Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/9/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/9/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Cosmic Tarot


King of Cups-Empathy. Healing. Compassion- The King of Cups is the great healer and he brings the beautiful gifts of empathy and compassion with him. You have been giving and giving and giving and this week The King wants you to check in on your own energy level. Are you giving from a place of abundance and overflow or are you giving to the point of exhaustion? (I’m feeling like it’s the latter). Your habit is to give to everyone else, but you need to fill your own cup because otherwise you’re going to end up depleted…if you’re not already there. What can you do to fill your cup this week? Don’t overthink it. Choose one thing now.

Judgement- Karma. Reaping. Consequences- It’s Judgement day. It’s time to face the trumpets and get clarity on your current situation. Judgement brings karma, a reaping… What seeds have you been sowing? It’s time to reap the rewards… whether they be positive or negative. Something comes up this week for you that gives you clarity on the way in which you’ve been directing your energy and where that direction has led you. Look for the lessons, integrate them, and move on.

Princess of Swords- Gossip. Irritability. Negative speech- The Princess of Swords indicates that negative speech is at play. Whether this is you negatively speaking about yourself, negatively speaking of others, or being the victim of gossip remains to be seen. My suggestion is to first and foremost… clean up your language… both internal and external. Watch how you’re talking to yourself and watch how you’re talking to others. We can both bless and curse ourself and others with our words. Speak your truth, but let’s add a little kindness, shall we?

Overall- This week brings you the opportunity to emotionally and energetically reboot. I want you to first start by observing your energy level. If you’re feeling depleted, then it’s time to look at why. What got you here? How have you been structuring your life, time, energy? What needs to change to get you into a state of better balance? Then, make sure you are being clear and clean in your communications. Don’t get sucked into drama that doesn’t belong to you and don’t create unnecessary problems by avoiding direct conversations. It’s time to clean up your act.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Eight of Swords- Indecision. Anxiety. Stagnation- The Eight of Swords indicates a state of indecision, of stagnation. You feel stuck and you’re afraid to make a choice. Your fears of making the “wrong” choice are keeping you bound, but the only person really keeping you trapped is you. It’s time to take off the blinders and take an honest look at your current situation. Stop letting your anxiety control you and make a move.

Queen of Swords-Idealism. Boundaries. Loneliness- The Queen of Swords indicates cool, aloof, idealism. This Queen is brilliant and she has high expectations of others… sometimes a little too high. If you are feeling lonely or isolated, have you been putting unrealistic expectations on others? Are you expecting things without acknowledging your expectations actually are? This Queen of Swords is telling me to tell you to put down the sword for now and take a breath. Often, when we aren’t feeling “seen” or “understood,” it’s because we haven’t given our loved ones a fighting chance. Stop expecting others to magically know what you need and simply ask for it.

Four of Pentacles- Clinging. Structure. Stability- The Four of Pentacles is considered the “card of the miser” and warns against clinging or gripping too tightly. Your fear of loss is blocking your growth. You have the structure and stability that you need, so stop hoarding. It’s ok to let go and it’s ok to let people in a little bit. You are clinging to an outdated way of operating that no longer works for you. It’s time to open up.

Overall- This week is a call for you to soften up. You feel stuck and trapped, but the one doing the trapping is you, in part because of your unrealistic expectations of others. You’re so afraid of getting hurt that you are pushing people away out of fear. Stop testing your loved ones. Trust that you know what you need and you have the structures in place to get you through. You will feel better if you stop holding other people at arms length and let them in a little bit. Trust yourself… you know the right choices to make.


Pile 3 - Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot


Ten of Cups-Contentment. Permanence. Joy- The Ten of Cups indicates a state of contentment and happiness. You have achieved something beautiful and you are soaking it all in. Seriously… soak it all in. Look around you and count your blessings. Abundance abounds and you have everything you need right now to get exactly what you desire. Keep focusing on the positive and appreciate all the things that are going “right” this week.

Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Generosity. Money-The Six of Pentacles brings a generous offer to you this week. Expect a proposal, an opportunity, a raise… Someone is going to be very generous with you. Accept any and all gifts that come your way. You’ve earned them. Your good vibes are only going to improve as the week goes on. Keep your mindset positive and pay attention, so you can catch those coins being thrown your way.

