

Overall- This week brings beautiful potential and positivity to your current situation. You’ve been working hard and moving in the direction of your goals; and you are beginning to see the results of all of your hard work. Your challenge at this time is to not get distracted and make sure you are holding the line and keeping your focus on growing the things that are best for you. This is powerful energy to work with, so use it well. Success and abundance are in the cards this week. Enjoy!


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Cups- Emotion. Intuition. Passion-The Queen of Cups indicates that it is time for you to get in touch with your emotions, your intuition, and your passions. Have you been acknowledging your feelings or avoiding them? This Queen is telling me it’s the latter, and she wants you to stop. It’s time to step back and tune in to your desires. How ARE you feeling? Don’t judge your feeling or repress them. Just acknowledge them and let them be. The Queen of Cups wants you to tune into your intuition and trust your instincts. Where have you been denying your intuitive gifts? This week you are being advised to tune in and listen. An internal check in is being called for… Pull some cards, grab a journal, or meditate.

Page of Wands- Enthusiasm. Restlessness. New beginnings- The Page of Wands brings new, fresh energy to you this week. This Page is impulsive and enthusiastic and his presence indicates a beginning of some kind. What is inspiring you at this time? What lights you up? There is change afoot. Don’t fight it. Take a leap. Take a risk. You need to make a move. The appearance of this page is a sign that you need to make a shift of some kind this week.

Three of Swords- Betrayal. Separation. Heartache- The Three of Swords brings an emotional challenge your way this week. A betrayal of some kind has occurred and it’s time to face it and admit the depths of your hurt. This feels like a recurring betrayal, and it’s time to acknowledge your own part in the problem. If you’ve been allowing someone to mistreat your or take advantage of you, it’s time to put an end to it. What do you need to release in order to heal and move forward? This week you are being called to do just that.

Overall- There is a call for you to check in with your emotions and your intuition. You’ve been denying your feelings and it’s blocking information that you desperately need. If you take a moment to sit with your feelings, the information and clarity you need rises to the surface. You need to make a shift of some kind this week and once you do, you realize that when you move forward, the things that are no longer working in your life need to go. There is a long standing betrayal or resentment that you need to deal with, and the letting go is challenging, but it’s only in the release that true healing can occur.

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Separation- The Three of Swords brings a challenging emotional situation to the table this week. This Three brings heartache and betrayal, and it’s just plain messy. Sometimes the only thing to be done is to fully “feel your feels” and acknowledge the hurt that has occurred. It’s time to accept where you are and release what isn’t working, so that you can allow the necessary healing to begin. Deep healing takes time and it isn’t a process you can rush.

Eight of Swords- Stagnation. Stress. Denial- The Eight of Swords represents a state of denial and stress. You are feeling anxious and stuck, but the only one keeping you trapped in this cycle is you. You are letting your anxiety get the best of you. It’s time to take off the blinders, untie yourself, and shake the dust. You don’t need to suffer to the level you are suffering. If you can look at your current situation clearly, you will see there is indeed a way out.

The Devil- Addictions. Bondage. Manipulation - The Devil is here to challenge you this week. Not everything is exactly as it seemed, so don’t be fooled. The Devil is playing on your fears and making you doubt yourself, but it’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s time to break free of old patterns and ways of being that no longer serve you. What chains can you break this week? What is real and what isn’t? It might be helpful to get some support from a trusted friend.

Overall- This week is all about breaking the chains that bind you. You are in a rough situation emotionally. A betrayal of some kind has occurred. Whether this betrayal is external or internal, it’s time to process through the stress and hurt, so that you can begin to move forward. You’ve been keeping yourself stuck by denying your true feelings and the stress of that is bringing chaos and confusion, leaving you open to manipulation by others. This week the message is for you to slice through some of these old patterns and chains that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. Hint: The chains are not as strong as they look. You’ve got this.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 11/21/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/21/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Generosity. Support- The Six of Pentacles brings energy, money, or support. This Six indicates someone is being generous with you or you are being called upon to be generous with someone else… This week I think it’s the former. The Six of Pentacles brings a renewal of faith. Sometimes things in life come together and seem to work out, as if by magic, and that’s the direction you are headed in. Expect things to flow this week. All you need to do is say, “thank you” and accept the help and support when it is offered.

Two of Wands - Vision. Faith. Goal- What do you desire your life to look like? It’s time to get clear on your goals, path, and vision. There is a call for you to nail down your direction. Do you set goals? You can’t get to where you want to go if you haven’t picked a destination. This week take some time to contemplate your life. What is working for you and what isn’t? What do you need to get to where you want to go? Are you doing the work necessary to move in that direction?

Two of Pentacles - Flexibility. Options. Fluctuation -Things are shifting for you, and it’s not a bad thing. Stay open and flexible to the different possibilities and options that are available to you. You’ve got more choices than you realize. The message for you is to have fun looking at all of your options. Look at your current situation with an open mind. There is magic afoot… It may be time to dream a little bit bigger.

