Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/17/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/17/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot

Four of Swords- Introspection. Withdrawal. Recovery- The Four of Swords represents a time of withdrawal and isolation. You've been a bit in your own personal cave lately trying to recover and regroup your energy. Often this Four indicates the solitude needed for healing. While this phase is sometimes necessary, you can't stay here forever. It's time to wake up and shake the dust this week.

Three of Pentacles- Cooperation. Validation. Support- The Three of Pentacles brings positive energy and support to you this week. There is work to do and you have people around to work with, so it's time to get moving. This Three indicates a time of early success, so expect some external validation this week. You will get more accomplished if you cooperate with others at this time, so find a way to collaborate. Sometimes three heads are better than one.

Page of Wands- Inspiration. Enthusiasm. Excitement- The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm. Something or someone lights you up this week and brings fresh energy to your current situation. Allow yourself to have fun with your work this week. How can you implement a new approach? Open yourself up to creative potential and watch how well things work.

Overall- It's time to wake up, come out, and play! You've been in state of stasis for some time and while it was necessary for your healing, this week The Universe is pulling you out of your cave. You have support and energy to work with, so it's time to get to work. Working with others both helps and inspires you this week, so stay open to positive energy and collaborations. If you do, you end this week feeling excited, inspired, and ready for action!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Queen of Wands- Loyalty. Strength. Creativity- The Queen of Wands shows up to remind you that you do indeed have everything you need. She suggests you find your confidence, focus on your creative projects, and do what you can do bring them into the world. Do not get stuck or allow your flow to be blocked by anyone else’s negative opinions. You know what you need to do, so do it. It's time to gather your strength and concentrate on what you want. This Queen loves life and life loves her right back, so embrace your inner fire this week. Your confidence is all you need.

Page of Pentacles- Care. Gathering. Focus- The Page of Pentacles is here to help you focus your energy. How can you nurture your physical body this week? It's time to gather your strength. Start by implementing some healthier habits. Eat well, sleep more, drink that extra glass of water. This Page wants you to take care of yourself. Think about building up your physical body and do what you need to recharge your batteries.

The Tower- Disruption. Collapse. Upheaval- The Tower brings a big shift of some kind, so expect disruption in some form to appear this week. Often things don't go as planned or things fall apart and while it can be challenging, the message is to let the things you have outgrown crash and crumble. Then look for opportunities to rebuild and restructure in a way that better suits your current needs. When The Tower appears, it clears out the old to make room for the new. Don't fight the process.

Overall- This week you are being put on notice to pull your 'ish together. It's time to embrace your creative strength and gather up your energy. If you've been spending a lot of time giving others what they want, this week you are being put on notice to shift gears. Focus on what you want. What makes you feel strong, happy, and inspired? There is a big shift ahead and you will be better able to face it if you have your energy focused and centered. If things fall away, let them and look for the potential in the change. Remember, it's all what you make of it.

Pile 3- Pentacle, Cosmic Tarot

Ace of Swords- New idea. Fresh energy. Willpower- The Ace of Swords brings you fresh energy and a raw, new idea full of potential. Often, new ideas or ways of thinking bring conflict along with them because they provoke and inspire change. This Ace wants you to pick up your sword with both hands and focus your energy on using it wisely. You decide your direction. It's time to take control.

Four of Wands- Harvest. Celebration. Support- The Four of Swords brings a harvest and something to celebrate. You've come a long way and The Universe wants you to take a moment to look at the beauty you've created in your life. Count your blessings, make a gratitude list, and then go out and celebrate. You've earned it! Keep your supportive people close this week. They help you stay inspired.

Seven of Wands- Conflict. Competition. Struggle- This Seven brings a competitive struggle, whether internal or external. Have you been holding yourself back out of fear of what others may think, say, or do? Are you blocking your own progress by worrying about other people being jealous or competitive with you? Don't hold yourself back! Keep your energy focused on your own magic and tune out the rest.

Overall- This week brings you fresh energy and a new way of looking at things or a brand new idea! The Universe wants you to run with it. You're in a beautiful place and you are reaping the rewards of hard work, so do what makes you feel good. Sometimes, when things are going well, other people can throw their negativity or jealousy around. Don't get sucked into drama that does not belong to you. Do your dance and focus on your plans.