Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/14/22

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/14/22

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Förhäxa Tarot

Eight of Air- Constriction. Bondage. Self-sabotage- The Eight of Air indicates feeling trapped or bound. How are you keeping yourself stuck? This Eight suggests you have gotten yourself tied up and you are blocking your own flow. It's time to take a look at the ways in which you may be self-sabotaging. Are you continuing old patterns that no longer serve you? This week is offering you a chance to break free of the ways in which you are holding yourself back. You have the power to shift out of this state, but first you need to acknowledge your own part in the problem.

Elder of Water- Empathy. Compassion. Healing- The Elder of Water brings beautiful healing your way. This Elder represents compassion and empathy. You are in need of this type of loving energy this week. Start by being kinder in your own thoughts. Then, allow that kindness and positive calm energy to expand. If you need help, get some healing and support from a trusted source.

High Priestess- Intuition. Magic. Knowledge- The High Priestess is here to remind you to step into your power and tap into your magic. Have you been listening to your intuition? What is it telling you? You need to tap into and utilize your gifts. You have all the power you need, so honor your inner wisdom and embrace your magic. Trust yourself and your instincts. Carve out some time to focus on your spiritual practice this week. Watch how your energy shifts when you do.

Overall- If you have been feeling stuck, it's time to look at the reasons why. I'll give you a hint. You've been holding yourself back by continuing old patterns that no longer serve you. It's time to free yourself this week. You need to get back into the magical flow and reconnect with your intuition and your personal power. This week brings you the opportunity to unlock your magic. How can you prioritize your well-being this week?

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ten of Cups- Love. Contentment. Happiness- The Ten of Cups brings love and happiness. It's time to count your blessings and focus on the good feelings. This Ten brings beautiful and stable loving energy your way. Are you holding a space of gratitude for all of the good things that are happening in your life? It's time to focus on the positive. Honor the beautiful abundance you have created and give yourself permission to enjoy it.

Death- Release. Transformation. Re-birth- Death brings an ending... and a beginning. It's time for release. You are in a place of beautiful transformation. What have you outgrown? Is there something that no longer fits into your current life? Where can you make space? Whether it's an attitude, a relationship, or just clutter, this week you are being encouraged to clear out the old to make room for the new.

Two of Cups- Joy. Connection. Partnership- The Two of Cups brings love and joy and encourages you to focus on partnerships this week. Where do you feel supported? Lean into that support and focus on enhancing your communication and connection. Maybe schedule a night out with your partner or a favorite friend. Soak up the love…

Overall- You are in a beautiful place at this time. The Universe is encouraging you to focus on the love and connection in your life. You are being put on notice that it's time to let go of something you have outgrown to make more space for this abundant phase of life you're in. My advice for you this week is to say "NO" to anything or anyone that is blocking your joy.

Pile 3- Feather, Tarot of Dragons

Knight of Cups- Love. Romance. A proposal- The Knight of Cups flies in with the promise of emotional fulfillment. This Knight brings love, desire, and a charming proposal of some kind. A beautiful and exciting offer or opportunity is headed your way and it appears to be just what you've been wishing for. When The Knight of Cups arrives, he brings your desires to the forefront of your attention.

Four of Wands- Celebration. Rewards. Gathering- The Four of Wands brings a celebration. There are party vibes all around. Go out and have your summer fun because it is flying by. Get outside and enjoy your life. How can you schedule in a good time? Maybe dump the schedule for a day and go out and play. Let the to-do list go and let loose. Shake the dust this week.

Seven of Swords- Secrecy. Mistrust. Guile- The Seven of Swords brings an element of secrecy to the table this week. This Seven suggests someone isn't being totally transparent with their intentions, so just keep one eye open. The Seven of Swords suggests that someone may be trying to trick or manipulate you, so pay attention to the subtle cues you receive this week.

Overall- If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. This week you are being put on notice to keep your guard up (just a tiny bit). There is a new and exciting proposal on the horizon and while it brings fun and exciting energy, you don't have all the information just yet. Enjoy the experience, but don't get swept away. If this is a person in your life, listen very carefully to their words. If it's an opportunity, read the fine print. When in doubt, take it slow.