Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/26/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 6/26/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Feather, Faerie Tarot
Ace of Pentacles- Money. Energy. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings a bright and shiny opportunity your way. A new job, a new love, a new potential of some kind is in the cards this week. You have extra power right now (and a special boost from The Fae), so use it. You are being given the chance to manifest something you desire on the physical plane. When opportunity knocks, invite it in for coffee. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open.
Page of Wands-Inspiration. Creativity. Fresh energy- The Page of Wands arrives with fresh energy and inspiration in abundance. Something or someone lights you up this week. Go with the good vibes. The Page of Wands brings fun and a touch of adventure. Where do you find inspiration and enthusiasm? This faery Page is telling you to focus on the fun and watch the magic that you create in the process.
The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- What are you creating in your life at this time? The Magician wants you to embrace your magic and utilize your skills and gifts to create the things you desire. It's time to get to work. You have all the tools you need to manifest this week, so use them. This fae Magician is giving your magic an extra boost. Say thank you and go make your magic happen!
Overall- The Fae are bringing you extra magic and opportunities this week. You have fresh energy and inspiration flying all around you, so make sure you make the most of it. Look for the potentials available to you and find your focus. Then, go have some fun and watch the inspiration flow all around. Take this magic and manifest your desires with it. PS- Adding a touch of faery dust wouldn't hurt either... just sayin'
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
The Empress- Beauty. Power. Fertility- The Empress wants you to step up and into your power this week. The Empress brings abundance and fertility. What are you birthing at this time? The Empress wants you to embrace your beauty and sensuality and focus on creation. How are you manifesting and creating in your life? What are you growing? The Empress is here to help you expand and enhance this week. Put your crown on and watch the magic happen.
The Hermit- Introspection. Withdrawal. Spiritual guidance- The Hermit says you need some internal focus this week. Where can you give yourself some space? Have you been giving all of your power and energy away? It's time to take some of it back. The Hermit also brings spiritual lessons and guidance. Are you taking time to tune in and listen to the messages and information available to you?
Page of Cups-Love. Birth. Renewal- The Page of Cups brings loving and nurturing energy your way. How are you directing your energy? This Page suggests you need a more loving approach, both to yourself and others. The Page of Cups brings the beautiful message of renewal. What do you need to recharge and renew? Give that to yourself.
Overall- Honor your beauty and personal power this week. You know what you need, so make sure you give yourself what you deserve. You are very much in the flow of creation at this time, but you may be giving too much of your power and energy away to others. The big message for you this week is to give yourself a little space. You are in a powerful and creative place, but you need some quiet time to renew and sustain your energy.
Pile 3- Key, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
Two of Swords- Stagnation. Indecision. Stress- The Two of Swords indicates stress and anxiety. You're feeling stuck and you're holding yourself back by refusing to look at the truth of your current situation. Take a breath, take off the blinders, and look at where you are. Then, make a choice and put those swords to use. You've been avoiding taking action out of fear of the consequences, but you're at the point where you just need to make a move. It's time. One step forward is all you need.
Six of Cups - Nostalgia. Hope. Love- The Six of Cups represents something from your past. Whether it's a person, a dream, or a goal, something from the past comes up for you this week. Don't let the nostalgia of what was hold you back. It's time to honestly decide if this person, dream, or vision fits into you current life. How can you integrate this energy moving forward? What do you truly desire at this time?
Page of Pentacles- Focus. Care. Study- The Page of Pentacles brings focus and care to you this week. It's time to gather your energy and decide how best to use it. This Page wants you to get grounded and into your body, so start by making healthier choices this week. Then, decide what the best use of your energy is and find your focus. What are you working on or learning at this time? Are you dedicating yourself to the right things?
Overall- You've been holding yourself back and this week it's time to stop. You are allowing stress and anxiety to block your progress. Breathe, take off the blinders, and look at the truth of you current situation. Once you get the clarity, it's time to make a choice. Something from your past has a message for you. Don't spend too much time looking back (You're not going that way). Simply, consider what this message from the past is offering you, and then focus your energy on what will improve your current situation.