Ace of Swords- New idea. Fresh energy. Willpower- Out of all of this beauty and abundance, a new idea springs to mind and you feel excited and ready to charge forward with it. Make sure you get your plans in place because this idea, while full of potential, is still raw and so fresh. It needs a little grounding energy to bring it to light.

Overall- Wow! Everything is coming up “YOU” this week! Beautiful things are headed your way. Expect positive energy and a generous offer to be given to you. You’re soaking up the love that surrounds you, and it’s bringing you joy. This joy has you feeling inspired and you have a new idea or a few cooking in your brain. You feel ready to leap forward with them. Keep that inspiration but make sure your plans are grounded before you take action.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/2/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/2/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Flower, Faerie Tarot


The Magician- Magic. Creation. Skill-The Magician wants you to step up and embrace your magic. You have skills that deserve development, so pick up your wand and get to it. This fae Magician is telling me to tell you that it’s time to stop hesitating and it’s time to start creating. What are you working on? It’s time to go for it and give it your all. You have exactly what you need, so trust yourself, and get to work on it this week!

Knight of Cups- Renewal. Quest. Love- The Knight of Cups offers you the opportunity for a quest this week. It’s time to get clear on what your heart wants, and then take steps forward. What does your heart desire at this time? Is it love? Is it a creative project? Are you birthing something new in your life? The appearance of this Knight suggests that the energy of The Universe is gifting you exactly what you need to get exactly what your heart wants.

The Hierophant- Teacher. Spirituality. Philosophical Study- The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human physical reality and the energy of God, The Universe, Spirit. The Hierophant is calling for you to deepen your spiritual practice. If you feel you don’t have a spiritual practice, this might be a good time to get one. Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn more about or study? This is the time…

Overall- This is a beautiful week full of potential, so make sure you take advantage of this energy. We have entered the most abundant and fertile time of the year. From Beltane to Litha (summer solstice), the energy is rising and full of potential and possibility. The fae want you to tap into all of that magic. You have skills that are worthy of development and developing these skills fulfills you emotionally and also helps you to grow spiritually. This might be a good time to study something new… Pssst… I have one spot left in my Spiral Path Cauldron Tarot Course, which begins on Thursday…. To sign up: Spiral Path Cauldron Tarot Course


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Knight of Pentacles- Perseverance. Focus. Dedication- The Knight of Pentacles brings slow, steady progress to a task at hand. You’ve been working hard and your hard work is paying off. While your focus and determination are beautiful, I’m suggesting you don’t get too stuck in the muck by obsessing or over analyzing the details. Nothing is ever going to feel quite perfect. This Knight is telling me you’ve done exactly what you needed to do and it’s time to pick up the pace.

Knight of Swords-Movement. Action. Change- The Knight of Swords brings turbulence and change. Something or someone rides in this week to shake you up and forces you to take action on something you’ve been avoiding. Have you been holding back on making a move because you feel you’re “not ready yet” or “need to perfect” something. The presence of this Knight says that it’s time to spring into action. You ARE ready. The fact is… very rarely does anyone feel ready to make a move or take that next step. Just do it…

King of Pentacles- Success. Power. Ambition- The King of Pentacles brings success and stability to the table this week. You have everything you need to manifest and create that thing you’ve been working on. Don’t be afraid to put it out into the world. You have it together and you will succeed. Trust you have what it takes, act with confidence, and you will win.

Overall- This week brings the opportunity to take a big step forward. You’ve been working hard on a project, goal, or relationship and your hard work is paying off. Don’t get too stuck in your quest for perfection because it can keep you trapped. An opportunity this week brings you the chance to charge forward. Don’t hesitate. Just go for it. Success is assured if you do.


Pile 3 - Feather, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot


Ten of Wands- Exhaustion. Overwhelm. Burn out- The Ten of Wands indicates overwhelm and burn-out. You’ve been carrying too much around and not all of it even belongs to you. It’s time to stop taking on everybody’s everything and take a realistic look at what is actually possible. How can you lighten the load? Sometimes it helps to look at a list and think, “Ok. What actually HAS to get done TODAY?” It’s usually a lot less things than you would think. Put the pack down. It’s holding you back.

The High Priestess- Intuition. Guidance. Power- Knock. Knock. Your higher self is calling you. The High Priestess wants you to check in with your intuition and start listening to the messages that are waiting for you. You need some quiet time to focus and re-group your energy. Where can you find that time this week? This High Priestess is saying you’ve been too external, running around, meeting everyone’s needs, and she’s over it. She wants you to tune in and turn your energy inward.

