Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 11/28/21

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 11/28/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Commitment. Perseverance- “Slow and steady wins the race” is your mantra for this week. The Knight of Pentacles brings calm, grounded, and determined energy, when he appears. Whatever you are working on is worth working on and you need to keep on keeping on. This Knight dedicates himself to his cause and brings beautiful perseverance and hard work to his tasks. What are you working on at this time? The appearance of this Knight suggests that your hard work know will pay off later, but the hard work is important. Small consistent steps lead to big change. Keep that in mind and hold your focus.

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Growth- The Empress indicates that abundance and potential is blooming all around you. The Empress brings love and fertility to your current situation. What is blooming in your life right now? What seeds are you watering? Make sure you are making good use of your energy and only feeding that which leads you to joy and abundance. The Empress suggests you have everything you need at this time, so use this powerful energy to create the life you desire.

King of Pentacles- Ambition. Success. Power- The King of Pentacles brings success and ambition your way. This King wants you to confidently put your work into the world, and he indicates a time of prosperity and achievement. All of your hard work is paying off this week and you will be seeing the rewards of your efforts in some way. Pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on your progress. Expect validation in some way for your achievements.

Overall- This week brings beautiful potential and positivity to your current situation. You’ve been working hard and moving in the direction of your goals; and you are beginning to see the results of all of your hard work. Your challenge at this time is to not get distracted and make sure you are holding the line and keeping your focus on growing the things that are best for you. This is powerful energy to work with, so use it well. Success and abundance are in the cards this week. Enjoy!


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Cups- Emotion. Intuition. Passion-The Queen of Cups indicates that it is time for you to get in touch with your emotions, your intuition, and your passions. Have you been acknowledging your feelings or avoiding them? This Queen is telling me it’s the latter, and she wants you to stop. It’s time to step back and tune in to your desires. How ARE you feeling? Don’t judge your feeling or repress them. Just acknowledge them and let them be. The Queen of Cups wants you to tune into your intuition and trust your instincts. Where have you been denying your intuitive gifts? This week you are being advised to tune in and listen. An internal check in is being called for… Pull some cards, grab a journal, or meditate.

Page of Wands- Enthusiasm. Restlessness. New beginnings- The Page of Wands brings new, fresh energy to you this week. This Page is impulsive and enthusiastic and his presence indicates a beginning of some kind. What is inspiring you at this time? What lights you up? There is change afoot. Don’t fight it. Take a leap. Take a risk. You need to make a move. The appearance of this page is a sign that you need to make a shift of some kind this week.

Three of Swords- Betrayal. Separation. Heartache- The Three of Swords brings an emotional challenge your way this week. A betrayal of some kind has occurred and it’s time to face it and admit the depths of your hurt. This feels like a recurring betrayal, and it’s time to acknowledge your own part in the problem. If you’ve been allowing someone to mistreat your or take advantage of you, it’s time to put an end to it. What do you need to release in order to heal and move forward? This week you are being called to do just that.

Overall- There is a call for you to check in with your emotions and your intuition. You’ve been denying your feelings and it’s blocking information that you desperately need. If you take a moment to sit with your feelings, the information and clarity you need rises to the surface. You need to make a shift of some kind this week and once you do, you realize that when you move forward, the things that are no longer working in your life need to go. There is a long standing betrayal or resentment that you need to deal with, and the letting go is challenging, but it’s only in the release that true healing can occur.

Pile 3- Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot

Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Separation- The Three of Swords brings a challenging emotional situation to the table this week. This Three brings heartache and betrayal, and it’s just plain messy. Sometimes the only thing to be done is to fully “feel your feels” and acknowledge the hurt that has occurred. It’s time to accept where you are and release what isn’t working, so that you can allow the necessary healing to begin. Deep healing takes time and it isn’t a process you can rush.

Eight of Swords- Stagnation. Stress. Denial- The Eight of Swords represents a state of denial and stress. You are feeling anxious and stuck, but the only one keeping you trapped in this cycle is you. You are letting your anxiety get the best of you. It’s time to take off the blinders, untie yourself, and shake the dust. You don’t need to suffer to the level you are suffering. If you can look at your current situation clearly, you will see there is indeed a way out.

The Devil- Addictions. Bondage. Manipulation - The Devil is here to challenge you this week. Not everything is exactly as it seemed, so don’t be fooled. The Devil is playing on your fears and making you doubt yourself, but it’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s time to break free of old patterns and ways of being that no longer serve you. What chains can you break this week? What is real and what isn’t? It might be helpful to get some support from a trusted friend.

Overall- This week is all about breaking the chains that bind you. You are in a rough situation emotionally. A betrayal of some kind has occurred. Whether this betrayal is external or internal, it’s time to process through the stress and hurt, so that you can begin to move forward. You’ve been keeping yourself stuck by denying your true feelings and the stress of that is bringing chaos and confusion, leaving you open to manipulation by others. This week the message is for you to slice through some of these old patterns and chains that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. Hint: The chains are not as strong as they look. You’ve got this.