Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 3/13/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/13/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Gilded Tarot

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Cycles. Change- The Wheel of Fortune brings an unexpected opportunity your way this week. The Wheel indicates a change in luck or a sudden shift in your current circumstances. In whatever way this shift or opportunity appears, it is karmic and necessary for your growth, so pay attention. All things cycle and you have reached the culmination of one cycle and you are being pushed forward. Don’t fight the process (even if the process feels a little messy).

Strength- Courage. Pride. Ego- Strength brings courage and also a battle with your ego. Watch how you are handling and managing your energy and actions. Make sure you get your ego in check. Try to operate from a more balanced place and don’t let your pride get the best of you. It feels like your self-doubt and insecurity is trying to take over and the self-doubt is holding you back. A little internal balance will go a long way this week.

Eight of Swords- Bondage. Stagnation. Avoidance- This Eight indicates a feeling of being trapped or stuck. Consider how you are keeping yourself stuck this week. Are you self-sabotaging by refusing to look at the truth of your current situation? It’s time to take off the blinders, untie yourself and take an honest look around. You are the only one blocking your progress, so stop wallowing and take one step forward in a positive direction.

Overall- This week is giving you a gentle (or maybe not so gentle) push forward. It’s time for change and The Universe is conspiring to help you out by forcing some change upon you. Look for the opportunities that arise this week. Hint: Opportunities for change come in many forms, so stay open and aware. The shift this week is bringing highlights where you are out of balance and holding yourself back out of fear or self-doubt. Let that go and take an honest look at where you are and what energy you have to work with. Then take a deep breath and one step in a positive direction.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

The Sun- Joy. Optimism. Clarity- The Sun brings you positivity and joy this week. Expect clarity and optimism to find their way to you and cheer you on! You have beautiful energy and luck on your side, so keep your vibes high and your thoughts positive to make the best use of this good energy this week! All you need to do to succeed is stay optimistic and focus on what brings you joy.

Ace of Swords- Idea. Plan. Conflict- The Ace of Swords indicates that it’s time for a new approach. You have an idea or a plan and you’re taking up your sword to put that plan into action! Go for it! Keep in mind that often when we take up a fresh idea or approach to a situation, we can receive some push back from people in our lives who don’t understand or aren’t supportive of the change. Do not give that push back any attention. You know what you need to do, so go do it… Slice right through.

The World - Achievement. Integration. Cycles- The World brings achievement and integration. You’ve reached the ending of one cycle and before you prepare to begin again, take a moment to look at how far you’ve come and all you have achieved. You should feel incredibly proud of your progress. If you don’t see it, sit down with someone you love and let them reflect it back to you.

Overall- Good vibes only… mostly… You are in a very powerful and positive place and this week brings you the energy and clarity you need to make some necessary changes in your current situation. These changes may instigate a little conflict from anyone in your life who isn’t being properly supportive, but just ignore those vibes and hold tight to your sword. You’ve got this!

Pile 3- Feather, Smith-Waite Tarot

Ten of Cups- Love. Contentment. Happiness- The Ten of Cups brings joy and love your way. You have a happy and positive week ahead. Expect a deepening of connection in your relationships and loving energy to surround you. Tell your people you love and appreciate them. This ten speaks of ongoing contentment and emotional fulfillment. Lean into the love this week and spread it around.

Two of Cups- Joy. Support. Partnership -The Two of Cups indicates love, partnership, and connection. There is a call for you to tap into your supportive partnerships. Lean in to the support that surrounds you. Whether it’s romantic partnership or friendship, share some special time with someone you love. Harmony is the name of the game and the focus for you this week.

Page of Swords- Gossip. Curiosity. Child-like energy. You’ve been letting other people’s thoughts, opinions, comments bog you down and hold you back. Let it all go. It’s not yours, so stop allowing it to block your progress. “Haters are going to hate.” Don’t let other people’s negative energy hold you back. It’s not yours so mentally click “return to sender” and let it go. Do NOT.. I repeat…do NOT let anyone disturb your bliss this week.

Overall- You’ve got beautiful things going on in your emotional life and your relationships, so that’s where you need to focus your energy this week. Look around at all of the positivity you have created and soak in the love. Spending time with your partner, your friends, or loved ones will bring you balance this week. Don’t disturb your happiness by worrying about what other people are doing, saying, or thinking. They are not your problem. Keep the focus on you and the beautiful life you are currently creating.