Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 5/30/21
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 5/30/21!
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1 - Pentacle, Smith-Waite Tarot
Queen of Swords-Idealism. Control Focus- It’s time to level up! The Queen of Swords is highly intelligent and incredibly focused. She knows exactly what she wants. This Queen has high ideals to the point of perfectionism, and this week she is here to help you direct your energy toward getting what YOU want. If you’ve been struggling or feeling a lack of focus, this week brings the opportunity for you to shift out of that. It’s time to set clear boundaries around your time and energy. Cut through what is no longer serving you. Stop wasting time worrying about other people’s demands or expectations and start moving forward in the direction you desire.
Ace of Pentacles- Money. Opportunity. Ambition- The Ace of Pentacles indicates money or fresh energy is being made available to you. It’s amazing what happens when you get focused!This week brings you a new opportunity, and when it shows up… say “Yes!” There is potential for a work related project that will bring you joy and put you on the path toward success. Keep your eyes open, so you don’t miss this opportunity.
Page of Wands- Creativity. Inspiration. Imagination - The Page of Wands brings inspiration and creativity to you. You’ve been blocking your creativity by not setting proper boundaries around your time (It’s very hard to be excited and creative when you’re giving away all of your energy). That changes this week! You have a new idea or project that lights you up and brings some much needed enthusiasm and excitement. Where have you found inspiration recently? Follow the inspiration like it’s the yellow brick road.
Overall- This week is a call for you to set some serious boundaries around your time and energy. While this is a bit of a challenge for you, it is absolutely necessary. You are being called to make a big shift this week and the only way for you to do it is to cut out all of the excess that has been blocking your growth and vying for your attention. Once you cut through it and focus on what you truly want, The Universe sends you the perfect opportunity to get you moving in a positive direction….
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Strength- Courage. Pride. Self-discipline- Strength brings strength, courage, and a battle with the ego. How are you using and directing your energy? You’ve been letting your ego get the best of you and it’s time to take a step back, regroup, and then implement a little self-discipline. Are you allowing your fears to take over, so that you feel things are spiraling out of control? Are you acting out of true strength and courage or is your pride getting the best of you? It’s time to tune in, gather your strength, and make sure you’re using your energy in a healthy way.
Eight of Swords- Stagnation. Avoidance. Indecision - The Eight of Swords indicates a stressful situation where you feel you just can’t make a choice. You’re feeling trapped and stuck and like there’s no way out. Hint: There is a way out, but you need to stop fighting internally and make a move. It’s time to take off the blinders and look more clearly at your current situation. The only one keeping you trapped is you.
Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Faith. Generosity- The Six of Pentacles brings a generous offer to you this week. This Six indicates abundance that is headed your way, which helps you to regain your faith and take positive steps forward. Someone or something appears to help you out of your rut. Show The Universe proper gratitude when this gift appears.
Overall- You’ve got a fair bit of work to do this week. You’ve been letting your self-doubt get the best of you and it’s creating a situation where you’re operating out of fear based pride instead of strength and confidence. It’s time to step back and look more clearly at the situation… Maybe get an opinion from a trusted friend. Once you gain some clarity and make a choice, The Universe rewards you in some way.
Pile 3 - Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot
Seven of Wands-Competition. Struggle. Battle-The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle of some kind is in the cards for you this week. This Seven brings competition and a battle. Whether it’s internal or external, you’re being challenged to find the place where you get the attention or recognition you feel you deserve. You’re getting too caught up in the comparison game, and it’s creating conflict. Stop worrying about what other people are doing, thinking, or saying. You’re not getting anywhere with this attitude. It’s time to focus on what YOU have to work with.
Five of Swords- Conflict. Loss. Defeat- You can’t win ‘em all… The Five of Swords indicates that you are being faced with limits and the battle you’re currently in leaves you feeling defeated. Stop looking at the problem and start looking for a solution. A change in perspective is being called for here. Have you taken on more than you can reasonably handle? Are you trying to do too much too soon? This Five is an indication that you need to back off and take an honest look at what is realistically possible at this time.
Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Sorrow. Wisdom- The Queen of Swords has very high ideals and sometimes her quest for perfectionism gets the best of her. This week brings a disappointment of some kind your way and you don’t get what you want or what you think you deserve. It’s time to re-evaluate the situation and consider where you may have tripped yourself up by pushing too hard or holding yourself or others to impossible standards.
Overall- This week is looking a little rocky. You’re in a competitive struggle, and whether it’s with yourself or with someone else… you don’t get what you want. My suggestion is to stop looking at the problem and start looking for a solution. Consider where holding impossible standards may be causing some of the stress and start to think about what is realistically possible. Then dust yourself off, pick up your sword, and move on. This too shall pass…