Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/2/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/2/21!
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Flower, Faerie Tarot
The Magician- Magic. Creation. Skill-The Magician wants you to step up and embrace your magic. You have skills that deserve development, so pick up your wand and get to it. This fae Magician is telling me to tell you that it’s time to stop hesitating and it’s time to start creating. What are you working on? It’s time to go for it and give it your all. You have exactly what you need, so trust yourself, and get to work on it this week!
Knight of Cups- Renewal. Quest. Love- The Knight of Cups offers you the opportunity for a quest this week. It’s time to get clear on what your heart wants, and then take steps forward. What does your heart desire at this time? Is it love? Is it a creative project? Are you birthing something new in your life? The appearance of this Knight suggests that the energy of The Universe is gifting you exactly what you need to get exactly what your heart wants.
The Hierophant- Teacher. Spirituality. Philosophical Study- The Hierophant represents the connecting link between our human physical reality and the energy of God, The Universe, Spirit. The Hierophant is calling for you to deepen your spiritual practice. If you feel you don’t have a spiritual practice, this might be a good time to get one. Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn more about or study? This is the time…
Overall- This is a beautiful week full of potential, so make sure you take advantage of this energy. We have entered the most abundant and fertile time of the year. From Beltane to Litha (summer solstice), the energy is rising and full of potential and possibility. The fae want you to tap into all of that magic. You have skills that are worthy of development and developing these skills fulfills you emotionally and also helps you to grow spiritually. This might be a good time to study something new… Pssst… I have one spot left in my Spiral Path Cauldron Tarot Course, which begins on Thursday…. To sign up: Spiral Path Cauldron Tarot Course
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Knight of Pentacles- Perseverance. Focus. Dedication- The Knight of Pentacles brings slow, steady progress to a task at hand. You’ve been working hard and your hard work is paying off. While your focus and determination are beautiful, I’m suggesting you don’t get too stuck in the muck by obsessing or over analyzing the details. Nothing is ever going to feel quite perfect. This Knight is telling me you’ve done exactly what you needed to do and it’s time to pick up the pace.
Knight of Swords-Movement. Action. Change- The Knight of Swords brings turbulence and change. Something or someone rides in this week to shake you up and forces you to take action on something you’ve been avoiding. Have you been holding back on making a move because you feel you’re “not ready yet” or “need to perfect” something. The presence of this Knight says that it’s time to spring into action. You ARE ready. The fact is… very rarely does anyone feel ready to make a move or take that next step. Just do it…
King of Pentacles- Success. Power. Ambition- The King of Pentacles brings success and stability to the table this week. You have everything you need to manifest and create that thing you’ve been working on. Don’t be afraid to put it out into the world. You have it together and you will succeed. Trust you have what it takes, act with confidence, and you will win.
Overall- This week brings the opportunity to take a big step forward. You’ve been working hard on a project, goal, or relationship and your hard work is paying off. Don’t get too stuck in your quest for perfection because it can keep you trapped. An opportunity this week brings you the chance to charge forward. Don’t hesitate. Just go for it. Success is assured if you do.
Pile 3 - Feather, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot
Ten of Wands- Exhaustion. Overwhelm. Burn out- The Ten of Wands indicates overwhelm and burn-out. You’ve been carrying too much around and not all of it even belongs to you. It’s time to stop taking on everybody’s everything and take a realistic look at what is actually possible. How can you lighten the load? Sometimes it helps to look at a list and think, “Ok. What actually HAS to get done TODAY?” It’s usually a lot less things than you would think. Put the pack down. It’s holding you back.
The High Priestess- Intuition. Guidance. Power- Knock. Knock. Your higher self is calling you. The High Priestess wants you to check in with your intuition and start listening to the messages that are waiting for you. You need some quiet time to focus and re-group your energy. Where can you find that time this week? This High Priestess is saying you’ve been too external, running around, meeting everyone’s needs, and she’s over it. She wants you to tune in and turn your energy inward.
The Wheel of Fortune- Karma. Kismet. Change- Destiny is calling your name. The Wheel of Fortune brings a sudden change in luck… Something unexpected arises and rocks the boat this week. Whatever it is, it is timely and karmic and there is a reason for it, so stay calm and look for the messages. Any disruption that arises this week brings an important lesson with it.
Overall- You are being called to shift gears this week. You are feeling overburdened and oppressed because you’ve been taking on way too much, and it’s fried your energy. You are being told to put down the excess, turn off your phone, say no to everyone and re-group your energy. It’s time to recharge and re-focus. Something unexpected comes along to shake things up. You will handle it better if you are centered. When in doubt… just say no.