Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 4/25/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/25/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot


Page of Cups- Birth. Renewal. Feelings- The Page of Cups brings renewal on the feeling level to you this week. Something or someone has struck a chord with you… hit you right in the heart chakra. You are being called to OPEN UP. You’ve been a bit closed off lately and it’s time to end that phase. Whether it’s a new opportunity or relationship or enhancing your connection and communication in an existing relationship, this week you are being given an opportunity to let love flow.

Seven of Cups- Choices. Options. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is considered the card of “castles in the air” and it indicates a need for choice. It’s time to seek clarity and get some perspective on what is real and what is an illusion. You are getting yourself stuck by deliberating all of your choices, and it’s time to just pick one thing and get to work. You can’t manifest what you want if you don’t make a decision about what you want.

Wheel of Fortune- Destiny. Kismet. Cycles- It’s all about timing. You have a change in luck this week. Something unexpected happens and it shakes you out of the indecisive state you’ve been in. The Wheel of Fortune marks cycles. This week begins with a Full Moon and ends with the pagan holiday of Beltane (more on that to come)… so the energy of this week is incredibly powerful. It feels like you need to utilize this energy to enhance your relationships.

Overall- This week brings the opportunity for a big shift your way. You’ve been keeping yourself stuck by closing yourself off emotionally, and I have a feeling it’s been hindering one or more of your relationships. I want you to consider how you’ve been blocking your flow by not being open and honest about your feelings and your emotional needs. It’s time to start making better choices about how you direct your energy. You have an opportunity to deepen your connections this week. Don’t miss it.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Three of Cups- Joy. Connection. Celebration-The Three of Cups brings a reason to celebrate. Joy and love are being highlighted here. You have beautiful support surrounding you, so soak it up, appreciate it, and make sure you tell your loved ones you love them this week. Positive energy is flowing all around you. Embrace it.

Queen of Pentacles - Sensuality. Power. Success- The Queen of Pentacles wants you to get in touch with your sensuality. She brings power, pleasure, and stability your way. This Queen invites you to own your magic and she is here to remind you that you have everything you need to create the life you want. Are you harnessing all of your power and abilities? It’s time to take stock of all the magic you’ve been working on recently. You should feel proud of the beauty you have created.

The Empress- Fertility. Abundance. Birth- The Empress represents abundance, fertility, and birth. What are you “birthing?” The Empress is here to tell you to step fully into your power this week. Whatever you have been giving your energy to is about to blossom in a big way. Don’t hold yourself back. It’s time to shine.

Overall- So much beauty… so little time… This is a gorgeous spread. What a beautiful week! This week starts with a Full Moon and ends with Beltane, so power and fertility are in the energy all around. I want you to make sure to use this abundance. Whatever you have been working on… whether it’s your work, relationships, or creative projects… I want you to really go after it this week. The magic is all around you and supporting you in making major moves… This week brings the opportunity for great blessings… Stay present.


Pile 3 - Feather, Faerie Tarot


Ace of Cups - Love. Potential. Feelings- A new opportunity is being offered to you this week and it has to do with your love life. What do you desire? Are you in tune with your desires and your feelings? How are you connecting? If you are in partnership, are you feeling the love and if you are single, what is it you truly want/desire? Hint: It’s impossible to get what you want if you don’t get clear on what you want.

The Moon - Cycles. Confusion. Illusions- The Moon represents cycles, intuition, and illusions. You need some clarity. This Full Scorpio Moon is bringing up all the feels and I want you to embrace them. You are being called to connect more deeply with your intuition to see though to the truth of your current situation. Stop letting other people’s energy cloud your judgements. It’s time to tune in to your own power and magic. Some moon magic might be a good idea… There will be a Spiral Path Full Moon in Scorpio Moon Ritual waiting for you in my highlights on my witchagram @spiralpathcauldron later this evening. Go check it out.

Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is known as “the card of the nightmare” and it represents stress, anxiety, and foreboding of the future. The Nine of Swords more often indicates anxiety rather than anything negative actually occurring. Your fears are holding you back and keeping you trapped. Can you acknowledge them and let them go?

Overall- Ok. You’ve got some house cleaning to do, my friend. You are being called to make moon magic this week. This Scorpio Full Moon in going to be bringing up all of the feels, and you can’t avoid them any longer. It’s time to pause and figure out what it is you truly desire. Then think about what it is that is holding you back from achieving your heart’s desire. There’s a lot of fear going on right now and it’s not serving you. It’s time to clear it all out… You need some self-reflection to get the clarity you need to move forward.