Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/21/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/21/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot

Three of Pentacles- Support. Collaboration. Validation- This three represents the early stages of success. You are on the right track with your current projects, and the message this week is to keep on keeping on. Hold the focus and continue to chip away at your goals. Your projects show potential and The Universe is giving you the support you require to continue to develop your skills, so keep your eyes open for offers of help or positive collaborations.

The Fool- Faith. Beginnings. Opportunity- The Fool says you are the beginning of a new cycle and it's time to take a leap forward. Growth involves change and change involves risks. This week brings you an opportunity. Say "yes" when it appears. You won't know if it will work out if you don't give it a try. Don't hold yourself back out of fear. Have faith and jump. The deck is stacked in your favor right now. Go with it.

Four of Wands- Celebration. Harvest. Rewards- The Four of Wands indicates a time of rewards and harvest. You are in a beautiful place, and this week brings you the chance to celebrate. You hard work has paid off and you are reaping the good vibes. Make sure you honor all of your successes, even the ones that seem small to you. Small successes add up to big shifts, and you are right on track.

Overall- This is a beautiful week full of potential. You have been working hard at your life, projects, or relationships and you are being put on notice that you are doing a great job. Wherever you have been focusing your energy is exactly right and all of this brings you a new opportunity for growth. Your message this week is to stay open to change and the abundance it can bring. All you need to do to win this week is say "yes" and keep moving forward. Make sure you take time to enjoy the ride!

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Two of Cups-Joy. Love. Connection-  The Two of Cups indicates love, partnership, and connection. This is a call for you to tap into supportive partnerships. How can you embrace your connections this week? It's time to focus on your relationships. Whether it’s a romantic partnership or friendship, share some special time with someone you love. Harmony is the name of the game and the focus for you this week.

Queen of Cups- Feelings. Intuition. Sensuality- The Queen of Cups shows up to encourage you to tap into your emotions and your inner desires. Check in with yourself. Have you been too busy taking care of others to acknowledge your own needs and feelings? The Queen of Cups is showing up to remind you that it’s time to fill your own cup and she wants you to start by embracing your sensuality. Do something that makes you feel sexy this week. 

Two of Wands- Goal. Faith. Vision- The Two of Wands speaks to activation on your creative vision. What do you wish to create at this time? What project or goal is speaking to your spirit?  This week brings you clarity and the opportunity to take action and move in the direction of your dreams. You know what you want and it’s time to step onto the path that takes you there. You have what you need and now it’s time to make a move. 

Overall- Feel the love this week... literally. Focus on the connections and relationships that light you up and make you feel good. It's time to bring your attention to creating emotional balance. How can you get in touch with your desires? Feel your feelings and bring your attention to your needs. Doing so illuminates the next best steps forward for you. Take them when they appear...

Pile 3- Feather, Soul Cats Tarot

Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction. Success. Achievement- The 9 of Pentacles indicates a time of feeling pleased with yourself and your accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back, and acknowledge that all of your hard work has paid off. You’ve built and created something steady and solid, and you should feel proud of it. Count your blessings and your wins this week. Look at all you’ve come through and take a minute to appreciate where you are. 

Eight of Wands- Movement. Luck. Blessings- The Eight of Wands brings lovely movement, often after what feels like an endless cycle of struggle. This Eight indicates that things are beginning to flow in a beautiful direction for you. Breathe out and let it happen. Just keep moving forward and allow the good energy to guide you to new potentials and positive opportunities.

Nine of Cups- Wishes. Joy. Desire- The Nine of Cups is known as "the wish card" in the tarot. This Nine offers up your heart's desire on a silver platter. What have you been wishing for? What brings you joy? Your wishes are well within your grasp this week, so scoop them up and enjoy them. Say "thank you" to the Universe and bring a little gratitude into each day while you're at it. Positive energy begets more positive energy.

Overall- Soak up the good vibes this week! This is one of those absolutely gorgeous weeks where the sun shines on you and you realize that all of your hard work has paid off. Everything seems to flow beautifully and you get to breathe a big sigh of relief. What you desire most is right within your grasp and all you need to do is stay open to receive the abundance and good energy.