Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/25/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/25/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Seashell, Faerie Tarot
Ace of Wands- New idea. Fresh Energy. Enthusiasm- The Ace of Wands brings a surge of creative energy to you. This Ace indicates you're feeling inspired and ready to roll with something new. This is fresh potential that has not yet manifested, but it's perking you up and making you think of a new way of doing things. You feel excited and optimistic about your new idea...but, don't jump all in just yet...
Five of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Compromise- There is conflict afoot. The Five of Wands brings a struggle of some kind. Who are you fighting with and is this fight really worth it? Reality is challenging you, and you’re having a hard time bringing what you want into existence. Instead of beating your head against a wall, can you step down out of your fighting stance and take a look around? You may find a better approach.
Five of Swords- Limitations. Stress. Conflict- You have hit your limit and it's time to accept that fact. You have been taking on too much and you may need to swallow some pride and admit it. This Five is a message that you need to take an honest look at your current situation, and notice where you are creating more of a problem than there needs to be. My suggestion is to stop looking at the problem and start looking for the solution.
Overall- Now is just not the time. Whatever it is you're going for, take a moment and really think about if it's right for you in this moment. You look like you're headed for some speed bumps this week and my advice is to slow down and look at the big picture. There is only a certain amount of energy in a given day or week, and I feel like you may already be at max capacity. Sometimes hitting the brakes is the right move, so hit them gently this week.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
The Devil- Chaos. Bondage. Sabotage- The Devil rolls in to encourage you to break free from the chains that bind you, whether they be in the form of negative mental thoughts, an unsatisfying job, addictive behaviors, or a relationship that is no longer working. It’s time to take an honest look at your deepest desires and carefully consider what you truly want. The Devil highlights the ways in which we keep ourselves stuck or trapped by holding onto negative patterns. This week gives you an opportunity to notice where you personally self-sabotage. What chains can you break this week? It's time to free up some energy.
Seven of Cups- Choices. Potentials. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is the card of "castles in the air" and indicates that there are multiple options available to you at this time. Sometimes even when we know we need a change, we can hold ourselves back by not making a choice. Check them all out and stay open to possibilities this week. Then pick the one that best serves your needs at this time. Trust yourself. You know the right path.
Ten of Cups- Joy. Contentment. Abundance -The Ten of Cups speaks of joy, contentment, and love. Good things are headed your way. Focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. What do you want your life to look like? What brings you joy and contentment? How can you get more of that? This week is calling for you to put your energy toward creating and cultivating your happiness. Are you letting your desires guide you forward?
Overall- It's all going to be fine. Everything is fine... Yes, I know it doesn't feel fine, but you seem to be on the right trajectory. This week is showing you where you need to make a shift. You are self-sabotaging in some way and it's time to break free. If things feel too overwhelming, look at all the options available to you because there are more than you think. Then, choose the one that points you in the direction of joy. Follow the path on through and you will end this week feeling much better than you started.
Pile 3- Rose, Vampire Tarot
Seven of Swords- Mistrust. Guile. Secrecy- You’ve been blocking your flow by staying overly guarded and mistrustful in your current situation. What are you afraid of? Are those fears valid? And also, do you need to keep holding onto ALL of them? Maybe it’s time to make a list of your fears, worries, and anxieties and take an honest look at your current situation. Sometimes we worry so much about the other shoe dropping that we rob ourselves of peace. What if there is no other shoe?
Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- The Nine of Wands brings one last struggle. You feel you’ve been on the struggle bus for some time and you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t cope with one more thing. The tough news is there is “one more thing” in the cards for you this week. The good news is that you do, indeed, have the strength you need to face this challenge. Dig down and think about your end goal. Keep your focus on it and do whatever you need to do to push through this challenge.
Ten of Cups- Love. Joy. Contentment- The Ten of Cups brings joy and love to you this week. Lean into the love this week and focus on enhancing and enjoying the connections in your life. Expect good luck and positive energy to fill all your cups. You have blessings to count, so count them and watch them grow and expand as you do.
Overall- Good news/Bad news... The good news is that this is all going to work out and blow over. The bad news is that you've got a bit of a battle on your hands to contend with before it does, so there may in fact, be a slight shoe drop... but it's minor. This week I want you to focus on clarity. Make sure you are being as clear as possible, both with yourself and others. It's time to push through something you should have cleared up some time ago. You're feeling a little burnt out and like you don't want to deal with it, but once you get through it, you will feel so much better. Focus on what will make you happy at this time, and clear out whatever you need to clear out to get to it.