Overall- This week brings powerful support, just when you need it most. Things seem to align easily, and you are given exactly what you need. You are being challenged to look at your life and take a moment to check in and ask yourself if you are on the right path. Thing about where you want to be 3 months, 6 months, and a year from now. Are the choices you are making moving you in that direction or away from it? You’ve got multiple offers or options on the table, so consider all the possibilities and potentials available to you.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Death- Endings. Beginnings. Transformation- Death brings the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are on the precipice of major transformation, and this week brings a massive shift of some kind. Change is a part of life and while it usually indicates some growing pains… I feel like this particular change is positive and welcome. You are ready for it. Embrace it and allow the energy to flow.

The World- Achievement. Integration. Cycles- After the ending of one cycle and before the beginning of a new one, it’s important to integrate the lessons we have learned. With the shift that this week brings, you are being called to ask yourself, “What lessons have I learned, recently? How can you I apply them here?” Honor your process and acknowledge that you’ve come a long way! You are ready to rebirth yourself and something in your life is showing you just how to do it.

The High Priestess- Magic. Intuition. Power - The High Priestess arrives to help you to step up and into your magic. You intuition has messages for you. Are you listening? The High Priestess tells me you are ready to own your power and it’s time to acknowledge who you are and act accordingly. The presence of The High Priestess indicates the you have the knowledge and information you need. Trust yourself.

Overall- This week brings beautiful changes and a welcome shift. While this transition is a big one, you are 100 % ready for it. Take some time this week to look at how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. You have achieved a lot in a short time and you are ready to begin a fresh cycle. This cycle brings a “leveling up” of some kind, and you are being called to step into your magic and move forward from this powerful place.

Pile 3- Feather, The Gilded Tarot

Eight of Swords- Stagnation. Restriction. Bondage - You have been feeling trapped and stuck for some time. The only one keeping you stuck is you, so it’s time to break out of this pattern. It’s time to unchain yourself, take off the blinders, and take a good, hard, honest look at your current situation. If you are unhappy, it’s time to take some responsibility and make changes. Step one is being honest with yourself about how you got here. Step two is taking one positive step forward.

The Tower- Upheaval. Disruption. Collapse - Things have hit a breaking point and this week that breaking point makes itself known. The Tower brings upheaval and disruption. Something shifts this week, but the shift is necessary. The trick is not to fight it. Whatever is collapsing needs to collapse, so let it go, and then think about how you want to rebuild. What things are worth holding on to and what things need to be released? Those are your questions for this week. Hint: The Universe is trying to help you acknowledge the things that need to be released.

King of Pentacles- Power. Ambition. Manifestation - The King of Pentacles brings stability, power, and success. This King knows what he wants and he doesn’t take “no” for an answer. It’s time to bring some of that confidence into the game. Decide what you want and then go get it. It’s time to create exactly what you want. Manifestation only happens when you have clarity. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want.

Overall- This week brings some tough love your way. You’ve been wallowing and feeling unhappy about your current circumstances, and The Universe is about to “help you out,” by forcing some change on you. This week brings disruption, and it’s uncomfortable, but it definitely has a purpose. You need to get out of the funk you’ve been in and this is the week to do it. Let go of what isn’t working and get clear on what does. If you do, you end this week, ready to take on the world… on your terms.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 11/14/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/14/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Queen of Swords- Focus. Boundaries. Intelligence- The Queen of Swords brings cool, calm collected thinking your way. This Queen is smart and focused, and she knows exactly what she wants. She has strong boundaries, and she is comfortable stating them. You need a little Queen of Swords energy this week. Where can you implement some strong boundaries of your own? Have you been letting others take advantage of you? It’s time to pick up your sword and stand in your power. Remember, anyone who isn’t respecting your boundaries isn’t respecting you and really… they aren’t adding value to your life at this time.

The Star- Hope. Faith. Renewal- This Mermaid Star swims in to bring light and hope to you. The Star represents a resurgence of faith, a time of hope and renewal. Take a deep breath because you’ve made it through whatever stormy waters you’ve been swimming in, and this week you get a welcome break and a burst of fresh energy. Stay open to the possibilities this change in tide brings. Good vibes only…

Strength- Courage. Ego. Self-discipline- Strength brings courage and the need to get your ego in check and harness your power. This week is calling for you to look at how you are using your energy. What habits are working for you and which ones aren’t? Can you bring little self-discipline to the table this week? You know what is in your best interest, so that’s how you should be focusing your energy. Don’t get bogged down or tied up in power struggles. They won’t serve you. Keep your energy clear and focused and just keep swimming forward.

