Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 7/4/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/4/21
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot
Four of Pentacles- Stability. Clinging. Hoarding- The Four of Pentacles is considered “the card of the miser” and warns against clinging or gripping too tightly to attachments. This Four speaks of stability and security. Sometimes when we work hard to achieve, the tendency is then to hold tightly to achievements, relationships, ideas, or possessions out of fear of losing what we have gained. You need to loosen your grip somewhere this week. Recognize that you have the stability and security you need and it’s okay to ease up a bit. You’re blocking your progress and growth by holding on too tightly. The energy needs some room to flow.
Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Focus. Strength- The Queen of Swords is here to help you hold the line this week. This Queen is smart and strong and knows what she wants and deserves and she isn’t afraid to go after it. There is a call for you to act cooly and calmly, and yet maintain your assertiveness. What boundaries do you need to set in place at this time? Are you clear on them? Are you clearly communicating them to those around you?
Eight of Wands- Movement. Action. Release- The Eight of Wands brings movement and action… a welcome release, especially if you feel you’ve been struggling or stuck. This Eight indicates that there is a shift coming your way and doors are about to open up for you. Don’t hesitate when they do. The stuck energy unlocks and you feel relief at the forward movement that appears.
Overall- You’ve worked hard to get to the place you are currently at and you should feel proud of the security and stability you have created. Your challenge this week lies in the delicate balance of give and take. You need to trust that you have what you need to move forward and then get very clear on exactly what boundaries need to be set in place in order for you to do so. There is a way to calmly and clearly communicate these boundaries, so take the time you need to settle your mind before you take action. Once you find this space of calm and focus, things open up and the energy shifts for you in a beautiful way.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
The Chariot- Conflict. Competition. Aggression- The Chariot brings up our competitive drives and also the challenge of harnessing the ego. Some sort of conflict sparks you this week and the lesson is for you to get your ego in check and get clear on how you are managing and directing your energy. How can you find better focus and control? There is the temptation this week to let yourself get stuck in the drama or let things spiral…The message here is for you to rein it in and hold tightly to the reins. You are in charge of your energy and how you react and respond to life’s situations. Don’t forget that… Do not give your power away to others.
Three of Wands- Validation. Success. Recognition- The Three of Wands brings recognition and validation to you this week. The energy of what you’ve been working on begins to come together and you feel optimistic and hopeful. Positive energy flows around your goals or projects and you and you get encouraging feedback from others. Soak it in, but don’t get carried away. There’s still work to do.
Four of Wands- Celebration. Reward. Support- The Four of Wands says there is something to celebrate this week. You have beautiful support around you and people who are cheering you on, so keep those people close. This week brings a beautiful reflection of who and what you want in your life. Think about who your personal cheerleaders are. Those are the people you want to be surrounded by.
Overall- This week brings you the opportunity for a massive shift. Something or someone sparks a bit of a conflict and lights up your fiery energy. The challenge is all in how you direct that fire. Can you avoid getting pulled off course? If you can rein it in and keep your ego in check, you have the opportunity to make some big beautiful steps forward. Notice who and what in your life validates you and brings support. Lean into those things and let the rest of it go. The drama of others does not serve you and it only holds you back. It’s a good week to clean house in your relationships.
Pile 3 - Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot
Two of Swords- Tension. Stalemate. Denial- The Two of Swords indicates that you are stuck in denial and refusing to make a decision. Your fear of making the “wrong” choice is keeping you frozen and it’s creating unnecessary stress and a lot of angst. It’s time to drop some of your fears and anxieties and look at your choices. You need to make one. That’s the only way out of this. Stop procrastinating and pick a direction.
Page of Wands- Inspiration. Excitement. Creativity- The Page of Wands brings fresh energy and creativity to you this week. It’s time to focus on what sparks you. What lights you up and makes you feel inspired? That is what you should be putting your energy into and focusing on. This Page is offering you the spark of inspiration, so pay attention to it and keep it lit. Think about what makes you want to get up in the morning. What do you want to do, create, explore? This Page tells me a little adventuring is in order. It’s time to expand your horizons.
Ace of Swords- New Idea. Plan. Change- The Ace of Swords brings a new idea to you! The message is to take up that idea with both hands and take an actionable step forward with it this week. Often, we shy away from new things out of fear of upsetting the balance or status quo, and it holds us back. Don’t hold yourself back out of fears or worries about what anyone else things. It’s time to do what’s right for you. Hint: You know exactly what that is.
Overall- You’ve been keeping yourself stuck by refusing to make some decision and the stress of it is really starting to get to you. Once you make a choice, that energy shifts and you feel renewed and inspired. There is the opportunity this week for you to move forward with a new idea or project, and it’s one you are excited about. Follow the inspiration train and give yourself permission to think outside the box. Just watch what kind of magic you create….