Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/18/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/18/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot
The Star- Healing. Faith. Renewal- The Star brings healing and a sense of renewal your way this week. You can expect a lightening of burdens and a lift in your emotions. The Star indicates that hope is present and events align for you that renew your faith. The Star brings beautiful energy when she appears. Take a deep breath and let it go. Things are improving in your situation and you will feel the effects of it as the week progresses. Have faith. You’ve made it through the storm, and fresh, beautiful energy is now available to you.
The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope and optimism your way this week. The energy around you is high and powerful. Enjoy it and use it! Have fun and trust that everything is in perfect alignment for you right now. You have good luck and positive energy to work with. The Sun brings clarity to your situation, and you can now move forward with joy and enthusiasm.
The Magician- Magic. Power. Manifestation- You’ve got a lot to do, so pick up your wand and make your magic! The Magician is telling you that you have the skills/will/desire to manifest and create whatever you need this week. You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. You know the direction that you need to take. It’s time to get moving…
Overall- WOW! This week is stunning. You have beautiful energy swirling all around you. Expect things to magically work out this week and offer up gratitude to The Universe when they do. What are you wishing for? It's well within your grasp. You have everything you need, so don't hold back. Stay positive and optimistic and make the magic happen...
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Strength. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth. Where can you bring some better boundaries into play at this time?
The High Priestess- Intuition. Connection. Power- The High Priestess brings you divine insight and guidance this week. She is here to remind you to tap into your intuition and listen to your instincts. Have you been avoiding or ignoring those gut feelings? If so, I suggest you stop. Maybe you’ve been running too fast and pushing too hard, so it’s time to slow down and check-in. I’m going to suggest some card pulls or meditations week. A little inner magic is being called for… Own your power.
The Chariot - Conflict. Will. Aggression- Who is currently driving your chariot? Is it you or have you been giving your power and energy away? Are you in control or are you letting your emotions/ego/aggressive tendencies get the best of you? Your challenge this week involves taking control of the reins and consciously directing your energy. Stop letting yourself get pulled all over the place. The more focused and harnessed your energy and will are, the more successful you will be.
Overall- This week is calling for you to reign it in and move forward from a calm, centered, and focused place. It's time to decide what you want and what you need to get there. Then, set some solid boundaries into place. You are being reminded to trust your instincts and listen to your intuition, and if you do, you will know the next best steps to move things forward.
Pile 3- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot
Five of Swords- Conflict. Limitations. Stress- The Five of Swords brings conflict and stress this week. It’s time to recognize and acknowledge your limits. You may have taken on too much and need to back away from a situation. Struggling will get you nowhere. Stop fighting the inevitable. You know things aren't currently working in a way you would like, so my suggestion is to stop looking at the problem and start looking for the solution.
5 of Cups- Disappointment. Hurt. Betrayal- The Five of Cups indicates loss and sadness. Are you clinging to old hurts/betrayals/disappointments? It’s time to let go. What’s done is done, and it’s time to release and let go of what no longer serves you. Yes, the disappointment is real and it is also valid. Grief and loss are a part of life, but there is always a choice when it comes to holding on to those feelings. Let it go- It’s time.
Seven of Cups- Choices. Potentials. Illusions- The Seven of Cups is the card of "castles in the air" and indicates that there are multiple options available to you at this time. Sometimes even when we know we need a change, we can hold ourselves back by not making a choice. Check our your options and stay open to possibilities this week. Then pick the one that best serves your needs at this time. Trust yourself. You know the right path.
Overall- It is time to shift gears in a big way. Things have not been working out the way you would like them to, and it's dragging down your energy and bumming you out. It's time to stop staring at what isn't working. You know it isn't working because it's making you upset. Let that go and look up and out for something new and different to focus your energy on. That's the trick to moving through this...