Overall- “Boundaries bring good vibes” is your mantra for this week. I feel you’ve been letting people take advantage of you, and the message this week is to figure out what’s working and what isn’t and then calmly state your boundaries and stand your ground. This opens up fresh energy and positive vibes for you. When those boundaries are challenged, don’t allow yourself to get pulled back or dragged down by others… Let go of what isn’t working and keep moving in the direction that is best for you.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Eight of Swords - Stagnation. Indecision. Angst- The Eight of Swords indicates that you are feeling stuck or trapped. You are waffling on a decision and keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make a choice. The only one who can free from this cycle is you. Get out of your head and into your body. Your mind doesn’t have the answers this week. Your body does. Instead of mentally stressing and obsessing, can you sit quietly and breathe. What do you truly want? The answer is waiting for you.

The Lovers - Choices. Options. Responsibility- The Lovers brings options and choices to the table. Whether you are choosing between lovers or jobs or friends or trying to decide where to put your energy, there is a choice of some kind to be made this week. The Lovers represents the need to make mature, conscious choices, so consider all options before you make a move. It would also be wise to look at the consequences attached to your options and then make your decision.

The World - Achievement. Integration. Cycles- The World brings you to the end of a cycle. After the completion, comes the integration. Before you begin again, what lessons have you learned? How can you integrate those lessons this week? Things have come full circle for you. Take a moment to appreciate where you are. The appearance of The World suggest that you will feel more settled by this week’s end, so try to drop some of the angst as you move through this week. Trust yourself.

Overall- You’ve been feeling stuck, stressed, and a bit overwhelmed. You feel like there are multiple options pulling on you and you are afraid you’ll choose the wrong one. You need to slow down and look at all of the information available to you before you make a move. Consider all the lessons you’ve learned recently. How can you utilize those lessons here? The World says that it will all turn out well this week, so trust yourself and your process.

Pile 3- Pentacle, Witchy Cat Tarot

Knight of Swords- Change. Disruption. Conflict- The Knight of Swords brings change…quick, sudden, and unexpected change. Often, change of this magnitude causes conflict and disrupts the status quo. When The Knight of Swords appears, turbulence is usually afoot, so brace yourself. It might be a bumpy ride this week. Something or someone prompts you to get moving and make a major shift this week. While change at this level can be uncomfortable, this change is in some way necessary, so try not to fight it.

The Chariot- Will. Aggression. Movement- The Chariot brings you face to face with your aggressive tendencies and your will. Who is driving your Chariot? Is it you or someone else? If it’s someone else, it may be time to reclaim your reins this week. Whether your struggle is internal or external, you need to get your horses going in the same direction in order to move forward, so do what you need to do to get things under control.

Page of Pentacles- Care. Energy. Gentleness- The Page of Pentacle indicates the need for care and gentle energy. This Page wants to remind you to take care of your body. You need to gather your energy up. Start with the basics. Eat, drink water, get some sleep. The Page of Pentacles is calling for you to be gentle with yourself. There is a lot happening this week, so make sure you are taking good care of yourself.

Overall- Things are shifting in a big way for you. There is a big change of some kind on the horizon this week, and you are being advised to go with it and not fight it. Make sure you are clear on the direction you need to move before you make a move. It appears that your struggle may lie in the need to gather your energy and find your focus. The Page of Pentacles is here to tell you to be gentle with yourself because change can be hard, so make sure you are practicing good self- care this week.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 11/7/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/7/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Fantastical Creatures Tarot

Ten of Pentacles-Abundance. Contentment. Legacy- The Ten of Pentacles indicates a state of contentment and joy. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are at this time; and this week you are being called to take a moment to appreciate all you have gained. There is abundance flowing for you, physically and emotionally, so pause and take a look around. Often in life, we are so busy rushing that we don’t appreciate when things are just good. Appreciate the positivity you have happening.

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Enthusiasm- The Queen of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm to you. What lights you up and makes you excited? That’s where you need to focus your energy this week. This Queen loves life and life loves her back, so things are just falling into place for you. Focus on your joy and the rest will follow. It’s time to let your creativity out. What creative project are you working on? You have potential to brighten things up and make progress at this time. The trick is to focus on the fun.

Three of Cups- Love. Support. Connection- The Three of Cups indicates that there is support and love around you. Your people are giving you positive vibes and lots of love. Schedule some time with friends or family this week and soak up the good energy that being with your favorite people brings you. This Three says that connection is highlighted at this time, so honor your connections, and plan a special night out with your partner or friends.

Overall- What a beautiful spread! This week is a lovely little break, full of all good vibes and positive energy. Enjoy it! Be grateful for all of the abundance and blessings you have at this time. You’ve worked hard and your hard work has paid off. Have fun with where you are and enjoy time with your loved ones. Soak up the love is your mantra for this week….


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Justice- Balance. Fairness. Order- Justice indicates the need for calm, cool, collected thinking and decision making. It’s time to take a step back and process. Your current situation is calling for a rebalancing of energy. It’s time to weigh your options before taking any action. A pro and con list may be a good idea. This is NOT the week for rash decisions or sudden movements. Take your time and get all the information you need before making any changes.

