Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/4/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/4/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Modern Witch Tarot


Knight of Cups- Love. A proposal. Desire- The Knight of Cups rides in to awaken your emotions this week. What do you truly desire? What is it you want? Are you being honest with yourself about these things? This Knight indicates something or someone enters your world and stirs something up for you emotionally. She is offering you the opportunity to open up. I feel you’ve been blocking your emotional process for some time now and not acknowledging what it is that your heart truly wants. This Knight is here to help you accept and acknowledge your true feelings.

Ace of Swords- New Idea. Conflict. Awakening- The Ace of Swords indicates an uprush or mental energy, a new way of thinking, of processing information. Change does not always come easily. Often when we are inspired by a new idea, it challenges the old patterns we’ve been in for a long time. This fresh energy may generate some conflict for you this week. You are being called to hold tightly to your sword and choose your actions wisely. Think things through before you act… or speak.

Death- Transformation. Release. Endings- Death brings release. It’s time to let go. What do you need to release? What things no longer fit into your life? Who or who is blocking your growth? The energy of this week leads you to a shift of some kind. You are going to realize that something no longer fits into your current life and the time for change has come. Fighting this release only makes it more challenging.

Overall- This week is a call for you to acknowledge and honor your feelings. Once you accept what it is you truly desire, you need to own up and take actionable steps toward it. It’s time to choose you this week. I feel you’ve been avoiding your personal truth and not acknowledging what is it that lights you up and makes you happy. The message for you is to decide what those things are and look at what changes you need to make to move toward them.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- The Nine of Wands indicates a time where you’ve been struggling and just when you think you’re almost through it, one more challenge arises to test you. I know… I know… One more challenge… The lesson with this nine is that you do, in fact, have the strength you need to handle this challenge. Sometimes it’s in our biggest challenges that we find the reserves we need to rise up and face what is in front of us.

The Emperor- Structure. Stability. Power- The Emperor indicates structure, stability, and power. Your challenge is on the physical plane. You are struggling with some form of order, structure, or person in your life, and you feel you are being met with nothing but resistance. You know what you want, but you feel like you just can’t get to it right now. Banging your fist on a locked door isn’t going to open it up. I suggest you rethink your approach and find a different way.

The Hanged Man- Patience. Sacrifice. Faith- The Hanged Man represents a time of waiting, of suspension. Things seem to hang in the balance and you feel stuck. The Hanged Man offers the challenge of finding your faith and having patience in the divine timing of your life. Sometimes the only thing we can do is accept where we are and let go. As challenging as this is for you, that’s the message for this week.

Overall- There’s a bit of a battle on the horizon for you. You are being challenged and it’s not really a challenge you feel like facing because you’re tired. You feel like you’ve been in this battle for too long already, and you’re sick of it. I’m sorry to say that the situation isn’t exactly going to “clear up” completely this week. My suggestion is to reconsider your approach and take a time-out before you activate. Remember, “this too shall pass…” Take a deep breath, accept that you’ve been through hard things before, and you do have what you need to get through this.


Pile 3 - Rose, Queen Alice Tarot


Ace of Swords- New idea. Conflict. Awakening- The Ace of Swords brings raw energy, a new point of view, or idea to you this week. Your mental powers have been sparked and you feel ready to activate. Some fresh idea has you thinking of making changes. The Ace of Swords often brings conflict because new ideas tend to threaten the “old order” or old patterns of doing things. Don’t worry too much about it because this shift is in some way necessary.

Five of Swords- Limitations. Conflict. Pride- The Five of Swords often indicates a time of overwhelm. Have you taken on more than you can realistically handle? Do you keep piling more and more on top of your plate? The truth is that we all have limits in life. There is only so much energy in a given day. Are you pushing past what you can reasonably handle? If you’ve been stuck in the “overwhelm,” my advice is to stop looking at the problem and start looking for the solution. Hint: The solution lies in saying no to more and yes to less.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings joy, hope, optimism, and renewed trust. By the end of this week, the clouds part, the sun comes out, and you feel more hopeful and happy about your situation. Embrace your joy, do what makes you happy, and take some time to stop and smell the roses this week.

Overall- It’s time for a NEW approach. I want you to enter this week with fresh energy. You’ve been taking on too much and it’s been keeping your stuck. The best way out of this is to literally SHOVE things off your plate. Seriously- I want you to look at your to-do list and slash it into thirds… not half… thirds… Pick a third of what you were going to accomplish this week and work on that. By acknowledging your limits, you open up space and energy and are able to re-connect with your joy. You need to remember to enjoy your beautiful life. All work and no play makes people cranky. Don’t be cranky…just stop trying to do so many things. That’s how you find a better balance.