Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 7/11/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/11/21

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Pentacle, Fantastical Tarot


Two of Wands- Vision. Potential. Faith- The Two of Wands indicates energies coming together to formulate a new vision or path. This week the stars seem to align for you and things come together and bring hope and enthusiasm to your current situation. A new idea, project, or person has sparked something in you and you are feeling excited about moving forward. Although this is only a beginning stage, there is great potential here and you task is to stay focused and positive around it.

Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Love- The Ten of Cups brings joy, love, and good vibes only. This Ten represents a time of connection and contentment. You are on the right track and joy is reflected back to you this week. Enjoy it. Soak it up, soak it in, and maybe spread some of that good energy around. “Follow your bliss” is the mantra for you this week. Things are coming together in a beautiful way.

Death- Transformation. Change. Cycles- Death brings change, release, and transformation. You are at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Keep letting go of things that no longer serve you and embrace the transformation you are in because it is beautiful. This week take a moment to look at how far you’ve come and all that you have accomplished. Do not let anything from your past creep in to disturb your happiness. It’s in the past for a reason. Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.

Overall- This week is illustrating for you that you are on the right track. Your work, creative project, or relationship shows great promise and you only have to stay connected to it to let it fully bloom and grow. Whatever you are putting your attention on has the power to massively shift things for you in a positive way, so continue moving forward. Don’t let anything that no longer serves you dim your light or drag you back. Sometimes when we make major moves forward or cut cords, old energies can try to drag us backward. Let anything that needs to go… go and keep moving forward with joy and enthusiasm. It’s going to be a beautiful week!


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


King of Pentacles- Ambition. Security. Success- The King of Pentacles brings you confidence and success. You know what you want and you’re not afraid to go after it. This King is ambitious and focused and he knows how to make money and manifest his goals. This week you have the opportunity to manifest quickly, so get clear on what you want, and for for it! You have everything you need at this time to move forward with your goals, so don’t waste that energy. Put it to good use.

Page of Pentacles- Focus. Energy. Contemplation- The Page of Pentacles is telling you to stay focused and gather up your energy. Make sure you are taking good care of your physical body. Eat well.. sleep… drink more water… make good choices. You have a lot happening this week and this Page wants to make sure your physical body is being nurtured so you can take the steps forward that you need.

Ace of Swords- New idea. Conflict. Plan - The Ace of Swords brings fresh energy or a new idea your way this week… sometimes one that comes out of conflict. The reason new ideas generate conflict is because they often threaten the old order or outgrown modes of being or operating. Don’t overthink it. It’s how change happens. The important thing for you at this time is to take hold of your sword with both hands and slice through anything or anyone that is holding you back — (I mean that metaphorically. Don’t actually cut anyone).

Overall- You have some power moves to make this week. You’re in perfect alignment to make some big moves forward with your work or creative projects. Make sure you are keeping your physical body in good shape, so you have the energy you need to take action. A conflict may arise with your new plan, but if it does, don’t back down or even worry too much about it. You’re on the right path. Sometimes big changes rock the boat… sometimes the boat just needs to be rocked. You know what you want. Go get it.


Pile 3 - Feather, Everyday Witch Tarot


Four of Cups- Disappointment. Depression. Dissatisfaction- The Four of Cups indicates a time of disappointment and dissatisfaction with present circumstances. You are feeling let down and you have all the hurt feelings this week. It may be helpful to consider your own part in creating this situation. If you feel like someone has let you down, have you expressed that sentiment? Have you been clear about your expectations within your relationships? Sulking and staying in the funk won’t get you anywhere. In this card, the witch in the doorway seems willing to talk but the man at the table is just stuck in the muck. Pick your head up and look around. There’s always a way to shift the energy.

Five of Swords- Limitations. Conflict. Stress- The Five of Swords brings conflict. There’s a battle on the horizon. There is some stress in one or more of your relationships this week. Sometimes we reach our limits and it’s important to acknowledge when we hit that wall. When the Five of Swords appears, it is often helpful to stop looking at the problem and start looking for a solution.

Eight of Cups - Release. Sadness. Loss - The Eight of Cups is a “walk away” card. Something isn’t working and you need to acknowledge it and let it go. This often brings sadness because loss is challenging, but holding onto a situation, attitude, or relationship that isn’t working is only holding you back and stunting your growth. Let it go. You need to free up some energy, so that things have the space they need to shift.

Overall- The struggle is real this week. You are feeling dissatisfied with present circumstances and you’ve been getting yourself stuck by feeling sorry for yourself and continually spinning your wheels staring at the same problem. My suggestion is that you stand up, dust yourself off, and look at things from a different angle. Something needs to be released. Whether it’s a relationship or an attitude… let go of what isn’t working, so that you can find something that does.