Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 3/20/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/20/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
The Tower- Upheaval. Collapse. Disruption- The Tower brings disruption and a collapse of structure. Something in your life has reached a boiling point and it’s time to let it crash and burn… or maybe it’s time for you to jump ship. While the energy of The Tower is often challenging, the gift that it brings is the opportunity to rebuild. Look for opportunity in any disruption that appears this week. Clinging to something you’ve outgrown will only hold you back, so let what needs to crash… crash (or crash and burn), and think about how you can rebuild something that is better suited to your current life.
Six of Cups- Nostalgia. Dreams. Reflection- The Six of Cups brings nostalgia and reflection your way. Something or someone from the past may appear. Whether it’s a person or a long lost dream or goal that you have previously given up on, a wish that you have held now seems possible of coming to fruition. Keep your heart and mind open to potential. What you desire may very well be right in front of you.
Queen of Pentacles- Abundance. Fertility. Power- The Queen of Pentacles brings abundance, strength, and fertility your way this week. This Queen is beautifully embodied and oh so comfortable in her own skin. She is here to help you ground your energy and get more comfortable in yours. It’s time to take stock of the abundance in your life. Count your blessings and stand strong in your power. All you need to do to get what you want is to find your focus and call it to you.
Overall- There is a necessary release of some kind headed your way this week. Something or someone you’ve outgrown makes that fact clear to you, and you have the choice of fighting this transition or just letting go of what isn’t working. I highly suggest the latter. This release brings clarity and freedom and it forces you to take a look at some lost dream you’ve given up on. Decide what you want and then stand strong and work your magic to get it. You have everything you need. Don’t hold back…
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Four of Pentacles- Structure. Stability. Hoarding- The Four of Pentacles is known as “the card of the miser” and this four represents clinging or gripping too tightly. You have the structure and stability you need, but you are holding yourself back by clinging too tightly to your current situation. All things ebb and flow and you need to allow some space in your life for change to occur at this time. Trust that you have created and built exactly what you need and give things in your life a little breathing room because you are stunting your own growth out of fear of loss.
Two of Wands-Vision. Goal. Faith- The Two of Wands brings you face to face with your creative visions. What do you want your life to look like? Where are you headed? What are your goals and dreams? This Two asks all that and more. This week The Universe wants you to consider your current life situation. Are you moving toward or away from what you want? The Two of Wands indicates it is time to gain some clarity and get things on track, so if things are not looking the way you would like them to look… what is the next best step forward?
The Magician- Magic. Creation. Manifestation- The Magician wants you to use your powers to create what you desire. The Magician indicates you have skills worthy of development, so pick up your wand and get to work this week. What are you creating? What are you working on? You have all the tools you need. It’s time to manifest and make some magic!
Overall- This week is a call for you to step forward on your path. You have created the structure and stability you need and now you are being told to trust in that fact. It’s time to move forward and bring your dreams into reality. You are being called to check in with your personal vision. What do you want your life to look like? What do you need to do to create this life? You have what you need and this week is pushing you to work your magic and start making some major moves…
Pile 3- Pentacle, Queen Alice Tarot
Two of Pentacles- Flexibility. Balance. Fluctuation- The Two of Pentacles brings a shifting in circumstances, often financial ones. This Two indicates that while you are striving for balance, things may feel quite out of balance. Don’t get too hung up here. Change is our only constant. Do your best this week to work with the energy you have to work with and keep an open mind. You just might stumble upon an unexpected solution to your current problem.
Four of Pentacles- Fear. Stagnation. Miserliness- The Four of Pentacles brings fearful and hoarding energy. This Four is focused on stability and structure. While stability and structure are important, clinging or gripping too tightly to anything prohibits growth. You need to give yourself a little room to breathe. Take stock of what you have. You have what you need and exhale out some of the fear you are holding. Your fears are only keeping you stuck.
Page of Swords- Gossip. Curiosity. Fresh energy- The Page of Swords brings fresh, but also flighty energy to you this week. This Page indicates quick thoughts and sometimes gossipy ones. Do not get yourself stuck worrying about what others are thinking or saying. Their thoughts or opinions are not your problem. Also, don’t waste too much time fighting off the haters. It’s a waste of energy. Focus on keeping your own thoughts more positive and watch some of this angst and drama disappear.
Overall- This week highlights a fluctuation in your current situation. Things feel out of balance and you are trying so hard to get them locked down and stable. There is also a bit of negative energy surrounding you in the form of either other people or your own thoughts, and it’s not helping your situation. Your message this week is to stop trying to control everything. It’s all a balancing act and your best bet at this time is to ease up on yourself this week and see how things shake out. Remember you can’t control what happens… only your response to it.