Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 3/6/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/6/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Queen of Swords- Idealism. Detachment. Focus- The Queen of Swords brings intelligence and strength to you this week. This Queen is very focused and she knows how to set and hold her boundaries. However, she can be detached from her emotions and that’s where I feel you are at this time. Are you pushing yourself or others too far in your quest for perfectionism? If you feel like nothing is good enough, it may be time to lower your expectations. This Queen can fixate on wanting things exactly the way she wants them, and her unrealistic expectations can bring unhappiness.

Two of Swords- Conflict. Stagnation. Denial- The Two of Swords brings stress and conflict. This Two often represents a state of denial. You are blocking your own growth, and it’s time to stop. Take off the blinders, lower you guards, and take a breath. Then, take an honest look at your current situation. How can you work with this energy? Sometimes, it only takes one step forward to instigate a big shift.

Ace of Pentacles- Money. Opportunity. Potential- The Ace of Pentacles brings money, energy, or a new opportunity your way. There is potential waiting for you this week. Grab ahold of it and put it to good use. Keep your eyes open for any opportunity that presents itself. What can you create with what you have available to you? It’s time to make some magic.

Overall- Tough love from the tarot.. Get out of your own way. You are blocking your progress with your quest for perfectionism, and it’s making you feel unhappy and stuck. It’s time to take a realistic look at where you are and what you have to work with, and then get to work. Stop holding yourself back by holding onto unrealistic expectations, whether they are for you or for others. You have positive potential and energy available to you, so figure out a way to use it.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Four of Wands- Support. Success. Celebration- The Four of Wands is calling for a celebration this week. You have powerful support around you, and things are going well! Enjoy this period of success. You’ve earned it! Honor yourself and all of your achievements. It might be a good idea to write them down! Put something fun in your planner this week. This Four is calling for you to have some fun!

Knight of Wands- Charisma. Change. Action- The Knight of Wands rides in with fresh energy and excitement. This Knight brings quick change and inspiration. Expect the unexpected with the Knight of Wands. He brings charisma, charm, and luck to the table. If a person or a thing lights you up this week, don’t overthink it. Just go for it. It’s ok to be little impulsive sometimes.

Page of Cups- Birth. Love. Self-care- The Page of Cups brings renewal and the birth of something new. It’s time to open up to loving energy. Whether it’s with a new relationship or within an existing one, all love starts with self-love, so schedule in some self- care this week and watch the ripple effect feeling good has on your relationships.

Overall- It’s time to party! This week is all about the fun! I am giving you permission to be little selfish and self-indulgent. It’s time to celebrate all of your wins. Your work this week is to let some of the work go and focus on feeling good and having fun! Only do things that light you up. Let go of some of the heavy responsibility vibes and schedule in something you enjoy. It’s part of living a balanced life.

Pile 3- Feather, Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Three of Cups- Connection. Love. Support- The Three of Cups brings love and support your way. This Three suggests you have beautiful energy all around you. Feel the love this week. Lean into your support system and tell your loved ones you love them. Celebrate the loving energy and good vibes that are with you at this time. It’s important to honor when things are going well.

The Sun- Hope. Optimism. Joy- The Sun brings hope and optimism your way. Expect good luck this week and good energy to just flow toward you. Stay open to receive it when it does. The appearance of The Sun is a good sign, so take advantage of this good energy. Focus on your joy and watch it multiply and expand.

Queen of Pentacles-Abundance. Fertility. Sensuality- The Queen of Pentacles brings abundance and fertility to the table. This Queen is grounded and comfortable in her own skin and because she is so tuned in to her body and the earth, she is able to manifest very quickly. Let her help you manifest this week. What are you currently birthing? The appearance of this Queen brings you power and success.

Overall- This week is simply bright and beautiful. Weeks like this are rare, so enjoy every second of it! Soak up the love that surrounds you and spread it around. All you need to do to succeed this week is maintain a positive attitude and focus on the things you desire. You have everything you need to birth something new this week, so go for it!