Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 10/3/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 10/3/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot


The Moon- Cycles. Intuition. Fluctuation- The Moon represents cycles and fluctuations in your current state. It appears that things are shifting for you. The Moon is gently suggesting you tap into your intuition and begin to observe your personal cycles and rhythms. Do you take the time to notice how your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day and throughout the moon cycle? The appearance of The Moon the week is suggesting you begin to tune in to your natural rhythms. We have a new moon in Libra this week, so it might be time to work some moon magic…

Six of Wands- Success. Victory. Satisfaction- The Six of Wands is known as “the victory card” in the tarot. Expect positive recognition to come your way this week. Success is in the cards for you, so move through this week with optimism and enthusiasm! This Six brings a victory to you, and it’s one you deserve. You are headed towards a positive shift. Good vibes only.

Two of Cups- Love. Connection. Partnership- The Two of Cups brings love, connection, and partnership to the table this week. You have beautiful support around you. Take some time to really connect with your partner or close friends. Open up for some heart to hearts. There is magic in the connection waiting for you. Soak it up and soak it in.

Overall- This week looks beautiful. If you feel you’ve been struggling, that all shifts for you this week. Success and partnerships of all kinds are being highlighted. Your message this week is to honor your personal rhythms and cycles. The more you attune your energy to the natural flow… the more success and pleasure you bring into your life. Start by considering your daily routines. Are you a morning person or a night owl? What is your best time of day? Can you find small ways to restructure your days to best benefit the natural flow of your energy?


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Seven of Cups- Illusions. Fantasies. Choices- The Seven of Cups is known as the card of “castles in the air,” and this Seven indicates that it is time to get your head out of the clouds and make some decisions. Do you feel overwhelmed? It’s time to ground your energy. You are keeping yourself stuck by looking at options and possibilities and the message for you this week is to ground your energy and decide which possibilities are actually real and which are fantasy. Then, pick the best one.

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- The Nine of Wands brings one last struggle. You feel you’ve been on the struggle bus for some time and you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t cope with one more thing. The tough news is there is “one more thing” in the cards for you this week. The good news is that you do, indeed, have the strength you need to face this challenge. Dig down and think about your end goal. Keep your focus on it and do whatever you need to do to push through this challenge.

The High Priestess - Intuition. Magic. Subconscious- The High Priestess arrives to help you deepen your intuition and spiritual connection. It’s time to start listening to your inner voice and trusting your intuition. Are you taking time to be still… tune in…meditate… pull cards? The High Priestess wants you to work your magic this week. Carve out a little quiet time for yourself. There are messages waiting for you. Go get them.

Overall- You’ve been holding yourself back by getting overwhelmed with possibilities and this week is calling for you to end that. It’s time to get some clarity on your current situation and take a step back to honestly look at all your options. Some of them are real and some of them are illusions. Once you get some clarity and choose one, you know where you’re headed. There’s a bit of stormy weather on the horizon, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. The best way to get through it is to follow your intuitive instincts. That’s where the answers live this week.


Pile 3 - Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot


Four of Swords- Introversion. Recuperation. Isolation- The Four of Swords indicates that you need a time-out, a break… and maybe a nap. This Four suggests that a withdrawal is in order this week. There are times in life where we need to cultivate space to re-group our energy and this is one of those weeks for you. You’re feeling burnt out and you have hit a wall. It’s time to step back and pause. Where can you give yourself a little space this week?

The Tower- Cataclysmic shift. Breakdown. Disruption- The Tower brings massive shifts and sudden changes, and often of the turbulent variety. Something shakes things up for you this week, and fighting agains it will only make it more challenging. When The Tower appears, disruption of some kind is usually in the forecast. How can you work with this change? If things collapse, can you look at it as an opportunity to implement a new structure or system?

Queen of Cups- Emotions. Intuition. Passion- The Queen of Cups is here to help you feel your feels. Stop fighting your emotions and let them out. This Queen embodies the depth of human emotion and she wants you to acknowledge your own. If you’ve been avoiding or ignoring your feelings… this week they come bubbling up to the surface. Let them come up and out… They are needed.

Overall- You are tired and you really need a break, and just when you try to take one… something disruptive rocks the boat in your world this week. This shift brings up a lot of emotion for you, and the only way out is through. Don’t fight your feelings. Allow them to be present and get the support you need to process through them. Remember, “this too shall pass…”