King of Swords- Strategy. Logic. Leadership- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot and he is here to help you craft a battle plan. Again, there is the need for calm and logical processing. It might be wise to get some outside advice from someone you trust. The King of Swords indicates that you need a strategic plan to move forward. Emotional responses will not help you at this time, so check your emotions at the door, sit down and make a plan.

Five of Pentacles- Worry. Loss. Lack- The Five of Pentacles brings worry, stress, and fear of loss… often financial worry and angst. At the core of this Five lies lack of faith in yourself. Where have you lost faith in yourself and your abilities and how can you shift this energy around? Sometimes lack of faith in yourself can be your own worst enemy. You’ve been through hard situations before and you have survived all of them, so dust yourself off and keep going.

Overall- This week brings a challenge your way. Things seem “unfair” and it’s making you unhappy and frustrated. Life isn’t always “fair,” and all you can do is work with what you have to work with. The message this week is to stay calm, seek counsel, and look at all the options available to you. Think long term and make a strategic plan to move forward. Don’t let yourself get dragged down by stress or worry. That wont help anything. A shift in perspective is being called for…

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Page of Cups- Love. Gentleness. Healing- The Page of Cups wants you to focus on self- care this week. If you’ve been giving all of your energy away, it’s time to turn some of that nurturing energy on yourself. The Page of Cups is a call for love, gentleness, and healing. How can you give yourself some love this week? It’s time to fill your own cup and then watch how that positive energy flows outward…

Nine of Pentacles- Abundance. Success. Rewards- The Nine of Pentacles represents success and validation. You should feel proud of all you have accomplished. Count your wins. Count your blessings. Take some time to appreciate all you have and the abundance you have created in your life. Appreciation is being highlighted for you this week. Do you celebrate the good things that are happening? Make sure you do so this week.

Knight of Wands- Action. Inspiration. Movement- The Knight of Wands brings fresh energy and inspiration. This Knight indicates quick change, a new, idea, or movement. Something or someone shows up this week with a new idea or fresh energy. This Knight is hot and fiery and brings an unexpected opportunity your way. Go with it. It’s a good week to jump on the horse and take a chance.

Overall- The real work for this week is simply carving out some time for you. Schedule in a little self-care. When we fill our own cup and operate from a place of balance and wellness, everything in life flows more smoothly. Take some time to look around at all of the beautiful things in your life that you’ve worked so hard for. Out of this abundance, a new opportunity comes your way and it looks like fun. Don’t overthink it. Take the chance and go for it…

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 10/31/21 Happy Samhain!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/31/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Secrecy. Sneakiness- The Seven of Swords brings mistrust and dishonesty. Someone isn’t being clear with you this week or you are not being clear with someone else. This Seven indicates the things are more complicated than they seem. If your current situation seems murky… that’s because it is, so my suggestion is to start by cleaning up your act. Make sure you get the clarity you need before jumping to any conclusions because you don’t have all the information at this time.

The Devil- Chaos. Addictions. Manipulation- The Devil brings chaos, bondage, and sometimes manipulation. The Devil highlights all the ways we keep ourselves stuck and trapped. Are you blocking your growth by staying in a pattern that isn’t healthy? Are you allowing things to get confusing and chaotic? What chains can you break this week? Again, you need clarity to move through this, so make sure you know what you need before you take action. It’s time to free yourself.

Knight of Swords- Disruption. Change. Conflict- The Knight of Swords brings a sudden shift to your current situation, and this is the type of quick change that is often accompanied by a bit of turbulence. This Knight tells me you’re going to have to take action this week. It’s time for a big change. What do you need to get out of this sketchy situation? It’s time to slice through it. After you figure out what you need, grab your sword, hop on your broom and fly toward it.

Overall- This week looks a bit rocky. Sometimes the only way out is through. You’ve gotten yourself stuck in a murky situation, and it’s creating a lot of chaos. Someone isn’t be honest or clear with their needs, intentions, or both. While we can’t control other people, we can control how we react and respond, so first things first… clean up your act. Double check everything this week and make sure your communication is crystal clear. While this week brings a struggle of some kind, it also offers you an opportunity to break out of old, negative, addictive patterning. Things have been in this state for too long, so it’s time to free yourself.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Knight of Swords- Quick change. Action. Disruption. Things are about to shift quickly for you. The Knight of Swords brings unexpected changes, and they can be disruptive. The beauty of this type of change is that it requires you to shift and think differently. All change works better when you embrace it, so stay open to possibility this week. If a challenge arises, before you react, think about how you can pivot and grow with it. Get on the horse and get moving.

Five of Swords- Conflict. Stress. Limitations- The Five of Swords brings a challenge your way this week. Have you taken on more than you can comfortably handle? This Five indicates that you are being faced with some type of limit. My suggestion is to stop looking at the problem and start looking at the solution. Hint: The problem is not quite as big as it appears. You just need to look at the situation from a different angle.

