Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 12/5/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/5/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Vampire Tarot

Page of Wands- Inspiration. Enthusiasm. Adventure- The Page of Wands brings fresh inspiration and enthusiasm your way this week. The Page of Wands indicates it is time for a new beginning. There is opportunity for movement and growth on the horizon, so keep an eye out for anything that sounds FUN this week. It’s time to bring some light hearted and optimistic energy into your days.

Knight of Pentacles- Perseverance. Dedication. Patience- The Knight of Pentacles is steady and patient and he brings that energy to you. This Knight moves slowly and steadily. While there is definitely value in the slow and steady process, the message for this week is to not hold yourself back by being overly cautious. Sometimes life requires a bit of a leap, and this is one of those weeks.

Strength- Courage. Self-discipline. Pride- Strength is calling for an ego check this week. The Vampires want you to recognize how far you’ve come and to tap into your courage and strength. You have the strength you need to go after your goals this week, so don’t let any silly self-doubt cloud your judgement. You’ve got this! It’s go time!

Overall- Yesterday brought us a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s time to shed the old and begin anew. This week brings inspiration and fresh energy to you. It’s the beginning of a new moon cycle and you are being given an opportunity for a fresh start. Don’t get bogged down worrying about all the details. All you need to do is keep taking positive steps forward and things will work themselves out. You have the strength and courage you need to move forward on this new adventure.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Star- Hope. Renewal. Faith-The Star represents hope, renewal, and a resurgence of faith. There is beautiful energy all around you, and that’s what you should be focusing on. This week is calling for you to take note of the blessings in your life and let your appreciation for them guide you forward. The Star indicates that your wishes are right in front of you. Grab them up!

Two of Swords- Stress. Conflict. Indecision- The Two of Swords brings stress and anxiety, and the need to make a decision of some kind. This Two of Swords is telling me that you need to stop stressing because the decision isn’t as complicated as you’re making it out to be. Take a step back and a calm look around and then make the best choice for yourself. Hint: The answer is the one that brings you a sense of peace.

Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Clinging- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and this four warns against clinging or gripping too tightly. Sometimes when we have the thing we most desired, we fear losing it, so we cling too tightly to it. This type of energy blocks growth, so don’t do it. Trust that you have built the security and stability you need and allow the energy to flow freely. What’s meant for you isn't going to go anywhere, so relax.

Overall- Sometimes when things are going well, there can be the tendency to not trust it and wait for “the other shoe to drop” and that’s what I feel is happening for you this week. You have beautiful energy and blessings surrounding you at this time and you’re stressing yourself out over something that really isn’t that big of a deal. Take a breath and look at the big picture. You have everything you need. Don’t let fear block your joy.

Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot

Seven of Wands - Conflict. Competition. Struggle- The Seven of Wands brings a competitive struggle to you this week. Whether you are actually in a challenge with someone or this is simply a struggle of comparing yourself to other people… stop. None of this is worth your energy. It’s time to focus your energy on own life, Stop worrying about the opinions of others and definitely stop comparing yourself to anyone else.

Knight of Pentacles - Focus. Commitment. Stability- The Knight of Pentacles brings beautiful, grounded energy your way. Can you enjoy whatever it is you are working on? Can you bring more positive energy into your daily tasks? This Knight wants you to focus your energy. The Knight of Pentacles loves his work. Can you put loving dedication into yours this week?

Six of Pentacles- Abundance. Money. Benevolence- The Six of Pentacles indicates benevolence or generosity. Your ships are coming in! There is a positive offer of energy, money, or some type of gift coming to you this week. You’ve earned it, so stay open to receiving it when it appears. A renewal of faith is headed your way.

Overall- All you need to do to succeed this week is to get off the struggle bus. You’re causing unnecessary stress and angst by comparing yourself and your progress to other people. Focus on your own life and work and put good energy into everything you do. Watch how a simple attitude adjustment shifts the energy surrounding you and puts you right into the flow of abundance.