The Wheel of Fortune- Karma. Kismet. Change- Destiny is calling your name. The Wheel of Fortune brings a sudden change in luck… Something unexpected arises and rocks the boat this week. Whatever it is, it is timely and karmic and there is a reason for it, so stay calm and look for the messages. Any disruption that arises this week brings an important lesson with it.

Overall- You are being called to shift gears this week. You are feeling overburdened and oppressed because you’ve been taking on way too much, and it’s fried your energy. You are being told to put down the excess, turn off your phone, say no to everyone and re-group your energy. It’s time to recharge and re-focus. Something unexpected comes along to shake things up. You will handle it better if you are centered. When in doubt… just say no.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/25/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/25/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot


Page of Cups- Birth. Renewal. Feelings- The Page of Cups brings renewal on the feeling level to you this week. Something or someone has struck a chord with you… hit you right in the heart chakra. You are being called to OPEN UP. You’ve been a bit closed off lately and it’s time to end that phase. Whether it’s a new opportunity or relationship or enhancing your connection and communication in an existing relationship, this week you are being given an opportunity to let love flow.

Seven of Cups- Choices. Options. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is considered the card of “castles in the air” and it indicates a need for choice. It’s time to seek clarity and get some perspective on what is real and what is an illusion. You are getting yourself stuck by deliberating all of your choices, and it’s time to just pick one thing and get to work. You can’t manifest what you want if you don’t make a decision about what you want.

Wheel of Fortune- Destiny. Kismet. Cycles- It’s all about timing. You have a change in luck this week. Something unexpected happens and it shakes you out of the indecisive state you’ve been in. The Wheel of Fortune marks cycles. This week begins with a Full Moon and ends with the pagan holiday of Beltane (more on that to come)… so the energy of this week is incredibly powerful. It feels like you need to utilize this energy to enhance your relationships.

Overall- This week brings the opportunity for a big shift your way. You’ve been keeping yourself stuck by closing yourself off emotionally, and I have a feeling it’s been hindering one or more of your relationships. I want you to consider how you’ve been blocking your flow by not being open and honest about your feelings and your emotional needs. It’s time to start making better choices about how you direct your energy. You have an opportunity to deepen your connections this week. Don’t miss it.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Three of Cups- Joy. Connection. Celebration-The Three of Cups brings a reason to celebrate. Joy and love are being highlighted here. You have beautiful support surrounding you, so soak it up, appreciate it, and make sure you tell your loved ones you love them this week. Positive energy is flowing all around you. Embrace it.

Queen of Pentacles - Sensuality. Power. Success- The Queen of Pentacles wants you to get in touch with your sensuality. She brings power, pleasure, and stability your way. This Queen invites you to own your magic and she is here to remind you that you have everything you need to create the life you want. Are you harnessing all of your power and abilities? It’s time to take stock of all the magic you’ve been working on recently. You should feel proud of the beauty you have created.

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Birth- The Empress represents abundance, fertility, and birth. What are you “birthing?” The Empress is here to tell you to step fully into your power this week. Whatever you have been giving your energy to is about to blossom in a big way. Don’t hold yourself back. It’s time to shine.

Overall- So much beauty… so little time… This is a gorgeous spread. What a beautiful week! This week starts with a Full Moon and ends with Beltane, so power and fertility are in the energy all around. I want you to make sure to use this abundance. Whatever you have been working on… whether it’s your work, relationships, or creative projects… I want you to really go after it this week. The magic is all around you and supporting you in making major moves… This week brings the opportunity for great blessings… Stay present.


Pile 3 - Feather, Faerie Tarot


Ace of Cups - Love. Potential. Feelings- A new opportunity is being offered to you this week and it has to do with your love life. What do you desire? Are you in tune with your desires and your feelings? How are you connecting? If you are in partnership, are you feeling the love and if you are single, what is it you truly want/desire? Hint: It’s impossible to get what you want if you don’t get clear on what you want.