King of Swords- Strategy. Focus. Organization- The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. It’s time to take a step back and look at the big picture. What structures or systems do you need to put into place at this time? This King is calm, cool, and collected and he’s bringing your those same vibes this week. You need to find a new way of operating.

Overall- Something rocks the boat this week and this disruption bring you stress and a bit of a challenge. I feel you may be taking on more than you can handle, and it’s creating conflict and stress. The message for you this week is to shift your focus. Slow down, take a step back, take some deep breaths and look at the big picture. Then, make a plan. You need to strategize. What structures or systems can you implement to take some of the pressure off? This week prompts you to make those changes.

Pile 3- Pentacle, Fantastical Tarot

Death- Release. Rebirth. Renewal- Death on Samain… how beautiful! Death brings the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. The focus this week is on transformation. You are at a place where you have outgrown something in your life, and it’s time to release whatever this is to make space and room for new growth. All things cycle and death is part of that cycle. What can you release this week?

Queen of Wands- Creativity. Confidence. Vision -Bring on the fire power! The Queen of Wands wants you to go after what you want. This Queen brings you bold, fiery, energy and she is encouraging you to use it. What are you creating or growing a this time? The appearance of this Queen suggests you have an abundance of inspiration right now. What lights you up and brings you joy? That’s what you need to focus your energy on this week.

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Success. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a new opportunity your way this week. A positive offer is headed towards you. Think raw potential… A new job, a new love, a new creative venture of some kind is in the cards this week. You have extra manifestation power at this time, so use it. When opportunity knocks, open the door and invite it in for coffee.

Overall- All you need to do this week is embrace your transformation. You have reached the end of something. Everything has a cycle and a season. Let go of what isn’t working and find your focus. The release of this energy opens up the floodgates of inspiration for you and you feel charged up and ready to go! This fiery enthusiasm draws a new opportunity for you, and brings you fresh, beautiful energy to work with. Have fun with this!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 10/24/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/24/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Vampire Tarot

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Cycles. Changes- The Wheel of Fortune brings an unexpected stroke of luck your way. When The Wheel turns, things shift and this particular turn opens up possibilities and potential for you. All things have their cycle and season, and you are shifting into a new one. My message for you is to stay open to the potential that this change brings. It may be time to expand your horizons. Keep your eyes open for signs because The Universe is sending you a big one this week

Two of Wands- Vision. Path. Support- The Two of Wands represents the joining of creative energies to guide you forward on your path. This Two indicates that things are aligning for you. You have the support and guidance you need, and you are receiving clarity on what direction best suits you, so start moving in that direction. It’s time to pull all of your energy together and take a step or two forward. What are you creating? What do you desire? You have what you need to get exactly what you want.

Ten of Cups- Blessings. Love. Harmony- Your cups are overflowing. In the Vampire Tarot, they are overflowing with blood, but that’s abundance to the Vampires. The Ten of Cups brings blessings, love, and joy your way. You have everything you need at this time, so drink up the blood… I mean soak up the love… and enjoy!

Overall- This is a beautiful week. The Universe brings an unexpected gift your way. Whether it’s something or someone that gifts you with something you need or simply an attitude adjustment… the changes that appear this week are blessings. You gain clarity on your vision and your path and you know what you need to do to move forward. You have all of the love and supportive energy necessary to make a positive shift, so make sure you make good use of these good vibes!


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Moon- Fluctuation. Cycles. Intuition- The Moon represents the subconscious, the power of intuition, hidden dreams and messages, fluctuation and change. Things are shifting for you. If you feel confused or unsettled, take a moment and check in with yourself. What is your intuition telling you? That’s your answer. It appears things have been fluctuating in your current situation and it’s throwing you off balance. Don’t fight the changes. All things change. Can you go with the flow?

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Transformation- Judgement brings re-birth. What cycle is ending and what have you learned from your recent experiences? The type of reaping brought by Judgment is karmic. You reap what you sow. What seeds have you been sowing? How have you been using your energy? Something comes full circle this week. Look for the lessons involved when it does…

Four of Wands- Triumph. Success. Enthusiasm- The Four of Wands indicates powerful support and Divine assistance. This week brings you something to celebrate! Whatever comes your way this week, you end it on a high note! Make sure you put something fun in your planner! We often miss the little opportunities to have fun and appreciate our lives, so make sure you appreciate yours this week.

Overall- You’ve been feeling stuck and uncertain for some time and you’ve been trying to get a solid grasp on what to do about it, but the answer has been hard to get. The good news is that you get your answer this week. Things often have a way of working themselves out, and that’s what happens in your current situation. Karma finds you and it brings you joy and support. You are re-birthing yourself on some level and The Universe wants you to honor and appreciate your process.

