Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/23/21


Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/23/21!

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!








Pile 1 - Feather, Fantastical Tarot


King of Wands- Charisma. Success. Strategy - The King of Wands brings success to your creative endeavors this week. This King is full of charm and charisma and he is here to help you put your work into the world. What are you passionate about? What lights you up? Do that and the rest will fall into place. The King of Wands is telling you to have faith in yourself and your creative ideas. It’s time to shine and put them out into the world. Don’t hold back. You’ve got this. Whether this King represents a person or a creative idea, the energy he comes with brings inspiration your way. Go with it…

Knight of Pentacles- Dedication. Perseverance. Focus- The Knight of Pentacles brings beautiful focus and dedication to your cause. Whatever you are working on… whether it is career or relationship based shows great promise but also needs consistent steady work and attention. The Knight of Pentacles doesn’t mind hard work. He’s good at it. If you are truly inspired by what you are creating in your life, you will find the time to continue to give it the energy it needs to grow and expand. This Knight says you have what it takes, so hold your focus and stick with your plan.

Three of Cups - Celebration. Support. Blessings- Beautiful abundance is surrounding you, so soak it all in. You also have more support than you realize… maybe even coming in from somewhere unexpected. All you have to do right now is accept the magical energy that is all around you and continue to work with it. Oh, and have some fun while you’re at it! Enjoy the process and look around at all of the blessings in your life.

Overall- This week shows great promise. Whether it’s a relationship or a creative project, I want you to focus on whatever it is that is bringing you inspiration right now because the potential for success is great. There is still work to do, but it’s fun, and it’s work that you enjoy. The message this week is to hold the line and keep putting your energy into moving forward. Don’t lose your focus. You’re on the right path, and you are being gifted something beautiful!


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot


Page of Swords- Fresh ideas. Curiosity. Gossip- The Page of Swords blows fresh ideas to you this week. This Page encourages an opening of your mind to new thoughts and fresh ideas. It’s time to try something different. Let your curiosity roam because this Page wants you to open up to something fresh. If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut of any kind, this week brings you a new opportunity to shift out of it. Stop holding yourself back from fear of what others might say or think. Their opinions are not your problem.

Ace of Cups- Love. Joy. Desire- The Ace of Cups indicates the potential for something heart opening this week. Love and desire are being highlighted for you. What fills your emotional cup? You need to incorporate more of whatever that is right now. Abundance begets abundance, so fill your cup this week and see what kind of beauty you draw to you. This particular Ace of Cups is Aphrodite…the goddess of love and beauty and she is telling me to tell you that you need to embrace your beauty this week, so buy yourself something that brings you joy or carve out a little extra self-care time. Enhance your self-love and notice how how your energy shifts.

The World- Completion. Achievement. Integration- The World brings the successful completion of a cycle. You should pause and feel good about all you have created and accomplished recently. The message for you this week is to release any thoughts or fears of other people’s opinions and start to focus on what you truly desire. This week is like a little mini re-birth for you. Put yourself first and notice how that shifts the energy that surrounds you in a beautiful way.

Overall- The message is to choose you this week! It’s time to open up to new ideas and fresh energy and stop worrying about what other people think, say, or do! You have the opportunity to refill your cup, so do whatever you need to do to feel happy, centered, and fulfilled. You know what you need, so give it to yourself!


Pile 3 - Key, Queen Alice Tarot


Ten of Pentacles - Stability. Legacy. Contentment- The Ten of Pentacles indicates a state of contentment and success. Look around at all you have achieved and take a moment to count your wins and your blessings. The energy surrounding you is positive and stable and you’ve done a lot of hard work to get to this place, so take a moment to appreciate where you are. You’ve come a long way. You should feel proud of all you have created.

The World- Success. Completion. Wholeness- The World brings the completion of a cycle. It’s time for integration. What have you learned over the past month, moon cycle, year? It feels like the things you have been struggling with are finally coming together in a beautiful way. It looks like one of those weeks where you are feeling like you’re “on top of the world” and everything is flowing beautifully. Wear your crown proudly and own your success.

Knight of Wands- Enthusiasm. Inspiration. Risk- The Knight of Wands rides in with an exciting opportunity. This Knight brings heat. There is an offer that comes your way this week. Whether it’s work, relationship, or travel, it feels both enticing and a little risky. Just go for it. Jump on the horse and give it a chance. Say yes to the date, book the trip, or put that idea out there. You are ready for the next adventure. Go for it!

Overall- You have reached a place of beautiful stability and all of your hard work is paying off. You’re at the completion of a cycle and it’s time to begin a new one. Out of this stability, a new offer or opportunity appears seemingly out of the blue. You’re hesitant to take a risk and disturb the perfect balance and harmony you have going on… but risks bring growth. Don’t overthink it. Just say yes… There’s a Full Moon in Sagittarius this week. Use that fiery energy to move forward.