Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 6/27/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/27/21
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
Page of Cups- Renewal. Birth. Emotions- The Page of Cups brings renewal to you this week. It’s time to shift your attention to focusing on YOU. This Page wants you to nourish yourself and the first step is to take a step (or three) back and give yourself a little space to figure out what you need to feel good. What brings you joy and makes you feel happy and centered, mind, body, and spirit? Are you doing those things as part of your regular routine? If you are feeling depleted and low on energy, it’s time to make some changes….
Knight of Swords- Action. Disruption. Changes- The Knight of Swords brings disruption of some kind your way this week. This Knight is a signal that change is inevitable at this point. Something or someone disrupts the balance and forces you to consider a fresh option. Resistance is futile. Whatever disruption this Knight brings this week, try to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities. It may be time to look at your current situation from a different angle.
Seven of Cups- Options. Illusions. Choices- The Seven of Cups is “the card of castles in the air” and it represents a time where you need to make a choice. You have more options than you know what to do with and the temptation is to get stuck just looking at all of them. The trick here is to see through the illusions involved. Stop fantasizing, deliberating, or daydreaming about what you want. Decide and then take a step in that direction.
Overall- The way you’ve been running your show isn’t working. You’ve been feeling a bit depleted and you’re out of balance. This week The Universe forces you to make a shift. A disruption from something or someone is a signal that change is necessary. You have more options than you think, so don’t fight the flow. Look at all the possibilities available to you, and then make your move.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Seven of Pentacles- Deliberation. Risk. Decision- The Seven of Pentacles indicates a time where a decision must be made… usually one involving your work. You are being given the option to continue working on what you’ve been working on or to take a risk on another option. The advice for this week is to weigh out your options before making choice. Make sure you have all of the facts and information you need before you decide what to do.
Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Disappointment - The Three of Swords brings grief, strife, and conflict to your current situation. Something or someone creates conflict and strife for you this week and it isn’t pretty. You feel betrayed and upset. Acknowledge your feelings and do what you need to do to handle it. It’s important to recognize where some of this betrayal may stem from self-betrayal. Ask yourself if you’ve been as clear and honest as necessary. Can you use this as an opportunity to clear out something that is no longer serving you?
Four of Pentacles- Structure. Clinging. Stagnancy- The Four of Pentacles is considered “the care of the miser.” This Four speaks of clinging too tightly. You have the structure and stability you need, but your fears of losing what you have are holding you back and blocking your growth. You need to let go a little big. Stop hoarding and let your energy flow.
Overall- This week brings some challenge your way… most likely involving your work. You are feeling stuck knowing you need to make a choice and you’re having trouble deciding. There is some conflict that brings up feelings of betrayal and your instincts are to stay stuck in the stress of it, instead of trying to work through it. Take an honest look at the situation and consider what lessons need to be learned from it. Don’t hold on to it. Figure out how you can best move forward and then take a step in a positive direction.
Pile 3 - Key, Queen Alice Tarot
Justice- Balance. Fairness. Diplomacy- Justice brings the need for balance and cool, calm thinking and decision making. Do you feel like your situation is unfair? How can you step back and logically look at things? This is not the week to react…. It’s better to respond with calm, clear communication. Truth is important this week, so make sure you are honoring your truth and also truthfully communicating with others.
Nine of Swords- Anxiety. Stress. Foreboding- The Nine of Swords is considered “the card of the nightmare” and represents stress, anxiety, and foreboding. The Nine of Swords usually indicates more mental anguish than anything external happening. If your anxiety is very high right now, it would be wise to do some things to calm it down. Meditate, exercise, write down your feelings, talk to someone you trust… Things are not as bad as they seem. Calming your energy down will help.
Five of Pentacles- Worry. Stress. Lack of faith- The Five of Pentacles brings worry and stress… sometimes financial stress. The deeper meaning of this Five is that it brings a loss of faith in oneself. Worry serves no purpose, except to block the flow of your energy. It’s time to dig down, find the faith in yourself, and take some steps forward in a positive direction. Stop looking at the problem and start looking for the solution. Help is available to you. You only need to pick your head up and look for it.
Overall- This week is telling you to get your stress and anxiety under control. You feel like your current situation is unfair and out of balance and you’re struggling with how to get it back under control. Your stress levels are high and you are letting your anxiety run amok. It’s throwing you out of balance, and you are having trouble trusting yourself and your choices. It’s time to do whatever you need to do to dial down your anxiety and then consider how you can shift this energy. Hint: Ask for help. It’s available to you.