The Moon - Cycles. Confusion. Illusions- The Moon represents cycles, intuition, and illusions. You need some clarity. This Full Scorpio Moon is bringing up all the feels and I want you to embrace them. You are being called to connect more deeply with your intuition to see though to the truth of your current situation. Stop letting other people’s energy cloud your judgements. It’s time to tune in to your own power and magic. Some moon magic might be a good idea… There will be a Spiral Path Full Moon in Scorpio Moon Ritual waiting for you in my highlights on my witchagram @spiralpathcauldron later this evening. Go check it out.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is known as “the card of the nightmare” and it represents stress, anxiety, and foreboding of the future. The Nine of Swords more often indicates anxiety rather than anything negative actually occurring. Your fears are holding you back and keeping you trapped. Can you acknowledge them and let them go?

Overall- Ok. You’ve got some house cleaning to do, my friend. You are being called to make moon magic this week. This Scorpio Full Moon in going to be bringing up all of the feels, and you can’t avoid them any longer. It’s time to pause and figure out what it is you truly desire. Then think about what it is that is holding you back from achieving your heart’s desire. There’s a lot of fear going on right now and it’s not serving you. It’s time to clear it all out… You need some self-reflection to get the clarity you need to move forward.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/18/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/18/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Smith-Waite Tarot


Page of Cups- Birth. Healing. Renewal- The Page of Cups brings the opportunity for healing and renewal your way this week. This Page is offering his cup to you and I suggest you take it. How have you been treating yourself lately? Are you practicing good self-care or are you giving away all of your energy until your cup is empty. It’s time to fill up this week. What can you do to feel fulfilled? It’s time for some nurturing energy. Book a massage, get a reading, take a walk… you need to recharge your system. A little big of love goes a long way, so give yourself some love this week.

Two of Swords- Conflict. Stagnation. Avoidance- The Two of Swords brings conflict and indecision. You feel stuck and you have a choice to make, but you’ve been avoiding the choosing because you’re afraid you won’t get what you want. Hint: The stalling tactic isn’t working, so it may be time to try something else. The reality is that you are holding all the power in this current situation. Take off the blindfold, look around, and make a choice. You need to take some actionable steps forward this week. Keep your wits about you and make a move.

The Moon- Cycles. Changes. Intuition- The Moon brings a shift your way. Things are changing in your world and you’re feeling a little off-center because of it. My suggestion is that you pause and check in with your intuition. You instincts will guide you in the right direction. It’s just a phase. Stop overcomplicating the process.

Overall- The message for you this week is to gently “unstick” yourself. You’ve been feeling overwhelmed and a bit depleted, and this week is offering you the opportunity to shift gears and get out of this rut you’ve been in. I suggest you take an honest look at your energy management. It’s time to re-evaluate how you’re taking care of yourself. You have been avoiding making a choice because you fear the conflict that will follow, but the stagnation is just keeping your energy blocked. It’s time to check in with your intuition and then make a move. Stop fighting the flow.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


King of Cups- Healer. Empathy. Compassion - The King of Cups is the healer of the tarot. This week he is here to assist you in the healing work you are doing in the world. Whether it’s personal or professional, you have some healing energy to give this week. I want you to remember that you have exactly what you need to do this work in the world. Keep your healer hat on and move through this week with compassion, empathy, and patience.

Temperance- Harmony. Balance. Healing- Temperance brings balance and harmony to the table. Think flow… Flow is your word of the week. Temperance wants things to effortlessly flow together and she is calling for you to find the balance in your situation. Move gently, speak kindly, and allow the healing waters of Temperance to soften and heal all those you encounter.

The Hanged Man- Sacrifice. Waiting. Faith- The Hanged Man is a call for sacrifice, patience, and trust in the divine timing of things. You are being put on notice that there are significant delays ahead, but these delays are all timely and have a deeper purpose. The Hanged Man wants you to practice patience this week. Be patient with yourself, be patient with others, and if hold- ups or delays happen (they probably will), try to just trust the process.

Overall- Do you know any calm, “watery” people? If you do.. this is a week to emulate them. You’ve got a lot of work to do this week, in either your personal or professional life… maybe both. You are being called to connect to your inner healer and practice compassion and patience. You have the ability to make positive shifts in the people that you encounter this week. You just need to hold the line. Don’t get overly attached to the results because they probably won’t be shown to you immediately. Just know that if you stay in your compassion, you’re doing what needs to be done and the rest will work out.


Pile 3 - Flower, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot


Temperance- Flow. Harmony. Cooperation -Temperance brings harmony and balance to you this week. It’s time to learn to work together. Your struggle with your current situation will definitely improve if you can approach it from a more balanced place. Where can you find a more peaceful approach? Kindness and empathy are being called for here. You are very capable of giving compassionate and healing energy. You just need to tap into your softer side.

Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Compromise- There is a struggle afoot this week. You are being challenged with bringing something forward. Whether the challenge is with your work or in a relationship, it’s time to stop fighting and start working together. Where can you find the compromise in your current situation? You are being a bit stubborn and that approach isn’t helping.

Five of Swords- Limitations. Loss. Overwhelm- The Five of Swords is telling you that you need to take a more honest look at what is possible right now. You are feeling overwhelmed and a little depressed because you feel you can’t win. Winning isn’t everything! It’s time to stop looking at the problems and start looking for the solutions. Recognize that there are limits in life and you may have reached yours. How can you shift this situation?

Overall- Compromise and cooperation are your words of the week. You need to regroup, refocus, and rethink your approach. The message for you is to tap into your compassion and shift the way you are handling your current situation. You are causing stress and conflict by not working well with others and also by refusing to accept the boundaries and limits that are in front of you. Start playing nicely and watch this situation turn itself around.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/11/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/11/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot

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Death- Endings. Transformation. Release- It’s time to cut some cords this week. Death brings endings and also beginnings. Transformation of some kind is being highlighted for you. You know what isn’t working and you’ve been working at releasing it, but there’s still a little bit of a cord that you need to slice through. This Death card offers you the opportunity to take that sword and slice through that frayed rope. You are SO close to being done with whatever situation has been keeping you stuck. You just need to put the final nail in the coffin. Its an Aries New Moon… you’ve got this!

Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- You’ve been in this fight for so long that you just feel exhausted and like you don’t have the strength necessary to keep going. Although you are feeling exhausted and depleted, you do have the reserves necessary to FINALLY be done. My message for you regarding this is to stop playing defense and start taking offense. It’s time to be done. So be done. Avoiding the inevitable is pointless. You’re almost there. Just keep gong.

Six of Wands- Victory. Success. Winning- The good news is that although there is a challenge afoot for you this week, success and victory are almost assured. I say almost because you still need to do the work. If you cut through the cord and release that thing you’ve been trying to clear out for so long, your path will open up and you will reap the rewards of moving forward with your life.

Overall- Let it GO. Whatever isn’t working hasn’t been working and you know you need to be done. Stop dragging out the inevitable. It’s exhausting and it has been depleting your strength. A challenge this week arises to help push you to make the change you need to end this cycle and happily begin to move forward on your path. Accept the challenge and work your way through it. Think of all you’ve learned recently and integrate it. That’s how you win at this.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

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Three of Wands- Enthusiasm. Satisfaction. Recognition- The Three of Wands brings success your way this week. A creative project or idea shows promise, and you have the support and energy you need surrounding you to keep working at and moving forward with your goals. Expect positive recognition this week. Your talents are being noticed and you are being told to continue to work on whatever it is that lights you up.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope, optimism, and joy to the table this week. Positive energy is flowing all around you, so soak it in and take advantage of it. Stay open to new opportunities and connections. The Sun brings renewal and clarity. Things seem to flow toward you effortlessly this week and you feel confident in the goals you are working on. Keep this positive energy and hold onto your enthusiasm.

The Moon- Cycles. Intuition. Changes- The Moon calls for you to check in with your own rhythms, cycles, and intuition. It’s time to tune inward and focus your energy. Are you making moves on your own terms or are you letting yourself get distracted by external praise? Only you can know the next steps for you, and The Moon wants you to check in with yourself and give your intuition some space to speak to you. We have a New Moon in Aries tonight. It might be time for some moon magic…

Overall- This is a potentially very powerful week for you. Your creative idea or goal shows great promise and you are given some external recognition that validates you. While you should definitely soak up the positive energy headed your way, don’t get too distracted by external influences. I want you to take some time to slow down and tune in this week. Your intuition has a message waiting for you. Make sure you set the time to receive it. When it comes to taking the next step, you need to trust your instincts.


Pile 3 - Feather, Fantastical Tarot

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Queen of Pentacles- Fertility. Power. Abundance- The Queen of Pentacles represents fertility, abundance, and sensuality. She is here to tell you that you’ve really “stepped up” and you are in a powerful place to manifest, create, and attract the abundance you deserve. She wants you to ground your magic. Get really clear on what it is you want. You have everything you need right now. You are owning your power and it’s time to use that power and energy to create what you desire.

