Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings 2/27/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/27/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot

The Moon- Cycles. Magic. Intuition- The Moon indicates cycles, the ebb and flow of energy, and intuition. This week you are being called to connect to your intuition and tap into your magic. Things have been shifting for you, and the message is to go with the changes that are occurring. Just like the magic of the moon cycle, you are currently in a state of change and the more you go with the flow of this change, the more magic you will be able to create this week.

Two of Wands- Vision. Goal. Faith- The Two of Wands brings clarity on your path. It’s time to focus your energy on where you want to go and what you need to do to get there. This Two is a reminder to have faith, faith in yourself, faith in your process, and faith in The Universe. You are being supported at this time, so get clear on your goals and start moving toward them.

Nine of Pentacles- Rewards. Achievement. Success- The Nine of Pentacles brings success and validation. It’s time to count your wins. Take a moment and write down all you have accomplished recently. You may be surprised by how long your list is. Often, we just keep pushing and pushing and don’t take the time to acknowledge when we have worked hard and that hard work has paid off. Take some time to celebrate this week.

Overall- You’ve been in a state of flux and change and that change is opening up new pathways for you. The trick is to go with the flow of how things are being presented at this time. You are being given clarity on your path and all you need to do to succeed this week is to decide what you want and start moving in that direction. Also, take some time to celebrate your success. You deserve it.


Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Knight of Pentacles- Dedication. Perseverance. Patience - The Knight of Pentacles brings you dedication and focus this week. This Knight proves that slow and steady usually wins the race, so check in with your pace this week. Are you working and moving at a pace that is sustainable? If not, it might be time to re-evaluate how you’re moving through your days. The Knight of Pentacles is here to help you ground and focus your energy.

The Emperor- Power. Success. Order- The Emperor indicates it’s time to boss up. The Emperor represents power, ambition, and structure. What structures or systems do you need to put in place to assure success? How can you create order this week? Don’t be afraid to be a little bossy when necessary. The Emperor has your back. You’ve got this!

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Birth- The Empress appears and abundance follows. The Empress represents fertility and birth. What are you currently birthing? You have beautiful and powerful energy all around you. The Empress manifests by fully embodying her magic. Things just bloom around her. Stand steady in your magic and watch the abundance that blooms around you.

Overall- This week is incredibly powerful, so take advantage of it! You are on the right track, but you need to find a steady pace. There is a lot going on for you at this time and you need to be able to hold the line and stay the course as you move forward. It’s time to “boss up” and step into your power. Find a system and a structure that works for you and then stick to it. When you do, abundance flows right to you in the most beautiful way.

Pile 3- Feather, Fantastical Tarot

Ace of Pentacles- Opportunity. Ambition. Energy- The Ace of Pentacles brings fresh energy your way. Money or energy is available for you to work with, and you are feeling inspired to put that energy somewhere useful. This Ace represents a new opportunity and/or fresh flow to your work projects, so stay open to anything new that arises this week. If opportunity knocks, open the door and invite it in for coffee.

Eight of Cups- Release. Sadness. Letting go- The Eight of Cups is the “walk away” card. Something isn’t working and it’s time to acknowledge the facts. What is causing your unhappiness at this time? Is it a relationship or job you’ve outgrown or are you holding yourself back out of fear? Whatever it is, it’s time to release this energy. “Let it go, Elsa.”

Seven of Wands- Conflict. Struggle. Competition- The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle with other people’s ideas. Have you been comparing yourself or your work to others? Are you preventing yourself from moving forward because you are looking at what everyone else is doing? Are you doubting yourself? It’s time to shift gears. Where and how are you directing your energy? Stop focusing externally and start focusing internally. Don’t waste time worrying about what anyone else is doing. Focus on your own gifts and how best to work with them.

Overall- A new idea or project has you inspired, and this positive energy is also shining the light on something in your life that isn’t working. It’s time to clear out anything that is holding you back or making you sad. Do not allow your energy to get sucked up by anyone or anything. This shift brings up some stress or fears, but that’s ok. Just acknowledge them and let them go. Focus on what’s best for you and stop comparing yourself or your progress to others. Keep your eye on the prize.