Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/26/23

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/26/23

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!







Pile 1- Feather, Faerie Tarot

Six of Wands- Victory. Success. Recognition-  The Six of Wands is the “victory card” in the tarot. Success is your word of the week. Anything you touch turns to gold this week, so touch everything. The message this week is to own your power, move with confidence, and go after what you want. With this kind of energy in your corner, you will get it! 

The Emperor- Structure. Power. Stability-  It is time for you to level up this week. The Emperor wants you to step up and into your power and confidently go after what you want. Stop playing small and take responsibility for your life and your choices. The Emperor is telling you that you can, in fact, get what you want. You just need to decide what it is and move forward fearlessly toward it. The Emperor wants to see your desires and goals achieved in the physical reality. What do you need to do to make them happen?

King of Swords- Intelligence. Justice. Idealism- The King of Swords appears to bring you in touch with your idealistic nature. The King of Swords is the great strategist of the tarot, and he is here to help you cultivate your battle plan. This King uses his intelligence to coolly and calmly evaluate situations and then he powerfully acts accordingly. Strategy is being called for this week. You need a focused, more strategic approach to your current situation. This King has the power to cut through the drama and make a clean and clear choice. Go with it. 

Overall- Game on this week! Go big or go home... The Universe is telling you that you have everything you need to succeed, so get a move on. It's time to take charge of your life and throw some power moves.  All you need to do this week is stay focused, confident, and empowered. You have a lot of energy in your corner, so if there is something you've been wanting to go after, this would be a good week to activate on it. Do not allow anything or anyone to hold you back.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Ten of Pentacles- Contentment. Security. Permanence- You are creating and crafting abundance in your life. The things you have been putting your energy into are about to pay off. Just keep going. Continue to build, but take a moment to look around and acknowledge all you have accomplished because you have accomplished a LOT. Take some time this week to be grateful for your abundance.

The Moon- Confusion. Fluctuation. Cycles- The Moon brings us face to face with the subconscious. What is happening beneath the surface for you at this time? Things in your life appear to be in flux. One cycle is ending and another is beginning and the in-between of that can feel murky and confusing. The message for this week is to not let your fears blow things out of proportion. Look for the hidden messages; and when in doubt, trust your intuition. 

Queen of Swords- This Queen of Swords is calling for an honest look at both your life and your relationships this week. Where are you feeling blocked from expressing yourself truthfully, and how is that impacting your present state of mind? The Queen of Swords has high ideals and lofty goals. While this can be positive, if taken too far, her idealism isolates her from the reality of her life. She can become harsh in her demands and have expectations that no one can live up to. If you are feeling unfulfilled in your relationships or work, consider where your unreasonable expectations may be playing a part in the problem. 

Overall- You have been working hard to achieve success and stability,  but you have some subconscious and hidden feelings that you need to acknowledge and process. Your quest for perfectionism has you feeling a bit dissatisfied. Can you soften up a little bit this week? Look at all you have achieved. You're doing great. It's time to go with the flow instead of against it. Stop trying to control all the little details. Take a step back and look at the big picture. Appreciate what you have and where you are at this time.

Pile 3- Seashell, Celestial Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Money. Energy. Flexibility-The Two of Pentacles is telling you pull your ideas together. You’ve been playing with them for awhile, but you’ve been hesitant to take action. This week is telling you that it’s time to decide what you truly want to do. What are you working on?  Ground yourself, gather your energy, and make a plan. Find your balance, weigh your options, and take a step or TWO forward.

Strength- Courage. Pride. Focus- It’s time to gather your strength and find your focus. Strength challenges you to embrace your courage and take the steps necessary to move your life forward. What have you been shying away from out of fear or insecurity? This Strength card is telling you that you have what it takes, and you need to trust yourself. Balancing of the ego is being called for here. Stop letting your fears or doubt hold you back. 

Justice- Balance. Order. Fairness- It’s time to set those boundaries. Justice brings the concept of balance and fairness to the table. In your current situation, what do you need to do or say to balance out the scales? How are you using your power?  Think before you act. Consider all the consequences. Then, make a decision. 

Overall- Balance is the name of the game this week. You've got options and you've been spending too much time deliberating them. This week you are being told to weigh them out and make a choice. Then, gather your strength, find your courage and begin to act. Stay calm, cool, and collected and you will have a better outcome. Don't let your ego block your progress.