Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 2/6/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/6/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
Five of Pentacles- Stress. Worry. Faith- The Five of Pentacles brings worry and stress. Whether it’s worry over finances, health, or just general life angst, the core of this Five is lack of faith. Often, when things aren’t going smoothly, we spiral into fear or self-doubt and make the situation seem worse than it actually is, and that’s where you’re currently headed. The message for you this week is to step back and take a look around. Help is available to you. All you need to do is ask for it.
Seven of Swords- Guile. Secrecy. Wit- The answer to your current situation isn’t a straight-forward one. You need to trust your instincts and do what you feel needs to be done, in whatever way that is. There are situations in life where you have to work around people or situations in subtle, maybe slightly manipulative ways. Pay attention this week. Do not let anyone sabotage you. Sometimes our energy, time, or ideas get sucked away little by little and we don’t even notice that it’s happening. Here is your warning to not let that happen this week.
The World- Cycles. Achievement. Integration- The World brings the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. You are at the end of something and it’s time to take the lessons you’ve learned and integrate them. What chapters in your life are coming to a close and which new ones are beginning? If you’re not headed in a direction that feels pleasing to you, it’s time to make some shifts.
Overall- It’s time to take stock of your current situation. You are letting stress and worry get the best of you, and it’s blocking your intuition and instincts. There is murkiness afoot. Either you aren’t being clear with yourself or someone else or someone isn’t being completely clear or honest with you. Whichever way that cookie is crumbling, it’s time to decide where you want to go and make sure you’re on the best path to get there.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Five of Pentacles- Worry. Loss. Lack- The Five of Pentacles indicates a time of stress or loss. You are feeling defeated and you are allowing your worries and negative thoughts to take over your mindset. This Five says you aren’t trusting yourself or your abilities. Stop the pity party and take an honest look around. How can you shift your attitude? It’s time to get some perspective and pivot.
Ten of Cups- Abundance. Love. Contentment- The Ten of Cups brings love, contentment, and fulfillment your way. This Ten says you have the connection and support you need, so soak it up, soak it in, and enjoy it. The Ten of Cups brings beautiful blessings your way this week. Accept them when they arrive. You deserve the abundance that is coming to you.
Queen of Cups- Intuition. Emotions. Passion- The Queen of Cups is in touch with her emotions, her passions, and her intuition. What are you the most passionate about? Are you making your passions a priority? This Queen wants you to tune into your deepest desires and focus on them. Get in touch with your emotions. Let your instincts guide you.
Overall- The message for you this week is… “Get out of your own way.” You are letting unnecessary fears and negative thoughts block your joy. You have what you need, so stop letting your fears take over and get the best of you. Look around at the abundance and blessings that surround you. This week is a call for you to tap into your intuition and make your passions a priority. Once you do, the energy flows much more freely.
Pile 3- Feather, Celestial Tarot
The Hierophant- Philosophy. Education. Guidance- The Hierophant indicates that this week is calling for you to find connection. The Hierophant bridges the link between our human physical reality and the energy of God, Source, Spirit. There are important lessons for you this week. Take a look at your spiritual practice. How can you center and re-focus it? Keep an eye open on messages from The Universe, while you’re at it.
Three of Pentacles- Support. Success. Validation - The Three of Pentacles indicates that this week the stars align and things seem to work out in your favor, as if by magic. Money and/or energy are available to you at this time, so take advantage of your good fortune. There is an abundance of support around you and you should feel pleased by the progress you’re making.
Three of Wands- Satisfaction. Optimism. Enthusiasm- The Three of Wands brings optimism and excitement about a creative project. What have you been working on? What lights you up? This week you get validation around your ideas or efforts. Accept the praise graciously, but don’t let it go to your head. There is still work to do.
Overall- This is a positive and powerful week. You are being guided forward and all you need to do is stay open to receive the messages as they come in. The Universe gives you the support, energy, or money you need to move forward with your goals and projects, and this positive flow of energy is validated by others. Enjoy this success but keep moving forward. There is still work up ahead. It’s only the beginning of this particular adventure…