Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/10/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/10/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Six of Swords- Insight. Acceptance. Movement- The Six of Swords brings insight and understanding to your current situation. It's time to get moving, but you can only move from where you are, so first you need to fully accept where you are at this time. This week brings the opportunity for clarity. The Six of Swords represents a peaceful passage, often after a difficult and turbulent time. Balance and harmony are working their way into your life. Breathe easy. Conditions are about to improve. Expect smooth sailing this week. Movement and change are headed your way. Things are easing up. Everything is going to be just fine.

Page of Wands- Inspiration. Creativity. Adventure- The Page of Wands brings inspiration, excitement, and a touch of adventure to you. This Page wants you to focus your energy on play this week. What do you do for fun? Who or what lights you up and inspires you? Schedule whatever that is into your planner and watch the good vibes roll right along. Inspiration is the name of the game. What is sparking your creativity this week?

Three of Wands- Validation. Success. Enthusiasm- The Three of Wands brings success and validation. You get a positive response from your surroundings this week. Your ships are coming in! You're not done yet, but this is one of those "feel good" moments. Keep your eyes open and be on the look-out for opportunities that require some collaboration. You've got a good thing flowing right now.

Overall- This week brings you everything you need to get moving in a really beautiful way. If you've been stuck or struggling, here is the opportunity you've been waiting for. Something or someone gives you the clarity you need to calm your mind and accept exactly where you are. From this acceptance, you are able to start taking positive steps forward. Focus on what feels inspiring and fun and watch how that good energy boosts your mood. You get some lovely validation from The Universe this week perhaps in the form of a positive collaboration of some kind. Enjoy the good vibes. You deserve them!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Seven of Swords-  Guile. Secrecy. Wit- The answer to your current situation isn’t a straight-forward one. You need to trust your instincts and do what you feel needs to be done, in whatever way that is. There are situations in life where you have to work around people or situations in subtle, maybe slightly manipulative ways. Pay attention this week. Do not let anyone sabotage you. Sometimes our energy, time, or ideas get sucked away little by little and we don’t even notice that it’s happening. Here is your warning to not let that happen this week.

Ace of Swords- Conflict. Perspective. New idea- The Ace of Swords brings fresh, raw energy with it. It's time for a shift in your approach. This Ace indicates that it is time to look at things from a different perspective. Often when we make changes or shifts, it can create conflict in those around us. The change needs to happen regardless, so pick up your sword and hold on tightly.

The Chariot- Aggression. Control. Struggle- The Chariot brings conflict and struggle. Who is driving your chariot? Are you in control or have you been handing over the reigns to someone else? Perhaps you're simply being pulled in too many directions and it feels like things are getting out of control. It's time to reign it all in and decide where you want to be headed. What do you need to do to get there. Find your focus.

Overall- Grab your sword this week. You're going to need it. There is an undercurrent of trouble floating around you. Whether you're not being clear with others or they aren't being clear with you, it causes conflict and it forces you to look at things from a new perspective. The struggle that is afoot is encouraging you to look at how you are maintaining and managing your energy. It's time to take back the control. Decide where you are going and then focus your energy on moving in that direction. Do not get pulled off course by other people and their issues or agendas.

Pile 3- Broom, Everyday Witch Tarot

The Hierophant- -Spirituality. Philosophy. Higher Learning- The Hierophant is the connecting link between our human reality and The Divine. The Hierophant says there is a divine connection for you to develop at this time. Learning is being highlighted for you this week. What can you learn from your current situation? How are you connecting spiritually? If you don’t have a steady spiritual practice, the arrival of The Hierophant suggests you explore one that is calling to you.  A steady spiritual connection is an important part of living a balanced life.

Nine of Cups- Wishes. Love. Joy- The Nine of Cups is "the wish card" in the tarot and it represents getting your heart's desire. This Nine brings you exactly what you've been wishing for, so stay open to receive the love and enjoy it! Soak up the sunshine, go after what you want, and expect you will get it. Love is in the air for you this week! Whatever it is you have been wishing for is on its way to you right now.

King of Pentacles- Ambition. Success. Discipline- Success is imminent for you this week. You have been working hard and your hard work is about to pay off. This King of Pentacles wants you to hold the line and keep your focus. You’re doing so well! You have been directing your energy in a positive direction, and you are going to reap the rewards of your hard work this week. Take some time to acknowledge how far you’ve come. 

Overall- What a bright and beautiful week! This week is calling for some kind of spiritual tune- up. Check in with yourself and then check in with your spiritual practice. Where can you open up to possibility and potential at this time? You are being guided toward getting what your heart most desires, so keep focusing on whatever that is. Give yourself permission to enjoy getting exactly what you want this week.