Pile 3- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Two of Wands- Faith. Vision. Desire - A creative endeavor is brewing. Put faith in it. What have you been dreaming of creating? Follow your fire and let the inspiration lead you… It’s time to make your dreams manifest. The Two of Wands indicates a new goal or creative vision has come together for you. Energy seems to snap into place this week to help you figure out your direction. The Two of Wands suggests communicating your desire and goals will help you clarify them, so maybe phone a friend and talk out some of your new ideas.

Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction. Success. Achievement- The Nine of Pentacles indicates a time of feeling pleased with yourself and your accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back or put on a new necklace like this Witchy Cat is doing and acknowledge that all of your hard work has paid off. You have built and created something steady and solid and you should feel proud of it. Count your blessings and your wins this week. Look at all you’ve come through and take a minute to appreciate where you are.

Nine of Cups- Wishes. Joy. Fulfillment- The Nine of Cups is considered the “wish card” in the tarot, and this week this Nine brings you you heart’s desire. Joy and love fill your cups and your only task is to enjoy and dance in this beautiful energy. Positive energy is all around you. Soak it up and soak it in. You deserve it. Celebrate the blessings in your life!

Overall- What a beautiful week! This is one of those magical weeks where things just flow effortlessly. You are bursting with creativity and ideas and you have the support you need to make your dreams manifest. You’ve been working hard to get to this place, so make sure you take a moment to honor how far you’ve come. Then, just celebrate and let the enthusiasm and excitement run the show! “Have fun” is the name of the game!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 10/17/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/17/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot


The Lovers- Choices. Maturity. Consequences- The Lovers indicates that you have options and it’s time to make some decisions this week. Whether you are between lovers, job options, or just trying to decide where and how you should focus your energy, the message here is to “Make good choices.” Before deciding, take a moment and consider the consequences. What is your end goal at this time and which of these options points you in that direction? Hint: Not everything is as perfect as it seems and also too many good things is still too many things….

Ace of Cups- Desire. Joy. Love- The Ace of Cups is being held out to show you what you desire. It’s time to fill your cup. There is raw potential in front of you, and how you utilize this potential is all up to you. Your cup seems to be overflowing at this time. There is a lot of energy available to you right now. What brings you the most joy? Which things are the most important to nurture and cultivate at this time? Those are the opportunities you need to focus on.

The Hermit- Introspection. Spiritual truth. Wisdom- The Hermit is calling for you to pull back a bit. Your need to carve out some quiet time to get your answers. The Hermit shines the light of spirituality for you and brings deep wisdom your way, but you have to stop and listen to his messages. Can you schedule in some meditation or ritual time and space this week? You have a lot going on, and your inner voice has the answers you are seeking.

Overall- This week there is a call for you to take a clear look at all of the options available to you. Sometimes when everything seems bright and shiny, there is the inclination to try to do it all, at once. You can only take on so many things at one time, so your message is to look at all the options available to you and then consider your end goal. You need to pick and choose the best ones. The Hermit is here to advise you to step back and take some space. Don’t rush your process…


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Two of Swords- Conflict. Angst. Denial- The Two of Swords has you feeling stuck and trapped. Your mental angst is blocking your joy. It’s time to take off the blinders and look at your current situation with a clear and calm mind. You are letting unnecessary stress get you bogged down, and you are giving yourself anxiety that you really don’t need. You need to open your eyes and ears and take a look around. There’s a solution waiting for you. Stop making things harder than they need to be.

Ten of Cups- Love. Contentment. Joy- The Ten of Cups indicates love and fulfillment. Look at all of the blessings in your life. It might be a good week to write them down. There is beautiful abundance all around you, and this week there is a call for you to honor and appreciate it. Tell your loved ones you love them, and celebrate the positive energy in your life. You have everything you need.

Temperance- Harmony. Balance. Healing- Temperance brings healing and harmony to you this week. Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, is showing up to help you balance your energy. What do you need to feel balanced? It’s time to fill your cup, so make sure you do just that. Do you need a day off, a massage, a yoga class? Schedule in some self- care this week and notice how it shifts things for you.

Overall - You need to get out of your head because things are fine… In fact, things are beautiful, so your mental struggle is really unnecessary at this time. Count your blessings… seriously… write them down and then go appreciate your life this week. Your homework is to stop struggling and find some balance, so do whatever you need to do to get there. Start by getting out of your head and into your body.

Pile 3- Feather, Gilded Tarot


Three of Pentacles- Support. Success. Validation- The Three of Pentacles indicates early success. This week brings you the energy and resources you need, and you have support in your process. The Universe is conspiring to help you and things seem to come together, as if by magic. Expect positive recognition for your work or a creative project. This is early success and there is still a lot of work to be done, so keep your eye on the prize and stay with it.

Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Reflection. Dreams- The Six of Cups brings reflection, and often a return of something from the past. Sometimes an old love or friend from the past appears, or something you had wished for now seems possible of manifestation in the future. I want you to consider whether this past idea, relationship, or dream still works with your current life… because I’m feeling like it doesn’t. Often, when we start making big leaps forward, we hold ourselves back by playing small and living out old patterns. Are you acting from your present energetic state or are you operating from an old version of yourself?

