Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/11/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 12/11/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Rose, Vampire Tarot

Judgement-  Karma. Consequences. Rebirth- Judgement brings a reaping and a rebirth. The energy you have been putting out is now coming back to you. When Judgement appears, we  see the consequences of past actions. Where have you been directing your energy? What has it brought you? This week brings the opportunity to evaluate your current situation. You are at the end of a cycle and it's time to acknowledge what things need to continue and what things you have outgrown. Where can you rebirth yourself?

Four of Swords- Isolation. Introspection. Contemplation- The Four of Swords is calling for a time- out. You need to schedule in some rest and recovery this week. This Four wants you to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next. Find your stillness and take the time you need to gather your thoughts and regain your strength. Give yourself some space this week and watch the answers you are looking for magically appear.  A little quiet goes a long way...

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect some clarity around your goals and visions this week. You have a lot of potential at this time, and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create? Who or what can assist you?  This week offers you support in moving forward. Whether the support comes from people, money, or energy…keep an eye out for ways in which The Universe is offering you assistance.

Overall- This week brings a shift of some kind. You have reached the end of your rope, one way or another, and The Universe is suggesting you make a change. You are seeing the results of your actions (good or bad), and the message is to consider what things you need to release so you can rebirth. You need a little quiet time to settle your energy. Once you give yourself a little space and breathing room, you gain the clarity and support you are looking for and you find a new sense of optimism and excitement.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

King of Wands- Confidence. Charisma. Inspiration- The King of Wands arrives this week to inspire you. The King of Wands utilizes his fiery, charismatic, charm to manifest in the world. This King brings just the right balance of confidence and luck to the table.  Whether this is you or someone in your life, the appearance of the King of Wands indicates a need for you to embrace this creative, charming side of yourself to market your ideas, gifts, and skills. The world needs your magic, so put it out there this week. This King does not hold back and neither should you. 

Justice- Justice. Balance. Order - Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and principles and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life and the world at large? Don’t be afraid to stick to your principles this week. It’s time to pick up your sword and hold onto what you know is right. This week brings you the opportunity to honor your personal truth and stand strong in your ideals. You know what you need.

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith- You are right on track with your goals and visions. The Two of Wands represents energies coming together to push you forward on your path.  You are being reminded to hold the vision and trust the process. The more clarity and focus you have on your creative vision, the more ease-fully things will align for you, so decide where you are headed and watch The Universe conspire to help you get there.

Overall- Game on. You have big ideas and plans, and the The Universe supports them. You have the potential to get what you want this week. The trick to success at this time is to move forward with confidence and power.  Stand strong and steady in your principles and boundaries. Hold the lines where you need to, and stay focused on your goal. You are on the right track. Just keep moving toward your vision and watch things shift forward in a positive and powerful way.

Pile 3- Keys, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

The Fool- Faith. Opportunity. Optimism-  The Fool brings fresh energy and a new opportunity. It's the beginning of a new cycle. The time has come to make a move and take a leap. The Fool has vision and the impulse to follow his intuition, even if he doesn’t know how it will turn out. This week brings the opportunity for a fresh start. How can you optimistically take a step forward this week?

The Star- Hope. Faith. Inspiration- The Star brings the beautiful message of faith, hope, and inspiration. What inspires you? Who or what encourages you to flourish? Focus on bringing more of that energy toward you this week. There is a need to refill your cup and allow some healing to occur. The Star wants you to reconnect with your hope and aspirations. Where can you make space for something that inspires you?

Four of Swords- Isolation. Contemplation. Stillness- The Four of Swords indicates a time of isolation and recovery. This Four says you are feeling like you need to step back and pull away to find your answers. While some quiet alone time is always helpful, you can't stay in this place forever.  Are you actively recovering?  OR…  Are you hiding out? I feel it's the latter and you need to dust yourself off and get up. Embrace the changes being offered.

Overall- What are you waiting for? This week brings you fresh energy and the opportunity for a renewal of spirit. It's time for change. What area of your life needs fresh energy? How can you shift the way you doing things to create space for new growth? You are being reminded to have faith in yourself this week. Your instincts lately have been telling you to hide out and pull back, and this week The Universe is pushing you forward. Get out of bed, open your eyes and ears, and make a move this week. You will be glad you did!