Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/1/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 1/1/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Broom, Fantastical Tarot

Death- Endings. Transformation. Release-  Death brings the end of a cycle. Something in your life has come to an end (or needs to). When Death appears, transformation follows.  What old ideas, relationships, jobs, or belief structures need to die so that you can clear out and make room for new growth? Your experiences recently have brought you a deeper understanding of what is really important to you. You are recognizing what things truly matter and learning to let go of the things that don’t. Don't cling to what you no longer need.

Six of Swords-  Insight. Acceptance. Movement-  The Six of Swords brings forward movement. It’s time to accept your current situation for exactly what it is. Doing so brings insight and understanding and it is this clarity that will allow things to begin to shift forward this week. It’s time to unstick yourself and let the energy flow. I feel you’ve been holding yourself back wishing things were a different way than they are, and this week gives you the opportunity to accept where you are; and the understanding that you gain from the acceptance helps you to make a necessary shift. 

Two of Cups- Connection. Love. Partnership- The Two of Cups speaks to connection, love, and emotional fulfillment. What do you desire at this time? What kind of partnership are you looking for? Do you want to attract a new relationship or enhance an existing one? This week you are being told to focus on your desires and move toward making them a reality.

Overall- It's time to shed some skin. This is a real "out with the old... in with the new" way to kick off a new calendar year. You are being put on notice that you have reached the end of something and you need to just let it go. Let's be real-  Clinging never serves anybody. Look around and notice what in your life has reached its natural ending. You will free up the space you need to move forward and the movement brings you love and connection, so get a move on! What are you waiting for?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Chariot- Will. Movement. Control- It's time to grab the reins this week. The Chariot wants you to gather your energy and get moving. Stop letting yourself get pulled all over the place. If you've been letting other people drive, it's time to take back the reins. You are being put on notice that you need to focus. Pick a direction and move toward it. You know where you want to go. Don't let anyone block your progress.

Knight of Pentacles- Focus. Dedication. Perseverance- The Knight of Pentacles is here to bring you the steady and grounded energy you need right now. It's time to focus on your plans and patiently keep working at them. This Knight knows the value of hard work and perseverance, and he is here to help you hold the line and keep working at your goal. One step at a time gets the job done.

Death- Transition. Transformation. Endings- Death is telling you that t is time to let go. You have outgrown something in your life, and you are being told to clear it out and make space. There would be no life without death. All things have a cycle and you are being guided to release the things that are blocking your progress. Where can you make some space this week?

Overall- It's time for change. While you may be feeling angsty and restless, that's not the way to handle this situation. This week is calling for self-discipline, focus, and perseverance. It's time to decide what you want and start moving in that direction. This isn't a quick fix, so have patience with yourself and your progress. All journeys being with one step forward. As you move forward, you will notice what you need to let go of. Clean house, clear the space, and make room for new growth.

Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Four of Cups- Disappointment. Disillusionment. Apathy-  The Four of Cups brings disappointment and disillusionment. You are wallowing in self-pity, and it’s blocking you from moving out of your current state. Keep in mind that, “This too shall pass.” It’s time to open your eyes and look at the reality of your current situation. Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- You have the potential to explore this week. Your spiritual path is beckoning to you, and it’s time you regroup your energy. Dust yourself off and look around. You’ve reached a pivotal point in your growth, and it’s time to tune in for some deeper exploration. Think about the vision you have in mind for this year. Are you moving toward it or away from it? If you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant, consider which direction you’ve been walking. It may be time to change direction. 

The Hanged Man- Delays. Patience. Sacrifice- Ok- The challenging news: Your heart’s desire is on a little bit of a delay. I’m not saying you won’t get what you want, but you probably won’t get it this week. You need to trust and have patience. There is a divine plan, and sometimes the thing you want most (relationship, job, house) isn’t quite ready for you yet… so hold onto your wishes and have faith. Keep focusing your energy in a positive direction. Faith is your friend. Frustration is not. 

Overall- You've been in a funk lately and you're feeling a little "glass half empty." If you're not happy with your current situation, it may be time to consider where you may have created this situation. Do you know what you want? It's time to do a little vision check -in. What do you want your life to look like and are you currently on the right track to get there?  Stop letting frustration hold you back. Get clear on your vision and have a little faith. All things in due time...