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is known as “the card of the nightmare,” and this Nine brings our worst fears and anxieties to the surface. If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, it’s time to find some tools to dial it down because it’s holding you back. Our fears block growth, so it’s time to get a handle on yours this week.

Overall- Why are you blocking your flow? Things appear to be coming together, just as they should be. You are getting the support you need to move forward with your creative projects, and instead of using this energy, there is a tendency to slip back into old patterns or old relationships that stress you out. It’s time to stop looking backward… you’re not going that way. Some of the stress that is appearing doesn’t even apply to your current life. Give the old version of yourself a kiss, thank her for the lessons, and then move forward with all the knowledge and wisdom you have gained… Let the past go…you’ve got this!

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 10/10/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/10/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Queen Alice Tarot


The Moon- Cycles. Changes. Intuition- There are changes afoot. The Moon ebbs and flows and so do we. This week you are being called to check in with your intuition and observe the natural cycles of your life. Where do you need to be focusing your energy? Are you making the best use of your energy? How can you better work with your natural rhythms? The Moon represents the subconscious, hidden dreams and messages, and can often indicate confusion. If you are feeling confused or off center, it’s time to do an internal check in. What is your intuition telling you at this time?

Six of Swords- Acceptance. Insight. Movement- The Six of Swords brings acceptance and insight, and a sense of calm to your current situation. This Six indicates that it is time to move forward. If you’ve been feeling like things are turbulent, the good news is that you have the opportunity to shift out of that this week. How can you take one step forward? Even if things aren’t exactly the way you would like them to be, there is always a way to work with the energy that’s around. What is the best way for you to work with yours right now?

Queen of Wands- Enthusiasm. Joy. Creativity- The Queen of Wands arrives to bring some excitement and enthusiasm to you. She says you’ve been stuck in the muck and it’s time to unstick yourself. First things first, she wants to help you reconnect with some fun and inspiration. What lights you up this week? It’s time to put whatever that is into your planner. The Queen of Wands loves life and life loves her right back. What do you need to do to tap into her level of enthusiasm?

Overall- There are positive changes waiting for you this week. You’ve been letting yourself get bogged down and it’s creating confusion. You need some mental clarity, and once you get it, you are able to move forward and make a much needed change. As soon as you do, your energy is relinquished and you feel excited and optimistic about the direction you’re headed in. One step at a time is your mantra for this week…


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Five of Cups- Loss. Disappointment. Regret- The Five of Cups indicates a loss of some kind, and often there is regret or sadness over a past action or experience. You’re struggling emotionally and this Five says you need to shift your focus. Instead of looking at what has gone wrong, can you look at the cup that is still full? There is something that can be worked on, so don’t get too caught up in wallowing. Take a deep breath, dust yourself off, and regroup your energy. What’s done is done and today is a new day.

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Beauty- The Empress wants you to step into your power this week. You have everything you need. You just need to own your magic. The Empress brings you abundance, beauty, and fertility. What are you growing in your life? That’s where you need to focus your attention. The Empress is so grounded in her magic that life blooms around her. How can you utilize Empress energy this week?

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Generosity. Manifestation- The Six of Pentacles brings a benevolent and generous offer to the table. This week brings money or energy for you to work with. This Six represents the kind of good vibes that bring a renewal of faith. Something or someone gifts you with exactly what you need. Pay attention and make sure to say “thank you” when it happens.

Overall- It’s time for an attitude adjustment. You’re focusing on some loss or regret from the past and you should be focusing on all the magic you’re creating in your life right now. My advice for you this week is to play some Taylor Swift, “Shake it off” and find your focus. Make a list of 3 things you are manifesting and creating in your life this week. Write them down, and then stay open to receive the help you need to move in a positive direction.

Pile 3- Pentacle, Fantastical Tarot


The Hanged Man-Sacrifice. Surrender. Patience- The Hanged Man brings a hold up of some kind. Expect delays this week. You feel you are waiting and waiting and what you want is just not happening. The Hanged Man often indicates the need for a sacrifice of some kind. If you feel like you are stuck “hanging around,” can you surrender to the experience you’re having? There’s a lesson In this for you, so instead of fighting where you are, maybe try to deepen your breathing and surrender. This too shall pass…

The Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Luck. Cycles- Something rocks the boat this week. The Wheel of Fortune brings an unexpected turn of luck… whether for “good” or “not so good,” something unexpected happens and shifts your perspective on your situation. Change is inevitable and seasons shift, relationships change, and life ebbs and flows. How can you go with the flow this week?

Four of Pentacles - Stagnation. Clinging. Hoarding- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser,” and this Four cautions against clinging or gripping too tightly. This Four indicates that you are holding yourself back out of fear of losing what you have created or built. You are stunting your own growth. It’s time to loosen your grasp and let go. You cannot lose something that is meant for you, so relax.