The Moon- Intuition. Rhythms. Subconscious- The Moon brings a connection to the subconscious, a call to check in with your intuition. The Moon can also bring confusion, fluctuation, and change. Things are shifting in your world and you are seeing the effects of it this week. Don’t rush to act or react. Simply take notice of how people, places, events make you feel. Stay connected to your intuition. Trust your gut instincts.

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Ideals- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth.

Overall- Two Queens and The Moon on a New Moon. Go check my stories for the Aries New Moon ritual because you need to harness this magic. You are in an incredibly beautiful and powerful place and you’ve worked really hard to get there. Thing are starting to open up for you. Watch out for who and where you give your energy. Make sure you are using your energy wisely. Trust your instincts. The Queen of Swords is here to help you set sound powerful boundaries this week. These boundaries are only going to make you stronger. Don’t be afraid to tell people where the line is. Own your worth.

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/4/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/4/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Modern Witch Tarot


Knight of Cups- Love. A proposal. Desire- The Knight of Cups rides in to awaken your emotions this week. What do you truly desire? What is it you want? Are you being honest with yourself about these things? This Knight indicates something or someone enters your world and stirs something up for you emotionally. She is offering you the opportunity to open up. I feel you’ve been blocking your emotional process for some time now and not acknowledging what it is that your heart truly wants. This Knight is here to help you accept and acknowledge your true feelings.

Ace of Swords- New Idea. Conflict. Awakening- The Ace of Swords indicates an uprush or mental energy, a new way of thinking, of processing information. Change does not always come easily. Often when we are inspired by a new idea, it challenges the old patterns we’ve been in for a long time. This fresh energy may generate some conflict for you this week. You are being called to hold tightly to your sword and choose your actions wisely. Think things through before you act… or speak.

Death- Transformation. Release. Endings- Death brings release. It’s time to let go. What do you need to release? What things no longer fit into your life? Who or who is blocking your growth? The energy of this week leads you to a shift of some kind. You are going to realize that something no longer fits into your current life and the time for change has come. Fighting this release only makes it more challenging.

Overall- This week is a call for you to acknowledge and honor your feelings. Once you accept what it is you truly desire, you need to own up and take actionable steps toward it. It’s time to choose you this week. I feel you’ve been avoiding your personal truth and not acknowledging what is it that lights you up and makes you happy. The message for you is to decide what those things are and look at what changes you need to make to move toward them.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- The Nine of Wands indicates a time where you’ve been struggling and just when you think you’re almost through it, one more challenge arises to test you. I know… I know… One more challenge… The lesson with this nine is that you do, in fact, have the strength you need to handle this challenge. Sometimes it’s in our biggest challenges that we find the reserves we need to rise up and face what is in front of us.

The Emperor- Structure. Stability. Power- The Emperor indicates structure, stability, and power. Your challenge is on the physical plane. You are struggling with some form of order, structure, or person in your life, and you feel you are being met with nothing but resistance. You know what you want, but you feel like you just can’t get to it right now. Banging your fist on a locked door isn’t going to open it up. I suggest you rethink your approach and find a different way.

The Hanged Man- Patience. Sacrifice. Faith- The Hanged Man represents a time of waiting, of suspension. Things seem to hang in the balance and you feel stuck. The Hanged Man offers the challenge of finding your faith and having patience in the divine timing of your life. Sometimes the only thing we can do is accept where we are and let go. As challenging as this is for you, that’s the message for this week.

Overall- There’s a bit of a battle on the horizon for you. You are being challenged and it’s not really a challenge you feel like facing because you’re tired. You feel like you’ve been in this battle for too long already, and you’re sick of it. I’m sorry to say that the situation isn’t exactly going to “clear up” completely this week. My suggestion is to reconsider your approach and take a time-out before you activate. Remember, “this too shall pass…” Take a deep breath, accept that you’ve been through hard things before, and you do have what you need to get through this.


Pile 3 - Rose, Queen Alice Tarot


Ace of Swords- New idea. Conflict. Awakening- The Ace of Swords brings raw energy, a new point of view, or idea to you this week. Your mental powers have been sparked and you feel ready to activate. Some fresh idea has you thinking of making changes. The Ace of Swords often brings conflict because new ideas tend to threaten the “old order” or old patterns of doing things. Don’t worry too much about it because this shift is in some way necessary.

