Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/28/22
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 8/28/22
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Keys, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
Five of Pentacles- Worry. Lack. Loss- The Five of Pentacles indicates worry and stress, often around finances or resources. When this card appears, some type of angst usually comes along with it. At its core, the Five of Pentacles represents lack of faith in oneself and The Universe. This Five indicates that support is available, but you need to look up to see it. Worry serves no purpose. How can you shift your mindset this week?
Five of Swords- Conflict. Limitations. Pride- The Five of Swords brings the message that it’s time to recognize where you have taken on too much and need to back off. What can you release and let go of? Where can you delegate and ask for help? What things are actually your responsibilities, and what things can you hand over? You are hitting your limits this week and you're feeling the effects of the stress. It's time to stop looking at the problems and start looking for the solutions.
The High Priestess- Magic. Wisdom. Intuition- The High Priestess brings magic, power, and wisdom your way this week. It's time to pull back and tune in to your intuition. Are you honoring your power? How are you utilizing your own unique magic? This week is calling for you to step back and re-center. You need to gain control of your energy. Yesterday brought us a New Moon in Virgo. It's a good time to reset. Make sure you are setting time to work your magic.
Overall- Let's hit the pause button this week. You are feeling stressed and overwhelmed and like things just keep spiraling downward. You need to recognize your own limits and acknowledge where you may be trying to do too many things and you are throwing yourself out of balance and creating more conflict than is necessary. It's time to withdraw and regroup your energy. Take some time to find your stillness this week and listen to your intuition. Where can you reset and renew?
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Ten of Cups- Joy. Love. Contentment- The Ten of Cups indicates ongoing contentment and joy. You have love and positive energy surrounding you. Count your blessing, love up your loved ones, and stay in the celebratory vibes this week. You have a beautiful week full of abundance headed your way. Focus on your connections and stay in the flow. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy...
Ace of Pentacles- Money. Energy. Opportunity- The Ace of Pentacles brings fresh energy to your physical plane. This Ace indicates that money and/or energy is available to you. A new opportunity presents itself this week. There is potential for growth, a new job, creative idea, or relationship. You have the ability to manifest something new and that something is FULL of awesome potential, so get excited and go after it!
Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction. Success. Achievement- The 9 of Pentacles indicates a time of feeling pleased with yourself and your accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back (or go buy yourself a present) and acknowledge that all of your hard work has paid off. You’ve built and created something steady and solid, and you should feel proud of it. Count your blessings and your wins this week. Look at all you’ve come through and take a minute to appreciate where you are.
Overall- This week looks absolutely gorgeous! You have abundance all around you and extra manifestation powers at this time. This is a week of feeling good and soaking up the love and beautiful things in your life. Keep an eye open for a new opportunity. It's time to reap the rewards of all of your hard work. Stay in this beautiful flow and appreciate all you have. You've worked hard for it and you deserve it!
Pile 3- Pentacle, Everyday Witch Tarot
The Magician- Magic. Power. Manifestation- You’ve got a lot to do, so pick up your wand and make your magic! The Magician is telling you that you have the skills/will/desire to manifest and create whatever you need this week. You have enough power behind you to get exactly what you want, so trust yourself and get a jump on it. You know the direction that you need to take. It’s time to get moving…
Two of Wands- Vision. Goal. Faith- The Two of Wands speaks to activation on your creative vision. What do you wish to create at this time? What project or goal is speaking to your spirit? What do you want your life to look like? This week brings you clarity and the opportunity to take action and move in the direction of your dreams. You know what you want and it’s time to step onto the path that takes you there. You have what you need and now it’s time to make a move.
The Lovers- Choices. Consequences. Maturity- What is most important to you right now? That is what you need to figure out and then focus your attention on. You have options, but you’ve been scattering your energy in too many directions and it is holding you back. You need to make a choice. Whether it’s a choice between two relationships, between staying or leaving a relationship or a job, or a choice between focusing your energy on your work or your partner… you need to figure out what gets the attention this week.
Overall- Hold the vision, trust the process, and stay focused this week. You have the skills and power you need to create and manifest and move forward on your path at this time. At this time, you are being called to get very clear on the vision of what you desire and want your life to look like. Don't let yourself get distracted or blown off course. Make sure you are giving your time and attention to the right people and places.