Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/5/23
/Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 3/5/23
Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!
Blessed Be!
Pile 1- Key, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
Page of Swords- Gossip. Curiosity. Distractions- The Page of Swords brings fresh but also flighty energy to you this week. This Page indicates a flurry of thoughts and sometimes gossipy ones. Do not get yourself stuck worrying about what others are thinking or saying. Their thoughts or opinions are not your problem. Also, don’t waste too much time fighting off the haters. It’s a waste of energy. Focus on keeping your own thoughts more positive and watch some of the angst and drama you are feeling disappear.
Six of Pentacles- Benevolence. Support. Money- The Six of Pentacles brings benevolence, energy, or money to work with. A generous offer is headed your way this week. Expect the unexpected because you are in for some good news. The Universe is sending you exactly what you need, so keep your eyes open and say "thank you" when it appears. Keep your energy open to receiving.
Ten of Wands- Overburdened. Oppressed. Overwhelmed- The Ten of Wands is warning you against carrying more than you can comfortably carry. Are you taking on more than you can handle? It is time to put some things down and/or ask for help. You can’t do it all by yourself. If you're feeling burnt out, where can you make some changes this week? I would suggest starting by delegating some tasks. What can you shove off your plate?
Overall- You're getting yourself stuck in angst and drama and you need to ground your energy and get your head back in the game this week. There is help available to you, but you need to stop scattering your energy to see it. Ask for help where you need to and take it when it is offered. It's time to recognize where you are creating problems and blocking your own flow by trying to do everything. You have limits. You're human. Can you accept them and work within them? You will feel so much better if you do.
Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot
Nine of Wands- Struggle. Exhaustion. Reserves- The Nine of Wands brings one last struggle. You feel you’ve been on the struggle bus for some time and you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t cope with one more thing. The tough news is there is “one more thing” in the cards for you this week. The good news is that you do, indeed, have the strength you need to face whatever life throws at you. Dig down and think about your end goal. Keep your focus on it and do whatever you need to do to push through this challenge.
Six of Swords- Acceptance. Insight. Movement- The Six of Swords brings acceptance, insight, and a sense of calm to your current situation. This Six indicates that it is time to move forward. If you’ve been feeling like things are turbulent, the good news is that you have the opportunity to shift out of that this week. How can you take one step forward? Even if things aren’t exactly the way you would like them to be, there is always a way to work with the energy that’s around. What is the best way for you to work with yours right now?
King of Wands- Charisma. Success. Confidence - The King of Wands brings success to your creative endeavors this week. This King is full of charm and charisma and he is here to help you put your work into the world. What are you passionate about? What lights you up? Do that and the rest will fall into place. The King of Wands is telling you to have faith in yourself and your creative ideas. It’s time to shine and put them out into the world. Don’t hold back. You’ve got this. Whether this King represents a person or a creative idea, the energy he comes with brings inspiration your way. Go with it…
Overall- You feel like you've been in the same struggle for so long that it's frying your energy. The way out of this situation starts with complete acceptance of your current situation. All the resistance you have been throwing up to things not being exactly how you want them to be is holding you back and keeping you stuck in this muck. Accept where you are at this time and you will gain the insight you need to move forward. You need a more creative and confident approach. Tackle this week with charismatic boss energy and watch things work themselves out.
Pile 3- Seashell, Mermaid Tarot
King of Pentacles-Success. Ambition. Power- You’ve been working very hard to achieve your goals, and your hard work is paying off. The King of Pentacles wants you to acknowledge your success and take a moment to honor all that you have been able to manifest in your life recently. You have the world in your hands, and you have a lot of power working for you right now. However, the King of Pen can get overly focused on power and success. This MerKing is telling me that you may be hyper focusing on the end goal. Can you take a moment to appreciate where you are and how far you have come?
The Hermit- Introspection. Isolation. Illumination - The Hermit suggests you need a time-out. It’s time to withdraw and turn your attention inward, just for a moment. Often, there is so much external stimuli that we fall out of touch with our own inner truth. The Hermit wants you to take time to connect with yourself. The type of introspection The Hermit brings often illuminates something. Look inward for the messages this week.
King of Wands- Charisma. Inspiration. Enthusiasm- The King of Wands arrives this week to inspire you. The King of Wands utilizes his fiery, charismatic, charm to manifest in the world. This King brings just the right balance of confidence and luck to the table. Whether this is you or someone in your life, the appearance of this King indicates a need for you to embrace this creative, charming side of yourself to market your ideas, gifts, and skills. It is time to put your magic into the world.
Overall- All work and no play makes for very dull people, fyi. You've been working very hard and focusing on success and stability. You're doing a great job with your work, but you're feeling a little lonely and disconnected. The message for you this week is to hit the pause button and take a moment to reflect. How can you approach your life with more excitement and enthusiasm? The Universe is telling you to let things be a bit more fun and watch how that shifts the flow for you.