Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/16/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/16/21!
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
Queen of Wands-Courage. Charisma. Excitement- The Queen of Wands brings courage, charisma, and a dash of the dramatic to you this week. This Queen is bright and full of energy and she wants to inspire you to be the same. You’ve been lit up this week… with an idea, relationship, or a new project. You feel inspired and excited and The Queen of Wands indicates that you’re taking steps to put yourself “out there.” It’s time to make changes!
Three of Swords- Grief. Heartache. Loss- Something or someone hurts your feelings this week. The Three of Swords indicates grief and heartache. Whether this loss is old or fresh, it’s present for you emotionally this week. Loss and grief are a part of life. This week offers you the potential to heal a wound, so whether this is an old rift that needs mending or a message for you to continue working through a loss, look for the healing aspect to it. Acknowledging and honoring hurt feelings is always a good start.
Nine of Cups- Wishes. Fulfillment. Blessings- The Nine of Cups is considered the “wish card” in the tarot. There are blessings waiting for you, even if you can’t see them, just yet. “Be careful what you wish for” is what I hear for you this week. Make sure the desire you’re moving toward is the best choice for you right now. If you feel you aren’t getting what you want, take a moment to consider whether it’s actually what is in your best interest. Maybe there’s a better option or opportunity waiting…
Overall- Your enthusiasm and excitement are propelling you forward. Change is afoot and things are being shaken up in your world. Sometimes when we make big changes, it can bring up old fears or grief that threatens to block our growth and progress. Also, sometimes it feels hurtful when our loved ones don’t support the changes we are making. Whatever heartache you’re dealing with (or you’ve been avoiding) is pointing you toward getting more clarity on exactly what it is you truly desire. It’s time to look for the unexpected blessings in your situation, because they are present and waiting for you.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Reflection. Love-The Six of Cups brings nostalgia and reflection. Sometimes an old love or friend from the past makes an appearance or something from the past that you wished for now seems possible for the future. Take some time to reflect on whether this person or dream from your past actually fits into your current life. Change is inevitable and sometimes we can hold ourselves back by clinging to people or dreams that in fact, we have outgrown. Before you integrate, make sure this is really what you want.
The Chariot- Aggression. Willpower. Conflict- The Chariot brings movement and the opportunity to harness your willpower. Who is driving your personal Chariot? Is it you or are you letting your fears or aggressive tendencies take the reins? Maybe you’ve been giving your power away and letting someone else drive? Either way… it’s time to clean that up this week. You need to gather your energy and find your focus, so that you can move forward in the way that is best for YOU. And by “YOU,” I mean the person you are now, in this present moment. Don’t let old beliefs scatter your energy or keep you stuck.
The High Priestess- Intuition. Wisdom. Destiny-The High Priestess is here to remind you to acknowledge your power and honor your magic. It’s time to tune in. You have messages waiting for you this week, so I suggest you carve out some quiet time and space to receive them. The High Priestess tells me you have all the power you need. It’s time use it. Stop running from your magic and start working with it.
Overall- It seems you’ve been operating out of some outdated mode of being. Something from your past has triggered you and you are being cautioned not to get sucked into old ways of being or thinking that do not serve the person you are now. Consider the lessons you’ve learned and then decide what it is you want. It’s time to acknowledge how far you’ve come and use your intuition to guide you forward. You have more power than you are using and this week, there is a call to tap into it.
Pile 3 - Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot
The Magician- Magic. Skills. Manifestation- The Magician indicates creative skills and talents. It’s time to make the magic! This week is calling for you to put your gifts into practice and create! You have the tools and skill necessary to create exactly what you want. It’s time to ground your magic, and get to work. What are you working on? What do you wish to bring into your life? The Universe is giving you exactly the right set of circumstances to activate on it the week, so make sure you put all these good vibes to good use.
Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Sensuality. Stability- The Queen of Pentacles brings abundance and success. She is comfortable in her own skin and very clear about her needs. This Queen wants you to honor your body’s needs and to recognize the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. The Queen of Pentacles manifests quickly because she is in tune with her physical world. It’s time to ground your energy and focus. You can’t get what you want until you know what you want, so it’s time to get clear on exactly what you want this week.
Page of Wands- Inspiration. Optimism. Creativity-The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm. It’s time for movement. A new path has opened up for you and you’re feeling both excitement and trepidation about stepping onto it. Don’t hesitate. You’ve been holding yourself back out of fear of change or fear or not being ready and it’s time to let those fears go. All new ventures require a risk. It’s time to take the leap. The message for you is to follow through on whatever it is that lights you up and brings you energy.
Overall- So much magic… so little time. The stars align for you this week and you are being given the opportunity to make a beautiful shift. Recognize your gifts and skill and put them into practice. Take a moment to pause and appreciate the abundance that surrounds you and how far you’ve come, and trust that you have everything you need to take the next steps forward in creating the life you desire. Know your worth, own your power, and then make a move… It’s time.