Five of Swords- Limitations. Conflict. Pride- The Five of Swords often indicates a time of overwhelm. Have you taken on more than you can realistically handle? Do you keep piling more and more on top of your plate? The truth is that we all have limits in life. There is only so much energy in a given day. Are you pushing past what you can reasonably handle? If you’ve been stuck in the “overwhelm,” my advice is to stop looking at the problem and start looking for the solution. Hint: The solution lies in saying no to more and yes to less.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings joy, hope, optimism, and renewed trust. By the end of this week, the clouds part, the sun comes out, and you feel more hopeful and happy about your situation. Embrace your joy, do what makes you happy, and take some time to stop and smell the roses this week.

Overall- It’s time for a NEW approach. I want you to enter this week with fresh energy. You’ve been taking on too much and it’s been keeping your stuck. The best way out of this is to literally SHOVE things off your plate. Seriously- I want you to look at your to-do list and slash it into thirds… not half… thirds… Pick a third of what you were going to accomplish this week and work on that. By acknowledging your limits, you open up space and energy and are able to re-connect with your joy. You need to remember to enjoy your beautiful life. All work and no play makes people cranky. Don’t be cranky…just stop trying to do so many things. That’s how you find a better balance.

Practical Magic

When I was 11 years old, I asked my mom for a deck of tarot cards for my 12th birthday. 

A little startled, she asked how I knew what tarot cards were. I replied, “I don’t know, but I know how to read them, and they should be given to you as a gift, so I need them for my birthday.” Being the best mom ever, she didn’t question me further. She simply bought me my first deck, and has bought me ALL of my other decks since then over the past 27 years. 

Tarot was one of the first true loves in my life. 

For me, learning to read wasn’t so much a learning as it was a “remembering.” I simply knew how to do it. Years after that first tarot deck was mine, my Nana casually mentioned, “You know, my Aunt Martha read those cards like you do and people said she foresaw her own death.”  It’s in the bloodline. 

Nothing calmed me when I was young the way that shuffling the cards did. It was always my quickest way to center my energy and one of the first ways I learned to work with energy. At 13 years old, that understanding led me to become a Reiki practitioner and began my work in energy healing. I was doing Reiki and reading for my friends while I was still in middle school. 

Throughout high school and the better part of my twenties, I was never without a deck of tarot cards in my purse. Like, ever. (I was also heavily covered in glitter in those days, so…) On my very first date with my now husband at age 23, we’d barely sat down to dinner before I blurted out, “I’m a witch and an energy worker and I read tarot.” #notsubtle

Throughout that period, I read for myself and others nearly daily and honed my intuition and practice with the cards. They were a natural extension of who I was and provided tools and a language with which to express my magical gifts and connect to others in a way that resonated with them. I taught classes on The Celtic Wheel of the Year and shared my process for creating ritual and tuning energy into the flow of the seasons. My natural empathy found expression through the cards and teaching others how to connect with universal energy.  

Sometime around the age of thirty, I found myself craving a quieter, more private practice of my magic in order to continue growing within it. This was a bit of a shift and for the better part of the past decade, my magical practice as well as my readings and teachings have reflected this need for quiet and greater privacy.

About a year ago, I felt another shift happening, a call once again to step back out of the “broom closet” and share these gifts more openly and publicly. I’ve had so many requests for readings and classes that I feel the time has come for me to once again formalize my offerings and make them available to anyone interested in learning with me.

I’m reminded of one of my favorite scenes from the movie Practical Magic, where Sandra Bullock’s character proclaims to a group of women, “Soooooo…I’m a witch!” 

And I am.

What does it mean to be a practicing witch and walk the pagan path?

For me, it means honoring the cycles of the moon and the cycles and transitions of the seasons, of nature. It means setting time for daily, monthly, and seasonal rituals no matter what else is going on in my life. 

It also means consulting cards, runes, and oracles when I’m looking for guidance. It means casting a spell for the perfect magical kitten to come to me by Litha (summer solstice), and then offering a ritual of gratitude for her arrival. 

My practice is incredibly sacred to me, and has been a source of peace, empowerment, and connection in my life. Now I’m called to share those gifts with others, to offer them in service to you, and to widen that circle of connection to include all who are interested.

Blessed be.
