Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/3/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 7/3/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Feather, The Pulp Tarot
Four of Swords- Rest. Recovery. Withdrawal- The Four of Swords indicates the need for rest and recovery. This week you are being advised to carve out some quiet time and give yourself space to let the dust settle. If you are feeling overwhelmed or fried, it may be because you need to find a better balance in your day to day. How can you create space this week and get some rest? Take the hint before the Universe creates space for you because that's not always pleasant...
Justice- Balance. Fairness. Contracts- Are you speaking your truth? Justice brings balance to you this week. It’s time for some cool, calm reflection. I recommend stepping back and getting your emotions in check before making any decisions. You need to consider what is “right” and “fair” to find the balance this week. If you’ve been feeling out of balance, this week is bringing you the opportunity to regroup. Justice can also represent legal contracts, so double check anything before you sign.
Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Cycles. Change- The Wheel of Fortune brings you an unexpected shift, change, or opportunity this week. The boat is about to get rocked in some way, so expect the unexpected and keep an open mind. When the Wheel turns, things shift and change and the shifts are usually karmic. Stay open to the lessons that may appear this week and remember to go with the flow.
Overall- Rest up buttercup... you've got something big on the horizon! You need to gather your thoughts and regroup your energy. The best way for you to work with this energy is to balance yourself out. You’ve been so focused on one aspect of your situation that you’re missing the bigger picture. Take a step back and look more clearly. The more centered you are, the better you will be able to handle the shift ahead.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Four of Wands- Support. Celebration. Reward- Breathe. Count your blessings. Connect with your loved ones. This Four brings rewards and success. It's time to celebrate! You hard work has created some serious magic in your life, so take some time to enjoy it! There is powerful support all around you, so lean into it and enjoy your week. Take a break and have fun! Do something that makes you happy with someone you love.
The Fool- Faith. Change. New beginnings- The Fool represents the beginning of a new cycle or journey. It's time to take a risk, a jump, and a leap of faith. All new journeys begin with a leap of some kind. The Universe is supporting and encouraging you to jump forward. You are at the start of a new phase in life. Embrace all it has to offer.
Seven of Cups- Illusions. Options. Choices- The Seven of Cups is the card of "castles in the air" and brings a multitude of possibilities and potentials. Sometimes too many good things is still too many things, and all of the options can lead to overwhelm. You can only do one thing at a time, so pick and choose which things are the most important. Sometimes it can be helpful to make a list and ask yourself, "What actually NEEDS to get accomplished today?" It's usually way less than you think. Also, ask for help if you need it.
Overall- You are reaping rewards right now and your harvest is beautiful. There is powerful support around you, so lean into it and count your blessings. You are entering a new cycle at this time and all new beginnings require a leap of faith, so remember that The Universe has your back. Big shifts can bring overwhelm, so don't get yourself hung up trying to do it all at once. Ask for help when needed and only give your energy and attention to the most important things at this time.
Pile 3- Key, Queen Alice Tarot
The Empress- Beauty. Fertility. Abundance- The Empress brings beauty and power to you. This week is calling for you to embrace your sensuality and get grounded in your body. The Empress indicates that this is a fertile time for you; this week is full of potential, and she wants you to embrace your magic and adjust your crown. The Empress's energy stands so confidently in her beauty and power that things bloom around her and come to her naturally. You have extra manifestation powers right now, so get clear on what you want and watch it come right to you.
Knight of Wands- Charisma. Change. Inspiration- The Knight of Wands brings inspiration and a sudden change or shift your way. This Knight represents something or someone that lights you up and makes you feel alive and inspired. Whether this is a person or a project, go with it. While this energy can be volatile and unsteady, it is often necessary to take a risk for growth. Jump on the horse and see what happens.
King of Cups- Healer. Compassion. Empathy- The King of Cups brings healing and emotional energy into the world. This King is reminding you that you have natural empathetic and healing gifts, but you may be more comfortable using them to help others than using them to heal yourself. Self-care is not selfish. Take some time for you this week. It will make you even better for those you love. The message for you is to turn inward and direct some of that empathetic healing energy to yourself.
Overall- This is a beautiful week full of beautiful things. You are in an incredibly powerful place, and out of this powerful energy, The Universe gifts you with an unexpected shift or opportunity for change and growth. Say "yes" when it appears and go explore something new. It will bring you fresh energy and inspiration. Make sure you keep some of this good energy for yourself. Don't give it all away. When your personal cup is full and sustainable, you have more energy, compassion, and gifts to share with the world. Put yourself first this week and watch the good vibes that come out of it.