Overall- There is a big call for letting go this week. You’re feeling stuck waiting on something or someone and just when you think you can’t take anymore waiting, something unexpected happens and shifts your perspective. For whatever reason, you are fighting the changes that are happening in your life and at this time, resistance is futile. You would do better by releasing and letting go of anything that is not serving you at this time. Once you do, look at what is left standing. That’s where you need to focus your attention.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 10/3/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/3/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot


The Moon- Cycles. Intuition. Fluctuation- The Moon represents cycles and fluctuations in your current state. It appears that things are shifting for you. The Moon is gently suggesting you tap into your intuition and begin to observe your personal cycles and rhythms. Do you take the time to notice how your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day and throughout the moon cycle? The appearance of The Moon the week is suggesting you begin to tune in to your natural rhythms. We have a new moon in Libra this week, so it might be time to work some moon magic…

Six of Wands- Success. Victory. Satisfaction- The Six of Wands is known as “the victory card” in the tarot. Expect positive recognition to come your way this week. Success is in the cards for you, so move through this week with optimism and enthusiasm! This Six brings a victory to you, and it’s one you deserve. You are headed towards a positive shift. Good vibes only.

Two of Cups- Love. Connection. Partnership- The Two of Cups brings love, connection, and partnership to the table this week. You have beautiful support around you. Take some time to really connect with your partner or close friends. Open up for some heart to hearts. There is magic in the connection waiting for you. Soak it up and soak it in.

Overall- This week looks beautiful. If you feel you’ve been struggling, that all shifts for you this week. Success and partnerships of all kinds are being highlighted. Your message this week is to honor your personal rhythms and cycles. The more you attune your energy to the natural flow… the more success and pleasure you bring into your life. Start by considering your daily routines. Are you a morning person or a night owl? What is your best time of day? Can you find small ways to restructure your days to best benefit the natural flow of your energy?


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Seven of Cups- Illusions. Fantasies. Choices- The Seven of Cups is known as the card of “castles in the air,” and this Seven indicates that it is time to get your head out of the clouds and make some decisions. Do you feel overwhelmed? It’s time to ground your energy. You are keeping yourself stuck by looking at options and possibilities and the message for you this week is to ground your energy and decide which possibilities are actually real and which are fantasy. Then, pick the best one.

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- The Nine of Wands brings one last struggle. You feel you’ve been on the struggle bus for some time and you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t cope with one more thing. The tough news is there is “one more thing” in the cards for you this week. The good news is that you do, indeed, have the strength you need to face this challenge. Dig down and think about your end goal. Keep your focus on it and do whatever you need to do to push through this challenge.

The High Priestess - Intuition. Magic. Subconscious- The High Priestess arrives to help you deepen your intuition and spiritual connection. It’s time to start listening to your inner voice and trusting your intuition. Are you taking time to be still… tune in…meditate… pull cards? The High Priestess wants you to work your magic this week. Carve out a little quiet time for yourself. There are messages waiting for you. Go get them.

Overall- You’ve been holding yourself back by getting overwhelmed with possibilities and this week is calling for you to end that. It’s time to get some clarity on your current situation and take a step back to honestly look at all your options. Some of them are real and some of them are illusions. Once you get some clarity and choose one, you know where you’re headed. There’s a bit of stormy weather on the horizon, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. The best way to get through it is to follow your intuitive instincts. That’s where the answers live this week.


Pile 3 - Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot


Four of Swords- Introversion. Recuperation. Isolation- The Four of Swords indicates that you need a time-out, a break… and maybe a nap. This Four suggests that a withdrawal is in order this week. There are times in life where we need to cultivate space to re-group our energy and this is one of those weeks for you. You’re feeling burnt out and you have hit a wall. It’s time to step back and pause. Where can you give yourself a little space this week?

The Tower- Cataclysmic shift. Breakdown. Disruption- The Tower brings massive shifts and sudden changes, and often of the turbulent variety. Something shakes things up for you this week, and fighting agains it will only make it more challenging. When The Tower appears, disruption of some kind is usually in the forecast. How can you work with this change? If things collapse, can you look at it as an opportunity to implement a new structure or system?

Queen of Cups- Emotions. Intuition. Passion- The Queen of Cups is here to help you feel your feels. Stop fighting your emotions and let them out. This Queen embodies the depth of human emotion and she wants you to acknowledge your own. If you’ve been avoiding or ignoring your feelings… this week they come bubbling up to the surface. Let them come up and out… They are needed.

Overall- You are tired and you really need a break, and just when you try to take one… something disruptive rocks the boat in your world this week. This shift brings up a lot of emotion for you, and the only way out is through. Don’t fight your feelings. Allow them to be present and get the support you need to process through them. Remember, “this too shall pass…”